Could anyone be more self centered and narcissistic?

Sez the Down Under dumbass and 'Roo Fucker on an American forum. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Is it really a surprise how many Aussie women prefer American men over Aussie dumbfucks, weinerdog?

If you are under 70, there's a good chance you have American blood in you, Down Under. LOL

The way any rational/scientifically - literate person defines who is an "AMERICAN" rules you out "Uncle Tom." So shut your ignorant/deluded pie-hole. Stupid cunt !

(What fuck are YOU doing on an AMERICAN forum ??)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
The way any rational/scientifically - literate person defines who is an "AMERICAN" rules you out "Uncle Tom." So shut your ignorant/deluded pie-hole. Stupid cunt !

(What fuck are YOU doing on an AMERICAN forum ??)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
What passes for an "intellectual" down under = a drunken street bum in America. LOL
that was actually me vomiting about his so called love for melania, but i'm not surprised that you're still on the brainwashed effort to still call everyone a trumper

I do think that Melania is a good wife.

Because, she is clearly waiting for all of Donny's Legal and political woes to be settled before she takes off with Barron, and divorces that Sorry idiot!

Most women would have already broke the dishes and split the sheets long ago.

It is pretty clear now, that Melania still has most of her 40 million of her own dollars, she had before she was ever married to Trump, and TRUMP IS NOW FLAT BROKE.

This marriage is over- she just hasn't left MARRY-A-LARDO yet.
I do think that Melania is a good wife.

Because, she is clearly waiting for all of Donny's Legal and political woes to be settled before she takes off with Barron, and divorces that Sorry idiot!

Most women would have already broke the dishes and split the sheets long ago.

It is pretty clear now, that Melania still has most of her 40 million of her own dollars, she had before she was ever married to Trump, and TRUMP IS NOW FLAT BROKE.

This marriage is over- she just hasn't left yet.

She's fulfilling her prenup and waiting for her payday. :thup:

I knew that Tasso was a very famous poet who was brilliant enoughto be included in the Western (literary) canon. However, I had never read any of his poetry until you posted me the poem above, "What Weeping or What Dewfall" It is an excellent poem. I see its theme is - the loss of a dearly beloved other - and the experience of grief/mourning that follows such a loss and how it typically distorts the sufferer's perception (and conceptions). In this case of reality. the poet's perceptions (and conceptions) of the natural world. It's a very clever little poem. BUT ChristieFANNY (!), You were supposed to be sending me something to ease my emotional pain, and my (still) profoundly depressed mood) caused by your heartless rejection of my recent request to hook-up with you when I visit the us March/April. Instead you amplify my grief and suffering with this poem by Tasso. !

I have lived his poem for myself when I was 18 years old and my mother died suddenly. In the grief that follows the loss of a close member of your family, or a friend, reality is distorted in the way that you perceive/conceive it in lived experience. Here is an example I would use to explain it; namely, some verses from Jim Morrison''s song "People are Strange" that he wrote in 1967. I am sure you will know the music of Jim Morrison, and the "The Doors" because you are a loopy (I mean that in a nice way, CF), leftie/liberal girl . I mean, if - for argument's sake- we called a MAGA Republican ( like me) : "BLACK", then Jim Morrison would be the absolute opposite, i.e. "WHITE." Jim Morrison did not have a conservative political bone in his body (and that's to say the very least). The lyrics below are from his song: "PEOPLE ARE STRANGE"....

People are strange

When you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked

When you're unwanted (how very true !)

Streets are uneven

When you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No-one remembers your name.......

When Jim Morrison wrote these lyrics he (told a music journal at the "Rolling Stone magazine or some other big Pop music rag) he was feeling very depressed. For me, the lyric (above) are intended to highlight how the experience of strong and enduring states of emotion/mood can twist/distort one's perceptions and conceptions of reality; i.e. of both the natural world 9that Tasso uses to in the poem you sent me (above),and also the human world (of encounters and communications and relationships with other people). The streets are actually not "uneven", and most women are not "wicked", but point is that they are PERCEIVED/CONCEIVED to so by the writer (who is suffering from depression) in his lived experience- which is also very real in the sense that our sense perceptions and thoughts (cognitions/conceptions) DO EXIST --"for real" -in our minds, it's just that they are not physical/material.

Anyway, that's how I see it.

(BTW, Jim Morrison always saw himself as a poet, but , of course, he doesn't hold a candle to individuals like Tasso or Shakespeare or Shelley or T.S. Eliot and all of the other great masters.

As we were speaking of romantic love, CF, (before you broke my heart by refusing to allow me to visit you in America!), I will provide you with some specially-chosen verses of great, love poetry written by the Romantic movements greatest ever lyric poet. They will also serve to show you what YOU WILL BE MISSING OUT ON BY REJECTING MY REQUEST TO VISIT YOU IN AMERICA !! ;);) . These lines are taken from a poem called"Epipsychideon", which was written in 1821 by Percy Shelley. In the verses below Shelley is describing what it is like "having a F**k" (pardon the language) with someone you sincerely love and who sincerely loves you. (Shelley was straight, BTW, so he is referring to heterosexual love-making, something he knew a lot about, because adored women and preferred their company to that of men. Unfortunately, he couldn't help himself when it came to seducing women he was attracted to. He cheated umpteen times one his poor wife, Mary. I don't think most modern-day, American women involved in an intimate relationship with a "Shelley" would put up with his philandering ways for very long).


by Percy Byssche Shelley (1821).

And we will talk Emily (ChristieF), until thought's melody

Become too sweet for utterance, and it die

In words, to live again in looks, which dart

With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart,

Harmonising silence without a sound,

Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound,

And out veins beat together; and our lips

With other eloquence than words, eclipse

The soul that burns between them, and the wells

Which boil under our being's inmost cells,

The fountains of our deepest life, shall be

Confused in Passion's golden purity,

As mountain springs under the morning sun

We shall become the same, WE SHALL BE ONE


One passion within two hearts, which grows and grew,

Till like two meteors of expanding flame,

Those spheres instinct with it became the same,

Touch, mingle, are transfigured; ever still

Burning, yet ever inconsumable;

In one another's substance finding food,

Like flames too pure, and light too un-imbued

To nourish their bright lives with baser prey,

Which point to Heaven and cannot pass away

One hope within two wills, one will beneath

Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death,

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality,

And one annihilation. Woe is me !

The winged words on which my soul would pierce

Into the height of Love's rare Universe,

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire -

I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire.

I remain, "CF", as ever, your obedient servant,

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Just for curiosity's sake, why would an Aussie be a MAGA republican? Don't you have your own version of MAGA down under?

But re: Tasso, I discovered him when I was taking a Humanities elective in college. What I really liked and remembered about the poem was the last line. "Were they perhaps the strife Of your going, life of my life?" "Life of my life," now that's romance. He didn't write "sweetie pie" or "babe" or "honeybunch" (even in their more romantic Italian form.) The woman he addressed as "life of my life" must have fallen into a swoon upon reading those words. Now Tasso's biographers say he loved the ladies and was a rakehell, er, poet (like you and Shelley.) A convent-confined girl must have thought she died and went to heaven when she got that poem from him.

