Coronavirus is a scam

Sorry, but I'm not sure of what you are trying to say. Please expand upon your comments.

Sure- an ' open mind ' is an arbitrary expression, as you first pointed out. Too wide - and the brain falls out, too narrow and the light doesn't penetrate.

Old Sulu is an expert on semen swallowing himself, and even he is aware of the Welsh predilection for sucking their English overlords off.
1. Please copy and paste where I state EXACTLY what you accuse me of.

Post 836.

If you can't, that means you're lying and cannot deal with expose of Trumps performance thus far.

What are you twelve? :laugh:

2. So you can't logically or factually disprove the information in the link

Not quite. More like, don't post links and expect other people to go sifting through them to figure out what your point is FOR you. Especially from people who pathologically smear Trump as a liar for telling the truth. You are too low-IQ to be worth all that.

:dunno: just deny and spew out a lot of statements without shred of documentation.

Except for the 30+ links I've posted on this so far, to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins. Seems to me YOU'RE the only one spewing baseless nonsense. :awesome:


That just doesn't cut it in a rational, fact based discussion.

When did any conversation of yours ever venture ANYWHERE NEAR the realm of facts or logic? :lolup:

3. A childish "I know you are but what am I" type retort from you

How else would you like me to point out that you're accusing your opponent of what only you are actually doing? Don't project your signature flaws onto others and they won't have to point out your projection. :dunno:


I referring to what the man says for the in point:

As am I. See Point #3.

4. Anyone can drop names.....providing the information from those sources that support your contentions is a whole other smoke.

Says the guy trying to force other people to sift through random links to find out what he is the guy who directly quotes sources while linking to them. :rofl2:

Again, I'm sure you're going to cry about that being a "I know you are but what am I" defense, but you're once again literally accusing others of what only you are doing. :palm:

View attachment 14725

What a self-unaware moron. :laugh:

5. Quit stalling....YOU made the accusations, YOU provide the proof.

I have no problem with that. Just specify so I can know which proof you are demanding. :stup2:

6. I provide fact based, valid sourced information that disproves your contention here and before.

*openly biased and dishonest propaganda from discredited partisan liars. ;)

You give nothing but opinion, supposition and conjecture along with false accusations.

Unless you count the 30+ links to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins with direct quotes showing everything you're claiming to be a lie, sure. :laugh:

You can deny all you want, but that means nothing as the chronology of the posts will be your undoing.

Um...sure. :good4u:


7. See number 4.

See number 8.

8. You're babbling. Look up the definition of fallacy and invalid

Only to those with reading comprehension issues. :dunno:

Don't post blatantly invalid logic and people won't have to highlight your failure to reason properly. :nono: you use it poorly in your sentence structure (double negative).

Translation: My logic may be blatantly moronic, but your grammar is flawed!



All you previously did is just deny, offer no valid documentation or proof, and repeat your accusations and statements.

Unless you count the 30+ links to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins with direct quotes showing everything you're claiming to be a lie, sure. :laugh:

Don't repeat the same provably false lies over and over and people won't have to repeat the evidence that debunks it over and over. See how that works? Garbage in, garbage out. ;)

The memes just emphasize the lack of intellectual potency of your responses.

Repeating this "all visual communication is automatically invalid" fallacy won't make it true. That's combining your EXISTING non-sequiter fallacy with an additional ad nauseum fallacy ('If I repeat it, then it must be true').


And why are you so threatened by them if they are so empty and pointless? :thinking:

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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As I previously stated, here's a debunking of one of the points of the OP

As I stated, this random links debunks nothing. :dunno:

All you provide are theoretical models of what MIGHT link provides WHAT HAS HAPPENED, which shows how the lack of immediacy regarding this administration's adequate response has contributed to the situation we are witnessing today. That you deny this is of no consequence.

Post 836.

What are you twelve? :laugh:

Not quite. More like, don't post links and expect other people to go sifting through them to figure out what your point is FOR you. Especially from people who pathologically smear Trump as a liar for telling the truth. You are too low-IQ to be worth all that.


