Convicted Felon: “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. I don’t care.”

What? And when they have been sending all of their money to him?!

"Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."

Trump then told the crowd that if anyone collapsed he would have people splash water on them. "If anyone goes down, if you start going down we have people that will pick you up right away," Trump said. "They'll throw water. You know everybody was so worried yesterday about you, they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog."
And he's still getting my vote over your perverted ignorant brain dead father.
Not to mention imprisoning journalists who don't write glowing articles about His Mango Majesty, forcing SNL off the air because they mock him incessantly, punishing women who have abortions, and so on.
Yep. Get over it. You better hope he doesnt win. Maybe if I one of you cockroaches kills your own grandmother you could pin it on trump. That MIGHT do it and we know you're evil enough to try it.
LOL. This was at that scorching hot rally in Vegas. He made a joke telling the folks there not to die because he wants their vote. It's all good... You've convinced me, I'll be voting libertarian (again).
It's not just "Boomers" who believe that politicians care about them. Plenty of Bernie fans think that, too, and they tend to skew much younger.
I referenced Boomers because of that age group being the dominate generation on the board but also having far more life experience. We've all heard the references to young people being more idealistic so it's understandable that some of them haven't seen politics for what it truly is.

I'm not saying this in context of people shouldn't vote or follow politics. Usually I hate being cynical. That's just not who I am. But I've followed politics long enough and met enough people in the political game and had real discussions with them to know better than to think those ambitious enough to chase higher offices somehow really 'care' about me. That's not how this works. (Though those who are the most successful can make people feel like they really care.)
Is there is nothing normal or stable about Joe... Pray for him to not do something really stupid at the G 7.. The country and the world is in enough chaos ..
You are so wrong and, sadly, your ability to evaluate is broken. Trump is the destroyer. Biden is a caretaker. Biden is governing like past presidents have. He is not a threat to the American experiment. Trump will burh it all down and not lose sleep. Joe has highly qualified and experienced staff and advisers. Trump relies on his crazy ideas and his family who are as shallow and greedy as he is. Trump had to pardon about 20 people who worked on his staff to protect himself.

Well said. Pres. Biden behaves with dignity and class, most of the time, unless you make him angry. lol He is an excellent judge of people and picks competent people rather than those who will be loyal to him. We don't have to worry about him blabbing state secrets to foreign adversaries, asking if he can nuke someone, or wanting a military style parade to honor his authoritarianism.

Trump's whole Four Long Years of Sorrow were marked by scandals, resignations, two impeachments, international embarrassment, chaos, nepotism as you mentioned, a mishanlded health crisis that killed over a million Americans, and multiple criminal charges. Isn't his butt buddy Bannon reporting to prison this week?
What? And when they have been sending all of their money to him?!

"Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."

Trump then told the crowd that if anyone collapsed he would have people splash water on them. "If anyone goes down, if you start going down we have people that will pick you up right away," Trump said. "They'll throw water. You know everybody was so worried yesterday about you, they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog."
Anyone who saw that speech in Las Vegas and still supports someone who is insane supporting someone who is insane.

That speech was so incoherent and is amazing that Trump still has any supporters. there even one example of thousands greeting Biden and cheering an enthusiastic speech? (No reason to even mention his "speeches" that are full of stories for every occasion...both dysfunctional and incoherent despite his notes...)
I'll probably come across as a cynical a*hole here but I believe it to be accurate. I have a seven year old. She still believes in the Easter Bunny and Santa. There are reasons I want to tell her it's all a lie but I don't have it in me. And on JPP we have Boomers who think politicians running for (high) office actually really care about them.

On one hand it's cute, like little kids with Santa, Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy. But we give kids a pass because they're so young. What is the excuse for grown ups who don't recognize the truth about politicians? Is it the result of extreme partisanship warping someone's brain that they convince themselves otherwise? This is eye opening.
You could always learn about politicians, you know.
I'm reminded of the George Carlin bit on politicians where he says "it's a big club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club."

Would be interesting to hear someone argue "but George, there are those in the big club that really care about me as an individual and a person. I'm more than just a name to them, I'm somebody."
A big time liberal that would find you to be a completely disgusting piece of shit
Biden is governing like presidents of the past. He is a normal.,stable man who is no threat to America.
Biden isn't governing. He has already committed treason four times, Sybil.
Your Trumpism is making you very foolish. Perhaps you approve of his plan for retribution and taking over the FBI and justice depts.
Apparently you aren't aware that the FBI and other federal police are under the executive branch, Sybil.