Could anyone be more self centered and narcissistic?

Dear ChrestieFANNY,

I should be wary of taking anything Arthur Koester writes, as he had a reputation for trading in "woo-woo" He visited Sydney in the 1970s (and stayed in the trendy/alternative male homosexual district of Oxford Street in the city centre.) He visited a gay club one night and became fascinated with a dance style the members were performing that he was told was called "The Hambone". Koestler published an essay about the "Ham Bone" dance culture, not realising for an instant that a "Hambone" was gay slang for a large, exposed, erect male penis.:)

Okay DachsieWEENIE, I won't buy the book, I'll just borrow it. Sometimes it's fun to read about people and their "woo-woo" (if by that you mean conspiracy theories,) just to get a glimpse of the inner working of the woo-woo mind. And I also learned a new term for, erm, the male equipment. I love gaining knowledge!

I shouldn't expect you to read my long-winded posts on fuzzy/woolley topics like consciousness. So I will not bug you with any more of them in future.

Hold it right there. I LIKE learning new things, from the esoteric to the trivial. It keeps the synapses cracking.

Besides individuals who rave on with theories of consciousness (in the context of death) tend to be regarded as "flakes", and I would not like you to gain that impression of myself.

That's not flaky to me. What does that mean? :thinking: My family and friends think flakiness is my natural milieu.

The only point I should have made is one that no modern-day, empirical scientist would deny; namely, that following the moment of death, we to not pass into any such scenarios as: an eternal night; a black void of nothingness; the blind depths of a fathomless abyss, nor even some state of still, peaceful oblivion. When we die, we no longer exist, FULL STOP, and therefore we are not conscious of ANYTHING at all in the universe. (for example we are not conscious of "blackness" or emptiness, because these thing can only be experienced in consciousness, and we no longer have a consciousness when we are dead. This is not "WOO-WOO", it is a valid logical, naturalistic/scientific fact

My question is, how can anyone say with absolute certainty what happens after death? I get that in the medical sense it's over, period. Googling coughed up these bits of wisdom that are interesting. They're talking about the physical world but why not extend it to consciousness or spirit, as a thought exercise?

As early as 520 BCE, Jain philosophy, a non-creationist philosophy based on the teachings of Mahavira,[SUP][6][/SUP] stated that the universe and its constituents such as matter cannot be destroyed or created. The Jain text Tattvarthasutra (2nd century CE) states that a substance is permanent, but its modes are characterised by creation and destruction.[SUP][7][/SUP]
An important idea in ancient Greek philosophy was that "Nothing comes from nothing", so that what exists now has always existed: no new matter can come into existence where there was none before. An explicit statement of this, along with the further principle that nothing can pass away into nothing, is found in Empedocles (c. 4th century BCE): "For it is impossible for anything to come to be from what is not, and it cannot be brought about or heard of that what is should be utterly destroyed."[SUP][8][/SUP]
A further principle of conservation was stated by Epicurus around the 3rd century BCE, who wrote in describing the nature of the Universe that "the totality of things was always such as it is now, and always will be".[SUP][9][/SUP]

Here is a more interesting post - a little piece of literary trivia for you, from a poet you like.

It is acknowledged as Percy Shelly's first poem, and was written when he was just 11 years old. It is is entitled "A Cat in Distress" as the verses were "addressed" to a pet, tabby cat Shelley had as a child at "Field Place" (his father's estate in Sussex). I figured that this would impress you because you love cats (BIG TIME). Anyway, here it is....


A cat in distress
Nothing more or less,
As I am a sinner,
It waits for some dinner
To stuff out its own little belly

You would not easily guess
All the modes of distress
Which torture the tenants of earth;
And the various evils,
Which like so many devils,
Attend the poor souls from their birth

Some a living require,
And others desire
An old fellow out of the way;
And which is best
I leave to be guessed,
For I cannot pretend to say

One wants society,
Another variety,
Others a tranquil life;
Some want food,
Others, as good,
Only want a wife

But this poor little cat
Only wanted a rat,
To stuff out its own little maw;
And it were as good
Some people had such food,
To make them HOLD THEIR JAW !

by Percy Byssche Shelley (1803)

With Kindest Regards (and SWALK)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter

PS: Still haven't received your Mobile Phone number in my JPP, PM in-box, Christie ???