I have lived his poem for myself when I was 18 years old and my mother died suddenly. In the grief that follows the loss of a close member of your family, or a friend, reality is distorted in the way that you perceive/conceive it in lived experience. Here is an example I would use to explain it; namely, some verses from Jim Morrison''s song "People are Strange" that he wrote in 1967. I am sure you will know the music of Jim Morrison, and the "The Doors" because you are a loopy (I mean that in a nice way, CF), leftie/liberal girl . I mean, if - for argument's sake- we called a MAGA Republican ( like me) : "BLACK", then Jim Morrison would be the absolute opposite, i.e. "WHITE." Jim Morrison did not have a conservative political bone in his body (and that's to say the very least). The lyrics below are from his song: "PEOPLE ARE STRANGE"....

Can't say I'm a fan of the Doors and what I know about Jim Morrison is that he's buried in Pere-Lachaise cemetery in Paris. Do you have any idea of what the words mean on his stone? Is it something about a devil?


When Jim Morrison wrote these lyrics he (told a music journal at the "Rolling Stone magazine or some other big Pop music rag) he was feeling very depressed. For me, the lyric (above) are intended to highlight how the experience of strong and enduring states of emotion/mood can twist/distort one's perceptions and conceptions of reality; i.e. of both the natural world 9that Tasso uses to in the poem you sent me (above),and also the human world (of encounters and communications and relationships with other people). The streets are actually not "uneven", and most women are not "wicked", but point is that they are PERCEIVED/CONCEIVED to so by the writer (who is suffering from depression) in his lived experience- which is also very real in the sense that our sense perceptions and thoughts (cognitions/conceptions) DO EXIST --"for real" -in our minds, it's just that they are not physical/material.

Tasso definitely suffered from depression and possibly a few other mental conditions, as I learned. No doubt he poured his angst into his works, just like Morrison, Shelley and many others.

As we were speaking of romantic love, CF, (before you broke my heart by refusing to allow me to visit you in America!), I will provide you with some specially-chosen verses of great, love poetry written by the Romantic movements greatest ever lyric poet. They will also serve to show you what YOU WILL BE MISSING OUT ON BY REJECTING MY REQUEST TO VISIT YOU IN AMERICA !! ;);) . These lines are taken from a poem called"Epipsychideon", which was written in 1821 by Percy Shelley. In the verses below Shelley is describing what it is like "having a F**k" (pardon the language) with someone you sincerely love and who sincerely loves you. (Shelley was straight, BTW, so he is referring to heterosexual love-making, something he knew a lot about, because adored women and preferred their company to that of men. Unfortunately, he couldn't help himself when it came to seducing women he was attracted to. He cheated umpteen times one his poor wife, Mary. I don't think most modern-day, American women involved in an intimate relationship with a "Shelley" would put up with his philandering ways for very long).

As I recall, Mary Shelley grew up in a feminist (for the times) household. Her mother wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which I read and tried to understand. Mother was also ahead of her time in the romance department and "hooked up," ultimately giving birth to a baby girl, Fanny. Unfortunately this awakened her maternal instincts, which the baby's father didn't care for, so he dumped her. Mary was born from the mom's relationship with William Godwin... they married despite Godwin writing about the abolition of marriage before he met his wife. But I digress.


by Percy Byssche Shelley (1821).

And we will talk Emily (ChristieF), until thought's melody

Become too sweet for utterance, and it die

In words, to live again in looks, which dart

With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart,

Harmonising silence without a sound,

Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound,

And out veins beat together; and our lips

With other eloquence than words, eclipse

The soul that burns between them, and the wells

Which boil under our being's inmost cells,

The fountains of our deepest life, shall be

Confused in Passion's golden purity,

As mountain springs under the morning sun

We shall become the same, WE SHALL BE ONE


One passion within two hearts, which grows and grew,

Till like two meteors of expanding flame,

Those spheres instinct with it became the same,

Touch, mingle, are transfigured; ever still

Burning, yet ever inconsumable;

In one another's substance finding food,

Like flames too pure, and light too un-imbued

To nourish their bright lives with baser prey,

Which point to Heaven and cannot pass away

One hope within two wills, one will beneath

Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death,

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality,

And one annihilation. Woe is me !

The winged words on which my soul would pierce

Into the height of Love's rare Universe,

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire -

I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire.

I remain, "CF", as ever, your obedient servant,
Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Let no one wonder that the recipient of this poem swooned and succumbed to Shelley, including Mary. I suppose he was a cut above that other guy, though... the one who was mad, bad and dangerous to know.
Dear ChristieFANNY

It is such a terrible disappointment that you will not agree to letting me visit you in America ! :( I am now planning to be in the states probably latish May or June (I was told that is a better time of year to go)- so you still have time to reconsider your decision (?)

I mean, if I do not have an American friend like you to advise me when I am in the states, I could end up straying, unwittingly, into some dangerous parts of US. I could end up being raped (i.e "bum-jacked") by a female, trannie truck-driver, or even bludgeoned to death for wearing my red MAGA cap in a place I did not realise was full of Democrat extremists!! ! If something like this happened, ChristieFANNY, how would you ever live with the guilt of knowing you could have saved my life !! ??

On the other hand, we could have lots of fun...

For instance, when I got there you teach me all about ,Tasso, and the other famous poets you studied in College (or after college).

And, you could teach me all about real-life America and how to talk with an American accent ;and I could show you how to speak genuine "Strine" (that's we Aussies call our own accent) so you could impress your friends.

Also, we could hold hands in the Cinema and "McDonalds" :)

PLUS, I give expert "Nuru Massages", so I would be able to give them to you if you wanted (all strictly therapeutic, of course).

I don't mind cats, so maybe I could even stay at your pad in the states? That would mean I wouldn't have to pay a fortune for a room in "Trump Tower" like I was planning to do. At night I could sleep in your bed. I mean, I would stick strictlyto the far right/left - hand side of the bed, and you could sleep on the other side. In other words, I guarantee there would be absolutely no "wandering hands" under the covers or any other kind of "monkey business." to worry about !! As you are aware ,CF, I AM a passionate Romantic, like Shelley, and that's 100% true; but Shelley was only ever really interested in Platonic love - you know, "higher -love" (spiritual love) He would have agreed that having physical sex as a means to gratify lust was primarily an exercise in "bumping uglies" as we say in the 21st-century - (i.e. "bumping uglies" - like Phantasmaldoes with her miniature, pet, "Pot-bellied Pigs.") Speaking of "Phantasmal", I am reminded (for some reason ?), that Shelley had sex with a prostitute once when he was in his youth, and after the experience he said - in a poem he wrote about the incident - that he felt spiritually traumatised. His soul, he said, had be poisoned by a wicked seductress who had perverted/degraded the meaning of love into the filth of base , carnal hedonism).

I have exactly the same attitude here as Shelley, ChristieFANNY ! I mean, if Taylor Swift and Tomi Lahren (the blonde, "FOX NEWS" anchor), both magically appeared in my bedroom right now - both completely naked !!- and they each gave me a smouldering, slow wink and beckoned me toward themselves with their index fingers, I would not"batt an eyelid". What I would do is say: "Ladies, would you both kindly remove yourself from my apartment immediately - the front exit is over there to the right. You are both exposing yourselves in an unacceptably disgraceful and indecent manner - and if you do not leave this minute, I will have you both charged with "Moral Turpitude" by the local Constabulary ! In other words,, Shelley I are both "Gentlemen" (in the Regency sense of the word), ChristieFANNY. That is, just like the Gentlemen you read about in Jane Austin's novels, such as, "Mr Darcy." (in "Pride and Prejudice"). Those guys never, ever got up to any sordid or "creepy" stuff like groping, squeezing and/or tweaking their lady companions' bosoms, booties or "Hoo-Hars". They would rather die than acquire a reputation for engaging in such lewd and unchivalrous behaviours! (And) that's precisely what I'm like too, ChristieFANNY.

