Conservatives may have to create a new party after the GOP became ‘corrupted’ by Trump, Liz Cheney suggests

During the event, hosted by The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, Cheney revealed that she thinks the Republican Party may have outlived its usefulness after devoting its existence to Trump.

“It’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party survives because it’s been so corrupted,” she told Baker on stage.

There's no need. Lizzy already has the Demonkkkrat Party to go to.
There's no need. Lizzy already has the Demonkkkrat Party to go to.
You spectacularly stupid fuck. Liz Cheney does not want to be a Democrat. She will never be one. She's trying to explain to you brain dead fucktards that you have destroyed the Republican party for the rest of human history. She wants conservatism restored, but you're too busy sucking Trump's pinky toe dick to remember what you thought you once stood for.

You're all hopeless, worthless, and disgusting.
During the event, hosted by The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, Cheney revealed that she thinks the Republican Party may have outlived its usefulness after devoting its existence to Trump.

“It’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party survives because it’s been so corrupted,” she told Baker on stage.

The problem isn't Trump.

The problem is that Conservatism produced Trump and all his failings.

It wouldn't have mattered which Republican was President, the country would suffer because Conservatism is the stupidest, worst, most idiotic belief system in the world today. And it's always been that way. Conservatism has no merits, nothing that it did on its own that made the country an objectively better place.
It's a natural progression that over a lengthy time,
major political parties fade from prominence
and are displaced by new ones.

The Republican Party is newer than my Democratic Party,
but I think BOTH of them now have too large a tent to be accurately labeled anymore;
and large tents result in circuses.

You have your silent moral majority Republicans,
your Contract on America Republicans,
your tea bagger Republicans,
your unbelievable MAGAts,
and your corporate oligarchs orchestrating the whole mess.

There are multiple parties there, all crammed into one.

I'll leave it to our right wing clowns
to amuse me
with their perception
of our various factions.
You spectacularly stupid fuck. Liz Cheney does not want to be a Democrat. She will never be one. She's trying to explain to you brain dead fucktards that you have destroyed the Republican party for the rest of human history. She wants conservatism restored, but you're too busy sucking Trump's pinky toe dick to remember what you thought you once stood for.

You're all hopeless, worthless, and disgusting.
The complete opposite of what you just said here is where one will find the truth.
of course you are.
you globalist have been proud of sending all that money to china for years.

you're traitors, as it turns out.
And of course all that money that's going to China was totally stopped by Trump from his 4 years as potus.
The entire dem party are traitors to everything real Americans want in their lives. They do not want high inflation,
crime from illegals rising, open border, wokeness, giving their guns away, clueless and feckless leaders from the
dem party that are more concerned with having government control their lives, rather than protect their lives
and give them the freedom to decide what they want to do with their families and with their particular job skills.
Trump shows over and over again that he's running for potus because he loves America and loves our people.
Unlike the dems who only seek power for their own interests. Did anyone see biden or cackler go and comfort
and support the families of the 13 killed in Afghan? Those two clowns never give a shit about the many young
women that have been raped or murdered by illegals coming from cackler's or biden's open border. They're
all init for themselves and for the power so that they can turn America into a 3rd world republic, and keep
allowing Iran, NK, China and Russia to run roughshod over the world, and coming close to igniting WW111.
Dems are globalists and anti American to the fucking core. They hate our founders and hate our Constitution;
and they'll never get enough of their sick comrades to topple and destroy every historic statue from Columbus
to Lincoln, to Jefferson etc. Lock em all up, and lets get back to having a successful and peaceful America like we
had under Trump #45 where there were zero wars, and Iran was broke because of Trump. The Israeli and Ukraine
wars would have never happed under a Trump leadership.

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And of course all that money that's going to China was totally stopped by Trump from his 4 years as potus.
The entire dem party are traitors to everything real Americans want in their lives. They do not want high inflation,
crime from illegals rising, open border, wokeness, giving their guns away, clueless and feckless leaders from the
dem party that are more concerned with having government control their lives, rather than protect their lives
and give them the freedom to decide what they want to do with their families and with their particular job skills.
Trump shows over and over again that he's running for potus because he loves America and loves our people.
Unlike the dems who only seek power for their own interests. Did anyone see biden or cackler go and comfort
and support the families of the 13 killed in Afghan? Those two clowns never give a shit about the many young
women that have been raped or murdered by illegals coming from cackler's or biden's open border. They're
all init for themselves and for the power so that they can turn America into a 3rd world republic, and keep
allowing Iran, NK, China and Russia to run roughshod over the world, and coming close to igniting WW111.
Dems are globalists and anti American to the fucking core. They hate our founders and hate our Constitution;
and they'll never get enough of their sick comrades to topple and destroy every historic statue from Columbus
to Lincoln, to Jefferson etc. Lock em all up, and lets get back to having a successful and peaceful America like we
had under Trump #45 where there were zero wars, and Iran was broke because of Trump. The Israeli and Ukraine
wars would have never happed under a Trump leadership.
You should seek help. You are crazy.
The problem is that the underlying Conservative beliefs are what's toxic...merely changing the name of the party is like putting lipstick on a pig.
That may be true, but even if they're all toxic, they're still not all the same.
The progressive left isn't a monolith either.

On this forum, for example, I find myself having serious arguments with other Democrats.
With the opposition party, it's mostly about being as disrespectful as possible because it feels good.
The problem isn't Trump.

The problem is that Conservatism produced Trump and all his failings.

It wouldn't have mattered which Republican was President, the country would suffer because Conservatism is the stupidest, worst, most idiotic belief system in the world today. And it's always been that way. Conservatism has no merits, nothing that it did on its own that made the country an objectively better place.
Because there has never been a truly conservative government nor any conservative policies implemented country wide.

We have always had fuckwitted leftists and their lap republicans around
During the event, hosted by The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, Cheney revealed that she thinks the Republican Party may have outlived its usefulness after devoting its existence to Trump.

“It’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party survives because it’s been so corrupted,” she told Baker on stage.

It's true, which is why I'm glad, win or lose, this is Trump's last dance. The Republican party needs to regroup, move past MAGA and start nominating quality candidates across the country. No more Kari Lake's costing Rs a governor seat or, when Ruben Gallegos wins in November, Lake will have a Senate seat loss to add to her resume.