Cotton calls on Biden to charge pro-Hamas 'lunatics' who defaced statues of Marquis de Lafayette and Jean-Baptiste de Rochambeau,

I corrected it, Pobre.

Perhaps you should read the Constitution…Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.

Now, take a hike, ignorant pendejo.
It seems you are forgetting some important parts of the US Constitution when you demand Biden indict people without evidence.
But leave it to you to not care about the 4th, 5th and 14th amendments.
It seems you are forgetting some important parts of the US Constitution when you demand Biden indict people without evidence.
But leave it to you to not care about the 4th, 5th and 14th amendments.
Since I did not ask that Biden indict people, Pobre, with or without evidence, your straw man just fell into the crapper.

You are ignorant of Article II, Pobre.

You have been dismissed for gross ignorance, pendejo.
I see Earl has decided to give the US Constitution the finger. How very patriotic of him.
I see that you are still ignorant of Article II, ignorant pendejo.

Perhaps you should read the Constitution…Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.
Cotton calls on Biden to charge pro-Hamas 'lunatics' who defaced statues of de Rocham

Washington Times

2 days ago — Two of the statues defaced by protesters at Lafayette Park were those of the Marquis de Lafayette and Jean-Baptiste de Rochambeau, both heroes ..

Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican, urged the Biden administration to crack down on the pro-Palestinian protesters who vandalized statues and threw objects at a park ranger during Saturday’s protest near the White House.
Protesters at the Answer Coalition’s “Stop the Genocide in Gaza” demonstration spray-painted anti-Israel and anti-Biden messages on statues at Lafayette Park, then pelted and shouted “f—- you, fascist” at a park ranger standing guard.

Among those disgusted at the conduct was Mr. Cotton, who challenged the Biden administration to enforce federal law by bringing charges against the vandals.
Cotton is a fucking moron, but I agree all criminals should be prosecuted regardless of their political alignment.

Let's not forget that Cotton the fucking moron said this about 1/6 terrorists:

Arkansas senator Tom Cotton appeared on ABC this weekend and was asked about the insurrection. The Trump loyalist was called out after he desperately attempted to paint the Capitol stormers as happy wanderers.

Host Jon Karl said of how Trump has described the insurrectionists, "And he called them hostages. So you agree these are hostages?"

"Some of them have been held in pre-trial detention longer than the sentences for the crimes with which they are charged," Cotton answered. "For people who just wandered into the Capitol, they thought it was open or was on the grounds."

Karl shot back, "I mean, that wasn't like wandering," Karl explained. This wasn't a tourist visit. People who were involved in that riot, who assaulted police officers, or who defaced and damaged public property should face the legal consequences. Isn't it odd that the Republican nominee doesn't agree with that?"
These far left Democratic Socialist loons that ignorant, useful idiots like Pobre supports, are useful idiots.

The American people are fed up with their ilk
I see that you are still ignorant of Article II, ignorant pendejo.

Perhaps you should read the Constitution…Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.
It's funny that you think Art II means that the President should ignore the Supreme law of the land.
Amendments 4, 5, and 14 are all part of the US Constitution. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. You might try actually reading it some time. It also says all amendments are part of the Constitution. A President that is indicting people without evidence of a crime is violating the US Constitution.

Be a good little boy and give the US Constitution the finger again.
It's funny that you think Art II means that the President should ignore the Supreme law of the land.
Amendments 4, 5, and 14 are all part of the US Constitution. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. You might try actually reading it some time. It also says all amendments are part of the Constitution. A President that is indicting people without evidence of a crime is violating the US Constitution.

Be a good little boy and give the US Constitution the finger again.
I see that you are still ignorant of Article II, ignorant pendejo.

Perhaps you should read the Constitution…Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.

A president can not indict anyone but he can ensure that his J/D enforces federal law.

Be a good little ignorant pendejo and take a hike.
There was no insurrection. It was an unorganized, unarmed and overzealous small band of idiots who stormed the capitol, then left.
No one has been charged with insurrection
Cotton calls on Biden to charge pro-Hamas 'lunatics' who defaced statues of de Rocham

Washington Times

2 days ago — Two of the statues defaced by protesters at Lafayette Park were those of the Marquis de Lafayette and Jean-Baptiste de Rochambeau, both heroes ..

Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican, urged the Biden administration to crack down on the pro-Palestinian protesters who vandalized statues and threw objects at a park ranger during Saturday’s protest near the White House.
Protesters at the Answer Coalition’s “Stop the Genocide in Gaza” demonstration spray-painted anti-Israel and anti-Biden messages on statues at Lafayette Park, then pelted and shouted “f—- you, fascist” at a park ranger standing guard.

Among those disgusted at the conduct was Mr. Cotton, who challenged the Biden administration to enforce federal law by bringing charges against the vandals.

18 U.S. Code § 1361 - Destruction of Government Property

Under Title 18 U.S.C. 1361, it is a federal offense to destroy or damage any government property under their control. This law protects any property from willful depredation.

To convict someone of violating this statute, a federal prosecutor must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you intentionally defaced or destroyed the property, knowing it was a crime, making it a “specific intent” crime.

This federal statute is considered “malicious mischief” and are serious charges that carry more severe penalties than state-level crimes.

18 U.S.C. 1361 says, “Whoever willfully injures or commits any depredation against any property of the United States, or of any department or agency thereof, or any property which has been or is being manufactured or constructed, or any department or agency thereof, or attempts to commit any of the foregoing offenses, shall be punished….”