There is only one exception in the case of Shelley that comes to mind. He is said to have arrived once at a Regency - era Ball in the beautiful English city of Bath. The Ball was held in the "Assembly Rooms" in the city centre. I have visited them myself, they have been preserved exactly as they were in Shelley's time during the Regency (1811 to 1820). In fact, the city of Bath is like a giant Georgian time capsule (stunningly graceful and elegant); it is quite simply England's most beautiful city. The Regency Balls were held during the social "season" in 18th and 19th century, England, which ran from about July to October of each year. These dancing, and fancy dress, balls were strictly private - invitation only - affairs. Care was taken to ensure that no common folk or riff-raff were invited; only young women and men (and their families) from the ranks of the nobility, the landed gentry, the very wealthy and other members of elite, English social classes/("polite society") were eligible to receive invitations to attend.

During Shelley's time the young women who attended the Balls were dressed in exquisite, flowing satin and lace evening gowns. The fashion at the time was for low-cut (often "square"-shaped necklines, and the girls all wore "staye" or "corsets under their dresses. The corset were used to support anf lift their bosoms. The corsets also had a length of whale -bone or wood stitched into the front of the corset called a "busk." A "busk" was shaped like a large ruler, and the upper end of it pushed the lady's bosoms apart creating a deep cleavage. The corset and it's busk pushed the lady's breasts up and also separated them so that they looked like two firm oranges placed next to each other. With their, plunging, low-cut neck-lines (just covering each nipple) these evening gowns were no doubt a "turn on" for the Regency males attending a society ball.

On one occasion Shelley was invited to a Ball - (he was the son of a Baronet - Sir Timothy Shelley, and so he "made the cut" for an invitation) - which was being held in London, (I think). He was known as a poet at the time among the upper class in England,and accepted as a literary man (even though he had already gained a bad reputation among "High Society" in England for promulgating radical, anti-establishment political viewpoints, such as : "The Necessity of Atheism"' strident calls for the abolition of the institution of marriage, and the universal practice of "free love." (Shelley held the same doctrine of "free love" as the Hippies and the student counter-culture on American College campuses did in the 1960s).

So Shelley arrived at this ball. Regency Balls that were held in the (social) "season" of each years were the epitomy of high romance, they were held in beautiful ballrooms typically lit by 1000 or so candles hanging from splendid crystal chandeliers. Everything about these Balls was like an essay in sublime: refinement, grace and good (aesthetic) taste. This didn't mean there not elderly society spinsters present to keep on eagle eye on the behaviour of the young couples as they flirted and danced with one another. The elders watched the action going on around them through "quizzin'" glasses", these were monacles held atop a thin rod of wood that magnified the object that they were held toward. If there was any suspicion of "frisky" behaviour taking place - like improper touching/kissing - the "quizzin'"glasses" would be held up to investigate it, and, if necessary, the alarm would then be raised (!). There were very strict protocols that governed behaviour at these Balls - young men and women were forbidden from doing the kind of things they might do at a large social gathering in the US in 2024 ( which- let's face it - often tends to involve getting drunk and then screwing the "day-lights" out of each other in the grass outside, Right?? To continue. What Shelley did, on the occasion I'm referring to, was to "order" a group of about 20 young, attractive women at this Ball to form a straight line by standing shoulder to shoulder , next to each other on the wooden, dance floor. He then announced, very solemnly, that news of a dreadful new contagious illness in the local district had reached him and that it could be detected in women by the presence of certain changes in the normal texture of the "tissues of the bosom". Shelley then passed from one ("low-cut") girl to the next ("low-cut") girl along the line, thoroughly kneading and squeezing each one's breasts as he moved down the line. At the end of his "examination" Shelley announced an "all clear", and somehow managed to get away with the whole stunt !

Actually, ChristieFANNY, there is a similar story from Founding-era America starring, George Washington. When he and his Continental Army defeated the British Army, Washington was celebrated as a Great Hero and adored by the American people. He was invited to guest of honour at umpteen high - society social events Eye-witness sources say that when Washington was seated at a dinner table opposite attractive (and buxom) young women, he had an impulsive habit of reaching across the table and fondling/kneading their breasts. No one present, including the girls, dared say anything that might offend America greatest hero !! What do you think of that, ChristieFANNY ?!!

Actually, I shouldn't say to you that I am a Regency -era "Gentleman" LIKE Percy Shelly, because Shelley's behaviour was very often precisely the opposite of what was expected during his times. His conduct was often extremely selfish and callous, especially toward Mary, who suffered so much grief on sorrow on his account it is scarce believable that she endured. Also Shelley's first wife , Harriet, ended up drowning herself in London, due to his cruelty. If you were a young woman during the Regency, getting mixed up in a romantic affair with Percy Shelley would be the biggest mistake you ever made in your life. It would be like "holding hands" with a giant tornado.

Shelley is the great lyric poet in the English language. But the man and his poetry were two quite different things. Having read (I think) every serious biography that has been published about him (in the English language) my theory is that Percy Shelley suffered from a mood disorder that must have been a condition like BIPOLAR (Bipolar Affective Disorder), where the sufferer cycles been MANIC phases (high states of mind, that are characterised by an increased rate, intensity and level of mental activity in general: reasoning/cognitive, emotional), and DEPRESSED PHASES (low states of mind, lethargy, dysphoria/negative affect, sluggish cognition, unhappiness, loss of motivation/ enthusiasm, etc) I think that Shelley wrote his most famous poetry/prose when he was in a manic or hypo-manic state of mind My diagnosis might be right, or it could just as equally be totally incorrect.Though I'm not the first modern reader of Shelley's "life and works" to have suggested he displayed the clinical symptoms of what modern psychiatrists refer to as BIPOLAR DISORDER. One thing I can say for certain is that Shelley's mind was not normal - in fact, it was very ABNORMAL, psychiatrically speaking.

So, ChristyFANNY, I'm a Regency gentleman who happens to live in the modern - day, 21st -century, West ! That means I am extremely polite and well-mannered and conduct myself with the utmost propriety when I am in the company of the fairer sex (unless they insist that I do not !! :) Therefore you would have nothing to worry about if you met up with me in the states - I do not have "wandering hands" and I would never put the "hard word" on you for a "quick session in the bushes" ( if you know what I mean). I find that kind of behaviour utterly appalling.

Just think of all the fun we could have, CF. We could play cool board games like "Scrabble" and "Monopoly" at your place for hours on end ! We could hold hands at the cinema (like I mentioned) watching romantic movies, or stay home at your place and watch Barbara Streisand classics on Netfix, like: "The Way We Were." You could "show me off" to all of your American, liberal, girl-friends as your male buddy who is a real Aussie.

Plus, I would not discuss my admiration for Donald Trump with you (or any of your liberal buddies) nor would I bore you with the philosophy of political Conservatism, or wear my red MAGA cap in your presence ( or my "Trump 2020", black campaign T-Shirt (now a highly sought-after collectors' item), that has a giant, US Eagle in flight, on the front, and the words: "MAKE LIBERALS CRY AGAIN", printed under its talons).