That's a very cute poem. It doesn't sound like it was written by an 11-year old. The privileged class in Shelley's day got a great education, starting at a young age.. I'm always amazed at what they considered "usual." Today it would be advanced learning and people would be teased for studying literature, languages and poetry instead of STEM subjects.

Okay DachsieWEENIE, I won't buy the book, I'll just borrow it. Sometimes it's fun to read about people and their "woo-woo" (if by that you mean conspiracy theories,) just to get a glimpse of the inner working of the woo-woo mind. And I also learned a new term for, erm, the male equipment. I love gaining knowledge!

Hold it right there. I LIKE learning new things, from the esoteric to the trivial. It keeps the synapses cracking.

That's not flaky to me. What does that mean? :thinking: My family and friends think flakiness is my natural milieu.

My question is, how can anyone say with absolute certainty what happens after death? I get that in the medical sense it's over, period. Googling coughed up these bits of wisdom that are interesting. They're talking about the physical world but why not extend it to consciousness or spirit, as a thought exercise?

As early as 520 BCE, Jain philosophy, a non-creationist philosophy based on the teachings of Mahavira,[SUP][6][/SUP] stated that the universe and its constituents such as matter cannot be destroyed or created. The Jain text Tattvarthasutra (2nd century CE) states that a substance is permanent, but its modes are characterised by creation and destruction.[SUP][7][/SUP]
An important idea in ancient Greek philosophy was that "Nothing comes from nothing", so that what exists now has always existed: no new matter can come into existence where there was none before. An explicit statement of this, along with the further principle that nothing can pass away into nothing, is found in Empedocles (c. 4th century BCE): "For it is impossible for anything to come to be from what is not, and it cannot be brought about or heard of that what is should be utterly destroyed."[SUP][8][/SUP]
A further principle of conservation was stated by Epicurus around the 3rd century BCE, who wrote in describing the nature of the Universe that "the totality of things was always such as it is now, and always will be".[SUP][9][/SUP]

That's a very cute poem. It doesn't sound like it was written by an 11-year old. The privileged class in Shelley's day got a great education, starting at a young age.. I'm always amazed at what they considered "usual." Today it would be advanced learning and people would be teased for studying literature, languages and poetry instead of STEM subjects.


Dear ChristieFANNY,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. There are a lot of points you have made that I will respond to.

However I cannot do any lengthy posting to you today, as my brother - in - law, Nick, (who is a lovely guy) has had a very severe heart attack and is being prepped right now for an emergency, dual by-pass operation at a private cardiac hospital nearby. So everything is "up in the air" and at present I am stationed at St Andrew's (the cardiac hospital) with my brother-in-law's wife ( Elizabeth, my eldest sister) and my little sister, Catherine, along with my other brother-in law, Duncan,other members of the immediate family I am trying my best to provide some support/solidarity. So in short my daily time table is 'Helter-Skelter" at present. But this will not prevent me getting back to you, as are only allowed to attend the hospital up until 7:00 pm. So I can post you in my evening time. In fact,I will send you a longish post tomorrow (my Friday in OZ). It will be therapeutic for me as I enjoy discussing discussing the work of the master, English, Romantic poets with you along the closely related concept on consciousness/phenomenal experience. You have a good innate/ intuitive understanding of consciousness - which the late 18th - century and 19th- century Romantics like Shelley , Blake, Byron and Wordsworth and Co. called "SPIRIT" ( Sting, as well is referring to individual, subjective "consciousness" in his song : "SPIRITS IN THE MATERIAL WORD" Shelley beat "String" to the cut, however, when he published "Ode to a Skylark" in 1820, wherein he shows us that a little Skylark that he and Mary observed, soaring upward into the deep, "celestial" blue evening sky while it sang for joy (."..and soaring ever singest, and singing ever soaresr" ) For Shelley, the Skylark was - first and foremost - a "SPIRIT IN THE MATERIAL WORLD." All of Shelley's lyric poetry has the power to overwhelm my personal, subjective consciousness/experience , in the same sudden and dramatic way that striking a rock with a large mallet, smashes the former into rubble. The literary scholars refer to this as Shelley's regular ability to "dazzle/bedazzle" his readership. Anyway, what I was going to say is that I find his "Ode to a Skylark" such a sublime/spiritually beautiful work of art that I am often reluctant to read it as whenever I do it automatically brings me to tears. And I experience these tears both being both "tears of joy" and at the same time, "tears of sorrow."

