Consumers have made the switch to electric vehicles

Reaching this number is a hugely impressive feat in a relatively short space of time.
by Leo Collis*/*October 8, 2023

The rise of Tesla has truly been something to behold. In the span of about 15 years, Tesla has gone from an expensive novelty to a common sight on roads worldwide and one of the most popular clean-energy vehicle brands on the planet.*
According to electric vehicle website Licarco, Tesla sold around 100 of its Roadster model EVs in 2008. Fast forward a decade-and-a-half and over four million Teslas have reportedly arrived in the driveways and garages of environmentally conscious motorists.*
In 2023 alone, nearly 900,000 Teslas have been sold worldwide, based on Licarco’s report, and there are still three whole months of the year to go.
The air pollution generated by gas-powered lawn maintenance equipment is truly astonishing.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans burn 800 million gallons of gas every year cutting their lawns, and gas mowers account for up to 5% of the total air pollution in the United States.
To put it in more basic terms, one hour of mowing your lawn with a gas-powered mower produces the same amount of air pollution as driving a Toyota Camry 1,100 miles from Los Angeles to Denver, according to CleanTechnica. High levels of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere with the use of gas mowers.*
The EPA also says that Americans spill 17 million gallons of gas every year while refueling their equipment — more than was famously spilled by the Exxon Valdez in the Gulf of Alaska.
Fortunately, gas mowers are on the way out, and electricity-powered lawn care equipment is on the way in. John Deere recently started working with a battery-powered lawn equipment supplier, and Home Depot recently announced that 85% of the outdoor lawn equipment it sells will be electric by 2028.*
While some skeptics have raised concerns that electric mowers are less powerful than gas ones, that has not proved to be the case. One longtime public works employee, who was initially doubtful, told the Washington Post that he has since switched to all-electric mowers, blowers, weed whips, and chain saws. “It proved me wrong,” he said. “You ain’t got to wear ear protection [and] you don’t have to worry about coming home smelling like gas.”
And, of course, there is always the more environmentally friendly option of not keeping a closely trimmed grass lawn in the first place.
In response to the statistic about Americans using 800 million gallons of gas on mowing per year, the Redditors of the r/todayilearned subreddit had plenty to say on the topic.
“There is a revolution going on in my neighborhood. Electric mowers are becoming the norm,” wrote one commenter.
The air pollution generated by gas-powered lawn maintenance equipment is truly astonishing.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans burn 800 million gallons of gas every year cutting their lawns, and gas mowers account for up to 5% of the total air pollution in the United States.
To put it in more basic terms, one hour of mowing your lawn with a gas-powered mower produces the same amount of air pollution as driving a Toyota Camry 1,100 miles from Los Angeles to Denver, according to CleanTechnica. High levels of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere with the use of gas mowers.*
The EPA also says that Americans spill 17 million gallons of gas every year while refueling their equipment — more than was famously spilled by the Exxon Valdez in the Gulf of Alaska.
Fortunately, gas mowers are on the way out, and electricity-powered lawn care equipment is on the way in. John Deere recently started working with a battery-powered lawn equipment supplier, and Home Depot recently announced that 85% of the outdoor lawn equipment it sells will be electric by 2028.*
While some skeptics have raised concerns that electric mowers are less powerful than gas ones, that has not proved to be the case. One longtime public works employee, who was initially doubtful, told the Washington Post that he has since switched to all-electric mowers, blowers, weed whips, and chain saws. “It proved me wrong,” he said. “You ain’t got to wear ear protection [and] you don’t have to worry about coming home smelling like gas.”
And, of course, there is always the more environmentally friendly option of not keeping a closely trimmed grass lawn in the first place.
In response to the statistic about Americans using 800 million gallons of gas on mowing per year, the Redditors of the r/todayilearned subreddit had plenty to say on the topic.
“There is a revolution going on in my neighborhood. Electric mowers are becoming the norm,” wrote one commenter.

Reaching this number is a hugely impressive feat in a relatively short space of time.
by Leo Collis*/*October 8, 2023

The rise of Tesla has truly been something to behold. In the span of about 15 years, Tesla has gone from an expensive novelty to a common sight on roads worldwide and one of the most popular clean-energy vehicle brands on the planet.*
According to electric vehicle website Licarco, Tesla sold around 100 of its Roadster model EVs in 2008. Fast forward a decade-and-a-half and over four million Teslas have reportedly arrived in the driveways and garages of environmentally conscious motorists.*
In 2023 alone, nearly 900,000 Teslas have been sold worldwide, based on Licarco’s report, and there are still three whole months of the year to go.

