Could anyone be more self centered and narcissistic?

That was a lovely scrap of Shelley's poetry, very touching, Dachsieweenie.

I have a hard time reconciling a person who loves Shelley with a person who then segues into comments regarding perky hooters and camel toes.

I think you're taking the piss, DW, and your real favorite poetry runs along the lines of "There once was a girl from Nantucket..."


I see that you have rejected my request ti visit you in America.

This has caused me great sadness.

I mean, how could you....break a poet's heart ?

Well (sob)- how could you ?!

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
”Trump sends Valentine’s Day message to Melania centered on his criminal cases”

“Dear Melania, I LOVE YOU. Even after every single INDICTMENT, ARREST, and WITCH HUNT, you never left my side,” he wrote in the message. “You’ve always supported me through everything. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without your guidance, kindness, and warmth.“

“Readers were then directed to a website where they could leave their own Valentine’s Day message or donate to his reelection campaign.”

Beautiful, not only does he makes what is supposed to be a private personal moment all about him playing the martyr, but he then goes on to pimp it as a fund raiser, classic

Wonder what kind of valentine wishes did he express with his “lovers” Putin and Little Rocket Man

What I love almost as much as my wife and kids is just how far up your ass this stuff goes. It's a joy to watch because you actually think this shit matters to anyone but you leftist buffoons.
Poor anchovies,
1. Was that better or worse than using the government banned TilTok app?
2. How much did you donate to Trump?

Whataboutism is basically a religion for the right now. And it's getting so watered down.

But the answer is no: Biden isn't a textbook narcissist like Trump is.

I see that you have rejected my request ti visit you in America.

This has caused me great sadness.

I mean, how could you....break a poet's heart ?

Well (sob)- how could you ?!

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

I think you dodged a bullet there buddy. Leftist dames are demented. The fucking you get is never worth the fucking you take with them. Besides that they got the Nantucket limerick wrong, unless christiefan was once a man but is now a woman.

I see that you have rejected my request ti visit you in America.

This has caused me great sadness.

I mean, how could you....break a poet's heart ?

Well (sob)- how could you ?!

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Aw Dachsie, please don't cry. I have a little gift for you to help ease your pain. Previously you said (paraphrasing) "what would I know about Romance?" I'm not an expert like you but I'm sending this poem to show that I do know something about Romance, even if it's not English. Do you like it?

What weeping, or what dewfall,
Whose then were those tears,
Flung from night's cloak, I saw,
And the white face of the stars?
Why was the white moon sowing
A pure cloud's crystal mass
In the lap of fresh new grass?
Why were the winds heard, blowing,
Through the dark air, round and round,
Till dawn, with mournful sound?
Were they perhaps the strife
Of your going, life of my life?

~Torquato Tasso
Aw Dachsie, please don't cry. I have a little gift for you to help ease your pain. Previously you said (paraphrasing) "what would I know about Romance?" I'm not an expert like you but I'm sending this poem to show that I do know something about Romance, even if it's not English. Do you like it?

What weeping, or what dewfall,
Whose then were those tears,
Flung from night's cloak, I saw,
And the white face of the stars?
Why was the white moon sowing
A pure cloud's crystal mass
In the lap of fresh new grass?
Why were the winds heard, blowing,
Through the dark air, round and round,
Till dawn, with mournful sound?
Were they perhaps the strife
Of your going, life of my life?

~Torquato Tasso


I knew that Tasso was a very famous poet who was brilliant enoughto be included in the Western (literary) canon. However, I had never read any of his poetry until you posted me the poem above, "What Weeping or What Dewfall" It is an excellent poem. I see its theme is - the loss of a dearly beloved other - and the experience of grief/mourning that follows such a loss and how it typically distorts the sufferer's perception (and conceptions). In this case of reality. the poet's perceptions (and conceptions) of the natural world. It's a very clever little poem. BUT ChristieFANNY (!), You were supposed to be sending me something to ease my emotional pain, and my (still) profoundly depressed mood) caused by your heartless rejection of my recent request to hook-up with you when I visit the us March/April. Instead you amplify my grief and suffering with this poem by Tasso. !