So, given all of the above, what have got to lose by allowing me to visit you at your home in the states, ChristieFanny. Nothing that I can think of; in fact, you would probably have lots and lots of FUN. Right ? !!

This POST is "SWALK": loveu::loveu::loveu::loveu: XXXX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Last edited:
Just for curiosity's sake, why would an Aussie be a MAGA republican? Don't you have your own version of MAGA down under?

But re: Tasso, I discovered him when I was taking a Humanities elective in college. What I really liked and remembered about the poem was the last line. "Were they perhaps the strife Of your going, life of my life?" "Life of my life," now that's romance. He didn't write "sweetie pie" or "babe" or "honeybunch" (even in their more romantic Italian form.) The woman he addressed as "life of my life" must have fallen into a swoon upon reading those words. Now Tasso's biographers say he loved the ladies and was a rakehell, er, poet (like you and Shelley.) A convent-confined girl must have thought she died and went to heaven when she got that poem from him.

Can't say I'm a fan of the Doors and what I know about Jim Morrison is that he's buried in Pere-Lachaise cemetery in Paris. Do you have any idea of what the words mean on his stone? Is it something about a devil?


Tasso definitely suffered from depression and possibly a few other mental conditions, as I learned. No doubt he poured his angst into his works, just like Morrison, Shelley and many others.

As I recall, Mary Shelley grew up in a feminist (for the times) household. Her mother wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which I read and tried to understand. Mother was also ahead of her time in the romance department and "hooked up," ultimately giving birth to a baby girl, Fanny. Unfortunately this awakened her maternal instincts, which the baby's father didn't care for, so he dumped her. Mary was born from the mom's relationship with William Godwin... they married despite Godwin writing about the abolition of marriage before he met his wife. But I digress.

Let no one wonder that the recipient of this poem swooned and succumbed to Shelley, including Mary. I suppose he was a cut above that other guy, though... the one who was mad, bad and dangerous to know.

CF, I have sent you a post in response, ABOVE..

Dachshund :loveu::loveu: XX
Dear ChristieFANNY
It is such a terrible disappointment that you will not agree to letting me visit you in America ! :( I am now planning to be in the states probably latish May or June (I was told that is a better time of year to go)- so you still have time to reconsider your decision (?)

I mean, if I do not have an American friend like you to advise me when I am in the states, I could end up straying, unwittingly, into some dangerous parts of US. I could end up being raped (i.e "bum-jacked") by a female, trannie truck-driver, or even bludgeoned to death for wearing my red MAGA cap in a place I did not realise was full of Democrat extremists!! ! If something like this happened, ChristieFANNY, how would you ever live with the guilt of knowing you could have saved my life !! ??

On the other hand, we could have lots of fun...

For instance, when I got there you teach me all about ,Tasso, and the other famous poets you studied in College (or after college).

And, you could teach me all about real-life America and how to talk with an American accent ;and I could show you how to speak genuine "Strine" (that's we Aussies call our own accent) so you could impress your friends.
Also, we could hold hands in the Cinema and "McDonalds" :)

PLUS, I give expert "Nuru Massages", so I would be able to give them to you if you wanted (all strictly therapeutic, of course).

I don't mind cats, so maybe I could even stay at your pad in the states? That would mean I wouldn't have to pay a fortune for a room in "Trump Tower" like I was planning to do. At night I could sleep in your bed. I mean, I would stick strictlyto the far right/left - hand side of the bed, and you could sleep on the other side. In other words, I guarantee there would be absolutely no "wandering hands" under the covers or any other kind of "monkey business." to worry about !! As you are aware ,CF, I AM a passionate Romantic, like Shelley, and that's 100% true; but Shelley was only ever really interested in Platonic love - you know, "higher -love" (spiritual love) He would have agreed that having physical sex as a means to gratify lust was primarily an exercise in "bumping uglies" as we say in the 21st-century - (i.e. "bumping uglies" - like Phantasmaldoes with her miniature, pet, "Pot-bellied Pigs.") Speaking of "Phantasmal", I am reminded (for some reason ?), that Shelley had sex with a prostitute once when he was in his youth, and after the experience he said - in a poem he wrote about the incident - that he felt spiritually traumatised. His soul, he said, had be poisoned by a wicked seductress who had perverted/degraded the meaning of love into the filth of base , carnal hedonism).

I have exactly the same attitude here as Shelley, ChristieFANNY ! I mean, if Taylor Swift and Tomi Lahren (the blonde, "FOX NEWS" anchor), both magically appeared in my bedroom right now - both completely naked !!- and they each gave me a smouldering, slow wink and beckoned me toward themselves with their index fingers, I would not"batt an eyelid". What I would do is say: "Ladies, would you both kindly remove yourself from my apartment immediately - the front exit is over there to the right. You are both exposing yourselves in an unacceptably disgraceful and indecent manner - and if you do not leave this minute, I will have you both charged with "Moral Turpitude" by the local Constabulary ! In other words,, Shelley I are both "Gentlemen" (in the Regency sense of the word), ChristieFANNY. That is, just like the Gentlemen you read about in Jane Austin's novels, such as, "Mr Darcy." (in "Pride and Prejudice"). Those guys never, ever got up to any sordid or "creepy" stuff like groping, squeezing and/or tweaking their lady companions' bosoms, booties or "Hoo-Hars". They would rather die than acquire a reputation for engaging in such lewd and unchivalrous behaviours! (And) that's precisely what I'm like too, ChristieFANNY.

There is only one exception in the case of Shelley that comes to mind. He is said to have arrived once at a Regency - era Ball in the beautiful English city of Bath. The Ball was held in the "Assembly Rooms" in the city centre. I have visited them myself, they have been preserved exactly as they were in Shelley's time during the Regency (1811 to 1820). In fact, the city of Bath is like a giant Georgian time capsule (stunningly graceful and elegant); it is quite simply England's most beautiful city. The Regency Balls were held during the social "season" in 18th and 19th century, England, which ran from about July to October of each year. These dancing, and fancy dress, balls were strictly private - invitation only - affairs. Care was taken to ensure that no common folk or riff-raff were invited; only young women and men (and their families) from the ranks of the nobility, the landed gentry, the very wealthy and other members of elite, English social classes/("polite society") were eligible to receive invitations to attend.

During Shelley's time the young women who attended the Balls were dressed in exquisite, flowing satin and lace evening gowns. The fashion at the time was for low-cut (often "square"-shaped necklines, and the girls all wore "staye" or "corsets under their dresses. The corset were used to support anf lift their bosoms. The corsets also had a length of whale -bone or wood stitched into the front of the corset called a "busk." A "busk" was shaped like a large ruler, and the upper end of it pushed the lady's bosoms apart creating a deep cleavage. The corset and it's busk pushed the lady's breasts up and also separated them so that they looked like two firm oranges placed next to each other. With their, plunging, low-cut neck-lines (just covering each nipple) these evening gowns were no doubt a "turn on" for the Regency males attending a society ball.

