Coronavirus is a scam

Wrong. Obama incompetently bumbled for six months while H1N1 infected millions. And people SHOULDN'T trust a treasonous Constitution-shredding tyrant like Obama with emergency powers.

This is not bumbling, dudette.

"Trump has repeatedly compared his response to the new coronavirus with President Barack Obama’s handling of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. But Trump’s information is frequently incorrect or misleading — and the two viruses are very different."

1. On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

2. The same day — April 26 — the CDC began releasing antiviral drugs to treat the H1N1 flu, and two days later, the FDA approved a new CDC test for the disease, according to a CDC timeline on the pandemic.

3. On April 30, 2009, two days after the public health emergency declaration, Obama formally asked Congress for $1.5 billion to fight the outbreak, and later asked for nearly $9 billion, according a September 2009 Congressional Research Service report. On June 26, 2009, Obama signed Congress’ supplemental appropriation bill that included $7.7 billion for the outbreak.

4. The U.S. public health emergency was renewed twice — on July 24, 2009, and Oct. 1, 2009. The WHO declared H1N1 a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a national emergency related to the pandemic on Oct. 24, 2009. Between April and October,
about 11.3 million doses of H1N1 vaccine had been distributed... [/quote]

By the way, what you're falsely accusing conservatives of what Democrats actually did, crucifying Trump for overreacting to a harmless virus and then doing a total 180 and pretending he didn't react soon enough.

Curb your delusions, dudette. Dems criticized trump for spreading lies and misinformation, and underreacting to a not-so-harmless virus, as the record shows.


1) Don't defend Obama's disastrous incompetence (millions infected, more than a thousand dead before he even declared a national emergency) and then completely reverse your standards for Trump and people won't have to point out your dishonest hypocrisy.

As the record shows Obama did much more than trump right from the beginning. Let us know specifically what changed after Obama declared the national emergency.

2) A straw man fallacy isn't about diversion, it's about misrepresenting your opponent's argument so much that it becomes effortless to knock down, like a straw man. Your ignorant butchery of basic debate concepts is straight-up embarrassing.

You ARE misrepresenting my arguments. I said that Obama did plenty when H1N1 was epidemic, and you said he didn't do enough. You're ignoring everything I wrote above in 3 & 4, and appear to be claiming that the only thing that counts is saying the words "national emergency." Obama's actions spoke louder than trump's words whether you like it or not.

3) Even the most extremist fringe Democrats admit Trump is doing an amazing job.
ONE CNN anchor speaks for all Democrats? :rofl2: You're ignorantly using the fallacy of composition here.

Says the guy ignorantly misusing "straw man," getting proven wrong by DEMOCRATS admitting Trump is right, and STILL failing to comprehend what was initially being argued to start this entire debate.

:rolleyes: Girlfriend, please. Examine your own misuse of logical fallacies before attacking others. Your kissing up to the orange dolt and defending his stupidity just makes you a sycophant. :laugh:
He was told about this in December and dithered for two months before finally admitting it was a pandemic.

That was after calling it "a hoax".

Hence Democrats accusing him of overreacting in the beginning. :lolup:

And even partisan Democrat "fact-checkers" admit it's a straight up lie to claim he called the virus a hoax. He called the left's ANTI-SCIENCE DEMAGOGUE FEAR-MONGERING a hoax.

Take a breath before you choke trying to spew too many falsehoods at once. :cool:
Hence Democrats accusing him of overreacting in the beginning. :lolup:

And even partisan Democrat "fact-checkers" admit it's a straight up lie to claim he called the virus a hoax. He called the left's ANTI-SCIENCE DEMAGOGUE FEAR-MONGERING a hoax.

Take a breath before you choke trying to spew too many falsehoods at once. :cool:

NO ONE accused him of "over-reacting".

What he's been accused of is poor leadership.


Every time you lie you help spread this pandemic further.

This is not bumbling, dudette.

"Trump has repeatedly compared his response to the new coronavirus with President Barack Obama’s handling of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. But Trump’s information is frequently incorrect or misleading — and the two viruses are very different."

1. On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

2. The same day — April 26 — the CDC began releasing antiviral drugs to treat the H1N1 flu, and two days later, the FDA approved a new CDC test for the disease, according to a CDC timeline on the pandemic.

