Coronavirus is a scam

Of those who survive ICU and recover, they have a 30 percent diminution in lung function permanently due to scar tissue.

Thanks Trump
Preliminary studies show that children are more likely to transmit disease to each other in school, and to then transmit it to adults at home. It appears that this even happens with diseases they are more resistant to than adults are. It is far from certain, but local and state leaders are following the best practices that we currently have.

We have to decide whether we as a nation will follow the best practices developed by experts, or the musings of an old man who inherited a lot of money and did little with it.

Buzzword fallacies.
Bigotry fallacy.
Unknown. Probably because he too is taken in by the fear mongering to a certain extent.

He's too stupid to be afraid of anything other than losing the election. I think experts and his own VP convinced him to look at the numbers across the planet.

As Pence and his team have mentioned, the problem is if this disease spreads too fast and overwhelms our healthcare system. US healthcare is a "for-profit" business so it only builds capacity to meet average needs. An epidemic would quickly overwhelm the system. The Chinese built new hospitals in six days. There's no fucking way the US could do that because of both a lack of federal authority and, mainly, a lack of funding. If the spread of the disease can be flattened to infect people more gradually, the present healthcare system can handle the constant load.

Another concern, of course, is that the healthcare workers themselves, including First Responders, would be taken out for a week or two, with the virus at a time when We, the People, need them most.
Multiple studies, not "a study".
Makes no difference.

A study is proof.
No it isn't. In fact, you will find that studies can and do contradict one another. A proof is simply an extension of a foundational axiom. Proofs only exist in closed functional systems such as mathematics.

It might not be conclusive proof, but it is proof that is used to build conclusive proof.
Define "proof". Define "conclusive proof".

Proof is not based on a spectrum. Either a proof exists or it doesn't. There is no "sorta, but not really" with regard to proofs.

They are still working out the mechanisms that spread diseases in our culture, but a lack of funding is an issue.
Dump more money at it... THAT'LL make it better!!! ;) ;)

We have a lack of funding, because losers like trump think they are smarter than the people who actually study the problems.
Yup... All Trump's fault, obviously! Same with every other "evil" in the world... Damn Trump... ;) ;)
Your masters have obviously fixed your small brain very thoroughly, kid! :)

Yes, my "masters" have fixed my brain to see facts (like 80% having few or no symptoms) instead of mindless hysteria. Stupid people calling other people stupid for being rational.

Of those who survive ICU and recover, they have a 30 percent diminution in lung function permanently due to scar tissue.

Thanks Trump

1) This is what happens with FLU. Nothing new to fear-monger over here. :dunno:

2) Trump unleashed this? :laugh:
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Yup... All Trump's fault, obviously! Same with every other "evil" in the world... Damn Trump...

Your shallow sock mentality fails to grasp that it's the ignorance that Trump represents, as well as the Mango Moron himself.
He's too stupid to be afraid of anything other than losing the election. I think experts and his own VP convinced him to look at the numbers across the planet.

Wrong. Looking at the numbers around the planet would make him care LESS. He is overreacting to keep media propagandists from succeeding at demagoguing him into a made-up scandal during an election year.

As Pence and his team have mentioned, the problem is if this disease spreads too fast and overwhelms our healthcare system. US healthcare is a "for-profit" business so it only builds capacity to meet average needs.

This is a blatant lie. Italy stopped admitting old people and let them die because their garbage socialist system failed like socialist systems always fail. The U.S. having free markets is not what's driving this imaginary crisis...misinformation and ignorant hysterics like you are what's driving it.
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It's unsurprising that a person afflicted with a mental disorder would call it "psychobabble blather". I'm content to let everyone on this forum read your posts and mine then decide who is or isn't rational, mature and least likely to end up on the evening news in a negative way.

Yes, only crazy people would call aimlessly rambling about off-topic psychological platitudes that no one else is talking about "psychobabble blather." Such a gigantic leap of logic to characterize something as exactly what it is.


Your shallow sock mentality fails to grasp that it's the ignorance that Trump represents, as well as the Mango Moron himself.

Yes, following the facts instead of ignorant scaremongering propaganda makes a person "ignorant."


Devastating logic. :laugh:
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Yes, only crazy people would call aimlessly rambling about off-topic psychological platitudes that no one else is talking about "psychobabble blather." Such a gigantic leap of logic to characterize something as exactly what it is.


Possibly. OTOH, only crazy people would become enraged at such posts instead of simply ignoring them.
You rightys who are conned by Trump can simply ignore all the medical advice you want. You guys know better that they do. carry on as you wish.
Possibly. OTOH, only crazy people would become enraged at such posts instead of simply ignoring them.

Mocking your stupidity is being "enraged?" You're right, you ARE an expert on the human mind. What an insightful and profound assessment. I'm guessing you got this degree you so desperately where on your sleeve at every turn from Overcompensation University?

You rightys who are conned by Trump...