I will talk to you tomorrow.

This post is sent with my kindest regards and SWALK:loveu::loveu: XX


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Dear ChristieFANNY,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. There are a lot of points you have made that I will respond to.

However I cannot do any lengthy posting to you today, as my brother - in - law, Nick, (who is a lovely guy) has had a very severe heart attack and is being prepped right now for an emergency, dual by-pass operation at a private cardiac hospital nearby. So everything is "up in the air" and at present I am stationed at St Andrew's (the cardiac hospital) with my brother-in-law's wife ( Elizabeth, my eldest sister) and my little sister, Catherine, along with my other brother-in law, Duncan,other members of the immediate family I am trying my best to provide some support/solidarity. So in short my daily time table is 'Helter-Skelter" at present. But this will not prevent me getting back to you, as are only allowed to attend the hospital up until 7:00 pm. So I can post you in my evening time. In fact,I will send you a longish post tomorrow (my Friday in OZ). It will be therapeutic for me as I enjoy discussing discussing the work of the master, English, Romantic poets with you along the closely related concept on consciousness/phenomenal experience. You have a good innate/ intuitive understanding of consciousness - which the late 18th - century and 19th- century Romantics like Shelley , Blake, Byron and Wordsworth and Co. called "SPIRIT" ( Sting, as well is referring to individual, subjective "consciousness" in his song : "SPIRITS IN THE MATERIAL WORD" Shelley beat "String" to the cut, however, when he published "Ode to a Skylark" in 1820, wherein he shows us that a little Skylark that he and Mary observed, soaring upward into the deep, "celestial" blue evening sky while it sang for joy (."..and soaring ever singest, and singing ever soaresr" ) For Shelley, the Skylark was - first and foremost - a "SPIRIT IN THE MATERIAL WORLD." All of Shelley's lyric poetry has the power to overwhelm my personal, subjective consciousness/experience , in the same sudden and dramatic way that striking a rock with a large mallet, smashes the former into rubble. The literary scholars refer to this as Shelley's regular ability to "dazzle/bedazzle" his readership. Anyway, what I was going to say is that I find his "Ode to a Skylark" such a sublime/spiritually beautiful work of art that I am often reluctant to read it as whenever I do it automatically brings me to tears. And I experience these tears both being both "tears of joy" and at the same time, "tears of sorrow."

I will talk to you tomorrow.

This post is sent with my kindest regards and SWALK:loveu::loveu: XX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Dear DachsieWEENIE,

Absolutely no hurry. Please don't derange yourself when you're up to your armpits in family business. Sending best wishes for your B-I-L's speedy recovery.
Dear DachsieWEENIE,

Absolutely no hurry. Please don't derange yourself when you're up to your armpits in family business. Sending best wishes for your B-I-L's speedy recovery.

Thanks for that. It looks like my brother with live to fight another day. From what I've heard from the cardiac surgeon, though, he is one, very, lucky boy.

