Coronavirus is a scam


Fun fact:

A few years ago ,I meet someone who introduced me to BDSM. My first encounter, I thought it would be about how much pain, one could stand. But I soon learned the secret to BDSM. It's not about pain! But that fine line between pain, and a type of ecstasy I had never experienced! Sure there was pain, humiliation, submission, all of which I gladly with stood. To reach that ecstasy! For a year, I couldn't wait to heal from when encounter, so I could have another. During the beating one side of your brain wanted the beating to stop. The other side wanted it never to stop! It also taught one to trust your dominate completely to give you pain, but not to hurt you.
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According to Johns Hopkins:


COVID-19: Approximately 9,115 deaths reported worldwide; 150 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 19, 2020.*

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year."​

Looks like you are the one who can't do math. :laugh:

Awesome. So what is your best guess on the maximum number of US deaths by election day? I've already offered to other RWers to bet a $50 donation to the forum in the winner's name and permanent resignation under their username but both ran like chickens from me. Will you be braver?...or just a another chicken who is all cluck?
Awesome. So what is your best guess on the maximum number of US deaths by election day? I've already offered to other RWers to bet a $50 donation to the forum in the winner's name and permanent resignation under their username but both ran like chickens from me. Will you be braver?...or just a another chicken who is all cluck?

Which personal information of mine will you need in order to pay me? My home address or my bank account information? :laugh:

So socialism is killing old people and in France younger people?
You're losing credibility!

1) Ah, the left's favorite desperate wishful thinking tactic of adding "your credibility is slipping" after every hilariously stupid spoon-fed talking point they parrot (promptly followed by them embarrassing themselves)...kind of like how every single controversy, no matter how inane, is gleefully pronounced "Trump's Katrina" by our overtly partisan Democrat cheer-leaders in the news media.


2) 372 dead out of 11,000 who have gotten the disease in France is supposed to be proof that this anti-science fear-mongering isn't over a flu-like, exactly? :palm:


3) As for your "younger people are dying in France" claim, French media outlets say the opposite is happening...

"In France the youngest person reported to have died so far was 60 and 23 of the 33 people who have died so far were both over the age of 75 and suffering from a serious medical condition, said Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon."

WHOSE credibility is slipping? :rofl2:

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Clue that this is a hoax: Anyone notice how left-wing media outlets were the first to denounce this coronavirus fear-mongering as wildly blown out of proportion when Trump enacted the travel ban...and then they promptly did a total 180?

"Back there on Jan. 29, here was the far left Mother Jones headlining this: 'The New Coronavirus Is Scary — But This Year’s Flu Is Much Scarier!' Got that? The flu is worse by far. Stop with the panic. Two days later, the president announced travel restrictions with China. CNN jumped on this instantly. The CNN headline? 'The US coronavirus travel ban could backfire. Here’s how'"​
Then they randomly reversed course and started smearing him in the complete opposite direction:

"'ABC, CBS Boost Dem Suggestions Trump Not Taking Virus Seriously' This gem made a point of ABC quoting Speaker Nancy Pelosi as saying this: SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): 'What he’s doing is late, too late, anemic. Hopefully, we can make up for the loss of time.' Got that? ... Trump, who was condemned for being too tough, was suddenly not tough enough."

The Liberal Media’s Credibility Crashes

Democrats lack basic critical thinking skills and parrot whatever CNN tells them to think at the moment.

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Clue that this is a hoax: Anyone notice how left-wing media outlets were the first to denounce this coronavirus fear-mongering as wildly blown out of proportion when Trump enacted the travel ban...and then they promptly did a total 180?


Democrats lack basic critical thinking skills and parrot whatever CNN tells them to think at the moment.

That is correct.