I have lived his poem for myself when I was 18 years old and my mother died suddenly. In the grief that follows the loss of a close member of your family, or a friend, reality is distorted in the way that you perceive/conceive it in lived experience. Here is an example I would use to explain it; namely, some verses from Jim Morrison''s song "People are Strange" that he wrote in 1967. I am sure you will know the music of Jim Morrison, and the "The Doors" because you are a loopy (I mean that in a nice way, CF), leftie/liberal girl . I mean, if - for argument's sake- we called a MAGA Republican ( like me) : "BLACK", then Jim Morrison would be the absolute opposite, i.e. "WHITE." Jim Morrison did not have a conservative political bone in his body (and that's to say the very least). The lyrics below are from his song: "PEOPLE ARE STRANGE"....

People are strange

When you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked

When you're unwanted (how very true !)

Streets are uneven

When you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No-one remembers your name.......

When Jim Morrison wrote these lyrics he (told a music journal at the "Rolling Stone magazine or some other big Pop music rag) he was feeling very depressed. For me, the lyric (above) are intended to highlight how the experience of strong and enduring states of emotion/mood can twist/distort one's perceptions and conceptions of reality; i.e. of both the natural world 9that Tasso uses to in the poem you sent me (above),and also the human world (of encounters and communications and relationships with other people). The streets are actually not "uneven", and most women are not "wicked", but point is that they are PERCEIVED/CONCEIVED to so by the writer (who is suffering from depression) in his lived experience- which is also very real in the sense that our sense perceptions and thoughts (cognitions/conceptions) DO EXIST --"for real" -in our minds, it's just that they are not physical/material.

Anyway, that's how I see it.

(BTW, Jim Morrison always saw himself as a poet, but , of course, he doesn't hold a candle to individuals like Tasso or Shakespeare or Shelley or T.S. Eliot and all of the other great masters.

As we were speaking of romantic love, CF, (before you broke my heart by refusing to allow me to visit you in America!), I will provide you with some specially-chosen verses of great, love poetry written by the Romantic movements greatest ever lyric poet. They will also serve to show you what YOU WILL BE MISSING OUT ON BY REJECTING MY REQUEST TO VISIT YOU IN AMERICA !! ;);) . These lines are taken from a poem called"Epipsychideon", which was written in 1821 by Percy Shelley. In the verses below Shelley is describing what it is like "having a F**k" (pardon the language) with someone you sincerely love and who sincerely loves you. (Shelley was straight, BTW, so he is referring to heterosexual love-making, something he knew a lot about, because adored women and preferred their company to that of men. Unfortunately, he couldn't help himself when it came to seducing women he was attracted to. He cheated umpteen times one his poor wife, Mary. I don't think most modern-day, American women involved in an intimate relationship with a "Shelley" would put up with his philandering ways for very long).


by Percy Byssche Shelley (1821).

And we will talk Emily (ChristieF), until thought's melody

Become too sweet for utterance, and it die

In words, to live again in looks, which dart

With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart,

Harmonising silence without a sound,

Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound,

And out veins beat together; and our lips

With other eloquence than words, eclipse

The soul that burns between them, and the wells

Which boil under our being's inmost cells,

The fountains of our deepest life, shall be

Confused in Passion's golden purity,

As mountain springs under the morning sun

We shall become the same, WE SHALL BE ONE


One passion within two hearts, which grows and grew,

Till like two meteors of expanding flame,

Those spheres instinct with it became the same,

Touch, mingle, are transfigured; ever still

Burning, yet ever inconsumable;

In one another's substance finding food,

Like flames too pure, and light too un-imbued

To nourish their bright lives with baser prey,

Which point to Heaven and cannot pass away

One hope within two wills, one will beneath

Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death,

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality,

And one annihilation. Woe is me !