Elon Musk is cutting Tesla prices in the U.S. again after poor Q3 sales, leaving bulls with ‘no way to sugarcoat this’
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Elon Musk is cutting Tesla prices in the U.S. again after poor Q3 sales, leaving bulls with ‘no way to sugarcoat this’


The nation would save nearly $1.5 trillion in economic harm by going all in on EVs.
by Mila Dyson*/*October 10, 2023

If you’ve been paying attention to vehicle trends worldwide, it’s probably clear to you that electric vehicles (EVs) are the future.
And while it’s still early in EVs’ rise in popularity, last year’s EV sales share hit roughly 8% in the U.S., representing an enormous 55% increase in 2022.*
The skyrocketing adoption of EVs is set to continue, too, thanks to a combination of falling prices, new tax credits (through the Inflation Reduction Act), and proposed EPA restrictions on vehicle pollution.
But one of the most significant benefits of the rise of EVs may impact people who don’t drive them.
Are electric vehicles improving air quality?
Besides looking cool and causing fuel costs to plummet, EVs are helping to lower the amount of asthma-causing air pollution.
A study coming froim the University of Southern California (USC) recently found that “for every additional 20 [zero-pollution vehicles] per 1,000 people, there was a 3.2% drop in the rate of asthma-related emergency visits.”
And while this 3.2% decrease may seem modest now, when most new car sales are EVs — which could be by the end of the decade — there will be way less car pollution on our city streets.

The nation would save nearly $1.5 trillion in economic harm by going all in on EVs.
by Mila Dyson*/*October 10, 2023

If you’ve been paying attention to vehicle trends worldwide, it’s probably clear to you that electric vehicles (EVs) are the future.
And while it’s still early in EVs’ rise in popularity, last year’s EV sales share hit roughly 8% in the U.S., representing an enormous 55% increase in 2022.*
The skyrocketing adoption of EVs is set to continue, too, thanks to a combination of falling prices, new tax credits (through the Inflation Reduction Act), and proposed EPA restrictions on vehicle pollution.
But one of the most significant benefits of the rise of EVs may impact people who don’t drive them.
Are electric vehicles improving air quality?
Besides looking cool and causing fuel costs to plummet, EVs are helping to lower the amount of asthma-causing air pollution.
A study coming froim the University of Southern California (USC) recently found that “for every additional 20 [zero-pollution vehicles] per 1,000 people, there was a 3.2% drop in the rate of asthma-related emergency visits.”
And while this 3.2% decrease may seem modest now, when most new car sales are EVs — which could be by the end of the decade — there will be way less car pollution on our city streets.

What if you don't have asthma and think that the air is clean enough the way it is right now?
A video for Terry and other maga derps who argue against each and every societal advancement, based on where the Technology is today, while arguing no improvements should be expected in the future.

Electric Vehicles is a pure pro-china play by traitorous and brainwashed westerners.

it's dumb as shit.
Consumers have made the switch to electric vehicles

"The performance envelope and the drivability of an electric vehicle makes it so much more desirable than an alternative," he said. "Buying a non-EV just feels very old. Aside from carbon emissions and environmental responsibility, it's just not interesting."
Scaringe also sees a change in the way manufacturers have responded to electric vehicles.
"Up until not too long ago, electrification was sort of a thing you had to do to generate some credits and to look responsible as a company, but they weren't really committed to it," he said. "Now, most big vehicle manufacturers have begun to really lean into their electrification strategies."
Looking ahead, Scaringe said that he believes "policy is going to ping-pong around a little bit, unfortunately."
"Electrification and sustainability have become politicized — it makes no sense at all that it has been, but unfortunately it is," he said, "So as a result of that, you will see a little bit of variation there.*But I don't think, at a macro level, [the trend] is going to change."*
"The slope of the curve is going to continue to be policy that drives toward electrification, policy that drives toward moving off of fossil fuels," Scaringe added. "I think*consumers have made the switch and it's a diode-like switch — it's one directional."

That is correct. I do not notice gas price signs anymore, except when I walk my dog past a sign.

Wait until the Trumpers get their wish and we attack Iran. The gas prices will double when they close the Straits of Hormuz. Even the Trumpers will want an electric car. LOL
" He trained as a combat soldier and served for five years in a special forces unit of the IDF, Sayeret Matkal. He took part in numerous cross-border assault raids during the 1967–70 War of Attrition, rising to become a team-leader in the unit. He was wounded in combat on multiple occasions.".

Who does Israel have better to lead the IDF?
A video for Terry and other maga derps who argue against each and every societal advancement, based on where the Technology is today, while arguing no improvements should be expected in the future.

Actually, Tyson is wrong. The horse and horse drawn equipment continued in use well into the 60's on a large scale worldwide. Even in the US, horses were phased out in commercial use until the 50's. For example, the US military had horsed cavalry units in service through 1942 and in specialist service through the Korean war.

In Europe and Asia horses continued as a mainstay well into the 60's in many fields of commercial service, particularly agriculture.

Also, he leaves out that there were competing battery EV vehicles available at the time all of which failed to make any traction in the market.

I'm not arguing against technological advances. I'm arguing against forced use of a technology by government because that's what government wants. In communist / socialist countries the government decided what kind of ICE vehicles would be made and the results from that were pretty much uniformly shitty across the planet.

