Coronavirus is a scam

Due to the level of contagion, it could get there.

The common cold doesn't require a ventilator or permanently reduce lung function in multiple patients by 20-30%.


This is the second time you have repeated this falsehood since being corrected with links from CDC and WebMD. After three times, it becomes intentionally lying, rather than ignorance. :lies:

You can't be taken seriously anymore. To argue the common cold often has the same outcome as severe cases of COVID-19 is utterly absurd.

No one's ASKING you to take my word for ANYTHING. Hence the CDC and Web MD links you keep ignoring to shout down the evidence. :laugh:

Try to keep up. :cool:
The Coronavirus crisis is not very large at this time. The numbers are low. But Trump instead of downplaying like this boards resident rightys are, is treating it like it is huge. That should alarm our local rightys. It is likely trump knows things that should show that it is a huge problem.

Or the he is just trying to stop the media from demagoguing him into a fake election-year scandal.


He is acting scared. He drags himself off the golf course to interject himself into the Corona pressers. Something is going on.

Yes, the thing everyone keeps telling you...the thing you keep failing to comprehend (see above).
If this Virus is no worse than the flu, and is comparable to the N1H1, then the DOW must be related to the bad economy, the economy did not drop under N1H1, so its purely Trumps fault...

Whooops, they cant have it both ways.

Obama kept the economy strong through N1H1.
I'm glad he finally seems somewhat serious about this. Dare I say nearly presidential, except for his digs at China or the press.
Too bad he didn't act this way two months ago, like any other president would have.

Democrats: Launch incessant treasonous witch hunts and coup attempts to overthrow Trump's election.

Also Democrats: Why doesn't Trump respond to our hoaxes more politely?

If this Virus is no worse than the flu, and is comparable to the N1H1, then the DOW must be related to the bad economy, the economy did not drop under N1H1, so its purely Trumps fault...

Whooops, they cant have it both ways.

Obama kept the economy strong through N1H1.
Those are some pretty desperate deflections and excuses. :laugh:

1) Obama's policies (like doubling and tripling everyone else's health care costs) wouldn't logically strengthen any part of the economy. The economy SURVIVED Obama's policies.

2) H1N1 didn't have the manufactured mass hysteria and absurd overreactions that coronavirus did (and H1N1 WARRANTED such reactions, with its much higher kill rate and egregiously incompetent mishandling). Obviously, that night-and-day difference in the way it was handled is what submarined the stock market, which had broken numerous records under Trump (and continued breaking records even into this year) until Democrats turned the common cold into the apocalypse.

3) The only fundamental weakness in the economy is the astronomical national debt, only a small part of which was added by Trump. Obamacare alone added an entire extra trillion dollars illegally take over and destroy the health care system that 80+% of Americans were happy with, over a made-up crisis.


America unified.
Last time I remembered America unified, was just after 9/11…
Then again the during the north-east black-out …

Each time it was caused by alien high-tech helming.

Each time it was to hunker or to return to shopping.
This is the second time you have repeated this falsehood since being corrected with links from CDC and WebMD. After three times, it becomes intentionally lying, rather than ignorance. :lies:

No one's ASKING you to take my word for ANYTHING. Hence the CDC and Web MD links you keep ignoring to shout down the evidence. :laugh:

Try to keep up. :cool:
Hey pal, you believe whatever you want to.

Good luck trying to convince people this is equivalent to the common cold. You are a nut job.

I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

Trump is a scam
Additional facts that further demonstrate how fraudulent this hysteria is:

Fact: China completely incompetently misreported (and lied about) their numbers on the Wuhan region.

Fact: The strain that hit China was the L strain (more virulent). It mutated into the S strain, which is far less dangerous. That's the one that we are facing.

Fact: Italy didn't get ravaged by coronavirus. Italy got ravaged by its garbage socialist health care system, and by having a ton of elderly who were simply turned away. Letting people die untreated isn't coronavirus being more dangerous than the flu or the common cold.

This is in addition to...

Fact: 80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu.

Fact: Even experts from the NY Times and World Health Organization and anti-Trump critics were forced to admit Trump’s travel ban on China, which Democrats condemned as racist, made a huge impact on containing coronavirus.

Fact: Obama incompetently failed to handle H1N1, but Democrats defended that before condemning the most unprecedented success a president has ever had in containing a pandemic when it came from Trump.

Fact: Obama put rules in place that made it far more difficult to fight coronavirus. Trump reversed those rules.

Fact: Democrats were caught blatantly lying about Trump having cut funding from the CDC and NIH before this “crisis” unfolded.

Fact: Democrats were caught blatantly lying about Trump calling coronavirus a hoax, even though Democrats fearmongering the common cold into the Apocalypse IS a hoax.

Fact: Democrat “fact-checkers” were caught dishonestly smearing Trump as a liar for telling the truth about partnering with Google to build a cutting edge site for nationwide coronavirus testing…the complete opposite of Obama’s $840 million, 3-year Obamacare site that still didn’t work.

Fact: Democrats spent the first months of this “crisis” diverting all the federal resources they could to impeachment (for a non-crime that no one even witnessed).

Fact: Democrats exploited the coronavirus pandemic by filling “relief” legislation with divisive partisan (taxpayer-funded) kickbacks and payoffs for their donors while Americans suffered and died.

Fact: Democrats support open borders, which exponentially worsens epidemics and enabled H1N1 (with a 30+% mortality rate) to become an unstoppable plague.

Fact: The news media enthusiastically covered every second of every stock market sell-off throughout this “crisis” and then stopped covering it or even reacted negatively when stocks rebounded.

Fact: The media frantically fell over each other rushing in to wishfully announce this “crisis” as Trump’s “Katrina moment,” which they’ve done over and over again with every crisis–the opposite of how they covered Obama.

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Oops. This didn't age well. :rofl2:

"The World Health Organization (WHO) tried to cam fears of a pandemic on Jan. 14 by repeating China’s claim that coronavirus was not contagious among humans. “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the WHO tweeted."

FLASHBACK Jan. 14: WHO Tells Everyone Don’t Worry Because China Says Coronavirus Isn’t Contagious
Hey pal, you believe whatever you want to.

Good luck trying to convince people this is equivalent to the common cold. You are a nut job.


He's just another contrary- like Into the Night Soil and his sock, fgm7.15 . maggot too. They seem to get their jollies by annoying people with their deliberated stupidity.
He's just another contrary- like Into the Night Soil and his sock, fgm7.15 . maggot too. They seem to get their jollies by annoying people with their deliberated stupidity.

You've been proven wrong. :dunno:

Almost no one is getting hurt by this common cold apocalypse. More people freaking out about it doesn't make it less of a scam. Try thinking for yourself for once. :palm:


You've been proven wrong. :dunno:

Almost no one is getting hurt by this common cold apocalypse. More people freaking out about it doesn't make it less of a scam. Try thinking for yourself for once. :palm:

Why do you think Trump is now calling this a Pandemic, one he knew about before anyone else? When was the last time a US President declared a national health emergency for the flu? Do you think Trump is panicking?
President Trump on Tuesday said that he realized that the coronavirus outbreak was a pandemic before the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled it as such last week.

"This is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic," Trump said at a press conference with his coronavirus task force. "All you had to do was look at other countries.”
Why do you think Trump is now calling this a Pandemic

Um...because the literal definition of a pandemic is a disease that is "prevalent over a whole country or the world," and this common cold-level virus is now all over the world.


When was the last time a US President declared a national emergency for the flu?

Exactly. You're finally comprehending it. This is completely arbitrary and unprecedented. It makes no sense at all with the facts. Thank you for finally joining reality.

