Coronavirus is a scam

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
Just saying.


You have stolen their dreams and their childhoods!
"H1N1 didn't have the manufactured mass hysteria and absurd overreactions that coronavirus did (and H1N1 WARRANTED such reactions, with its much higher kill rate..."

If mass hysteria and overreactions resulted in a much higher kill rate, what would the kill rate have been with underreactions and no hysteria?

That's not what's being argued, moron. Learn how to read. :palm:

H1N1 DIDN'T have the ass hysteria and overreactions that coronavirus had...and it had a kill rate of 30+%...meaning such reactions would MAKE SENSE for H1N1. Comprehend it now?

Democrats being unhinged psychos proves your point about conservatives being divisive and hate-filled? Nice logic there, Socrates. :laugh:

You think the extremist actions allow the other side to be extreme too? Isn't that the reason we're in this and other messes? Because both parties have gone to extremes and Congress is so dysfunctional they are bankrupting the nation?

BTW, quit shitting your pants over 1% deaths. It's minuscule and can provide grave digger jobs in Trump's Depression.
H1N1 extrapolated death stats are over a period of years, not weeks.

We can do a corona virus autopsy comparison after a bit.

Translation: I need to wait for the COVID death rate to change to fit my narrative, so let's pretend months of data isn't enough to compare to H1N1. :laugh:

1% fatality rate isn't "no one"

Right, it's almost no one. Hence me saying almost no one. :palm:

...especially when that 1% is about 50% >70 year olds.

Just like the flu. :bs:

I.E. mostly trump voters.

Most old people vote Trump? You do realize that the overwhelming majority of the electorate is old people, right? Thanks for acknowledging that Trump is the most popular president in generations. :rofl2:
Translation: I need to wait for the COVID death rate to change to fit my narrative, so let's pretend months of data isn't enough to compare to H1N1.

Poor Mcslobber. Maybe his purported "life at sea" has left him all at sea, if you know what I mean.

As an esteemed member of the maritime community with years of experience commanding RORo, battleships and an admiral in the coast guard, I think this thread is silly.