See if you like the You Tube Music video. It is a single taken from "Clash's last album (Joe Strummer is doing the lead vocals). It's got a White English nationalist vivive to it. But I wouldn't stress about that. In a lot of the "Clash's" REALLY massive songs or albums (like "London Calling") the lyrics that are written for most - but not All - of the songs are pretty much incomprehensible. Having said that, Joe Strummer write some of the greatest ever lyrics the history of rock in the 20th-century (like the the tracks of the famous album: "London Calling". When you read the song lyrics on the back of the LP, it is difficult to untangle the meaningings of each track; but, strangley, when you listening to the LP through your headphones or (whatever), the worlds speak to you with a magical/enchanted lucidity; and immediately, YOU GET IT - BIG TIME. It's kind of like this...remember I 'm a pharmacist, and was was taught the art back in the days when pharmacists had to make up their own :emulsions; snuff powderers; Mag Trisilicate. Suspensions; Paraldehyde draughts; Extract of Squill Elixiers; suppositories; medicinal gargles (for those naughty young girls who [I/ always[/I] seems to present with strained lower jaw muscles, and a "nondescript, sticky, ("milky,") matter deposited all over the upper surface of the tongue ChristiFANNY (it's the work of the Divil, ChristieFANNY- the work of the "Divil, I say !! Getting back to the explanation I wanted to suggest for how Joe Strummer's lyrics are often incomprehensiible in terms of making conventional, rational sense (even their iconic single, "London Calling" falls into this category when it is read aloud as (lyric) poetry without any musical accompaniment. It must be some strong, synergism at work, because in 1979, every pimple-headed 19 year old c**t got the message, and the "London Calling" LP shot up like a rocket into the rare depths of heaven and blew away every vinyl sales record, that ever been set in the Western music industry. All the more astonishing because ABBA and the Beatles, Elvis Pressley and Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan and the "Band" wrote great music AND had great "crystal clear" lyrics to accompany their tunes.

As much as I loved all of Joe Strummer's music whether he was playing with the "Clash" or the "Mescaleros; and I will never forget the announcement of his sudden death at the age of 50, on 22 December 2002 (from a congenital heart disorder). I think had I ever had the chance to meat him in person we would never see "ever-to-eye" politically.

Joe was pretty much to the far-left of centre. He was not anything loopy like a doctrinaire Marxist (socialist) or a card-carry- communist.He had too much imagination and valued his individual freedom way to much to end up falling down that kind of rat-hole.

Meanwhile, I was a traditional (Burkean) conservative, and I would not have received a very friendly greeting from Joe once he knew this.

I think it would be a great thing if celebrities like Taylor Swift and the now deceased Joe Strummer, (and all the rest of the comics and humorists and film-makers and business people could just get together and agree that they are not going to incorporate partisan political material into their routines. I mean Taylor Swift is a HOTTIE with the the most SEXY legs (and all the rest !!) and she's pretty and a has lots of talent; BUT what does she know about conservative political philosophy? The answer must be "next to nothing.". Right ? She also has a sizeable chuck of political power in the US. Unless she has a thorough and rigorous education and enough relevant experience, I don' think she has any right to use her power to intervene in "big picture" American politics (Republican or Democrat).

This brings me to the Music Video of "This is England." This song is performed by Joe Strummer, and was recorded in 1983. Joe Strummer, called himself a "Punk" during one stage of his career, at a time when the Punk/Skinhead/White Supremacist/anti-immigrant movement had strong links to extremist, racist, White Nationalist,English, political Parties like the British National Front, and emerging Neo-Nazi?racist/Skinhead outfits like "Blood and Honour", an organisation started by English, White Supremacist and singer, Ian Stuart. The list of Skinhead/White Nationalist/anti-immigrants organisations, is extensive in Britain and the USA to this day. I think is was a foolish error for Joe Strummer and the "Clash" to wear the appurtenances of shaved scalps hob-nail boots, Mohawk hair- styles, etc; because, historically, it was the violent/White Nationalists who were the first sub-cultural group to explode out of England's foundational Punk Rock scene. There is absolutely no atom of evidence to suggest that Joe and the "Clash" were racist/White supremacists.Also while the "Clash" viewed themselves as "Punk Rockers", the truth is that they were actually mainstream "Rock and Rollers" who had a great "pop sensibility "the Clash" were really a mainstream pop-music band for most of their careers. Joe Strummer experimented with other musical genres as well when he formed a band called "The Mescaleros." This is exquisitely poignant track that Joe wrote on a "Mescaleros" album called "Street Core" soft haunting elegy that is drenched with emotions of sadness and regret for the tragic loss of lives on the 9/11 terrorist assault against America in NYC. i I want you to listen to it Christie FANNY because I already know that it will blow you away. It picked up broad airplay in America when it was released and it was called "Ramshackle-Day Parade" (check it out, CF !!) It is a spiritually beautiful piece of music. when you play it somewhere quit it, you are kind of frozen still whenever and wherever you happen to be. It ended up being used as the signature tune for a movie called "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." My point is that a hard-core "Punk-Rocker" like, Johnny Rotten< could not have performed this song.

