Cotton calls on Biden to charge pro-Hamas 'lunatics' who defaced statues of Marquis de Lafayette and Jean-Baptiste de Rochambeau,

Oh, look Biden pardoned this one:

[TD]Katrina Polk[/TD]
[TD]Southern District of West Virginia[/TD]
[TD]One day's imprisonment; four years' supervised release (July 5, 1988)[/TD]
[TD]Conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine
Yes, ignorant Pobre, you are not fluent in any language and do not understand Article II.
Poor Earl. He doesn't understand his position.
If a President must enforce every law or be impeached then you could never support any President that doesn't enforce every law? Correct?
When a President grants a pardon they are not enforcing the law. Does that mean you would impeach every President that issues a pardon?
Do you understand that you don't support the position you claim to support?
Do you know that Trump issued pardons for people that were convicted of a crime? That means Trump didn't enforce the law when the law says they should be in jail for a given prison sentence.

Tell us again, what your position is, Earl. Do you think every President that doesn't enforce the law should be impeached?
Poor Earl. He doesn't understand his position.
If a President must enforce every law or be impeached then you could never support any President that doesn't enforce every law? Correct?
When a President grants a pardon they are not enforcing the law. Does that mean you would impeach every President that issues a pardon?
Do you understand that you don't support the position you claim to support?
Do you know that Trump issued pardons for people that were convicted of a crime? That means Trump didn't enforce the law when the law says they should be in jail for a given prison sentence.

Tell us again, what your position is, Earl. Do you think every President that doesn't enforce the law should be impeached?
Have an eighth grade student read Section II.

Also read who Biden has pardoned.

Poor, ignorant Pobre.
Nobody should listen to Cotton. He is a crazy Trumpy. He says weird creepy things quite often.
So, Nordy, you believe that these Hamas terrorists who deface federal statues in violation of federal law should have no consequences.

You sound like ignorant Pobre.
You don't seem to be living in the real word. The US has it's highest GDP ever. The US currently has the longest period of below 4% unemployment in US history. While you can cherry pick a few statistics and blow them up out of proportion, the US is economically very sound.
Story just today about how the surprising strength of the US economy is helping the rest of the world.

Not only that the FBI crime report that just came out shows a drastic drop in violent crime this year on top of the declines in crime last year.
If everything is so damn wonderful. why does everything cost 25% more than it did 4 years ago?
Trump is WAY, WAY, WAY more a fascist than Joe Biden, RB.

If you cannot see that never will.

And Joe Biden is far from an idiot. Trump, as far as I am concerned, is a moron.
Biden is an idiot. He's proven it time and time again. The border is one of many problems he's created.
Biden is an idiot. He's proven it time and time again. The border is one of many problems he's created.
Joe Biden is an infinitely better choice for president next term than Trump...and that is the way I am going to vote.

Vote the way you want. You live in a contending state. I live in a very blue state. Trump ain't gonna win here.
This from people who claim the 1/6 insurrection was just a peaceful and normal protest. And the MAGA morons who buy this horseshit applaud them.

The hypocrisy of the MAGA right knows no bounds.
wait.....isn't it hypocritical to prosecute the 1/6 protestors and not these vandals?.........
Have an eighth grade student read Section II.

Also read who Biden has pardoned.

Poor, ignorant Pobre.
I have a 4th grade student trying to explain it to me here. That's if you even match that level, Earl.
I quoted the relevant part of Art II and then you simply ignored the words as written and declare it means something else entirely.