Coronavirus is a scam

When all is said and done, this pandemic will have not only killed more people than H1N1, but will have pushed this country into a recession because of poor leadership.

Poor leadership that your poor judgment wasn't able to suss out when it mattered.

... ANDDDDD you are falling hook line and sinker for what the smear merchant fake news media wants you to believe.

The effects on the economy and stock market and etc. are not due to "poor leadership". They are due to TDS sufferers freaking out about a flu virus, eyeing an opportunity to attack Trump and take away his economic successes in time for November.

But no worries, once this winter flu season is said and done, and we survive to tell the tale, and the "I survived coronavirus" t-shirts get printed, and Trump begins putting out a "we won the war against coronavirus" message (people tend to get behind a strong leader who conquers their enemies), support for him will be as strong as ever, and the fake news media will lose yet again.
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Your posts. You are obviously filled with a lot of anger, even hatred. You are very bitter. I've yet to see a post from you that wasn't laced with some form of anger or negative emotion. You rant, lie, make false accusations. While a young person can get away with that for a period of time, older people, and I admit to assuming you are in your 60s or 70s, cannot. They'll either pay a price such as divorce and ostracization from family and friends thus living as a shut-in or they'll be put into some sort of facility, often against their will.

Why do I have to prove anything? I'm stating my opinion on a debate forum. You are free to deny my assessments and make your own. Other members will decide for themselves if you're the nutjob or if I am one.

So, speculation on your part? Got it.

You make a lot of assumptions that are absolutely wrong.

You're not stating an opinion. You made a claim you're unwilling to prove.

Other members have. Those that matter agree with me. Those that don't matter are nutjobs just like you.
What has been proven is the Rightys are still all in. there is not one crazy Trumpy on this board who has admitted that Trump totally fucked Corona up. Or that he made any miscues at all.They seek some weird-ass justifications for all he does. We still do not have masks. The same ones Trump said were available, when they were not. Trump lies every day and the Rightys buy it all the way. I never realized the power of self deception could keep rightys in line while Trump makes a mess. It is past time to think they are capable of digesting any information that goes against Trumpy. They are all in. Facts and data are irrelevant. Trump can do no wrong.
What poor leadership, you ask?

*gestures at the television, just as Trump abandons the press conference*

A good job would have been taking the threat seriously in December, screening travelers, containing the infected, and providing certainty.

None of those things happened, and since you're defending this shit, you get to own it now too.

You are to blame for this.

It is LIBERALS who want open borders and want to let everybody flood into this country without even blinking an eye about it, numbnuts...

If anything, you are making the case for what Trump and conservatives want to do with regard to strengthening our borders.

Ready to get red-pilled yet? ;)
Your posts. You are obviously filled with a lot of anger, even hatred. You are very bitter. I've yet to see a post from you that wasn't laced with some form of anger or negative emotion. You rant, lie, make false accusations. While a young person can get away with that for a period of time, older people, and I admit to assuming you are in your 60s or 70s, cannot. They'll either pay a price such as divorce and ostracization from family and friends thus living as a shut-in or they'll be put into some sort of facility, often against their will.

Why do I have to prove anything? I'm stating my opinion on a debate forum. You are free to deny my assessments and make your own. Other members will decide for themselves if you're the nutjob or if I am one.
So, speculation on your part? Got it.

You make a lot of assumptions that are absolutely wrong.

You're not stating an opinion. You made a claim you're unwilling to prove.

Other members have. Those that matter agree with me. Those that don't matter are nutjobs just like you.

More of an informed opinion. "Speculation" based on the evidence of your posts. As I pointed out, you find it very difficult to post anything positive. Even your reply is laced with anger, hate and bitterness. You can't help yourself.

If you want to prove me wrong then post three post that are positive, happy and supportive of others without a single negative remark.

Like you, ,Biden thought Obama was qualified based on skin color.

Another lie from you. Sad, but it just adds weight to my assessment of you.
Dear Conservative Idiots,

This is all your fault. It's your fault for voting for Trump. It's your fault for defending him. It's your fault for protecting him.