On one occasion Shelley was invited to a Ball - (he was the son of a Baronet - Sir Timothy Shelley, and so he "made the cut" for an invitation) - which was being held in London, (I think). He was known as a poet at the time among the upper class in England,and accepted as a literary man (even though he had already gained a bad reputation among "High Society" in England for promulgating radical, anti-establishment political viewpoints, such as : "The Necessity of Atheism"' strident calls for the abolition of the institution of marriage, and the universal practice of "free love." (Shelley held the same doctrine of "free love" as the Hippies and the student counter-culture on American College campuses did in the 1960s).

So Shelley arrived at this ball. Regency Balls that were held in the (social) "season" of each years were the epitomy of high romance, they were held in beautiful ballrooms typically lit by 1000 or so candles hanging from splendid crystal chandeliers. Everything about these Balls was like an essay in sublime: refinement, grace and good (aesthetic) taste. This didn't mean there not elderly society spinsters present to keep on eagle eye on the behaviour of the young couples as they flirted and danced with one another. The elders watched the action going on around them through "quizzin'" glasses", these were monacles held atop a thin rod of wood that magnified the object that they were held toward. If there was any suspicion of "frisky" behaviour taking place - like improper touching/kissing - the "quizzin'"glasses" would be held up to investigate it, and, if necessary, the alarm would then be raised (!). There were very strict protocols that governed behaviour at these Balls - young men and women were forbidden from doing the kind of things they might do at a large social gathering in the US in 2024 ( which- let's face it - often tends to involve getting drunk and then screwing the "day-lights" out of each other in the grass outside, Right?? To continue. What Shelley did, on the occasion I'm referring to, was to "order" a group of about 20 young, attractive women at this Ball to form a straight line by standing shoulder to shoulder , next to each other on the wooden, dance floor. He then announced, very solemnly, that news of a dreadful new contagious illness in the local district had reached him and that it could be detected in women by the presence of certain changes in the normal texture of the "tissues of the bosom". Shelley then passed from one ("low-cut") girl to the next ("low-cut") girl along the line, thoroughly kneading and squeezing each one's breasts as he moved down the line. At the end of his "examination" Shelley announced an "all clear", and somehow managed to get away with the whole stunt !

Actually, ChristieFANNY, there is a similar story from Founding-era America starring, George Washington. When he and his Continental Army defeated the British Army, Washington was celebrated as a Great Hero and adored by the American people. He was invited to guest of honour at umpteen high - society social events Eye-witness sources say that when Washington was seated at a dinner table opposite attractive (and buxom) young women, he had an impulsive habit of reaching across the table and fondling/kneading their breasts. No one present, including the girls, dared say anything that might offend America greatest hero !! What do you think of that, ChristieFANNY ?!!

Actually, I shouldn't say to you that I am a Regency -era "Gentleman" LIKE Percy Shelly, because Shelley's behaviour was very often precisely the opposite of what was expected during his times. His conduct was often extremely selfish and callous, especially toward Mary, who suffered so much grief on sorrow on his account it is scarce believable that she endured. Also Shelley's first wife , Harriet, ended up drowning herself in London, due to his cruelty. If you were a young woman during the Regency, getting mixed up in a romantic affair with Percy Shelley would be the biggest mistake you ever made in your life. It would be like "holding hands" with a giant tornado.

Shelley is the great lyric poet in the English language. But the man and his poetry were two quite different things. Having read (I think) every serious biography that has been published about him (in the English language) my theory is that Percy Shelley suffered from a mood disorder that must have been a condition like BIPOLAR (Bipolar Affective Disorder), where the sufferer cycles been MANIC phases (high states of mind, that are characterised by an increased rate, intensity and level of mental activity in general: reasoning/cognitive, emotional), and DEPRESSED PHASES (low states of mind, lethargy, dysphoria/negative affect, sluggish cognition, unhappiness, loss of motivation/ enthusiasm, etc) I think that Shelley wrote his most famous poetry/prose when he was in a manic or hypo-manic state of mind My diagnosis might be right, or it could just as equally be totally incorrect.Though I'm not the first modern reader of Shelley's "life and works" to have suggested he displayed the clinical symptoms of what modern psychiatrists refer to as BIPOLAR DISORDER. One thing I can say for certain is that Shelley's mind was not normal - in fact, it was very ABNORMAL, psychiatrically speaking.

So, ChristyFANNY, I'm a Regency gentleman who happens to live in the modern - day, 21st -century, West ! That means I am extremely polite and well-mannered and conduct myself with the utmost propriety when I am in the company of the fairer sex (unless they insist that I do not !! :) Therefore you would have nothing to worry about if you met up with me in the states - I do not have "wandering hands" and I would never put the "hard word" on you for a "quick session in the bushes" ( if you know what I mean). I find that kind of behaviour utterly appalling.

Just think of all the fun we could have, CF. We could play cool board games like "Scrabble" and "Monopoly" at your place for hours on end ! We could hold hands at the cinema (like I mentioned) watching romantic movies, or stay home at your place and watch Barbara Streisand classics on Netfix, like: "The Way We Were." You could "show me off" to all of your American, liberal, girl-friends as your male buddy who is a real Aussie.

Plus, I would not discuss my admiration for Donald Trump with you (or any of your liberal buddies) nor would I bore you with the philosophy of political Conservatism, or wear my red MAGA cap in your presence ( or my "Trump 2020", black campaign T-Shirt (now a highly sought-after collectors' item), that has a giant, US Eagle in flight, on the front, and the words: "MAKE LIBERALS CRY AGAIN", printed under its talons).

So, given all of the above, what have got to lose by allowing me to visit you at your home in the states, ChristieFanny. Nothing that I can think of; in fact, you would probably have lots and lots of FUN. Right ? !!

This POST is "SWALK": loveu::loveu::loveu::loveu: XXXX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!


I just wrote a long response to this and when I went to post it, the system had me logged out and it was gone! !@#$@&* So I will try again tomorrow and write it on a notepad first. G'day.
Dear ChristieFANNY
It is such a terrible disappointment that you will not agree to letting me visit you in America ! I am now planning to be in the states probably latish May or June (I was told that is a better time of year to go)- so you still have time to reconsider your decision (?)

I mean, if I do not have an American friend like you to advise me when I am in the states, I could end up straying, unwittingly, into some dangerous parts of US. I could end up being raped (i.e "bum-jacked") by a female, trannie truck-driver, or even bludgeoned to death for wearing my red MAGA cap in a place I did not realise was full of Democrat extremists!! ! If something like this happened, ChristieFANNY, how would you ever live with the guilt of knowing you could have saved my life !! ??

Dear Dachsieweenie,

First, turn off Sky News and focus on the positive. America is not the way JPP MAGAs portray it, where every city in unsafe and only criminals have guns. We have our share of boring and routine, too!

On the other hand, we could have lots of fun...

Your take-charge attitude and attention to detail, even down to having no preference for which side of the bed you'd sleep on, is impressive. Are you a born leader, Dachsie?

For instance, when I got there you teach me all about ,Tasso, and the other famous poets you studied in College (or after college).

My current preoccupation is a play called The Duchess of Malfi. It's a Jacobean drama of love, hate, corruption and revenge in an Italian court. I was led to this through reading an Agatha Christie mystery titled Sleeping Murder, in which Christie used the play as a kind of literary conceit in the plot. (This is my learning process Dachsie, which I call the "one thing leads to another" method. ):)

And, you could teach me all about real-life America and how to talk with an American accent ;and I could show you how to speak genuine "Strine" (that's we Aussies call our own accent) so you could impress your friends.

