Coronavirus is a scam

Lefties typically aren't. They typically have no sense of humor.

A slight correction: Political and/or religious extremists have no sense of humor. Note the extremists of all flavors on this thread and others for numerous examples.
No, but I hope you are intelligent enough to understand "mocking" anything is a negative reaction. The intelligent and honest, even Christian, reaction is to disagree and point out the correct path. You are very good at slinging insults, making false accusations, spreading hate and division, but you always fail to point out the good, honest Christian path. Why is that?

I never claimed to be an "expert on the human mind", just a student with a degree in Behavioral Psychology. I explained why I obtained my bachelor degree in another post. Feel free to look it up. Why does my background bother you so much? Am I hitting too close to home? Touching a nerve? Again, if my posts bother you so much the easiest solution is for you to put me on ignore.

Where is your proof of that degree? Feel free to provide something verifiable that supports your claim. BTW, 'because I said so' isn't proof.
A scientific study is the very definition of scientific proof.
There is no such thing as a "scientific study" or a "scientific proof". There are just studies and proofs.

Proof does not mean that something is definite,
Yes it does.

it means there is evidence that something might be correct.
Evidence is not a proof. They are two completely different things.

Falsifiability, which is central to the scientific method means the ability to prove something false. This is the core of the scientific method.
Any theory of science needs to continue surviving such null hypothesis testing. The moment that it fails such testing, it is no longer a theory of science.

You don't just get to say "science is open, so I can say whatever I want".
Yes you can. The only rules are that the theory is falsifiable and that it is internally and externally consistent.

We seriously do not have all the answers on how diseases spread, and we have almost none of the answers on how Covid-19 spreads.
It spreads the same as any other flu virus spreads.

It is going to spread and get far worse.
You are full of irrational fear I see. Over the last month and a half (since Wisconsin got its first confirmed case on February 5th), Wisconsin has only gotten 47 more confirmed cases over that time period.
Where is your proof of that degree? Feel free to provide something verifiable that supports your claim. BTW, 'because I said so' isn't proof.

There is no proof that I am willing to present. Disbelieve me just like I disbelieve you are a normal, stable human being.

Everyone here is free to claim anything they like. It's their posts that determine if they are sane, normal, intelligent, educated, etc. It's difficult if not impossible for a mentally ill and/or hateful person to sustain a claim they are rational, normal, intelligent, educated and congenial.
I think the underlying condition we are pointing out is one's fundamentalism.

If I understand you correctly and you mean outside of the religious definition, then I agree that people who are fundamentalists are irrational since they adhere to a strict set of rules that often defy reason.
There is no proof that I am willing to present. Disbelieve me just like I disbelieve you are a normal, stable human being.

Everyone here is free to claim anything they like. It's their posts that determine if they are sane, normal, intelligent, educated, etc. It's difficult if not impossible for a mentally ill and/or hateful person to sustain a claim they are rational, normal, intelligent, educated and congenial.

Gutless coward. Someone that seems to be as proud of what they claim as you are shouldn't be scared to provide the proof. That is, if there is any.

Using posts is too subjective, therefore, an unreliable way. I thought someone as smart and educated as you claimed would know that.
If I understand you correctly and you mean outside of the religious definition, then I agree that people who are fundamentalists are irrational since they adhere to a strict set of rules that often defy reason.

It means they have unwavering standards by which they live and, unlike you, don't base what they support using the flavor of the day mentality.
No, but I hope you are intelligent enough to understand "mocking" anything is a negative reaction. The intelligent and honest, even Christian, reaction is to disagree and point out the correct path. You are very good at slinging insults, making false accusations, spreading hate and division, but you always fail to point out the good, honest Christian path. Why is that?

I never claimed to be an "expert on the human mind", just a student with a degree in Behavioral Psychology. I explained why I obtained my bachelor degree in another post. Feel free to look it up. Why does my background bother you so much? Am I hitting too close to home? Touching a nerve? Again, if my posts bother you so much the easiest solution is for you to put me on ignore.

I believe your degree. I do apologize for my intense negativity. I can't help myself. I hate Trump voters. I need therapy. I'm on the coach, let the healing begin.
I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to vote for Trump. It's my crestfallenness about the human condition that causes the rage!
Gutless coward. Someone that seems to be as proud of what they claim as you are shouldn't be scared to provide the proof. That is, if there is any.

Using posts is too subjective, therefore, an unreliable way. I thought someone as smart and educated as you claimed would know that.

Oooh, you're angry with me. What are you going to do about it? Yell at one of the orderlies? Break your plastic spoon and refuse to eat your mush? LOL
The liberal media has played this up and created a panic. Their one goal: Get rid of Trump. Create a pandemic, blame Trump for the response.

H1N1 killed more people, and there was no panic.