Conservatives may have to create a new party after the GOP became ‘corrupted’ by Trump, Liz Cheney suggests

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
During the event, hosted by The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, Cheney revealed that she thinks the Republican Party may have outlived its usefulness after devoting its existence to Trump.

“It’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party survives because it’s been so corrupted,” she told Baker on stage.

During the event, hosted by The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, Cheney revealed that she thinks the Republican Party may have outlived its usefulness after devoting its existence to Trump.

“It’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party survives because it’s been so corrupted,” she told Baker on stage.

I believe she is right about creating a new republican party, the current republican party is the party of Trump and Trump's stench runs so deep it will take decades for the stench to fade away?!!
It is not a party now. It is 2 groups welded together until the election is over. They have little common interest. For many, they hate Trump and the damage he can do, but they want to keep their seats. If he wins, Trump would purge the party. Only 100 percenters who pledge undying blind loyalty to Trump will survive.
The party started to splinter back in the days of the Tea Party. In essence, MAGA is the Tea Party.
It is not a party now. It is 2 groups welded together until the election is over. They have little common interest. For many, they hate Trump and the damage he can do, but they want to keep their seats. If he wins, Trump would purge the party. Only 100 percenters who pledge undying blind loyalty to Trump will survive.
You are 100% correct.
A lot of the Republicans in Congress are afraid to say a word against Trump because they know he lies and will make up all kinds of shit and lies about them and hurt their chance of keeping their job.
So they just keep their mouths shut and go along with the MAGAS and Trump.
It is too bad more of them don't get some guts and stand up against Trump and his MAGA followers.
Have a nice day
You're full of shit.
And you are a stupid ASSHOLE.
Why don't you listen to what he is actually saying in his speeches?
He has come out and said he wanted to go on a revenge tour if he gets reelected and throw a lot of people in jail.
He has also said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well who decides when later comes?
when does later come?
does later ever come isn't later like tomorrow it never comes.
Taking peoples Second Amendment rights away from them.
He has also said if he is reelected he was going to get every US Government agency he could to go after left leaning MSM outlets , some of these outlets have talk shows and call in show so he would be taking peoples first Amendment rights away too.
Again all you have to do is REALLY LISTEN to what he has been saying in a lot of his speeches.
have a nice day
During the event, hosted by The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, Cheney revealed that she thinks the Republican Party may have outlived its usefulness after devoting its existence to Trump.

“It’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party survives because it’s been so corrupted,” she told Baker on stage.

Agreed with Lynn. Regardless if they change the name or not or simply form a new party, Trumpism will live on in the Republican Party even after Trump is dead. They might be able to reinvent themselves, but there's too many MAGAts in key positions for that to be likely to happen.
You're full of shit.
Hay GAYBOY why don't you use a simple search and look up if Trump ever said take their guns away.
or if he said he wanted to go on a revenge tour.
I have posted the results of them on here many of times and I am getting sick and tired of doing it for MAGA MORONS.
GOOGLE can be your friend .
OR are you too stupid to know how to do a simple search.
Well I guess that MUST be it another VERY LOW IQ MAGA
Trump has already said he IS going to do that, and more.
Don't bullshit a bullshitter. He's not going to jail half the country but he will prosecute the law breakers.
OH so when he said he was going on his revenge tour and going after everybody he doesn't like, he thinks doesn't like him and thinks is or will be against him, all the MSM outlets and taking peoples guns away he was just kidding?
Have a nice day
MAGAts always take everything a Lefty says as exactly what the mean, but they like to say "Trump was just joking". Fuck them. I agree that Trump intends to do exactly what he says which is why so many of his staff and prominent Republicans are coming out against him. Trump is a traitor and will do his best to be a dictator, including shredding the Constitution. Anyone who backs him, likewise, is a traitor.

FWIW, Goyboy is a Brazilian anti-American like a few others on JPP. Fuck them all. I hope the CIA turns them into local authorities.
And you are a stupid ASSHOLE.
Why don't you listen to what he is actually saying in his speeches?
He has come out and said he wanted to go on a revenge tour if he gets reelected and throw a lot of people in jail.
He has also said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well who decides when later comes?
when does later come?
does later ever come isn't later like tomorrow it never comes.
Taking peoples Second Amendment rights away from them.
He has also said if he is reelected he was going to get every US Government agency he could to go after left leaning MSM outlets , some of these outlets have talk shows and call in show so he would be taking peoples first Amendment rights away too.
Again all you have to do is REALLY LISTEN to what he has been saying in a lot of his speeches.
have a nice day
This Regime is illegal and illegitimate....many thousands who have betrayed us should be in prison.

I dont believe in the death penalty except for the worst of treason....dozens should be shot.
The party started to splinter back in the days of the Tea Party. In essence, MAGA is the Tea Party.
MAGA is not the Tea Party. The latter wanted a balanced budget. The former is a collection of the most foul human beings alive who want to restrict, rescind, and prevent rights for everyone except themselves.