Except for the 30+ links I've posted on this so far, to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins. Seems to me YOU'RE the only one spewing baseless nonsense. :awesome:


When did any conversation of yours ever venture ANYWHERE NEAR the realm of facts or logic? :lolup:

How else would you like me to point out that you're accusing your opponent of what only you are actually doing? Don't project your signature flaws onto others and they won't have to point out your projection. :dunno:


As am I. See Point #3.

Says the guy trying to force other people to sift through random links to find out what he is the guy who directly quotes sources while linking to them. :rofl2:

Again, I'm sure you're going to cry about that being a "I know you are but what am I" defense, but you're once again literally accusing others of what only you are doing. :palm:

View attachment 14725

What a self-unaware moron. :laugh:

I have no problem with that. Just specify so I can know which proof you are demanding. :stup2:

*openly biased and dishonest propaganda from discredited partisan liars. ;)

Unless you count the 30+ links to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins with direct quotes showing everything you're claiming to be a lie, sure. :laugh:

Um...sure. :good4u:


See number 8.

Only to those with reading comprehension issues. :dunno:

Don't post blatantly invalid logic and people won't have to highlight your failure to reason properly. :nono:

Translation: My logic may be blatantly moronic, but your grammar is flawed!



Unless you count the 30+ links to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins with direct quotes showing everything you're claiming to be a lie, sure. :laugh:

Don't repeat the same provably false lies over and over and people won't have to repeat the evidence that debunks it over and over. See how that works? Garbage in, garbage out. ;)

Repeating this "all visual communication is automatically invalid" fallacy won't make it true. That's combining your EXISTING non-sequiter fallacy with an additional ad nauseum fallacy ('If I repeat it, then it must be true').


And why are you so threatened by them if they are so empty and pointless? :thinking:

1. My link provides documentation of the lack of response time by Dump's administration to the crisis....which contributes to the current situation. That you deny it is of no consequence.
2. translation: Army can't meet a simple burden of proof....his school yard response can't smoke screen his folly.
3. someone needs to explain to Army that his childish rants are no substitute for actual facts from valid sources that support his contentions.
4. You posted 30 links, yet it's such a trial to copy and paste one here? Yet you can post all those silly little memes, refer the post # of my source link....but copying an pasting just one of your alleged 30 links is beyond you? :rolleyes: GMAFB! You're just a BS name dropper who can't produce the goods. Grow up!
5. You blather like a ignorant grade schooler who doesn't have an answer when called on.
6. See #5
7. See #5
8. You blow an awful lot of smoke when called on errors. The chronology of the posts just doesn't support your bluff and bluster.
9. Your reading comprehension is deplorable. Anyone who has access to dictionary can see your folly.
10. Once again for the cheap can drop names, but you don't show the reading audience exactly what is being said that supports your assertion. Like this:
11. Repeating your nonsense only makes it valid in your mind. Clearly, you just like to waste time and space blowing smoke and just being the gain saying of anything that doesn't fit your belief system. No point in wasting more time on you.

Except all the ones you are CONSTANTLY caught in, sure. :laugh:

Pretending away reality doesn't magically make all your lies just disappear. :palm:

Come, come, child - that you believe in witches, a flat earth and trumpf doesn't mean I tell lies, just that you are a primitive weirdo beating his hollow chest at us for no discernible purpose.
All you provide are theoretical models of what MIGHT BE

Another provably false lie (do you EVER tell the truth?). The OP itself has a running tracker of how many COVID vs. flu deaths and infections there have been, and that's just one example of how your bullshit claim is provably false...out of 30+ links I've posted on this.

Any other lies you'd like to tell or are you good for now? :awesome:

which shows how the lack of immediacy regarding this administration's adequate response has contributed to the situation we are witnessing today.

You assuring us of that does not mean we're all going to sift through your massive pile of bullshit in that link to try and figure out what specifically you're referring to FOR you. Stop being a lazy slob and present your own research like an actual debater.


And what part of your link explains away virtually the entire news media being on the record lashing out at President Trump as overreacting early on and demanding that he pay attention to the far greater threat of the flu?


translation: Army can't meet a simple burden of proof....his school yard response can't smoke screen his folly.

Translation: Go to some link and read through a gigantic pile of random text and try to GUESS what I'm arguing. If you don't want to play my lazy, dishonest child's games, that makes you childish.


someone needs to explain to Army that his childish rants are no substitute for actual facts from valid sources that support his contentions.

