Conservatives more proud to be American than Liberals

Funny that you want to claim you are so proud to be an American, and yet you chose not to serve in the military and feel justified in lying on your tax returns.

Also, isn't pride a sin?
Not to mention bitch more about our country in general and our government in particular more than any other group besides True Communists.
Back when I was enlisting age I was a Democrat.

Lying? I prefer to use the term "creative interpretation", which is what liberals do with the Constitution.

Also, it's retarded to think that GovCo + IRS = America.
Back when I was enlisting age I was a Democrat.

Lying? I prefer to use the term "creative interpretation", which is what liberals do with the Constitution.

Also, it's retarded to think that GovCo + IRS = America.

You can call it whatever you want. But the fact is that you sign a document swearing that you have declared all of your income, when you know for a fact that you have not. That is lying.

Also, you and your ilk certainly didn't mind calling the war protestors "unpatriotic". Now you want to rewrite the definition of what is or is not patriotic? Why am I not surprised?
Right-wingers claim to be Americans as Christians swear loyalty oaths: it shows they don't know what they are talking about or doing . The rightists are there for the money, having betrayed their real countries. That they claim to be Americans at all shows what a state a people can themselves into if they aren't allowed to think.
You're getting off subject again, and filling your posts with straw man allegations, which of course is not surprising.

The OP is about a poll showing that more conservatives are proud to be American than libs are. Does that mean that we are proud of GovCo, or like the IRS cleaning out or wallets? Or that we like to spill blood and treasure fighting wars? Not so much.

Maybe you need to refocus on the operative word: be. We are proud to be American.
Funny that you want to claim you are so proud to be an American, and yet you chose not to serve in the military and feel justified in lying on your tax returns.

Also, isn't pride a sin?

Touche'. Such BS DY projects...I need to take a shower.
I personally am extremely proud to BE American, and I always have been. That's not to say that there haven't been some things that my country has done in the world that I was less than proud of, because there certainly have been some. Some of those things happened while I was in uniform, but it certainly never stopped me from enthusiastically carrying out the mission, regardless of my personal feelings about it. Countries are not perfect. Countries are led by people and people make mistakes. That does not change the fact that the USA is still the finest experiment in self government in the history of humanity .
I personally am extremely proud to BE American, and I always have been. That's not to say that there haven't been some things that my country has done in the world that I was less than proud of, because there certainly have been some. Some of those things happened while I was in uniform, but it certainly never stopped me from enthusiastically carrying out the mission, regardless of my personal feelings about it. Countries are not perfect. Countries are led by people and people make mistakes. That does not change the fact that the USA is still the finest experiment in self government in the history of humanity .

Pity it has so obviously failed!
The IRS tax code is a "living document" and deserves to be interpreted by tax filers as such.

Fine, then change it. Or cheat all you want. But just don't claim to dislike things because they are immoral and then lie on your taxes. Lying is immoral, no matter how much you dance around claiming it is justified.
Exactly what is patriotism?

Is it this "If you don't like the USA you can leave" mentality?

Is it making noises about how great we are and then denying equality for all?

If you are going to make claims about patriotism, define it.
I would assume that the pollsters let the folks taking the poll interpret that themselves. To me "I'm very proud to be an American" means that I'm proud of its ideals, which are best put forth in the Declaration of Independence. I also think the Constitution ans Bill of Rights did a pretty damn good job at maximizing freedom, in spite of the compromises in it necessitated to get the slave states on board so we could be a unified front when the damn Brits came back to have a second try at us.

What I am not proud of are libtards who look at those compromises and paint all of the signers as dead white slavers who should be ignored. I'm not proud of both parties ignoring the Constitution in the name of convenience, expediency to to gain the upper hand for votes in the next election. I'm not proud of the foolishness that is our national energy and foreign policies, where we enrich our enemies and then expend yet more blood and treasure when they use those profits to kill each other and threaten our allies.

And I'm certainly not proud of our tax system, convoluted and punishing success while rewarding sloth.
I would assume that the pollsters let the folks taking the poll interpret that themselves. To me "I'm very proud to be an American" means that I'm proud of its ideals, which are best put forth in the Declaration of Independence. I also think the Constitution ans Bill of Rights did a pretty damn good job at maximizing freedom, in spite of the compromises in it necessitated to get the slave states on board so we could be a unified front when the damn Brits came back to have a second try at us.

What I am not proud of are libtards who look at those compromises and paint all of the signers as dead white slavers who should be ignored. I'm not proud of both parties ignoring the Constitution in the name of convenience, expediency to to gain the upper hand for votes in the next election. I'm not proud of the foolishness that is our national energy and foreign policies, where we enrich our enemies and then expend yet more blood and treasure when they use those profits to kill each other and threaten our allies.

And I'm certainly not proud of our tax system, convoluted and punishing success while rewarding sloth.

You make assumptions. I'd guess the extremists are proud of racism, imperialism, guns and nutty religion, together with being totally at the mercy of the rich - and I think there is more evidence for my view.
Exactly what is patriotism?

Is it this "If you don't like the USA you can leave" mentality?

Is it making noises about how great we are and then denying equality for all?

If you are going to make claims about patriotism, define it.

the opposite of liberalism

there is no such thing as equality. it is as bogus as arguing for human rights
Fine, then change it. Or cheat all you want. But just don't claim to dislike things because they are immoral and then lie on your taxes. Lying is immoral, no matter how much you dance around claiming it is justified.

I can't change the tax code by my little self. Thanks to Billy Clinton, I rely on the "everyone does it" defense. Remember when "Everyone lies about sex" argument? Everyone cheats on their taxes.