The winged words on which my soul would pierce

Into the height of Love's rare Universe,

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire -

I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire.

I remain, "CF", as ever, your obedient servant,

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Last edited:
Aw Dachsie, please don't cry. I have a little gift for you to help ease your pain. Previously you said (paraphrasing) "what would I know about Romance?" I'm not an expert like you but I'm sending this poem to show that I do know something about Romance, even if it's not English. Do you like it?

What weeping, or what dewfall,
Whose then were those tears,
Flung from night's cloak, I saw,
And the white face of the stars?
Why was the white moon sowing
A pure cloud's crystal mass
In the lap of fresh new grass?
Why were the winds heard, blowing,
Through the dark air, round and round,
Till dawn, with mournful sound?
Were they perhaps the strife
Of your going, life of my life?

~Torquato Tasso

Dear ChristieFANNY

I knew that Tasso was a very famous poet who was brilliant enough to be included in the Western (literary) canon. However, I had never read any of his poetry until you posted me the poem above, "What Weeping or What Dewfall" It is an excellent poem. I see its theme is - the loss of a dearly beloved other - and the experience of grief/mourning that follows such a loss and how it typically distorts the sufferer's perception (and conceptions). In this case of reality. the poet's perceptions (and conceptions) of the natural world. It's a very clever little poem. BUT ChristieFANNY (!), you were supposed to be sending me something to ease my emotional pain, and my (still) profoundly depressed mood) caused by your heartless rejection of my recent request to hook-up with you when I visit the us March/April. Instead you amplify my grief and suffering with this poem by Tasso. !

I have lived his poem for myself when I was 18 years old and my mother died suddenly. In the grief that follows the loss of a close member of your family, or a friend, reality is distorted in the way that you perceive/conceive it in lived experience. Here is an example I would use to explain it; namely, some verses from Jim Morrison''s song "People are Strange" that he wrote in 1967. I am sure you will know the music of Jim Morrison, and the "The Doors" because you are a loopy (I mean that in a nice way, CF), leftie/liberal girl . I mean, if - for argument's sake- we called a MAGA Republican ( like me) : "BLACK", then Jim Morrison would be the absolute opposite, i.e. "WHITE." Jim Morrison did not have a conservative political bone in his body (and that's to say the very least). The lyrics below are from his song: "PEOPLE ARE STRANGE"....

People are strange

When you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked

When you're unwanted (how very true !)

Streets are uneven

When you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No-one remembers your name.......

When Jim Morrison wrote these lyrics he (told a music journal at the "Rolling Stone" magazine or some other big Pop music rag) he was feeling very depressed. For me, the lyric (above) are intended to highlight how the experience of strong and enduring states of emotion/mood can twist/distort one's perceptions and conceptions of reality; i.e. of both the natural world 9that Tasso uses to in the poem you sent me (above),and also the human world (of encounters and communications and relationships with other people). The streets are actually not "uneven", and most women are not "wicked", but point is that they are PERCEIVED/CONCEIVED to so by the writer (who is suffering from depression) in his lived experience- which is also very real in the sense that our sense perceptions and thoughts (cognitions/conceptions) DO EXIST --"for real" -in our minds, it's just that they are not physical/material.


Anyway, that's how I see it. (?)

(BTW, Jim Morrison always saw himself as a poet, but , of course, he doesn't hold a candle to individuals like Tasso or Shakespeare or Shelley or T.S. Eliot and all of the other great masters.

