Coronavirus is a scam

Thanks for the clarification. Just so we're clear, I'm not a shrink, a counselor or anything other than a student of behavioral psychology. I'm more interested in finding out what makes people tick than in fixing them.

That point aside, hate is a very powerful and intense negative emotion. It does more harm to the hater than the hated. You can easily see the harm it has caused to the personalities on this forum who hate "liberals", "Obama", etc. It's easier to see the negative results in others than in oneself, but those results are the same. My best advice is to let it go or, even better, try to understand why so many people did vote for Trump or didn't vote for Hillary. It's flippant and, IMO, ignorant to believe they are just stupid, ignorant, fell for a lie, etc. The truth is most voted for the "R", not the "D" as opposed to voting for Trump the fucking moron. :)

You might try philosophy. Psychology is largely just quackery.
Oooh, you're angry with me. What are you going to do about it? Yell at one of the orderlies? Break your plastic spoon and refuse to eat your mush? LOL

What makes you think that?

The better question is what are you going to do to prove YOUR claim?
When all is said and done, this pandemic will have not only killed more people than H1N1, but will have pushed this country into a recession because of poor leadership.

Poor leadership that your poor judgment wasn't able to suss out when it mattered.

It has a *long* way to go before it even gets close to those numbers! You are fear mongering.
What poor leadership, you ask?

*gestures at the television, just as Trump abandons the press conference*

A good job would have been taking the threat seriously in December, screening travelers, containing the infected, and providing certainty.

None of those things happened, and since you're defending this shit, you get to own it now too.

You are to blame for this.

What threat?
Into the Night Soil;

You are fear mongering.

You won't mind if he has your ventilator then, will ya, sockhead.
An interesting claim. Time will tell. I fail to see why everyone is so quick to claim what this is or isn't. Why not wait 4-6 weeks and see what happens?
Disagreed, but it always interests me when people are so quick to be in denial.


0.000135% infection rate is not an epidemic. It is not a pandemic. It is not even a situation.

It is YOU that in denial. You are denying the mathematics of it.

0.000135% infection rate is not an epidemic. It is not a pandemic. It is not even a situation.

It is YOU that in denial. You are denying the mathematics of it.
Why do you think so? Are you educated in the field or have you just spent some court-appointed time in an anger-management group or something similar?

Correct about the infection rate....for the moment. Why are you trying to hard to prove to everyone you are correct when all I advised is to wait and see?
What makes you think that?

The better question is what are you going to do to prove YOUR claim?

Your posts. You are obviously filled with a lot of anger, even hatred. You are very bitter. I've yet to see a post from you that wasn't laced with some form of anger or negative emotion. You rant, lie, make false accusations. While a young person can get away with that for a period of time, older people, and I admit to assuming you are in your 60s or 70s, cannot. They'll either pay a price such as divorce and ostracization from family and friends thus living as a shut-in or they'll be put into some sort of facility, often against their will.

Why do I have to prove anything? I'm stating my opinion on a debate forum. You are free to deny my assessments and make your own. Other members will decide for themselves if you're the nutjob or if I am one.
This is correct. All religions are based on some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. The other word for the circular argument is 'faith'. Fundamentalists try to prove the circular argument, and thus make the circular argument fallacy.

A good topic for another thread but there is a very large difference between faith and a religion. Religions requires believers to have faith but those with faith don't require a religion.