Strine does sound like a fun way of talking. “Eye-level arch play devoisters” (“I’ll have a large plate of oysters”). I think most Americans are familiar with phrases like "throw another shrimp on the barbie, mate."

Also, we could hold hands in the Cinema and "McDonalds"

That's so charming, at least in the cinema. At McDonalds it could prevent you from attending to the business at hand.

PLUS, I give expert "Nuru Massages", so I would be able to give them to you if you wanted (all strictly therapeutic, of course).

"Nuru Massages" seems to be a euphemism for getting laid, or so Professor Google tells me. ;)

I don't mind cats, so maybe I could even stay at your pad in the states?

My kitties are shy and fearful, and hide when their "Meowmy" has people to the house.

That would mean I wouldn't have to pay a fortune for a room in "Trump Tower" like I was planning to do. At night I could sleep in your bed. I mean, I would stick strictlyto the far right/left - hand side of the bed, and you could sleep on the other side. In other words, I guarantee there would be absolutely no "wandering hands" under the covers or any other kind of "monkey business." to worry about !! As you are aware ,CF, I AM a passionate Romantic, like Shelley, and that's 100% true; but Shelley was only ever really interested in Platonic love - you know, "higher -love" (spiritual love) He would have agreed that having physical sex as a means to gratify lust was primarily an exercise in "bumping uglies" as we say in the 21st-century... I am reminded (for some reason ?), that Shelley had sex with a prostitute once when he was in his youth, and after the experience he said - in a poem he wrote about the incident - that he felt spiritually traumatised. His soul, he said, had be poisoned by a wicked seductress who had perverted/degraded the meaning of love into the filth of base , carnal hedonism).

I wonder how often Shelley forced himself to gratify lust in order to confirm that his soul was poisoned; and if Shelley ever experienced the complete blend of spiritual and physical love with his wives and mistresses.

I have exactly the same attitude here as Shelley, ChristieFANNY ! I mean, if Taylor Swift and Tomi Lahren (the blonde, "FOX NEWS" anchor), both magically appeared in my bedroom right now - both completely naked !!- and they each gave me a smouldering, slow wink and beckoned me toward themselves with their index fingers, I would not"batt an eyelid". What I would do is say: "Ladies, would you both kindly remove yourself from my apartment immediately - the front exit is over there to the right. You are both exposing yourselves in an unacceptably disgraceful and indecent manner - and if you do not leave this minute, I will have you both charged with "Moral Turpitude" by the local Constabulary ! In other words,, Shelley I are both "Gentlemen" (in the Regency sense of the word), ChristieFANNY. That is, just like the Gentlemen you read about in Jane Austin's novels, such as, "Mr Darcy." (in "Pride and Prejudice"). Those guys never, ever got up to any sordid or "creepy" stuff like groping, squeezing and/or tweaking their lady companions' bosoms, booties or "Hoo-Hars". They would rather die than acquire a reputation for engaging in such lewd and unchivalrous behaviours! (And) that's precisely what I'm like too, ChristieFANNY.

You could be forgiven for lusting after Tay Tay but not Tomi... she's in a different (lower) class. Also, after thinking about Austen's male heros, I personally prefer Mr. Knightley to Mr. Darcy, because Knightley seemed more human. OTOH Darcy did appreciate Elizabeth's intellect and personality over some of the pretty and fashionable dimwits in his social circle.

There is only one exception in the case of Shelley that comes to mind. He is said to have arrived once at a Regency - era Ball in the beautiful English city of Bath. The Ball was held in the "Assembly Rooms" in the city centre. I have visited them myself, they have been preserved exactly as they were in Shelley's time during the Regency (1811 to 1820). In fact, the city of Bath is like a giant Georgian time capsule (stunningly graceful and elegant); it is quite simply England's most beautiful city. The Regency Balls were held during the social "season" in 18th and 19th century, England, which ran from about July to October of each year. These dancing, and fancy dress, balls were strictly private - invitation only - affairs. Care was taken to ensure that no common folk or riff-raff were invited; only young women and men (and their families) from the ranks of the nobility, the landed gentry, the very wealthy and other members of elite, English social classes/("polite society") were eligible to receive invitations to attend.

During Shelley's time the young women who attended the Balls were dressed in exquisite, flowing satin and lace evening gowns. The fashion at the time was for low-cut (often "square"-shaped necklines, and the girls all wore "staye" or "corsets under their dresses. The corset were used to support anf lift their bosoms. The corsets also had a length of whale -bone or wood stitched into the front of the corset called a "busk." A "busk" was shaped like a large ruler, and the upper end of it pushed the lady's bosoms apart creating a deep cleavage. The corset and it's busk pushed the lady's breasts up and also separated them so that they looked like two firm oranges placed next to each other. With their, plunging, low-cut neck-lines (just covering each nipple) these evening gowns were no doubt a "turn on" for the Regency males attending a society ball.

It is strange that no one cared about the presence of an errant nipple or two, but seeing an ankle threw them into a frenzy. But, thanks for the info on busks; I'll have to do a bit of research into this fashion.

On one occasion Shelley was invited to a Ball - (he was the son of a Baronet - Sir Timothy Shelley, and so he "made the cut" for an invitation) - which was being held in London, (I think). He was known as a poet at the time among the upper class in England,and accepted as a literary man (even though he had already gained a bad reputation among "High Society" in England for promulgating radical, anti-establishment political viewpoints, such as : "The Necessity of Atheism"' strident calls for the abolition of the institution of marriage, and the universal practice of "free love." (Shelley held the same doctrine of "free love" as the Hippies and the student counter-culture on American College campuses did in the 1960s).

Unfortunately "free love" mainly benefited those who could not fall pregnant from the practice of it. Is that not so? Especially in those times when the women literally could be cast out of society for enjoying this freedom a little too much.

So Shelley arrived at this ball. Regency Balls that were held in the (social) "season" of each years were the epitomy of high romance, they were held in beautiful ballrooms typically lit by 1000 or so candles hanging from splendid crystal chandeliers. Everything about these Balls was like an essay in sublime: refinement, grace and good (aesthetic) taste. This didn't mean there not elderly society spinsters present to keep on eagle eye on the behaviour of the young couples as they flirted and danced with one another. The elders watched the action going on around them through "quizzin'" glasses", these were monacles held atop a thin rod of wood that magnified the object that they were held toward. If there was any suspicion of "frisky" behaviour taking place - like improper touching/kissing - the "quizzin'"glasses" would be held up to investigate it, and, if necessary, the alarm would then be raised (!). There were very strict protocols that governed behaviour at these Balls - young men and women were forbidden from doing the kind of things they might do at a large social gathering in the US in 2024 ( which- let's face it - often tends to involve getting drunk and then screwing the "day-lights" out of each other in the grass outside, Right?? To continue. What Shelley did, on the occasion I'm referring to, was to "order" a group of about 20 young, attractive women at this Ball to form a straight line by standing shoulder to shoulder , next to each other on the wooden, dance floor. He then announced, very solemnly, that news of a dreadful new contagious illness in the local district had reached him and that it could be detected in women by the presence of certain changes in the normal texture of the "tissues of the bosom". Shelley then passed from one ("low-cut") girl to the next ("low-cut") girl along the line, thoroughly kneading and squeezing each one's breasts as he moved down the line. At the end of his "examination" Shelley announced an "all clear", and somehow managed to get away with the whole stunt !