Say the people who fell for:

-the Russia collusion hoax,
-the "Investigating Biden's corruption is worse than Biden BEING corrupt" hoax,
-the Covington Catholic hoax,
-the Roy Moore pedophile hoax,
-the Kavanaugh rape gang hoax,
-the "repealing Net Neutrality will destroy the Internet" hoax,
-the Jussie Smollett hoax,
-the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax,
-the Duke Lacrosse team hoax,
-the fake Ukraine transcript hoax,
-the Trayvon Martin hoax,
-the "Trump admitted to sexual assault" hoax,
-the "penises cause climate change" hoax,
-the "uninsured crisis" hoax,
-the "Trump denying passports to Latinos" hoax,
-the multitude of college hate crime hoaxes,
-the "Mission Accomplished" hoax,
-the "deceptively edited video" Planned Parenthood hoax,
-the "children in cages" hoax,
-the Michael Cohen perjury/contacting the Russians hoaxes,
-the SPLC "hate group" hoax,
-the "Trump mocking people with disabilities" hoax,
-the "you can keep your doctor" hoax,
-the "immigrants are rapists, criminals, animals" hoax,
-the Kavanaugh "white power symbol" hoax,
-the "Trump asked Putin to hack the DNC" hoax,
-the polar bear dying from climate change hoax,
-the "Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns" hoax,
-the Scaramucci Russian bankers hoax,
-the "Muslim ban" hoax,
-the global warming "consensus" hoax,
-the "Obama's scandal-free presidency" hoax,
-the Trump Jr. WikiLeaks hoax,
-the Iran nuclear appeasement hoax,
-the "polls show Trump will lose" hoax,
-the "Obamacare will never fund abortions or illegal immigrants" hoax,
-the "Hillary exonerated" hoax,
-the "white privilege" hoax,
-the voter suppression hoax,
-and the "hands up don't shoot" hoax.

...can simply ignore all the medical advice you want.You guys know better that they do. carry on as you wish.

Enough to know that 80% having zero or barely noticeable symptoms = Not a crisis, sure. :laugh:
Yes, they are doing it, because governors are banning groups of 50 or more (like the twit here in Washington),
The twit here in Wisconsin has done the same thing. I also noticed that people keep changing the arbitrary number around (they can't make up their minds). I've seen it anywhere from 10 to 250.

and CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press, and have been successful enough at fear mongering that many companies fell for it.

Paper masks are stupid. They don't stop the virus. Hoarding them only make it harder to perform dusty work for those that can't get them.
Precisely. That includes people like my mom who wears them when doing dusty work because of her allergies.

Hoarding toilet paper is stupid. It has nothing to do with the virus.
Yup, and it only makes it harder for people like me who just want to have some toilet paper around so that I can wipe my ass after taking a shit. I had to go to a small overlooked town that's near me just to get some, and even they barely had any left on the shelves.

Hoarding hand lotion is stupid. It has nothing to do with the virus.

Hoarding the gloves is stupid. It just make it more difficult to use them for actual first aid, fixing engines, or other dirty or chemical work.

Closing businesses is stupid. It will just make them lose money...a LOT of money. Many won't survive it. Democrats are depending on this of course to take away what they perceive as Trump's biggest successes.
Nailed it.

It's obvious that they've been trying everything they can do to remove him from office since the first day he took office (and even scheming well before then). All the various hoaxes have failed, the whole impeachment nonsense failed, so now they are pushing mass hysteria over a flu virus to severely cripple the economy to take away a major Trump accomplishment and then subsequently blame him for the downturn, since he "oversaw" it. Democrats are causing a lot of people financial losses/hardships over their TDS...

Hoarding alcohol is stupid. It creates a serious fire hazard in your home.
Yup. Then again, I don't drink alcohol any more often than once in a blue moon anyway. I prefer whole milk and water personally.

The infection rate in Washington is 0.000129%. In most cases, it appears as a bad cold and nothing more.
Yup. Here in Wisconsin, we currently have 48 confirmed cases out of a nearly 6 million population. Our first confirmed case was on February 5th, so in about a month and a half of time since then, we've had 47 new confirmed cases. I didn't bother with looking into the "day by day" numbers of new cases.

Fear mongering by the Democrats is the problem. Fear mongering by YOU is the problem.
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Mocking your stupidity is being "enraged?" You're right, you ARE an expert on the human mind. What an insightful and profound assessment. I'm guessing you got this degree you so desperately where on your sleeve at every turn from Overcompensation University?


No, but I hope you are intelligent enough to understand "mocking" anything is a negative reaction. The intelligent and honest, even Christian, reaction is to disagree and point out the correct path. You are very good at slinging insults, making false accusations, spreading hate and division, but you always fail to point out the good, honest Christian path. Why is that?

I never claimed to be an "expert on the human mind", just a student with a degree in Behavioral Psychology. I explained why I obtained my bachelor degree in another post. Feel free to look it up. Why does my background bother you so much? Am I hitting too close to home? Touching a nerve? Again, if my posts bother you so much the easiest solution is for you to put me on ignore.