As we were speaking of romantic love, CF, (before you broke my heart by refusing to allow me to visit you in America!), I will provide you with some specially-chosen verses of great, love poetry written by the 19th-century, English, Romantic movement's greatest ever lyric poet. They will also serve to show you what WHAT YOU WILL BE MISSING OUT ON BY REJECTING MY REQUEST TO VISIT YOU IN AMERICA !! ;);) . These lines are taken from a poem called"Epipsychideon", which was written in 1821 by Percy Shelley. In the verses below Shelley is describing what it is like "having a F**k" (pardon the language) with someone you sincerely love and who sincerely loves you. (Shelley was straight, BTW, so he is referring to heterosexual love-making, something he knew a lot about, because adored women and preferred their company to that of men. Unfortunately, he couldn't help himself when it came to seducing women he was attracted to. He cheated umpteen times one his poor wife, Mary. I don't think most modern-day, American women involved in an intimate relationship with a "Shelley" would put up with his philandering ways for very long).


by Percy Byssche Shelley (1821).

And we will talk Emily (Christie), until thought's melody

Become too sweet for utterance, and it die

In words, to live again in looks, which dart

With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart,

Harmonising silence without a sound,

Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound,

And out veins beat together; and our lips

With other eloquence than words, eclipse

The soul that burns between them, and the wells

Which boil under our being's inmost cells,

The fountains of our deepest life, shall be

Confused in Passion's golden purity,

As mountain springs under the morning sun

We shall become the same, WE SHALL BE ONE


One passion within two hearts, which grows and grew,

Till like two meteors of expanding flame,

Those spheres instinct with it became the same,

Touch, mingle, are transfigured; ever still

Burning, yet ever inconsumable;

In one another's substance finding food,

Like flames too pure, and light too un-imbued

To nourish their bright lives with baser prey,

Which point to Heaven and cannot pass away

One hope within two wills, one will beneath

Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death,

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality,

And one annihilation. Woe is me !

The winged words on which my soul would pierce

Into the height of Love's rare Universe,

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire -

I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire.

I remain, "CF", as ever, your obedient servant,

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Last edited:
The zealots who worship Trump almost fully project what they want to see onto him.

It has nothing to do w/ who he is. He's such a clownish, amoral buffoon. They're no longer able to think about him rationally or objectively.
The zealots who worship Trump almost fully project what they want to see onto him.

It has nothing to do w/ who he is. He's such a clownish, amoral buffoon. They're no longer able to think about him rationally or objectively.

Why would I take the remarks of a silly woman like you who has named herself BARTENDERelite - an obvious reference to your admiration for the socialist, numbskull, AOC, who was "famously" a bartender before she won a seat in the House of Reps? I mean, FFS, AOC is a dumb as dog s**t, and only managed to win her seat in the House because she is a Latino and the borders of her constituency in NYC had been redrawn such that they contained a Latino majority, who, automatically voted for one of their own.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Dear ChristieFANNY

I knew that Tasso was a very famous poet who was brilliant enough to be included in the Western (literary) canon. However, I had never read any of his poetry until you posted me the poem above, "What Weeping or What Dewfall" It is an excellent poem. I see its theme is - the loss of a dearly beloved other - and the experience of grief/mourning that follows such a loss and how it typically distorts the sufferer's perception (and conceptions). In this case of reality. the poet's perceptions (and conceptions) of the natural world. It's a very clever little poem. BUT ChristieFANNY (!), you were supposed to be sending me something to ease my emotional pain, and my (still) profoundly depressed mood) caused by your heartless rejection of my recent request to hook-up with you when I visit the us March/April. Instead you amplify my grief and suffering with this poem by Tasso. !

I have lived his poem for myself when I was 18 years old and my mother died suddenly. In the grief that follows the loss of a close member of your family, or a friend, reality is distorted in the way that you perceive/conceive it in lived experience. Here is an example I would use to explain it; namely, some verses from Jim Morrison''s song "People are Strange" that he wrote in 1967. I am sure you will know the music of Jim Morrison, and the "The Doors" because you are a loopy (I mean that in a nice way, CF), leftie/liberal girl . I mean, if - for argument's sake- we called a MAGA Republican ( like me) : "BLACK", then Jim Morrison would be the absolute opposite, i.e. "WHITE." Jim Morrison did not have a conservative political bone in his body (and that's to say the very least). The lyrics below are from his song: "PEOPLE ARE STRANGE"....