Someone needs to explain to Taichiliberal that posting 30+ links to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins with direct quotes explaining precisely what they are saying IS posting facts from valid sources. :palm:

And that posting random links and demanding that people guess what you're trying to argue is what's "childish" and "no substitute for actual facts from valid sources."


You posted 30 links, yet it's such a trial to copy and paste one here?

It's such a trial to look at what is already posted? :awesome:

Or to ask for a specific one? :thinking:


Yet you can post all those silly little memes

So threatened by visual communication. :lolup:

refer the post # of my source link

Yeah, I stopped doing that because it's needless and annoying. Why don't you just put everything in the
format like everyone else? You're creating a bunch of bullshit work for yourself and others.


but copying an pasting just one of your alleged 30 links is beyond you?

Well yeah. You simply going to either of the OPs that those massive amount of links are posted on is far easier than me re-collecting and posting it all to accommodate your lazy incompetence. :stup2:

You dishonestly posturing to avoid evidence you can't refute is not me avoiding (needlessly) re-posting it. You know right where it is. Total horseshit. :bs:

You're just a BS name dropper who can't produce the goods. Grow up!

Another effortlessly disproven lie (do you EVER tell the truth?). The links were posted with quotes directly explaining that everything you're claiming is a lie. :laugh:

You blather like a ignorant grade schooler who doesn't have an answer when called on.

Says the ridiculous child posting random links and demanding that people figure out what he's trying to the guy posting 30+ links to sources like CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins with direct quotes explaining precisely what they are saying


You blow an awful lot of smoke when called on errors.

You get caught lying at every turn, including this lie that you've "caught" some "error" you have yet to identify.


The chronology of the posts just doesn't support your bluff and bluster.

This is known as "projection."

Your reading comprehension is deplorable. Anyone who has access to dictionary can see your folly.

What is this like 5 "counterpoints" now containing literally nothing but "bluff and bluster" and butthurt grade school insults...while falsely accusing others of what only you are doing? :rofl2:


Once again for the cheap can drop names, but you don't show the reading audience exactly what is being said that supports your assertion.

Once again for the lying demagogue...I'm the ONLY one posting NUMEROUS links WITH quotes showing EXACTLY what those links are arguing...while the person falsely smearing that as "dropping names" without showing "the reading audience exactly what is being said" is ACTUALLY doing nothing but dropping random links, demanding that everyone guess what he is arguing, and hurling smears.

What a hilariously self-unaware and hypocritical moron you are.


Repeating your nonsense only makes it valid in your mind.

Your logic: "All visual communication is automatically invalid." <<< I'm pretty sure that's universally acknowledged by all to be obviously invalid logic. :palm:

Try again, genius. :laugh:


Clearly, you just like to waste time and space blowing smoke and just being the gain saying of anything that doesn't fit your belief system.

Says the guy caught blatantly lying and avoiding the debate at every turn. :rofl2:

No point in wasting more time on you.


Need a tissue? :crybaby:
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Come, come, child - that you believe in witches, a flat earth and trumpf doesn't mean I tell lies, just that you are a primitive weirdo beating his hollow chest at us for no discernible purpose.

The fear-mongers who've been proven wrong LITERALLY DOZENS OF TIMES on doomsday global warming alarmism, and who've now been repeatedly proven wrong on this hysterical demagogue COVID nonsense as well...are portraying those citing devastating facts from CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins as the anti-science people?

:lolup: :laugh: :rofl2:

And as for your projection on about Trump being a Nazi...

-Democrats support government-run everything.——Nazis support government-run everything.——President Trump stands for free markets, limited government.

-Democrats support gun confiscation.——Nazis support gun confiscation.——President Trump stands for armed, free citizens.

-Democrats support abortion.——Nazis support abortion.——President Trump is anti-abortion.

-Democrats support censorship.——Nazis support censorship.——President Trump stands for free speech.

-Democrats support nanny state handouts.——Nazis support nanny state handouts.——President Trump stands for self-reliance.

-Democrats support racist preferential treatment.——Nazis support racist preferential treatment.——President Trump stands for actual equality.

-Democrats support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——Nazis support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——President Trump stands for school choice, actual education.