We could have removed him from the Oval Office and put someone in there with a modicum of leadership, but you didn't want to do that because it would have meant that the judgment you relied on to make the decision to vote for Trump, which is the same judgment that has steered you so poorly this century, is a flaming pile of dog shit and you can't bear that embarrassment.

So all of this now falls on you. This is what I've been talking about when I say that Trump is going to abscond and leave you holding his baggage. Even long after Trump is gone, you are still going to get the blame for this.

Trump will be gone one day, but the stink he put on you will last forever.
What has been proven is the Rightys are still all in. there is not one crazy Trumpy on this board who has admitted that Trump totally fucked Corona up. Or that he made any miscues at all.They seek some weird-ass justifications for all he does. We still do not have masks. The same ones Trump said were available, when they were not. Trump lies every day and the Rightys buy it all the way. I never realized the power of self deception could keep rightys in line while Trump makes a mess. It is past time to think they are capable of digesting any information that goes against Trumpy. They are all in. Facts and data are irrelevant. Trump can do no wrong.

The second Trump leaves office, they will all be struck by the same curious case of amnesia that afflicted them after Bush the Dumber.

Symptoms include: sudden concern over the deficit, teabags being stapled to their faces, screaming about birth certificates.
More of an informed opinion. "Speculation" based on the evidence of your posts. As I pointed out, you find it very difficult to post anything positive. Even your reply is laced with anger, hate and bitterness. You can't help yourself.

If you want to prove me wrong then post three post that are positive, happy and supportive of others without a single negative remark.

Another lie from you. Sad, but it just adds weight to my assessment of you.

Too subjective to be valid. Too much of an opportunity for confirmation bias on your part.

I don't have to prove you wrong. You have to prove your claim. Next thing you'll expect me to do is provide a copy of your diploma you claim you have.

As far as you telling me what to do, I don't fucking work for you. You figure out what that means. As far as posting positive things, I post them to those that warrant being treated in that manner. Since you get less than positive comments, figure out what that means, too.

If all you idiots that voted for Obama were telling the truth when you claim now you didn't, he wouldn't have been elected.
Dear Conservative Idiots,

This is all your fault. It's your fault for voting for Trump. It's your fault for defending him. It's your fault for protecting him.

We could have removed him from the Oval Office and put someone in there with a modicum of leadership, but you didn't want to do that because it would have meant that the judgment you relied on to make the decision to vote for Trump, which is the same judgment that has steered you so poorly this century, is a flaming pile of dog shit and you can't bear that embarrassment.

So all of this now falls on you. This is what I've been talking about when I say that Trump is going to abscond and leave you holding his baggage. Even long after Trump is gone, you are still going to get the blame for this.

Trump will be gone one day, but the stink he put on you will last forever.

We? Are you now claiming you're a Senator?
Too subjective to be valid. Too much of an opportunity for confirmation bias on your part.

I don't have to prove you wrong. You have to prove your claim....
Nice wiggle from you.

Of course you don't. No, I don't. I'm content to let everyone on this forum look at your posts and mine then come to their own conclusions.

...If you want to prove me wrong then post three post that are positive, happy and supportive of others without a single negative remark....

The fact remains you can't find three positive posts as I requested. No matter. You and I both knew you couldn't do it.
Nice wiggle from you.

Of course you don't. No, I don't. I'm content to let everyone on this forum look at your posts and mine then come to their own conclusions.

No, just you and your confirmation bias.

What you can't do is prove your claim and are the one wiggling away from it. I guess you thought people would accept your 'because I said so' defense.

Those that matter have come to the correct conclusion and those that don't matter support you.
No, just you and your confirmation bias.

What you can't do is prove your claim and are the one wiggling away from it. I guess you thought people would accept your 'because I said so' defense.

Those that matter have come to the correct conclusion and those that don't matter support you.

Again, I'm content to let individuals look at your posts and mine then decide for themselves.

Why do you think so?
Because it is.
Are you educated in the field or have you just spent some court-appointed time in an anger-management group or something similar?
Void authority fallacy. I don't study psychoquackery. I've seen too many people destroyed by it.
Correct about the infection rate....for the moment. Why are you trying to hard to prove to everyone you are correct when all I advised is to wait and see?
Because the panic is causing the problems. The virus isn't. It's milder than usual for the flu this year. Why are you so invested in the panic?