This sounds like Regency urban legend to me. All these chaste young women allowing this man who was not a doctor to fondle "the girls" under the pretext of a medical exam. Could you please refer to me a few Shelley biographies so I can put him under the microscope for myself? Not too long ago I watched a movie about Shelley, Byron and their women. It was called Gothic, but I wouldn't call it educational.

Actually, ChristieFANNY, there is a similar story from Founding-era America starring, George Washington. When he and his Continental Army defeated the British Army, Washington was celebrated as a Great Hero and adored by the American people. He was invited to guest of honour at umpteen high - society social events Eye-witness sources say that when Washington was seated at a dinner table opposite attractive (and buxom) young women, he had an impulsive habit of reaching across the table and fondling/kneading their breasts. No one present, including the girls, dared say anything that might offend America greatest hero !! What do you think of that, ChristieFANNY ?!!

It sounds like another urban legend but if true, I'm disappointed those ladies would let the Father of our Country disrespect them. At least one of them should have stood up and presented Washington with a sharp clout on his bewigged noggin.

Actually, I shouldn't say to you that I am a Regency -era "Gentleman" LIKE Percy Shelly, because Shelley's behaviour was very often precisely the opposite of what was expected during his times. His conduct was often extremely selfish and callous, especially toward Mary, who suffered so much grief on sorrow on his account it is scarce believable that she endured. Also Shelley's first wife , Harriet, ended up drowning herself in London, due to his cruelty. If you were a young woman during the Regency, getting mixed up in a romantic affair with Percy Shelley would be the biggest mistake you ever made in your life. It would be like "holding hands" with a giant tornado.

Shelley is the great lyric poet in the English language. But the man and his poetry were two quite different things. Having read (I think) every serious biography that has been published about him (in the English language) my theory is that Percy Shelley suffered from a mood disorder that must have been a condition like BIPOLAR (Bipolar Affective Disorder), where the sufferer cycles been MANIC phases (high states of mind, that are characterised by an increased rate, intensity and level of mental activity in general: reasoning/cognitive, emotional), and DEPRESSED PHASES (low states of mind, lethargy, dysphoria/negative affect, sluggish cognition, unhappiness, loss of motivation/ enthusiasm, etc) I think that Shelley wrote his most famous poetry/prose when he was in a manic or hypo-manic state of mind My diagnosis might be right, or it could just as equally be totally incorrect.Though I'm not the first modern reader of Shelley's "life and works" to have suggested he displayed the clinical symptoms of what modern psychiatrists refer to as BIPOLAR DISORDER. One thing I can say for certain is that Shelley's mind was not normal - in fact, it was very ABNORMAL, psychiatrically speaking.

I agree with a possible bipolar disorder but could drug usage also be something to consider? Thomas De Quincey was only a few years older than Shelley but it's possible they met. And De Quincey was a big opium eater who suffered symptoms similar to Shelley's. Read Confessions of an English Opium-Eater if you run across it. It's enlightening about the drug abuse in those times.

So, ChristyFANNY, I'm a Regency gentleman who happens to live in the modern - day, 21st -century, West ! That means I am extremely polite and well-mannered and conduct myself with the utmost propriety when I am in the company of the fairer sex (unless they insist that I do not !! Therefore you would have nothing to worry about if you met up with me in the states - I do not have "wandering hands" and I would never put the "hard word" on you for a "quick session in the bushes" ( if you know what I mean). I find that kind of behaviour utterly appalling.

"In the bushes" might be an Aussie saying but here we would probably say "a quickie in the back seat of a car."

Just think of all the fun we could have, CF. We could play cool board games like "Scrabble" and "Monopoly" at your place for hours on end ! We could hold hands at the cinema (like I mentioned) watching romantic movies, or stay home at your place and watch Barbara Streisand classics on Netfix, like: "The Way We Were." You could "show me off" to all of your American, liberal, girl-friends as your male buddy who is a real Aussie.

The Way We Were would be a big difference from the British detectives and crime stories that are my usual fare.

Plus, I would not discuss my admiration for Donald Trump with you (or any of your liberal buddies) nor would I bore you with the philosophy of political Conservatism, or wear my red MAGA cap in your presence ( or my "Trump 2020", black campaign T-Shirt (now a highly sought-after collectors' item), that has a giant, US Eagle in flight, on the front, and the words: "MAKE LIBERALS CRY AGAIN", printed under its talons).

That would be completely taboo... like me walking around MAGA country wearing a t-shirt that read "Hillary won in 2016," a hat reading "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow" and a tattoo reading "She persisted"

So, given all of the above, what have got to lose by allowing me to visit you at your home in the states, ChristieFanny. Nothing that I can think of; in fact, you would probably have lots and lots of FUN. Right ? !!

This POST is "SWALK": loveu: XXXX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

I like having fun as much as anyone but sometimes it's hard to overcome being a born introvert who is not comfortable with strangers or unfamiliar situations. I sense you are an extrovert who finds that peculiar. :)
Dear Dachsieweenie,

First, turn off Sky News and focus on the positive. America is not the way JPP MAGAs portray it, where every city in unsafe and only criminals have guns. We have our share of boring and routine, too!

Your take-charge attitude and attention to detail, even down to having no preference for which side of the bed you'd sleep on, is impressive. Are you a born leader, Dachsie?

My current preoccupation is a play called The Duchess of Malfi. It's a Jacobean drama of love, hate, corruption and revenge in an Italian court. I was led to this through reading an Agatha Christie mystery titled Sleeping Murder, in which Christie used the play as a kind of literary conceit in the plot. (This is my learning process Dachsie, which I call the "one thing leads to another" method. ):)

Strine does sound like a fun way of talking. “Eye-level arch play devoisters” (“I’ll have a large plate of oysters”). I think most Americans are familiar with phrases like "throw another shrimp on the barbie, mate."

That's so charming, at least in the cinema. At McDonalds it could prevent you from attending to the business at hand.

"Nuru Massages" seems to be a euphemism for getting laid, or so Professor Google tells me. ;)

My kitties are shy and fearful, and hide when their "Meowmy" has people to the house.

I wonder how often Shelley forced himself to gratify lust in order to confirm that his soul was poisoned; and if Shelley ever experienced the complete blend of spiritual and physical love with his wives and mistresses.

You could be forgiven for lusting after Tay Tay but not Tomi... she's in a different (lower) class. Also, after thinking about Austen's male heros, I personally prefer Mr. Knightley to Mr. Darcy, because Knightley seemed more human. OTOH Darcy did appreciate Elizabeth's intellect and personality over some of the pretty and fashionable dimwits in his social circle.

It is strange that no one cared about the presence of an errant nipple or two, but seeing an ankle threw them into a frenzy. But, thanks for the info on busks; I'll have to do a bit of research into this fashion.

Unfortunately "free love" mainly benefited those who could not fall pregnant from the practice of it. Is that not so? Especially in those times when the women literally could be cast out of society for enjoying this freedom a little too much.

This sounds like Regency urban legend to me. All these chaste young women allowing this man who was not a doctor to fondle "the girls" under the pretext of a medical exam. Could you please refer to me a few Shelley biographies so I can put him under the microscope for myself? Not too long ago I watched a movie about Shelley, Byron and their women. It was called Gothic, but I wouldn't call it educational.

