Coronavirus is a scam

80% of Covid-19 patients think they just have a flu, whereas 100% of flu patients think they have the flu. 20% of Covid-19 patients need to go to a hospital, whereas 1% of flu patients need to go to the hospital. 5% of Covid-19 patients need intensive care, whereas far less than 1% of flu patients need it.

Clearly, Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu. By election day, we will know for a fact which one of us is correct.

When do you get to the part where we have a flu shot for $10 and we have no clue with this thing that has spanned the globe in a month.
We are at valley forge with this mofo. We are in the civil war without antibiotics. He is playing you. Whoever this Armpit dude is
80% of Covid-19 patients think they just have a flu, whereas 100% of flu patients think they have the flu.

Do they?

20% of Covid-19 patients need to go to a hospital, whereas 1% of flu patients need to go to the hospital.

They do?

5% of Covid-19 patients need intensive care, whereas far less than 1% of flu patients need it.

Is that so?

Clearly, Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu.

Is it?

By election day, we will know for a fact which one of us is correct.

Will we?
Since, as Trump claims, this is just an ordinary flu virus, he should man up and take the lead on releasing our nation from bondage. He should restart his rallies and encourage all Americans to gather and rejoice in living in a free country.

Additionally, he's right; the economy trumps lives. 1% deaths, even though it's in the millions, is nothing compared to 100% misery of Americans living in a Depression. The side benefit of putting a dollar sign on lives is to give precedence for the Republicans to stop this "every life is sacred" bullshit. Abortion should be legal, safe and rare. Having babies costs a lot of money and raising them to adulthood costs a fortune. People should have the freedom to make that economic decision for their lives just like Trump should made that same decision for the nation.

My friend is wicked schmaaaat! ^^^
When do you get to the part where we have a flu shot for $10 and we have no clue with this thing that has spanned the globe in a month.

Yes, when?

We are at valley forge with this mofo.

Are we?

We are in the civil war without antibiotics.

We are?

He is playing you.

Is he?


He is?

Yes, he is...and he's not such a low-life that he searches his own name for a count. Did I point out how people with sock puppets are losers?

Here's a job for you TA, Legion or whatever name you prefer to hide, whenever you decide to work for a living:


Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
1. No one is denying China's major screw ups in lying and denying about this outbreak, domestic or foreign. For you to insinuate otherwise is just more right wingnut clap trap.

Except for the part where you're literally condemning someone for not knowing that China was lying, and that the WHO was REPEATING their lies as proven fact (despite having proof of the opposite)...even while STILL acting so proactively that Democrats ALSO condemned him for overreacting.

You can't have it both ways, dishonest demagogue. Try again. :bs:

The left's partisan "fact-checkers" have been caught in more lies than CNN at this point...even throughout THIS "crisis." :nono:

There's a REASON the American people see Trump as more trustworthy than our pathologically lying Democrat press. Good luck peddling that crap here.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
2. If anything, Dump has been criticized for his consistent misinformation during his press conferences...

By those peddling the misinformation and ACTUALLY contradicting the experts, sure. :laugh:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
If you have valid documentation to prove what you say, present it. Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke.

That's been done repeatedly. Sources have included WHO, CDC, Johns Hopkins, and numerous others. Your literacy issues are no one's problem but your own. :dunno:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
3. Where's your proof regarding your allegations about the Obama administration? Or about the NOT your personal opinion, supposition or conjecture, but valid source documentation. If you don' have it, then you're just blowing smoke.

What claim specifically? Whichever thing you're responding to, it's linked to in the "20 signs" OP.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
4. Despite your error ridden screed

You have established no errors at all, while making quite a few yourself. Total horseshit. Next lie please. :bs:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
the facts don't support you:

WHO, CDC, Johns Hopkins, and numerous others say they do. You can't pretend away all the links showing them saying you're wrong. :dunno:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
5. Your silly assed little memes and waving the flag are not valid arguments
This is an invalid fallacy. If any logic is accompanied with visual communication, then that logic must automatically be invalid. You just can't handle other people colorfully illustrating your humiliating ignorance. Don't be wrong and people won't have to turn you into a laughing stock.



It's you. :lolup:

1. Please copy and paste where I state EXACTLY what you accuse me of. If you can't, that means you're lying and cannot deal with expose of Trumps performance thus far.
2. So you can't logically or factually disprove the information in the just deny and spew out a lot of statements without shred of documentation. That just doesn't cut it in a rational, fact based discussion.
3. A childish "I know you are but what am I" type retort from you, which doesn't cut it.. I referring to what the man says for the in point:
4. Anyone can drop names.....providing the information from those sources that support your contentions is a whole other smoke. If I and others can do it, so can you. If you can't, that makes you in error and possibly a liar.
5. Quit stalling....YOU made the accusations, YOU provide the proof. It's there in the post...if you can't meet a simple burden of proof, that makes you a liar, and I don't do other people's home work.
6. I provide fact based, valid sourced information that disproves your contention here and before. You give nothing but opinion, supposition and conjecture along with false accusations. You can deny all you want, but that means nothing as the chronology of the posts will be your undoing.
7. See number 4.
8. You're babbling. Look up the definition of fallacy and invalid, as you use it poorly in your sentence structure (double negative). All you previously did is just deny, offer no valid documentation or proof, and repeat your accusations and statements. The memes just emphasize the lack of intellectual potency of your responses.
Imagine that. How many Democrats on here told me I was going to be discredited forever for siding with facts and science over bullshit hysteria and fear-mongering propaganda? Yet here we sit. Once again we see that the left's elitist establishment snobs of academia CANNOT SCIENCE to save their lives (which is why they are always proven wrong about their absurd global warming doomsday hysteria as well), and manufactured a 100% bogus worldwide panic out of thin air, based on absolutely nothing.

"Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who created the highly-cited Imperial College London coronavirus model, which has been cited by organizations like The New York Times and has been instrumental in governmental policy decision-making, offered a massive revision to his model on Wednesday. Ferguson’s model projected 2.2 million dead people in the United States and 500,000 in the U.K. from COVID-19 if no action were taken to slow the virus and blunt its curve. However, after just one day of ordered lockdowns in the U.K., Ferguson is presenting drastically downgraded estimates, revealing that far more people likely have the virus than his team figured. Now, the epidemiologist predicts, hospitals will be just fine taking on COVID-19 patients and estimates 20,000 or far fewer people will die from the virus itself or from its agitation of other ailments, as reported by New Scientist Wednesday."

Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection


It's the sniffles, not the Apocalypse you fucking morons. :rofl2:

The embarrassing anti-science halfwits of the left just provoked the most asinine and devastating international overreaction in history by making a bunch of ludicrous assumptions that all us actual scientists saw the gaping holes in from the very beginning. All the jobs lost. All the national debt added. All the vicious partisan smears and bullshit from unhinged Democrat nut-jobs. And they were all wrong...and I was right.

I. Rest. My. Case.


As I previously stated, here's a debunking of one of the points of the OP
Coronavirus is a scam

The US now has more infected people than any other country. There are at least 1,300 dead as of this morning. Hundreds of thousands might die.

Arminius is, quite evidently, an attention-seeking moronic asshole.
80% of Covid-19 patients think they just have a flu, whereas 100% of flu patients think they have the flu. 20% of Covid-19 patients need to go to a hospital, whereas 1% of flu patients need to go to the hospital. 5% of Covid-19 patients need intensive care, whereas far less than 1% of flu patients need it.

Clearly, Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu. By election day, we will know for a fact which one of us is correct.

I have repeatedly posted proof from ALL the experts on here showing the opposite, and they are now even admitting COVID was wildly overblown and nowhere near as deadly as the flu, as I also just posted proof of. The NY Times, Washington Post, and the entire rest of the media also admitted the flu was way worse when it could be used to smear President Trump as overreacting, before they reversed course and started fear-mongering this common flu level virus into the Apocalypse for partisan gain. I literally JUST got done showing the experts, in their own words, retracting their wildly inaccurate projections from millions dead in the U.S. to 20K...which is garbage compared to the flu. That's literally a total 180 from what you are claiming. COVID is provably NOWHERE NEAR as deadly as the flu.

You don't just get to repeat your debunked talking points over the already provided irrefutable proof that they're wrong. :laugh:


The US now has more infected people than any other country. There are at least 1,300 dead as of this morning. Hundreds of thousands might die.

Arminius is, quite evidently, an attention-seeking moronic asshole.

US is now #1 in the world, but I don't trust countries like China, NK, Russia, Iran and other totalitarian regimes to give an accurate count.

While the projections are disturbing, only time will tell if they pan out. Easter is a little over two weeks away, Cinco de Mayo just under 7 weeks. Taking a body count then will help add weight to whether or not this is worse than the flu as Trump denies it to be.

Additionally, I'm guessing Trump will back down from his Easter claim, but I also think many Trump fans will do it anyway based on his advice just like the idiots who swill aquarium cleaner. Sad, but that's how "evolution in action" works.
When do you get to the part where we have a flu shot for $10 and we have no clue with this thing that has spanned the globe in a month.
We are at valley forge with this mofo. We are in the civil war without antibiotics. He is playing you. Whoever this Armpit dude is

1) The guy contradicting CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins, etc., is calling the guy repeatedly citing and linking to them ignorant. :laugh:

Facts and science are not on your side. :cool:


View attachment 14719

Arbitrarily assigning nefarious motives to your opponent with diversionary personal smears refutes nothing and will get you nowhere. :dunno:

My friend is wicked schmaaaat! ^^^

"If you don't treat the common flu like the Apocalypse then you are immoral and anti-life"

^^^ This is what passes for "smart" among Democrats (who also happen to be the champions of limitless taxpayer-funded abortion, illegal immigrant murderers, health care rationing, and bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists).