Getting back (at last) to the video Track I sent you (above) What we have here is Joe Strummer in classic leftie political mode. The year is 1983 and after looking around at the state of Britain, Joe decides to issue his own SOTU address.above. He blames every thing he sees that is bad: stratospheric inflation; unemployment (i.e stagflation), a struggling economy, power cuts, "states emergency", gang violence in the inner-cities, the Falkland's War; the collapse the the beloved British motorcycle production, the wave of ultra- nationalist, jingoistic patriotism that followed Britain's victory in the Falklands; the "too high" prevalence of violent racist/anti-immigrant strife in Britain's inner urban communities; the phenomenon of police oppression, plus standard "Clash/Strummer themes of protest, disillusionment, alienation and so on.

The true story is as follows...Labour administrations in Britain during the 1970s and , in particular, bough Britain to it knees between 1978 and 1979. In 1979 the country was lashed with the most freezing winter weather in many , many decades. Hence this period of Winter frigidity came to be known by the public as "The Winter of Discontent" (After, Shakespeare - "Now is the Winter of our Discontent." Richard iii . The Winter of Discontent began on 24 August....20,000 railwaymen went out on strike, haulage worker walked of the job, petrol tank drivers and eventually municipal workers - 1, 250,000 organised a 1-day national strike, hospital services were reduced' trash was uncollected and dumped in huge amounts along city streets, and on the 22 Jan 1979 the most notorious incident was the grave-diggers strike on Merseyside which left many of dead the unburied.

Margaret Thatcher was elected conservative Prime Minister in May of 1979..She know what the problem was and directly cut off the Unions' power. Thirty years later Britain had no problems at all with any of the Big British Unions.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachsund Lives Matter

Sigh'.... i just checked my JPP in-box, but there is still no mobilie Phone No from you....Sigh ! :loveu::loveu::loveu: :ausflag::usflag:

Finally, the 1983 Msic Video (above) exposes Joe Strummer's political stupidity and ignorance for what it is.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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”Trump sends Valentine’s Day message to Melania centered on his criminal cases”

“Dear Melania, I LOVE YOU. Even after every single INDICTMENT, ARREST, and WITCH HUNT, you never left my side,” he wrote in the message. “You’ve always supported me through everything. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without your guidance, kindness, and warmth.“

“Readers were then directed to a website where they could leave their own Valentine’s Day message or donate to his reelection campaign.”

Beautiful, not only does he makes what is supposed to be a private personal moment all about him playing the martyr, but he then goes on to pimp it as a fund raiser, classic

Wonder what kind of valentine wishes did he express with his “lovers” Putin and Little Rocket Man

Melania knows Trump is cheating on her. I think it wears her down. She has to swallow her self-respect to be with him. I think it gets harder over time.
Melania knows Trump is cheating on her. I think it wears her down. She has to swallow her self-respect to be with him. I think it gets harder over time.

She got the pre-nup rewritten twice in her favor: Once to leave NYC to live in the WH and again to campaign with him in 2020.

Why isn't she campaigning with him now? She got everything she wanted. She doesn't even have to wait for him to drop dead; she lives in luxury and her kid is taken care of. Winner, winner.
Pretty depressing, Dachsie. I don't want to think this way about the country that owns a piece of my heart.

Here is an audio-clip of Joe Strummer's song, "RAMSHACKLE DAY PARADE". Like I mentioned to it is an unconventional elegy for those who lost their lives in Manhattan on 9/11.

With Love from...:loveu::loveu::loveu: XXX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter
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She got the pre-nup rewritten twice in her favor: Once to leave NYC to live in the WH and again to campaign with him in 2020.

Why isn't she campaigning with him now? She got everything she wanted. She doesn't even have to wait for him to drop dead; she lives in luxury and her kid is taken care of. Winner, winner.

Your fantasy life is rich.
Your fantasy life is rich.

Then explain why Melania left NYC after 6 months and isn't campaigning with Pedo Don this year.

Do you believe this rumor?
Melania Trump Refused to Move into White House Until Obama Toilet Was Replaced
In August 2020, allegations surfaced suggesting Melania Trump, then-U.S. first lady, delayed her move into the White House until renovations were completed, specifically to replace the bathroom facilities used by the previous occupants, President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama....

