Coronavirus is a scam

Try as you might, I strongly believe GOOD will beat evil. You, sir, are evil. You spread hate, division and you always advocate the worst of humanity. How can someone not see you for the evil person you are?

‘I Hope You Suffered’: People On The Left Celebrate David Koch’s Death

The Left’s Demented Hatred of President George H.W. Bush

Celebrities, Leftists Tweet Appreciation For Trump Tower Fire That Left One Dead, Several Injured

Vile Antifa Website Attacks Right-Wing Parkland Survivor and the Family of Victim Meadow Pollack

Liberals celebrate Scalia's death on Twitter

Saturday Night Live Writer Offers Sexual Favors To Anyone Who Hits MAGA Kid

In South Africa, the troll that posted this OP would be arrested and sentenced to 6 months in prison.

Coronavirus in SA: People in serious trouble for ‘lying’ about the disease

I can think of at least 5 Conservatives on these boards who would face prosecution if they pulled this shit in South Africa.

They throw people in jail for expressing non-approved opinions on Facebook in BRITAIN too. There are fascists (left-wingers) all over the world. And?

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If Donald Trump can be brought down by his mismanagement of a microscopic virus, then he was never really a strong candidate anyway.

Ah, victim-blaming.

Step 1: Invent an economy-killing hoax and use it to relentlessly lie, scandal-monger, and smear your opponent.

Step 2: Insist he should have been able to beat all your lying and cheating and that it's his fault if he couldn't.

Reality: You would scream at the sky in your little vagina hat in triggered snowflake blind rage whether he bowed to your dishonest demagogue scumbaggery or not. But he beat you at your own game, and now you're whining about that too. :bs:

They throw people in jail for expressing non-approved opinions on Facebook in BRITAIN too. There are fascists (left-wingers) all over the world. And?

Your lies aren't opinions, they're lies. And they're dangerous because they caused this pandemic.
Ah, victim-blaming.

Step 1: Invent an economy-killing hoax and use it to relentlessly lie, scandal-monger, and smear your opponent.

Step 2: Insist he should have been able to beat all your lying and cheating and that it's his fault if he couldn't.

Reality: You would scream at the sky in your little vagina hat in triggered snowflake blind rage whether he bowed to your dishonest demagogue scumbaggery or not. But he beat you at your own game, and now you're whining about that too. :bs:


Trump is not a victim.

He ignored the warning in December.

He ignored the virus in January.

He called it a hoax in February.

He dithered for the first two weeks of March.

He's been lying about it this entire time.

So all of this falls on you because you supported, defended, coddled, and protected him instead of demanding his resignation so someone else can get in there who knows what they're doing.

Enjoy your pandemic, Recession Gal.
Ah, victim-blaming.

Step 1: Invent an economy-killing hoax and use it to relentlessly lie, scandal-monger, and smear your opponent.

Step 2: Insist he should have been able to beat all your lying and cheating and that it's his fault if he couldn't.

Reality: You would scream at the sky in your little vagina hat in triggered snowflake blind rage whether he bowed to your dishonest demagogue scumbaggery or not. But he beat you at your own game, and now you're whining about that too. :bs:


When Trump loses in November, you are going to pretend you never heard of him at all.
The national state of emergency that was declared by Donald Trump is a "scam?"

Well, at least you finally admitted Trump is a con artist. ;) Armpiteous

Those are some pretty desperate deflections and excuses. :laugh:

2) H1N1 didn't have the manufactured mass hysteria and absurd overreactions that coronavirus did (and H1N1 WARRANTED such reactions, with its much higher kill rate and egregiously incompetent mishandling). Obviously, that night-and-day difference in the way it was handled is what submarined the stock market, which had broken numerous records under Trump (and continued breaking records even into this year) until Democrats turned the common cold into the apocalypse.

"H1N1 didn't have the manufactured mass hysteria and absurd overreactions that coronavirus did (and H1N1 WARRANTED such reactions, with its much higher kill rate..."

If mass hysteria and overreactions resulted in a much higher kill rate, what would the kill rate have been with underreactions and no hysteria?
H1N1 extrapolated death stats are over a period of years, not weeks.

We can do a corona virus autopsy comparison after a bit.
Your lies aren't opinions, they're lies. And they're dangerous because they caused this pandemic.

Noticing that 80% experience few or no symptoms and that this kills almost no one CAUSED it to exist? Nice logic. :laugh:

Trump is not a victim.

Unless you count all the pathological Democrat lying about him. :palm:

He ignored the warning in December.

"Ignored" meaning instructed the CDC to issue a travel notice for Wuhan and establish a coronavirus incident management system.

He ignored the virus in January.

Unless you count:

January 11: The CDC issued a Level I travel health notice for Wuhan, China

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles

January 20: Dr Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President

January 31: The Trump Administration:
1. Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.
2. Announced Chinese travel restrictions
3. Suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports

He called it a hoax in February.

Even Democrat "fact-checkers" admit that this is another blatant lie, and that he called DEMOCRAT FEAR-MONGERING about it the hoax. :bs:

Next lie please. :cool:

He dithered for the first two weeks of March.

Do you EVER tell the truth? :laugh:

March 3: The CDC lifted federal restrictions on coronavirus testing to allow any American to be tested for coronavirus, “subject to doctor’s orders.”

The White House announced President Trump donated his fourth quarter salary to fight the coronavirus!

March 4: The Trump Administration announced the purchase of $500 million N95 respirators over the next 18 months to respond to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus

March 4: Secretary Azar announced that HHS was transferring $35 million to the CDC to help state and local communities that have been impacted most by the coronavirus

March 6: President Trump signed an $8.3 billion bill to fight the coronavirus outbreak.

The bill provides $7.76 billion to federal, state, & local agencies to combat the coronavirus and authorizes an additional $500 million in waivers for Medicare telehealth restrictions

March 9: President Trump called on Congress to pass a payroll tax cut over coronavirus

March 10: President Trump and VP Pence met with top health insurance companies and secured a commitment to waive co-pays for coronavirus testing

He's been lying about it this entire time.

You misspelled Democrats. :bs:

So all of this falls on you because you supported, defended, coddled, and protected him instead of demanding his resignation so someone else can get in there who knows what they're doing.

Lunatic reality-denying propaganda. :lolup:


When Trump loses in November, you are going to pretend you never heard of him at all.

Yeah, about Democrat predictions...

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Noticing that 80% experience few or no symptoms and that this kills almost no one CAUSED it to exist? Nice logic. :laugh:
1% fatality rate isn't "no one" especially when that 1% is about 50% >70 year olds. I.E. mostly trump voters. So you are correct, let'em die, eh? Nice logic. :laugh: