Coronavirus is a scam



Need a tissue? :crybaby:
Just decided I too am going to start referring to this as the Chinese virus. People need to be reminded with every mention of this phony scaremongering hoax that none of this would be happening without communist China's incompetent dishonesty and repeated refusal to stop this degenerate practice of eating bats...even after SARS, MERS, and countless other diseases going all the way back to the Bubonic plague. How many times does the planet have to be decimated to accommodate China's depraved behavior?
First, let's address your endlessly repeated infantile "everyone I don't like is Hitler" fallacy.

-Democrats support government-run everything.——Nazis support government-run everything.——President Trump stands for free markets, limited government.

-Democrats support gun confiscation.——Nazis support gun confiscation.——President Trump stands for armed, free citizens.

-Democrats support abortion.——Nazis support abortion.——President Trump is anti-abortion.

-Democrats support censorship.——Nazis support censorship.——President Trump stands for free speech.

-Democrats support nanny state handouts.——Nazis support nanny state handouts.——President Trump stands for self-reliance.

-Democrats support racist preferential treatment.——Nazis support racist preferential treatment.——President Trump stands for actual equality.

-Democrats support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——Nazis support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——President Trump stands for school choice, actual education.

-Democrats support illegal, unprovoked wars.——Nazis support illegal, unprovoked wars.——President Trump stands for historic progress toward peace, as with Korea.

-Democrats support no freedom of religion.——Nazis support no freedom of religion.——President Trump stands for free religious exercise.

-Democrats support rigged news media.——Nazis support rigged news media.——President Trump stands for freedom of the press.

-Democrats support propagandized entertainment.——Nazis support propagandized entertainment.——President Trump stands for agenda-free entertainment.

-Democrats support a rigged justice system.——Nazis support a rigged justice system.——President Trump stands for equal protection under the law.

-Democrats support persecution of dissent.——Nazis support persecution of dissent.——President Trump stands for vigorous, open debate.

-Democrats support violent mob rule.——Nazis support violent mob rule.——President Trump stands for the rule of law.

-Democrats support employment quotas, guarantees.——Nazis support employment quotas, guarantees.——President Trump stands for merit-based employment.

-Democrats support redistribution of wealth.——Nazis support redistribution of wealth.——President Trump stands for 'You keep what you earn.'

-Democrats support taking over corporations.——Nazis support taking over corporations.——President Trump stands for protecting property rights.

-Democrats support mandatory profit-sharing.——Nazis support mandatory profit-sharing.——President Trump stands for running your own business.

-Democrats support government pensions for all.——Nazis support government pensions for all.——President Trump stands for self-reliance, 401k.

As usual, this doesn't even vaguely address anything anyone is talking about. :palm:

Go lay down and eat your crayons while the adults finish their conversation. :dunno:

Your pointless list of untrue statements about your political opponents hardly seems relevant to any discussion we might have been having. Coronavirus may or may not be fatal - I hope it's not, since some of my own family have it - but it is evident that the rest of the world sees it as very far from being a scam, so your provincial games of silly-buggers are hardly to the point, are they?
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Your pointless list...

It's pointless to show that leftists are far more aligned with Nazis than the people they are erroneously smearing? :thinking:

Nice logic. :laugh:

...of untrue statements about your political opponents

Democrats don't support abortion, welfare state handouts, Affirmative Actions and gun control? You should really tell that to Democrats. They'll find your news very surprising.


...hardly seem relevant to any discussion we might have been having.

Except the part where you smeared Trump as a Nazi for being nothing like Democrats and Nazis. :lolup:


Coronavirus may or may not be fatal - I hope it's not, since some of my own family have it -

No need for guesswork. We already know it isn't, except for those who are already immuno-compromised...just like the flu and the common cold.

but it is evident that the rest of the world sees it as very far from being a scam

This is an ad populum fallacy (this many people agree with me, therefore I must be right). :bs:


It's pointless to show that leftists are far more aligned with Nazis than the people they are erroneously smearing? :thinking:

Nice logic. :laugh:

Democrats don't support abortion, welfare state handouts, Affirmative Actions and gun control? You should really tell that to Democrats. They'll find your news very surprising.


Except the part where you smeared Trump as a Nazi for being nothing like Democrats and Nazis. :lolup:


No need for guesswork. We already know it isn't, except for those who are already immuno-compromised...just like the flu and the common cold.

This is an ad populum fallacy (this many people agree with me, therefore I must be right). :bs:


What's all that about, then, and whatever has it to do with coronavirus? No, coronavirus, kid, is not the Black Death, but it will kill a lot of people who would otherwise live. I'm sure that doesn't loom large in the minds of weird gunbuggers who delight in death, but it does tend to weight rather with those of us who know something about the matter and are threatened, so don't waste my time with your foreign squabbles.

Say the people whose media sold them:

-the Russia collusion hoax,
-the "Investigating Biden's corruption is worse than Biden BEING corrupt" hoax,
-the Covington Catholic hoax,
-the Roy Moore pedophile hoax,
-the Kavanaugh rape gang hoax,
-the "repealing Net Neutrality will destroy the Internet" hoax,
-the Jussie Smollett hoax,
-the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax,
-the Duke Lacrosse team hoax,
-the fake Ukraine transcript hoax,
-the Trayvon Martin hoax,
-the "Trump admitted to sexual assault" hoax,
-the "penises cause climate change" hoax,
-the "uninsured crisis" hoax,
-the "Trump denying passports to Latinos" hoax,
-the multitude of college hate crime hoaxes,
-the "Mission Accomplished" hoax,
-the "deceptively edited video" Planned Parenthood hoax,
-the "children in cages" hoax,
-the Michael Cohen perjury/contacting the Russians hoaxes,
-the SPLC "hate group" hoax,
-the "Trump mocking people with disabilities" hoax,
-the "you can keep your doctor" hoax,
-the "immigrants are rapists, criminals, animals" hoax,
-the Kavanaugh "white power symbol" hoax,
-the "Trump asked Putin to hack the DNC" hoax,
-the polar bear dying from climate change hoax,
-the "Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns" hoax,
-the Scaramucci Russian bankers hoax,
-the "Muslim ban" hoax,
-the global warming "consensus" hoax,
-the "Obama's scandal-free presidency" hoax,
-the Trump Jr. WikiLeaks hoax,
-the Iran nuclear appeasement hoax,
-the "polls show Trump will lose" hoax,
-the "Obamacare will never fund abortions or illegal immigrants" hoax,
-the "Hillary exonerated" hoax,
-the "white privilege" hoax,
-the voter suppression hoax,
-and the "hands up don't shoot" hoax.