Improvements will occur, along with new technologies, but don't expect the government to be the one leading the charge.
Actually, Tyson is wrong. The horse and horse drawn equipment continued in use well into the 60's on a large scale worldwide. Even in the US, horses were phased out in commercial use until the 50's. For example, the US military had horsed cavalry units in service through 1942 and in specialist service through the Korean war.

In Europe and Asia horses continued as a mainstay well into the 60's in many fields of commercial service, particularly agriculture.

Also, he leaves out that there were competing battery EV vehicles available at the time all of which failed to make any traction in the market.

I'm not arguing against technological advances. I'm arguing against forced use of a technology by government because that's what government wants. In communist / socialist countries the government decided what kind of ICE vehicles would be made and the results from that were pretty much uniformly shitty across the planet.


Improvements will occur, along with new technologies, but don't expect the government to be the one leading the charge.

Imagine the biggest technology derp on this site, you Terry, saying NDT is wrong. FLOL. That is like Marjorie Greene bragging how in the intel brief over the Chinese balloon she was lecturing all the worlds top intelligence and Military experts about how they were wrong based on things she has read on the internet. :laugh:

No Tyson is not wrong as he caveats deliberately what he says with 'basically' and other such terms to ensure people (smarter than you) understand he is talking about the scale of the change, and not a complete wipe out, and he is correct. He talks about horse and buggy basically gone from "Urban centers" and you counter with non urban centers.

Yes Terry you are the biggest tech derp on this site as your entire premise for assessing ANY AND ALL emerging/new tech is 'where is it today' which you then freeze in time and say 'this will never be competitive' and you base it on never improving, costs never coming down, etc.

You have one of the most painfully dumb approaches to technology on the front ends of their mass manufacturing/consumption curves, that denies most of recorded history in that area.
Wait until the Trumpers get their wish and we attack Iran. The gas prices will double when they close the Straits of Hormuz. Even the Trumpers will want an electric car. LOL

Stockholm has announced plans to become the first big capital city to ban petrol and diesel cars from its centre, in an effort to slash pollution and reduce noise.

From 2025, 20 blocks of Stockholm’s inner city area, spanning its finance and main shopping districts, will be restricted to electric vehicle traffic only. A decision on whether to expand the zone will be made in early 2025.
Announcing the plan, Lars Stromgren, the city’s vice-mayor for transport, said: “Nowadays, the air in Stockholm causes babies to have lung conditions and the elderly to die prematurely. We need to eliminate the harmful exhaust gases from petrol and diesel cars. That’s why we are introducing the most ambitious low-emission zone to date.”
A number of cities have introduced – or are introducing – schemes to try to tackle air pollution but Stockholm’s goes further than most. Paris, Athens and Madrid have only banned diesel cars, and London has a charging scheme that covers the most polluting combustion engines.
“Many cities have implemented low-emission zones where high-emission cars are allowed to drive if they pay a charge,” Stromgren was quoted as saying by Air Quality News. “Stockholm’s model is more far-reaching. Petrol and diesel cars are prohibited, period. It is more ‘ultra’ than the ultra-low emission zone of London.
“We have chosen an area where large numbers of cyclists and pedestrians are exposed to unhealthy air on a daily basis. It is also a part of the city that is home to forward-thinking companies that are keen to lead the transition to a more sustainable future.”
Stockholm has announced plans to become the first big capital city to ban petrol and diesel cars from its centre, in an effort to slash pollution and reduce noise.

From 2025, 20 blocks of Stockholm’s inner city area, spanning its finance and main shopping districts, will be restricted to electric vehicle traffic only. A decision on whether to expand the zone will be made in early 2025.
Announcing the plan, Lars Stromgren, the city’s vice-mayor for transport, said: “Nowadays, the air in Stockholm causes babies to have lung conditions and the elderly to die prematurely. We need to eliminate the harmful exhaust gases from petrol and diesel cars. That’s why we are introducing the most ambitious low-emission zone to date.”
A number of cities have introduced – or are introducing – schemes to try to tackle air pollution but Stockholm’s goes further than most. Paris, Athens and Madrid have only banned diesel cars, and London has a charging scheme that covers the most polluting combustion engines.
“Many cities have implemented low-emission zones where high-emission cars are allowed to drive if they pay a charge,” Stromgren was quoted as saying by Air Quality News. “Stockholm’s model is more far-reaching. Petrol and diesel cars are prohibited, period. It is more ‘ultra’ than the ultra-low emission zone of London.
“We have chosen an area where large numbers of cyclists and pedestrians are exposed to unhealthy air on a daily basis. It is also a part of the city that is home to forward-thinking companies that are keen to lead the transition to a more sustainable future.”

If there's a regional war around the Persian Gulf, electric bicycles will become very popular.

The idiots, of course, will say "Drill, baby, drill!" but are too stupid to realize that, unless the US nationalizes the US oil industry, the oil companies will sell to the highest bidder. Capitalism 101 prevails.
No government said that. Why are you so dishonest?

Because if they didn't lie, they'd lose every argument. EVs are clearly better than gas cars. It's been proven over and over again.
The MAGA morons use the trump defense. Lie like shit and hope they don't notice.