People are strange

When you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked

When you're unwanted (how very true !)

Streets are uneven

When you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No-one remembers your name.......

When Jim Morrison wrote these lyrics he (told a music journal at the "Rolling Stone" magazine or some other big Pop music rag) he was feeling very depressed. For me, the lyric (above) are intended to highlight how the experience of strong and enduring states of emotion/mood can twist/distort one's perceptions and conceptions of reality; i.e. of both the natural world 9that Tasso uses to in the poem you sent me (above),and also the human world (of encounters and communications and relationships with other people). The streets are actually not "uneven", and most women are not "wicked", but point is that they are PERCEIVED/CONCEIVED to so by the writer (who is suffering from depression) in his lived experience- which is also very real in the sense that our sense perceptions and thoughts (cognitions/conceptions) DO EXIST --"for real" -in our minds, it's just that they are not physical/material.

Anyway, that's how I see it. (?)

(BTW, Jim Morrison always saw himself as a poet, but , of course, he doesn't hold a candle to individuals like Tasso or Shakespeare or Shelley or T.S. Eliot and all of the other great masters.

As we were speaking of romantic love, CF, (before you broke my heart by refusing to allow me to visit you in America!), I will provide you with some specially-chosen verses of great, love poetry written by the 19th-century, English, Romantic movement's greatest ever lyric poet. They will also serve to show you what WHAT YOU WILL BE MISSING OUT ON BY REJECTING MY REQUEST TO VISIT YOU IN AMERICA !! ;);) . These lines are taken from a poem called"Epipsychideon", which was written in 1821 by Percy Shelley. In the verses below Shelley is describing what it is like "having a F**k" (pardon the language) with someone you sincerely love and who sincerely loves you. (Shelley was straight, BTW, so he is referring to heterosexual love-making, something he knew a lot about, because adored women and preferred their company to that of men. Unfortunately, he couldn't help himself when it came to seducing women he was attracted to. He cheated umpteen times one his poor wife, Mary. I don't think most modern-day, American women involved in an intimate relationship with a "Shelley" would put up with his philandering ways for very long).


by Percy Byssche Shelley (1821).

And we will talk Emily (Christie), until thought's melody

Become too sweet for utterance, and it die

In words, to live again in looks, which dart

With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart,

Harmonising silence without a sound,

Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound,

And out veins beat together; and our lips

With other eloquence than words, eclipse

The soul that burns between them, and the wells

Which boil under our being's inmost cells,

The fountains of our deepest life, shall be

Confused in Passion's golden purity,

As mountain springs under the morning sun

We shall become the same, WE SHALL BE ONE


One passion within two hearts, which grows and grew,

Till like two meteors of expanding flame,

Those spheres instinct with it became the same,

Touch, mingle, are transfigured; ever still

Burning, yet ever inconsumable;

In one another's substance finding food,

Like flames too pure, and light too un-imbued

To nourish their bright lives with baser prey,

Which point to Heaven and cannot pass away

One hope within two wills, one will beneath

Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death,

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality,

And one annihilation. Woe is me !

The winged words on which my soul would pierce

Into the height of Love's rare Universe,

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire -

I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire.

I remain, "CF", as ever, your obedient servant,

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Dear Dachsie,

There's a lot to ponder here and I'm still working on a response. Patience!
If Trump weren't off the charts "self-centered and narcissistic" he wouldn't be Trump, and then there wouldn't be MAGA. That tells something.
Dear Dachsie,

There's a lot to ponder here and I'm still working on a response. Patience!

