Coronavirus is a scam

Conservatism didn't create the virus, but it did create the pandemic in the US.

It did that through poor leadership; through Trump not taking the threat seriously in December, for ignoring it in January, for calling it a hoax in February, for dithering during the first two weeks of this month.

Conservatives followed that leadership by echoing it, claiming the virus is s hoax, an impeachment attempt, dismissing it as "just the flu".

Every single one of them is culpable for this pandemic because they didn't take this seriously, and never would have even if they knew this is what would happen.

They're just lazy. Everything about them is lazy; their arguments, their work ethic, their approach to any's all laziness.
Lazy Conservative crybaby whiners.

Even the OP shows this.

Conservatives actively encouraged the outbreak to become a pandemic through their dismissals and "hoax" labels.

And then you had Trump say he takes no responsibility at all for anything.

Every single Conservative on JPP played a part in this pandemic by dismissing it and calling it a hoax for so long.

Dude, you are as wrong as this guy:
Not a fact. An argument. Learn what the word 'fact' means. It does not mean 'universal truth'.
Okay. You've decided to deny what you posted. Fine.
WRONG. See the forum rules.

Why keep the panic going? Why are you so invested in it? There is nothing to wait for.

You ARE invested in panic. You are lying by denying it now. You are lying by denying what you have already posted here for all to see.
But you two obviously deserve each other. If it was up to me, I'd dump both of you into a pit with sharpened sticks and sell tickets on PPV.
Dude, you are as wrong as this guy:But you two obviously deserve each other. If it was up to me, I'd dump both of you into a pit with sharpened sticks and sell tickets on PPV.

So you don't think that spreading misinformation, calling it a hoax, dismissing the severity, play a role in taking an outbreak into a pandemic?

If not, then you're as dumb as the people fooled by this act of yours.
Dude, you are as wrong as this guy:But you two obviously deserve each other. If it was up to me, I'd dump both of you into a pit with sharpened sticks and sell tickets on PPV.

I just want to make sure I understand your position is that spreading misinformation, dismissing the severity, and calling it a hoax play no part in taking an outbreak into a pandemic?

Is that what you actually believe? You believe that spreading lies about a virus does not contribute to the pandemic?

It's OK if you want to posture and not answer. Just know that no answer is pretty much an answer.
Conservatism didn't create the virus, but it did create the pandemic in the US.

It did that through poor leadership; through Trump not taking the threat seriously in December, for ignoring it in January, for calling it a hoax in February, for dithering during the first two weeks of this month.

Conservatives followed that leadership by echoing it, claiming the virus is s hoax, an impeachment attempt, dismissing it as "just the flu".

Every single one of them is culpable for this pandemic because they didn't take this seriously, and never would have even if they knew this is what would happen.

They're just lazy. Everything about them is lazy; their arguments, their work ethic, their approach to any's all laziness.

There is no pandemic in the U.S. A pandemic by nature is many nations. There is no pandemic anywhere. It is the winter flu, which seems milder than usual this year.
Lazy Conservative crybaby whiners.

Even the OP shows this.

Conservatives actively encouraged the outbreak to become a pandemic through their dismissals and "hoax" labels.

And then you had Trump say he takes no responsibility at all for anything.


Conservatives didn't manufacture the virus, dumbass. The 'outbreak' is miniscule.
Dude, you are as wrong as this guy:But you two obviously deserve each other. If it was up to me, I'd dump both of you into a pit with sharpened sticks and sell tickets on PPV.

Nice to see you have dreams of committing violence against others. Have you seen your shrink about this?
So you don't think that spreading misinformation, calling it a hoax, dismissing the severity, play a role in taking an outbreak into a pandemic?

If not, then you're as dumb as the people fooled by this act of yours.

There is no pandemic. There is no epidemic. There is only fear mongering. 0.000135% infection rate is not a pandemic or an epidemic.
Nice to see you have dreams of committing violence against others. Have you seen your shrink about this?

Why lie? Is that your first reaction to being in a pit with him; to commit violence? Why not drive those two sharpened sticks into the ground and help each other out of the pit?
There is no pandemic. There is no epidemic. There is only fear mongering. 0.000135% infection rate is not a pandemic or an epidemic.

A pandemic refers to a virus that hits all the continents. Corona does not qualify having reached 6. So it is not a pandemic. It not about your uninformed right-wing opinion. An epidemic refers to the uptake of a disease in an area. An epidemic can be quite local.
He never had any.
