Coronavirus is a scam

So let's review the facts we have gathered thus far...

Fact: 80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu.

Fact: Even experts from the NY Times and World Health Organization and anti-Trump critics were forced to admit Trump’s travel ban on China, which Democrats condemned as racist, made a huge impact on containing coronavirus.

Fact: Obama incompetently failed to handle H1N1, but Democrats defended that before condemning the most unprecedented success a president has ever had in containing a pandemic when it came from Trump.

Fact: Obama put rules in place that made it far more difficult to fight coronavirus. Trump reversed those rules.

Fact: Democrats were caught blatantly lying about Trump having cut funding from the CDC and NIH before this “crisis” unfolded.

Fact: Democrats were caught blatantly lying about Trump calling coronavirus a hoax, even though Democrats fearmongering the common cold into the Apocalypse IS a hoax.

Fact: Democrat “fact-checkers” were caught dishonestly smearing Trump as a liar for telling the truth about partnering with Google to build a cutting edge site for nationwide coronavirus testing…the complete opposite of Obama’s $840 million, 3-year Obamacare site that still didn’t work.

Fact: Democrats spent the first months of this “crisis” diverting all the federal resources they could to impeachment (for a non-crime that no one even witnessed).

Fact: Democrats exploited the coronavirus pandemic by filling “relief” legislation with divisive partisan (taxpayer-funded) kickbacks and payoffs for their donors while Americans suffered and died.

Fact: Democrats support open borders, which exponentially worsens epidemics and enabled H1N1 (with a 30+% mortality rate) to become an unstoppable plague.

Fact: The news media enthusiastically covered every second of every stock market sell-off throughout this “crisis” and then stopped covering it or even reacted negatively when stocks rebounded.

Fact: The media frantically fell over each other rushing in to wishfully announce this “crisis” as Trump’s “Katrina moment,” which they’ve done over and over again with every crisis–the opposite of how they covered Obama.
Again, I'm content to let individuals look at your posts and mine then decide for themselves.


So am I.

I've already explained how those that agree with you don't matter.
You have to ask, dumbass ?

Haw, haw...........................................haw.

No, I was mocking him like I normally do to you.

Hope every Palestinian in the world gets the virus and dies a miserable, lingering death.
Yes, my "masters" have fixed my brain to see facts (like 80% having few or no symptoms) instead of mindless hysteria. Stupid people calling other people stupid for being rational.


That's because of trumpf, see - he had a word with his Dad, who lives where it really is hot! Long live capitalism and deep thought! :)
No, I was mocking him like I normally do to you.

Hope every Palestinian in the world gets the virus and dies a miserable, lingering death.

Just as well then that you're just an insignificant methane whiff in the virus typhoon.
That's because of trumpf...

First, let's address your endlessly repeated infantile "everyone I don't like is Hitler" fallacy.

-Democrats support government-run everything.——Nazis support government-run everything.——President Trump stands for free markets, limited government.

-Democrats support gun confiscation.——Nazis support gun confiscation.——President Trump stands for armed, free citizens.

-Democrats support abortion.——Nazis support abortion.——President Trump is anti-abortion.

-Democrats support censorship.——Nazis support censorship.——President Trump stands for free speech.

-Democrats support nanny state handouts.——Nazis support nanny state handouts.——President Trump stands for self-reliance.

-Democrats support racist preferential treatment.——Nazis support racist preferential treatment.——President Trump stands for actual equality.

-Democrats support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——Nazis support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——President Trump stands for school choice, actual education.

-Democrats support illegal, unprovoked wars.——Nazis support illegal, unprovoked wars.——President Trump stands for historic progress toward peace, as with Korea.

-Democrats support no freedom of religion.——Nazis support no freedom of religion.——President Trump stands for free religious exercise.

-Democrats support rigged news media.——Nazis support rigged news media.——President Trump stands for freedom of the press.

-Democrats support propagandized entertainment.——Nazis support propagandized entertainment.——President Trump stands for agenda-free entertainment.

-Democrats support a rigged justice system.——Nazis support a rigged justice system.——President Trump stands for equal protection under the law.

-Democrats support persecution of dissent.——Nazis support persecution of dissent.——President Trump stands for vigorous, open debate.

-Democrats support violent mob rule.——Nazis support violent mob rule.——President Trump stands for the rule of law.

-Democrats support employment quotas, guarantees.——Nazis support employment quotas, guarantees.——President Trump stands for merit-based employment.

-Democrats support redistribution of wealth.——Nazis support redistribution of wealth.——President Trump stands for 'You keep what you earn.'

-Democrats support taking over corporations.——Nazis support taking over corporations.——President Trump stands for protecting property rights.

-Democrats support mandatory profit-sharing.——Nazis support mandatory profit-sharing.——President Trump stands for running your own business.

-Democrats support government pensions for all.——Nazis support government pensions for all.——President Trump stands for self-reliance, 401k.

...he had a word with his Dad, who lives where it really is hot! Long live capitalism and deep thought!

As usual, this doesn't even vaguely address anything anyone is talking about. :palm:

Go lay down and eat your crayons while the adults finish their conversation. :dunno:
A pandemic refers to a virus that hits all the continents. Corona does not qualify having reached 6. So it is not a pandemic. It not about your uninformed right-wing opinion. An epidemic refers to the uptake of a disease in an area. An epidemic can be quite local.

So if someone catches a cold, it's an epidemic, is it?
The common cold doesn't put people on ventilators, have the potential to permanently reduce lung function by 20-30% or overburden healthcare systems to the breaking point.

The U.S. healthcare system is nowhere near the breaking point. Italy's system was already broken before the virus.
The common cold can sometimes require a ventilator.