Shelley can be difficult to read when you're not used to him . I was lucky because my father was a literary scholar who specialised in the Romantic Movement in English literature in 18th and 19th century, England. So when I was growing up, there were alway books about the Romantic poets and novelists lying about the house. One day, when I was 17 y.o. it was raining very heavily outside, and I was stuck in the house and really bored. So bored I picked up a paperback collection of Shelley's poetry, and flicked through it. By chance, I read a couple of stanza from one of Shelley's poems that I understand, and reading them TOTALLY blew my tiny mind. After that I started reading more of Shelley's work, most of which I could not understand (being only a teenager). I knew that reading and being able to understand his poems could send you on an awesome spiritual trips; so I ended up bugging my father to take me through Shelley's poetry, one poem at a time. This pissed my father off no end, because teaching me Shelley was difficult and time-consuming; and for him - studying literature was not something he ever really enjoyed, he fell into "by accident" in the late 1950s, and ended up becoming an economic conscript in the English Department at Queensland University. He was always far more interested in sports like "Aussie Rules" football and playing golf in his major poems> I'm glad I bugged him so much, especially re Shelley's poem, because all these years later, when I read one of his poems like, say - "Ode to a Skylark" - I am just as dazzled and spellbound as I was when I read it as a teenager, and I would never have been able to understand Shelley otherwise as a lot of his work is very complex. (Far too complex for my very average brain-power to deal with). (Also, Shelley uses a lot of symbolism from ancient Greece like, for example: Athenian, Gods and Demigod and "Spirits like "Urania"; "Adonis: Hyacynth; "Aphrodite"; the "Maenad," "Daemon," etc; from ancient Hellenic mythology and legends. If you don't know who these characters are, and what their role was in the myths, then you can find some of Shelley's poetry very difficult to properly understand.

Right, Christie FANNY, I can give you my take on the section of Epipsychideon if you like. It reads like it is about "making love" (i.e. a male , Shelley. and a young girl he had a major crush ine in 1920-21 named Emily Emily [ Emilia Vivandi]. They start off chatting politely, but before long they run out of things to say. This is because they find each other "sexy". Then they draw together and kiss, and after that they are clasping each other. When Shelley write that they have become "ONE", the reader think that Shelley has known... inserted his member into Emily's "Hoo-Har". You can sense the verses become more and more passionate until there is a final "climax", where Shelley write that he is shattered. The lines are kind of consistent with him experiencing a powerful orgasm). But Shelley is using the imagery a heterosexual sex ( i.e. a male screwing his girlfriend) to represent a different concept that is far more fascinating and profound.

I can give you my take on what he (Shelley) is trying to get across, if you like. If so, you will need to watch a short video on "Tiffany" lamps on You Tube: " "Egon Neustadt' Collection of Tiffany Lamps." (I didn't know how to copy the video it into this post).

I think you will REALLY like what Shelley is trying to say in "Epipsychideon" because you are lefty/liberal Democrat and so was Shelley. (It goes just about as deep into the very heart of liberal philosophy as it is possible go - and at the end of the day everything can be summed up in one or two simple paragraphs). To continue. Shelley was, in fact, such a radical and extreme liberal that you would not be able to put up with him for very long if you travelled back in time to England during the Regency era and hooked up with him, ChristyFANNY. You would find him far, far too wild and 'over-the-top" !! (For a normal, young woman; getting mixed up with Shelley would be like walking directly into a major tornado !!).

SWALK, ChristieF XX :loveu::loveu:

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Last edited:
Dear Dachsie,

There's a lot to ponder here and I'm still working on a response. Patience!
The Down Under dumbass thinks a text page of diarrhea makes him look smart when it's the lack of content and his racist, anti-American attitude that proves he's the opposite.
The Down Under dumbass thinks a text page of diarrhea makes him look smart when it's the lack of content and his racist, anti-American attitude that proves he's the opposite.

Mind you own business you obnoxious ass-hole.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter
Mind you own business you obnoxious ass-hole.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter
Sez the Down Under dumbass and 'Roo Fucker on an American forum. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Is it really a surprise how many Aussie women prefer American men over Aussie dumbfucks, weinerdog?

If you are under 70, there's a good chance you have American blood in you, Down Under. LOL