Coronavirus is a scam

1) Ah, the left's favorite desperate wishful thinking tactic of adding "your credibility is slipping" after every hilariously stupid spoon-fed talking point they parrot (promptly followed by them embarrassing themselves)...kind of like how every single controversy, no matter how inane, is gleefully pronounced "Trump's Katrina" by our overtly partisan Democrat cheer-leaders in the news media.

2) 372 dead out of 11,000 who have gotten the disease in France is supposed to be proof that this anti-science fear-mongering isn't over a flu-like, exactly? :palm:

3) As for your "younger people are dying in France" claim, French media outlets say the opposite is happening...

"In France the youngest person reported to have died so far was 60 and 23 of the 33 people who have died so far were both over the age of 75 and suffering from a serious medical condition, said Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon."

WHOSE credibility is slipping?

M. V. Mason (and his army of sock accounts) is an ill-informed mincing minion of the Pussy Posse (ThatFowlWoman, Christicrite915 and the imbecilic "Super Moderator").

Which personal information of mine will you need in order to pay me? My home address or my bank account information? :laugh:[/IMG]
When it says "bet a $50 donation to the forum ", it means no personal information is exchanged. Only the forum knows who you are but you give the donation in my name. It's pretty simple.

So is this a bet or are you going to run away too? What is the maximum number of Coronavirus deaths by election day, in your opinion? 500? 300? We can make it $10 if you like or no money at all because I'm really interested in seeing you resign your username forever. Sure, you'll come back as a sock, but not under your present username. That's the real win. :)
When it says "bet a $50 donation to the forum ", it means no personal information is exchanged. Only the forum knows who you are but you give the donation in my name. It's pretty simple.

So is this a bet or are you going to run away too? What is the maximum number of Coronavirus deaths by election day, in your opinion? 500? 300? We can make it $10 if you like or no money at all because I'm really interested in seeing you resign your username forever. Sure, you'll come back as a sock, but not under your present username. That's the real win. :)

I don't claim to have any idea what the final tally is going to be. Not even an estimate. :dunno:

Your off-topic challenge is completely arbitrary and meaningless. Just debate or don't.



If he's 80, has cancer or AIDS, just got out of surgery, sure. That could totally happen. The fact that a normal person WOULDN'T have this happen is what makes it a hoax. :stup2:


Stupid pouting over the thinking adults not buying into your BS fear-mongering. :bs:

I don't claim to have any idea what the final tally is going to be. Not even an estimate. :dunno:

Your off-topic challenge is completely arbitrary and meaningless. Just debate or don't.


I'm debating the body count of this "hoax virus" you keep screaming about and, to make it more interesting, offered a bet. You, like the others on the far Right claiming this is just a vast, wide media/Left Wing conspiracy, keep running from such an offer....which makes me think you are not being honest about your opinions. People should stand by their convictions. You don't have to stand by your convictions much less bet a forum donation or your username to prove your convictions.

If he's 80, has cancer or AIDS, just got out of surgery, sure. That could totally happen. The fact that a normal person WOULDN'T have this happen is what makes it a hoax. :stup2:

Stupid pouting over the thinking adults not buying into your BS fear-mongering. :bs:[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

^^^ He claims it's a hoax but refuses to bet that it is. LOL
Indeed. They are paying the price for the EU's open borders.

In a pinch, the EU can still close its internal borders, and actually do a good job of it. America cannot close its internal borders as easily. Most states have never had a hard border between them. Those that did had it over 200 years ago.
In a pinch, the EU can still close its internal borders, and actually do a good job of it. America cannot close its internal borders as easily. Most states have never had a hard border between them. Those that did had it over 200 years ago.

I don't think borders matter much, or closing airports now. All that guff is just gesture stuff. What matters now is testing for Corvid 19, identifying and isolating vulnerable groups, spending hugely more on your Health Service (or establishing one if you still live in barbarism) and making sure you have the proper equipment, particularly ventilators.
I'm debating the body count of this "hoax virus" you keep screaming about and, to make it more interesting, offered a bet. You, like the others on the far Right claiming this is just a vast, wide media/Left Wing conspiracy, keep running from such an offer....

You've lost this debate and are grasping at straws with a desperate, irrelevant "guess how many gumballs" type challenge. Who cares? :dunno:

It's meaningless. Of COURSE I'm "running" from your stupid diversion. :laugh:
In a pinch, the EU can still close its internal borders, and actually do a good job of it. America cannot close its internal borders as easily. Most states have never had a hard border between them. Those that did had it over 200 years ago.

It's too late for closing their borders to stop this non-emergency from spreading. :dunno:
I don't think borders matter much.

You never did, sheep-shagger.

What matters now is testing for Corvid 19, identifying and isolating vulnerable groups, spending hugely more on your Health Service (or establishing one if you still live in barbarism) and making sure you have the proper equipment, particularly ventilators.

You've been barred from entering the USA, so there's that, Taff.

I doubt the woefully unprepared NHS can save you, if Italy and Spain's experiences with universal health care are anything to go by.
It's too late for closing their borders to stop this non-emergency from spreading.

Salty Walty seems to have missed the memo:

Vast queues, as EU struggles with closed borders

The Euros finally closed their borders - after they waited too long because they thought they'd look "racist" if they copied President Trump.

Somebody should tell the libs that China isn't a race.

That's not what's being argued, moron. Learn how to read. :palm:

H1N1 DIDN'T have the ass hysteria and overreactions that coronavirus had...and it had a kill rate of 30+%...meaning such reactions would MAKE SENSE for H1N1. Comprehend it now?

You can't have it both ways, dummy. People like you criticized Obama for taking all the precautions he did then, and now you're still criticizing him because in spite of all his work the death rate was still high. We all know that bringing Obama into this crisis is just a straw man to deflect from the horrendous mistakes your messiah is making with coronavirus.

Here's a quarter, go buy a couple of working brain cells. :rofl2:
Awesome. So what is your best guess on the maximum number of US deaths by election day? I've already offered to other RWers to bet a $50 donation to the forum in the winner's name and permanent resignation under their username but both ran like chickens from me. Will you be braver?...or just a another chicken who is all cluck?

^ Good one. :laugh:
You've lost this debate and are grasping at straws with a desperate, irrelevant "guess how many gumballs" type challenge. Who cares? :dunno:

It's meaningless. Of COURSE I'm "running" from your stupid diversion. :laugh:

What debate do you claim I've lost? You are free to refuse the challenge. I've seen several other "cluckers" do the same; all talk, but they refuse to stand by their convictions. You are just one of them.