Conservatives may have to create a new party after the GOP became ‘corrupted’ by Trump, Liz Cheney suggests

Hay GAYBOY why don't you use a simple search and look up if Trump ever said take their guns away.
or if he said he wanted to go on a revenge tour.
I have posted the results of them on here many of times and I am getting sick and tired of doing it for MAGA MORONS.
GOOGLE can be your friend .
OR are you too stupid to know how to do a simple search.
Well I guess that MUST be it another VERY LOW IQ MAGA
poor Thunderfart........must be for Liz, she's apparently forgotten she tried to claim conservatives in Montana in the primary.......they chose someone else.
Many on the right don't realize what has happened to their party.
Trump recently said to an interviewer that win or lose, this is his last election.

The problem is of course, that even if he goes away, he's unlocked the door for the extremist nutjobs, goofballs and lunatics who will, for some time to come hold sway on the right.

In light of that, I think Liz Cheney is right.

Traditional Republicans may well have to form a third party and hope that enough of the droolers and knuckle-dragging trumpers will come back to their senses and leave those cultists to themselves.
MAGA is not the Tea Party. The latter wanted a balanced budget. The former is a collection of the most foul human beings alive who want to restrict, rescind, and prevent rights for everyone except themselves.
Trump recently said to an interviewer that win or lose, this is his last election.

The problem is of course, that even if he goes away, he's unlocked the door for the extremist nutjobs, goofballs and lunatics who will, for some time to come hold sway on the right.

In light of that, I think Liz Cheney is right.

Traditional Republicans may well have to form a third party and hope that enough of the droolers and knuckle-dragging trumpers will come back to their senses and leave those cultists to themselves.
Leftists such as yourself are besides themselves with fear and loathing just because there is a movement MAGA that challenges your decades long fiefdom.
Agreed with Lynn. Regardless if they change the name or not or simply form a new party, Trumpism will live on in the Republican Party even after Trump is dead. They might be able to reinvent themselves, but there's too many MAGAts in key positions for that to be likely to happen.
True, of course no one so far has shown the ability to manipulate Republicans or appeal to voters as Trump has, he did come out of show business. But the grievance populism will still be there for some time
Leftists such as yourself are besides themselves with fear and loathing just because there is a movement MAGA that challenges your decades long fiefdom.
No, it's because you idiots are a bunch of small minded, low educated fools who seem to believe that destroying our government and rebuilding it into a fascist dictatorship that shoves your views and beliefs down the rest of society's throats with the heel of it's jackboots is a perfectly acceptable way to move forward as a nation.
No, it's because you idiots are a bunch of small minded, low educated fools who seem to believe that destroying our government and rebuilding it into a fascist dictatorship that shoves your views and beliefs down the rest of society's throats with the heel of it's jackboots is a perfectly acceptable way to move forward as a nation.
you people are destroying the country on the altar of globalism.

how is it smart to send all the jobs away?

get an answer or shut up and sit down.
True, of course no one so far has shown the ability to manipulate Republicans or appeal to voters as Trump has, he did come out of show business. But the grievance populism will still be there for some time
IMO, Trump never invented or created anything. He only capitalized on the work of others. White supremacy has been growing in the US since the late 1980s. The combination of white supremacy and Evangelicals gave Trump the opportunity to capitalize on both. He gave white supremacists a voice in the federal government and catered to the Evangelicals who were both supremacists and ardent anti-abortionists.

The Heritage Foundation, a driving force in Project 2025, are major Trump supporters who support a white supremacist authoritarian government. With Trump in charge, they want to change the US government into a thousand-year empire without our Constitution and with only the white elite running the show.
No, it's because you idiots are a bunch of small minded, low educated fools who seem to believe that destroying our government and rebuilding it into a fascist dictatorship that shoves your views and beliefs down the rest of society's throats with the heel of it's jackboots is a perfectly acceptable way to move forward as a nation.
@Goyboy = Quase Marco AKA Almost Marco. He's a Brazilian who hates the US much like the other anti-American foreigners play MAGAt on JPP.
She wants America to survive. She did the right thing. It cost her her job.
Now why would you be fired for doing noble things?

You people are too fucking stupid to breed and should give up your air and water to more worthy animals like cockroaches or ass worms.