...she ended up extending her stay in New York to July 2017

Perhaps the best way to watch the music video I posted is to log on to You Tube, then search for a song by the "SEX PISTOLS" called "HOLIDAY in the SUN."

Love from


PS: Christie, you said you are busy at home because there is a lot of there is a lot of stuff going on there that you need to take care. If by "home" you mean the United States, I fully, agree. The radical, neo-Marxist/progressive policies of the Biden Democrat administration have directly inflicted the 'worst" set of: social/racial/political/national security and economic crises on America that that I am aware of in the modern era.

Now, ChristieFANNY, it is very noble for you to say that you want to fix the fall-out from approaching 4 years of the sabotage the regime has unleashed on America and her people; but you "can't take care of it" by yourself girl. One one person can set America back on the right course again. So what I suggest to you is that you join your local Republican Party branch and get involved in a few community "Sausage Sizzles" in your local community (you could take your cat along !) and help promote the Republican Party on the major 2024 election with the locals who drop in for a freshly -cooked "Hot) og". (Yes, I know that YOU don't like "Hot Dogs", CF, so let's imagine that there are also some cheeseburgers being cooked up :) ) Of course, it goes without saying, that you realise, ChristieFANNY, how it is essential for you and your friend to roll up to the polls in your neighbourhood and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for DONALD J TRUMP this November 5th.

Whatever you do, ChristieFANNY, DON'T VOTE DEMOCRAT AGAIN !!
If you did, and I ever found out about it - I would die of despair (probably suicide), having lost forever, my very last atom of faith in Human Nature. :(:(:(
Dear DachsieWEENIE,

I moved this to our original discussion thread rather than continue on the song thread. Also watched the music video which led me to info about the Sex Pistols and specifically Sid Vicious. Looks like he murdered his girlfriend and then died of an overdose some months later. In the article, "one of his friends noted that he embodied "everything in punk that was dark, decadent and nihilistic."[SUP][ [/SUP] He led a sad and short life Dachsie; an object lesson in why not to take drugs. Sid Vicious could have benefited from some actual Holidays in the Sun, eh?

I have been dealing with contractors at home and it's like another full-time job. Hence the length of time it took me to respond to your post.

I will be voting my conscience as usual, in fact, just mailed the primary ballot the other day. And for the general election I would write in the name "Caligula" before voting for any person who preaches that the country has/is gone to hell, promotes conspiracy theories and claims without evidence that the last election was stolen. So I won't name names here but you do the math, DachsieWEENIE. It would probably be best if we did not speak on the fruits of politics even if skins were to be thrown from windows. ;)

christiefan915 - THE ENIGMATIC CAT



Dear DachsieWEENIE,

I moved this to our original discussion thread rather than continue on the song thread. Also watched the music video which led me to info about the Sex Pistols and specifically Sid Vicious. Looks like he murdered his girlfriend and then died of an overdose some months later. In the article, "one of his friends noted that he embodied "everything in punk that was dark, decadent and nihilistic."[SUP][ [/SUP] He led a sad and short life Dachsie; an object lesson in why not to take drugs. Sid Vicious could have benefited from some actual Holidays in the Sun, eh?

I have been dealing with contractors at home and it's like another full-time job. Hence the length of time it took me to respond to your post.

I will be voting my conscience as usual, in fact, just mailed the primary ballot the other day. And for the general election I would write in the name "Caligula" before voting for any person who preaches that the country has/is gone to hell, promotes conspiracy theories and claims without evidence that the last election was stolen. So I won't name names here but you do the math, DachsieWEENIE. It would probably be best if we did not speak on the fruits of politics even if skins were to be thrown from windows. ;)

christiefan915 - THE ENIGMATIC CAT




Man, do you know how to handle the Nazi Dog from Down Under or what? :loveu:
Melania knows Trump is cheating on her. I think it wears her down. She has to swallow her self-respect to be with him. I think it gets harder over time.

Naah! Mickey Rouke had her number years ago! I remember a candid video of him tossing a football outside a restaurant. I believe he said something to the effect of, "C'mon, you know what she is. You see that (Trump) coming out of the bathroom naked and getting on top of you? Please."