3. On April 30, 2009, two days after the public health emergency declaration, Obama formally asked Congress for $1.5 billion to fight the outbreak, and later asked for nearly $9 billion, according a September 2009 Congressional Research Service report. On June 26, 2009, Obama signed Congress’ supplemental appropriation bill that included $7.7 billion for the outbreak.

4. The U.S. public health emergency was renewed twice — on July 24, 2009, and Oct. 1, 2009. The WHO declared H1N1 a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a national emergency related to the pandemic on Oct. 24, 2009. Between April and October,
about 11.3 million doses of H1N1 vaccine had been distributed...

Curb your delusions, dudette. Dems criticized trump for spreading lies and misinformation, and underreacting to a not-so-harmless virus, as the record shows.


As the record shows Obama did much more than trump right from the beginning. Let us know specifically what changed after Obama declared the national emergency.

You ARE misrepresenting my arguments. I said that Obama did plenty when H1N1 was epidemic, and you said he didn't do enough. You're ignoring everything I wrote above in 3 & 4, and appear to be claiming that the only thing that counts is saying the words "national emergency." Obama's actions spoke louder than trump's words whether you like it or not.

ONE CNN anchor speaks for all Democrats? :rofl2: You're ignorantly using the fallacy of composition here.

:rolleyes: Girlfriend, please. Examine your own misuse of logical fallacies before attacking others. Your kissing up to the orange dolt and defending his stupidity just makes you a sycophant. :laugh:

Who are you plagiarizing here?
There are three separate links to three separate Democrats praising him there, moron. :palm:


They weren't praising him.

Here's what Omar said:

“suspending mortgage foreclosures, demanding cash payments to Americans, now invoking the Defense Production Act to force private firms to produce needed supplies.”

And you're confusing thanking Trump for doing his fucking job, with praise, in the case of Cuomo.

But I can understand how you would think merely doing the bare minimum at your job is praise-worthy. You've lowered that bar so much it's lying on the floor.
They weren't praising him.

Here's what Omar said:

“suspending mortgage foreclosures, demanding cash payments to Americans, now invoking the Defense Production Act to force private firms to produce needed supplies.”

And you're confusing thanking Trump for doing his fucking job, with praise, in the case of Cuomo.

But I can understand how you would think merely doing the bare minimum at your job is praise-worthy. You've lowered that bar so much it's lying on the floor.

And I quote:

“Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time." --Ilhan Omar

Anything else you'd like to embarrass yourself lying about or are you good for now?

“Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time."

Only thing is it took him 2 1/2 months to get there.

And he only did this after lying about the severity of the virus for months.

Better late than never, right?
And I quote:

“Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time." --Ilhan Omar

Anything else you'd like to embarrass yourself lying about or are you good for now?


Why did it take so long for Trump to do the right thing?
Look at this fucking coward run away from a thread rather than deal with what has been presented.

Just as pathetic as Trump.

Where's that 3% growth?

You've been caught lying what three times in a row here just in the last hour or so? "Coward" is a word better reserved for someone who constantly hides from the debate with falsehoods (that scumbag in the mirror).


And source your claims if you don't want people to suggest plagiarism. :dunno:
You've been caught lying what three times in a row here just in the last hour or so? "Coward" is a word better reserved for someone who constantly hides from the debate with falsehoods (that scumbag in the mirror).

You haven't caught shit.

The only one lying here is you.

Just like you've been lying about this virus since the start.

You lied about Cuomo offering praise, when what he really offered was thanks for Trump finally doing his fucking job.

Why did it take so long for Trump to do the "right thing"?
You haven't caught shit.

The only one lying here is you.

Just like you've been lying about this virus since the start.

You lied about Cuomo offering praise, when what he really offered was thanks for Trump finally doing his fucking job.

Why did it take so long for Trump to do the "right thing"?

Blind denial of established facts. The OTHER signature move of the coward.

Why did Democrats initially smear him as overreacting to a made up threat? Can't have it both ways dumb-ass. The left's own BS talking points prove he IMMEDIATELY acted.

He didn't immediately act.

He called it a hoax for two months.

He said the number of cases would go down, when it went up.

He dithered until the market tanked, then he forced himself to give that awful nationwide address.

It was only then that he did anything, and he only did something because of how bad it made him look.

Just like Bush the Dumber and 9/11, Trump ignored the warnings and didn't take the threat seriously.

That reflects on you.