It sounds like another urban legend but if true, I'm disappointed those ladies would let the Father of our Country disrespect them. At least one of them should have stood up and presented Washington with a sharp clout on his bewigged noggin.

I agree with a possible bipolar disorder but could drug usage also be something to consider? Thomas De Quincey was only a few years older than Shelley but it's possible they met. And De Quincey was a big opium eater who suffered symptoms similar to Shelley's. Read Confessions of an English Opium-Eater if you run across it. It's enlightening about the drug abuse in those times.

"In the bushes" might be an Aussie saying but here we would probably say "a quickie in the back seat of a car."

The Way We Were would be a big difference from the British detectives and crime stories that are my usual fare.

That would be completely taboo... like me walking around MAGA country wearing a t-shirt that read "Hillary won in 2016," a hat reading "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow" and a tattoo reading "She persisted"

I like having fun as much as anyone but sometimes it's hard to overcome being a born introvert who is not comfortable with strangers or unfamiliar situations. I sense you are an extrovert who finds that peculiar. :)

That was kind of you to spend so much time and effort responding to my post to , you, CK

I will get back to you fitting detail, ASAP ! (I am ill with some "flu symptoms at present, but they will pass!

SWALK :loveu::loveu: XXX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

”Trump sends Valentine’s Day message to Melania centered on his criminal cases”

“Dear Melania, I LOVE YOU. Even after every single INDICTMENT, ARREST, and WITCH HUNT, you never left my side,” he wrote in the message. “You’ve always supported me through everything. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without your guidance, kindness, and warmth.“

“Readers were then directed to a website where they could leave their own Valentine’s Day message or donate to his reelection campaign.”

Beautiful, not only does he makes what is supposed to be a private personal moment all about him playing the martyr, but he then goes on to pimp it as a fund raiser, classic

Wonder what kind of valentine wishes did he express with his “lovers” Putin and Little Rocket Man

I have another idea for a trump valentines card, doing my best trump impression, try to imagine this in his voice:

Dear Melanie, <---not a mispelling

I love you. Many women are saying my love is the best love, let me tell you. My love is the most spectacular love that anyone has ever seen. When I put my arms around you - not an ounce of fat in my arms by the way, nothing but pure muscle in my arms. Doctors are saying that my arms are the best arms they've ever seen on anyone. The best arms, I tell you. No one has seen arms like mine. Even the vermin and the haters admire my arms. I'm saying my arms are the best. I was talking to Putin the other day and even he said, he said, "Sir, I admire your arms, I do! You are also were the best president in American history, even though I said I hope Sleepy Joe wins, I was lying. I hope Trump wins. "I love Trump" Putin said. He did I tell you. He also said that I have the best male musk he's ever smelled on a man. It's embarassing how much Putin loves trump. Kim Jong Un also said I was the president since presidenting has been done.

You are such a lucky woman, Melinda! <--- not a misspelling!


Donald J. Trump, 45 & 47
That was kind of you to spend so much time and effort responding to my post to , you, CK

I will get back to you fitting detail, ASAP ! (I am ill with some "flu symptoms at present, but they will pass!

SWALK :loveu::loveu: XXX

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!


Not to worry, Dachsie. Your health is more important than an immediate reply. :nodyes:
Dear Dachsieweenie,

First, turn off Sky News and focus on the positive. America is not the way JPP MAGAs portray it, where every city in unsafe and only criminals have guns. We have our share of boring and routine, too!

Your take-charge attitude and attention to detail, even down to having no preference for which side of the bed you'd sleep on, is impressive. Are you a born leader, Dachsie?

My current preoccupation is a play called The Duchess of Malfi. It's a Jacobean drama of love, hate, corruption and revenge in an Italian court. I was led to this through reading an Agatha Christie mystery titled Sleeping Murder, in which Christie used the play as a kind of literary conceit in the plot. (This is my learning process Dachsie, which I call the "one thing leads to another" method. ):)

Strine does sound like a fun way of talking. “Eye-level arch play devoisters” (“I’ll have a large plate of oysters”). I think most Americans are familiar with phrases like "throw another shrimp on the barbie, mate."

That's so charming, at least in the cinema. At McDonalds it could prevent you from attending to the business at hand.

"Nuru Massages" seems to be a euphemism for getting laid, or so Professor Google tells me. ;)

My kitties are shy and fearful, and hide when their "Meowmy" has people to the house.

I wonder how often Shelley forced himself to gratify lust in order to confirm that his soul was poisoned; and if Shelley ever experienced the complete blend of spiritual and physical love with his wives and mistresses.

You could be forgiven for lusting after Tay Tay but not Tomi... she's in a different (lower) class. Also, after thinking about Austen's male heros, I personally prefer Mr. Knightley to Mr. Darcy, because Knightley seemed more human. OTOH Darcy did appreciate Elizabeth's intellect and personality over some of the pretty and fashionable dimwits in his social circle.

It is strange that no one cared about the presence of an errant nipple or two, but seeing an ankle threw them into a frenzy. But, thanks for the info on busks; I'll have to do a bit of research into this fashion.

Unfortunately "free love" mainly benefited those who could not fall pregnant from the practice of it. Is that not so? Especially in those times when the women literally could be cast out of society for enjoying this freedom a little too much.

This sounds like Regency urban legend to me. All these chaste young women allowing this man who was not a doctor to fondle "the girls" under the pretext of a medical exam. Could you please refer to me a few Shelley biographies so I can put him under the microscope for myself? Not too long ago I watched a movie about Shelley, Byron and their women. It was called Gothic, but I wouldn't call it educational.

It sounds like another urban legend but if true, I'm disappointed those ladies would let the Father of our Country disrespect them. At least one of them should have stood up and presented Washington with a sharp clout on his bewigged noggin.

I agree with a possible bipolar disorder but could drug usage also be something to consider? Thomas De Quincey was only a few years older than Shelley but it's possible they met. And De Quincey was a big opium eater who suffered symptoms similar to Shelley's. Read Confessions of an English Opium-Eater if you run across it. It's enlightening about the drug abuse in those times.

"In the bushes" might be an Aussie saying but here we would probably say "a quickie in the back seat of a car."

The Way We Were would be a big difference from the British detectives and crime stories that are my usual fare.

That would be completely taboo... like me walking around MAGA country wearing a t-shirt that read "Hillary won in 2016," a hat reading "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow" and a tattoo reading "She persisted"

I like having fun as much as anyone but sometimes it's hard to overcome being a born introvert who is not comfortable with strangers or unfamiliar situations. I sense you are an extrovert who finds that peculiar. :)


To be honest, I was not expecting you to meet up with me in the US. I mean, You do not know me at all really, apart from some eccentric post I have sent to this form. And, not to be sexist, but you ARE a girl, and you have no way of knowing if I am a big, brutal male who could be a violent head-case. I mean, I'm not, but that's beside the point. If I were a a girl in the US, I certainly wouldn't be taking risks like that (unless, of course, I was packing a .45 Magnum in my handbag.

So really, it was an unreasonable proposition to expect I could just hook up with you in the states. It was unfair of me to request that. It is just that I get carried away with grand plans for adventures, and, in doing so, I often tend not to think things through soberly/rationally.

I am like Shelley, here, always rushing headlong from one extreme circumstance to another; one wild, passionate (illicit) romance to another, and one reckless escapade to another !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!