Coronavirus is a scam

Life must be awful for you sick, humourless buggers over there. Never mind - go and shoot up another school, kid! I'm bored with you now. Bye!

Yes, the people laughing at your self-discrediting and childish bitterness are the ones who are "humorless." Because that makes sense. :rofl2:

And notice how we have record gun sales for months now...and no one is shooting anything up? It's almost like people having guns isn't the problem. :thinking:
Noticing the gaping holes in the left's talking points about President Trump (the person they accused of overreacting in the beginning while demanding that he focus on the flu, downplaying COVID, and telling everyone to live their lives normally) somehow suddenly not reacting quickly enough to this phony crisis:

"President Trump has been giving public press conferences during the coronavirus crisis, almost every day. He acted quickly against the virus, creating a Coronavirus Task Force in late January and restricting travel to and from China. The president even sent two U.S. Navy hospital ships to two epicenters of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. Meanwhile, just last week, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats wasted precious time by blocking a bipartisan relief bill in the Senate while pushing an alternative bill in the House, one packed with their far-left Christmas wish list...Pelosi's bill was jam-packed with pet projects like a slate of liberal election "reforms," a $15/hour minimum wage, Green New Deal standards forcing airlines to report the carbon emissions for each flight, collective bargaining for unions, and more. Tragically, a few of these proposals — like funding for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts — made it into the final bill, ostensibly focused on providing relief during the coronavirus crisis.

Democrats treated this crisis as an opportunity and wasted precious time in order to push their pet projects. Indeed, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told lawmakers, "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision," echoing former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who notoriously said, "You never let a serious crisis got to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." "We just watched in the last week 3.28 million people laid off," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) declared. "And yet for days, Democrats stalled this bill. How many people were laid off as the Democrats fought to change the election law or implement the Green New Deal?!...

...Pelosi had claimed that her obstruction was a "jiu-jitsu" to change the bill. McCarthy called this claim an "outright lie. The fundamental portions of this bill have not changed since Sunday. Four months for unemployment was already decided on Sunday. The grants to keep employees hired on small business was already decided on Sunday." Only the small pork measures, like Kennedy Center funding, were added due to Pelosi's stalling. Republicans were far from alone in slamming the Democrats' shenanigans. Saikat Chakrabarti, former chief of staff to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the principal architect of the Green New Deal, said, "I helped write the #GreenNewDeal and I think this is ridiculous. The tiny little emissions standard increase doesn't even do anything meaningful to stave off climate change and gives the [Republicans] leverage to get rid of real help for working people. Solve the problem at hand."

President Trump certainly has not been "fiddling" as people die and lose their jobs. Nancy Pelosi, however, has at the very least been "wrangling" as Americans suffer through this crisis. If the House speaker wants to level her ugly Nero comparison at anyone, perhaps she should look in the mirror."

Just Who Exactly Was 'Fiddling' as People Died, Madame Speaker?

Cut-and-paste trolls- such as Arminius and maggot- drown themselves in the torrents of their own crap.
Yes; I am convinced that this has been stoked by the PHONY media in an attempt to bring down the Trump Administration. If they reported the news responsibly, the kind of information you are sharing would be predominant. But instead, they wish to ignore reality and pretend like this is a pandemic that is out of control.

I am in my 60's and have never seen mass hysteria on this level over NOTHING. It is stunning to watch. Market tumbling 8,000 points. NBA, NHL and NCAA canceled. Disneyland is closing for two weeks. NLB postponed. Mass runs on gorcery stores the remind me of the hurricane buying in Florida before they appraoch of a hurricane.

It is mind boggling. All because:

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

Do you feel like an idiot yet? You certainly should.
I refer you to the JohnsHopkins link provided in the OP. You know, actual medical experts, as opposed to your political organization.


COVID-19: Approximately 4,718 deaths reported worldwide; 38 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year."

You must feel real fucking stupid now looking back at what you posted a few weeks ago.
The WHO is an agenda based organization devoted to Socialism and world order. How do you think they get their funding? By telling everyone everything is fine and they aren't needed? Dumbass.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

Coronavirus: US Navy captain pleads for help over outbreak
Hey look, CNN is now reporting what I have said on this thread for weeks (and been crucified for) as being 100% accurate...after trashing President Trump for also noticing the facts, despite the left's best efforts.

"CNN journalists bashed President Donald Trump for saying on March 4 that the death rate of the novel coronavirus is likely much lower than data indicates, but the network published a report Monday evening that backs up the president’s previous statement. Trump said that he believes the mortality rate of the virus “is way under one percent” during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity earlier in March. The president was widely criticized by media pundits for his comments, and numerous CNN journalists trashed him over it...“I hesitate to even print the United States president’s words here, because they’re so at odds with what health experts are saying,” CNN’s Brian Stelter wrote about Trump’s alleged “spurious claims”...Trump’s comments were also criticized in a round-up by CNN’s Chris Cillizza listing “the 27 most downright odd lines” from Trump’s interview with Hannity. “No big deal — just the President of the United States contradicting the medical community on the mortality rate of coronavirus. What’s he basing his conclusions on? Oh, a ‘hunch,'” Cillizza wrote.

After CNN thoroughly hit Trump for his commentary, the network published an article Tuesday citing research from the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases. The research echoes the president’s comments to Hannity just a few weeks earlier. “The research, published in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, estimated that about 0.66% of those infected with the virus will die,” according to Monday’s article. “That coronavirus death rate, which is lower than earlier estimates, takes into account potentially milder cases that often go undiagnosed...”

CNN Bashed Trump For Saying The Same Thing About Coronavirus Death Percentage That They’re Now Reporting

You must feel real fucking stupid now looking back at what you posted a few weeks ago.

Yes, the experts admitting they were wildly off and retracting their projections, the death toll turning out to be less than 1%, just like the flu, just like I said it would embarrassing to be proven right at every turn


You must feel real fucking stupid not being able to think beyond the mindless hysteria you are spoon-fed or to comprehend that the numbers prove exactly what I said they would. :rofl2:

View attachment 14778

Way to think it through there, Socrates. :hand:


So let's think this out. If all the evidence shows that quarantines only temporarily delay the entire public inevitably eventually getting the disease, then why do them at all? Why not just do what I have said since the beginning and let this ordinary flu-level virus run its course? And how can President Trump ever fail in responding if the outcome is predetermined?


As I said from Day 1, this is about nothing more than sleazy anti-science doomsday fear-mongering from corrupt Democrats exploiting tragedy for partisan gain. :bs:

"A recently posted op-ed by two professors — an associate professor of Mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University and an assistant professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Pittsburgh — calls for greater “honesty in pandemic modeling,” which, they suggest, too often conceals the fact that after lock-downs and other extreme social distancing measures are lifted, the number of infections will rapidly rise again."

Professors Push Back On Pandemic Models: Be Honest About What Happens After Lockdowns Are Lifted
Coronavirus is a scam!

I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

Two things to highlight here:

The irresponsible denial and downplaying conservatives indulged in.

Second, it is remarkable how many conservatives thanked this post.
Two things to highlight here:

The irresponsible denial and downplaying conservatives indulged in.

Second, it is remarkable how many conservatives thanked this post.

They should volunteer as guinea-pigs for Trumpovax.
Two things to highlight here:

The irresponsible denial and downplaying conservatives indulged in.

Yes, setting the record straight is "irresponsible" while fear-mongering the common flu into the Apocalypse is what's "responsible." :rofl2:


Second, it is remarkable how many conservatives thanked this post.

Of course they did. Operating on facts and logic over ignorant emotional hysteria NATURALLY leads people to like factual posts. :cool:

