Coronavirus is a scam

I believe your degree. I do apologize for my intense negativity. I can't help myself. I hate Trump voters. I need therapy. I'm on the coach, let the healing begin.
I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to vote for Trump. It's my crestfallenness about the human condition that causes the rage!

Thanks for the clarification. Just so we're clear, I'm not a shrink, a counselor or anything other than a student of behavioral psychology. I'm more interested in finding out what makes people tick than in fixing them.

That point aside, hate is a very powerful and intense negative emotion. It does more harm to the hater than the hated. You can easily see the harm it has caused to the personalities on this forum who hate "liberals", "Obama", etc. It's easier to see the negative results in others than in oneself, but those results are the same. My best advice is to let it go or, even better, try to understand why so many people did vote for Trump or didn't vote for Hillary. It's flippant and, IMO, ignorant to believe they are just stupid, ignorant, fell for a lie, etc. The truth is most voted for the "R", not the "D" as opposed to voting for Trump the fucking moron. :)
The liberal media has played this up and created a panic. Their one goal: Get rid of Trump. Create a pandemic, blame Trump for the response.

H1N1 killed more people, and there was no panic.

When all is said and done, this pandemic will have not only killed more people than H1N1, but will have pushed this country into a recession because of poor leadership.

Poor leadership that your poor judgment wasn't able to suss out when it mattered.
When all is said and done, this pandemic will have not only killed more people than H1N1, but will have pushed this country into a recession because of poor leadership.

Poor leadership that your poor judgment wasn't able to suss out when it mattered.

What poor leadership? They've actually done a good job. Media is causing a Panic.
What poor leadership? They've actually done a good job. Media is causing a Panic.

What poor leadership, you ask?

*gestures at the television, just as Trump abandons the press conference*

A good job would have been taking the threat seriously in December, screening travelers, containing the infected, and providing certainty.

None of those things happened, and since you're defending this shit, you get to own it now too.

You are to blame for this.
What poor leadership, you ask?

*gestures at the television, just as Trump abandons the press conference*

A good job would have been taking the threat seriously in December, screening travelers, containing the infected, and providing certainty.

None of those things happened, and since you're defending this shit, you get to own it now too.

You are to blame for this.

whata a friggin nut**bag. everything is always someone you don't like's fault.

I suppose the Obama 8 year disaster was Bush's fault? right nutter?
What poor leadership, you ask?

*gestures at the television, just as Trump abandons the press conference*

A good job would have been taking the threat seriously in December, screening travelers, containing the infected, and providing certainty.

None of those things happened, and since you're defending this shit, you get to own it now too.

You are to blame for this.

He's too stupid to be afraid of anything other than losing the election. I think experts and his own VP convinced him to look at the numbers across the planet.

As Pence and his team have mentioned, the problem is if this disease spreads too fast and overwhelms our healthcare system. US healthcare is a "for-profit" business so it only builds capacity to meet average needs. An epidemic would quickly overwhelm the system. The Chinese built new hospitals in six days. There's no fucking way the US could do that because of both a lack of federal authority and, mainly, a lack of funding. If the spread of the disease can be flattened to infect people more gradually, the present healthcare system can handle the constant load.

Another concern, of course, is that the healthcare workers themselves, including First Responders, would be taken out for a week or two, with the virus at a time when We, the People, need them most.

First responders have already been changing their procedures to minimize exposure to viruses and other diseases when treating people. After all, with the homeless out there passing around cholera, bubonic plague, a whole zoo of viruses, and just human shit everywhere; others that carry AIDS; illegal Mexicans with tuberculosis, etc. they have to respond to this.

Trump did what he did to release funds to build hospital programs without the usual red tape from the government.

There is no epidemic. There is no pandemic. Our healthcare system is the best in the world. It can handle a pretty severe epidemic if one came along.
It's unsurprising that a person afflicted with a mental disorder would call it "psychobabble blather". I'm content to let everyone on this forum read your posts and mine then decide who is or isn't rational, mature and least likely to end up on the evening news in a negative way.

Psychobabble blather.
....There is no epidemic. There is no pandemic. Our healthcare system is the best in the world. It can handle a pretty severe epidemic if one came along.

An interesting claim. Time will tell. I fail to see why everyone is so quick to claim what this is or isn't. Why not wait 4-6 weeks and see what happens?

Psychobabble blather.

Disagreed, but it always interests me when people are so quick to be in denial.
No, but I hope you are intelligent enough to understand "mocking" anything is a negative reaction. The intelligent and honest, even Christian, reaction is to disagree and point out the correct path. You are very good at slinging insults, making false accusations, spreading hate and division, but you always fail to point out the good, honest Christian path. Why is that?

I never claimed to be an "expert on the human mind", just a student with a degree in Behavioral Psychology. I explained why I obtained my bachelor degree in another post. Feel free to look it up. Why does my background bother you so much? Am I hitting too close to home? Touching a nerve? Again, if my posts bother you so much the easiest solution is for you to put me on ignore.

You are not Christ. You do not get to choose 'the correct path' for anyone other than yourself.
There is no proof that I am willing to present. Disbelieve me just like I disbelieve you are a normal, stable human being.

Everyone here is free to claim anything they like. It's their posts that determine if they are sane, normal, intelligent, educated, etc. It's difficult if not impossible for a mentally ill and/or hateful person to sustain a claim they are rational, normal, intelligent, educated and congenial.

Psycho quackery.
If I understand you correctly and you mean outside of the religious definition, then I agree that people who are fundamentalists are irrational since they adhere to a strict set of rules that often defy reason.

This is correct. All religions are based on some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. The other word for the circular argument is 'faith'. Fundamentalists try to prove the circular argument, and thus make the circular argument fallacy.