-Democrats support illegal, unprovoked wars.——Nazis support illegal, unprovoked wars.——President Trump stands for historic progress toward peace, as with Korea.

-Democrats support no freedom of religion.——Nazis support no freedom of religion.——President Trump stands for free religious exercise.

-Democrats support rigged news media.——Nazis support rigged news media.——President Trump stands for freedom of the press.

-Democrats support propagandized entertainment.——Nazis support propagandized entertainment.——President Trump stands for agenda-free entertainment.

-Democrats support a rigged justice system.——Nazis support a rigged justice system.——President Trump stands for equal protection under the law.

-Democrats support persecution of dissent.——Nazis support persecution of dissent.——President Trump stands for vigorous, open debate.

-Democrats support violent mob rule.——Nazis support violent mob rule.——President Trump stands for the rule of law.

-Democrats support employment quotas, guarantees.——Nazis support employment quotas, guarantees.——President Trump stands for merit-based employment.

-Democrats support redistribution of wealth.——Nazis support redistribution of wealth.——President Trump stands for 'You keep what you earn.'

-Democrats support taking over corporations.——Nazis support taking over corporations.——President Trump stands for protecting property rights.

-Democrats support mandatory profit-sharing.——Nazis support mandatory profit-sharing.——President Trump stands for running your own business.

-Democrats support government pensions for all.——Nazis support government pensions for all.——President Trump stands for self-reliance, 401k.
Add Stanford researchers to the growing chorus of experts confirming that this was a wildly overblown hoax from the beginning. :awesome:

The fear-mongers who've been proven wrong LITERALLY DOZENS OF TIMES on doomsday global warming alarmism, and who've now been repeatedly proven wrong on this hysterical demagogue COVID nonsense as well...are portraying those citing devastating facts from CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins as the anti-science people?

:lolup: :laugh: :rofl2:

And as for your projection on about Trump being a Nazi...

-Democrats support government-run everything.——Nazis support government-run everything.——President Trump stands for free markets, limited government.

-Democrats support gun confiscation.——Nazis support gun confiscation.——President Trump stands for armed, free citizens.

-Democrats support abortion.——Nazis support abortion.——President Trump is anti-abortion.

-Democrats support censorship.——Nazis support censorship.——President Trump stands for free speech.

-Democrats support nanny state handouts.——Nazis support nanny state handouts.——President Trump stands for self-reliance.

-Democrats support racist preferential treatment.——Nazis support racist preferential treatment.——President Trump stands for actual equality.

-Democrats support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——Nazis support taxpayer-funded indoctrination.——President Trump stands for school choice, actual education.

-Democrats support illegal, unprovoked wars.——Nazis support illegal, unprovoked wars.——President Trump stands for historic progress toward peace, as with Korea.

-Democrats support no freedom of religion.——Nazis support no freedom of religion.——President Trump stands for free religious exercise.

-Democrats support rigged news media.——Nazis support rigged news media.——President Trump stands for freedom of the press.

-Democrats support propagandized entertainment.——Nazis support propagandized entertainment.——President Trump stands for agenda-free entertainment.

-Democrats support a rigged justice system.——Nazis support a rigged justice system.——President Trump stands for equal protection under the law.

-Democrats support persecution of dissent.——Nazis support persecution of dissent.——President Trump stands for vigorous, open debate.

-Democrats support violent mob rule.——Nazis support violent mob rule.——President Trump stands for the rule of law.

-Democrats support employment quotas, guarantees.——Nazis support employment quotas, guarantees.——President Trump stands for merit-based employment.

-Democrats support redistribution of wealth.——Nazis support redistribution of wealth.——President Trump stands for 'You keep what you earn.'

-Democrats support taking over corporations.——Nazis support taking over corporations.——President Trump stands for protecting property rights.

-Democrats support mandatory profit-sharing.——Nazis support mandatory profit-sharing.——President Trump stands for running your own business.

-Democrats support government pensions for all.——Nazis support government pensions for all.——President Trump stands for self-reliance, 401k.

What exactly has all that got to do with me? I'm a Plaid Cymru member myself, some of my family have the lurgy, and the area I was born in - just down the road - has the highest infection rate outside London.