Could anyone be more self centered and narcissistic?


To be honest, I was not expecting you to meet up with me in the US. I mean, You do not know me at all really, apart from some eccentric post I have sent to this form. And, not to be sexist, but you ARE a girl, and you have no way of knowing if I am a big, brutal male who could be a violent head-case. I mean, I'm not, but that's beside the point. If I were a a girl in the US, I certainly wouldn't be taking risks like that (unless, of course, I was packing a .45 Magnum in my handbag.

So really, it was an unreasonable proposition to expect I could just hook up with you in the states. It was unfair of me to request that. It is just that I get carried away with grand plans for adventures, and, in doing so, I often tend not to think things through soberly/rationally.

I am like Shelley, here, always rushing headlong from one extreme circumstance to another; one wild, passionate (illicit) romance to another, and one reckless escapade to another !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

The former first lady had been absent from her husband's side for political events dating back to Election Day 2022 when she accompanied him as he spoke to reporters and then both cast their ballots at the Barbara Mandel Recreation Center in Palm Beach.

I wonder if she is living with her boyfriend.
KATA TON DAIMONA EAYTOY means according to his own daimon” and is usually interpreted as “True to his own spirit”.

"Do what thou wilt." Eautou would be the better English spelling... "Do as you wish." in more modern terminology... Dude must have been libertarian or a possibly a Satanist as this would be a verse in the Satanic Bible...

It's a shame that JPP isn't equipped with some kind of sophisticated software that would enables members to authenticate the good will of other members. This is because there are some posters here who regularly send very interesting (and amusing) commentaries. And I think that being able to meet up with them in person and discuss current US politics over a beer or two, would be very enjoyable (and educational). The software would ensure that any violent forum cretins are screened out, and only reasonable, agreeable and civilised individuals would be able to engage in personal, "one-on-one" rendezvous.

Given the appropriate, advanced, filtering software, meeting up with a another JPP poster - to discuss the present, political landscape in the US - would be a safe and totally harmless proposition.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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ChristyFANNY, I wanted to share an essential aspect of Percy Shelley's philosophy with you because I know you like Shelley's poetry, AND, because the philosophy that was the foundation for all his work is FASCINATING It was basically a kind of home-grown Platonism, and I find it extremely plausibe and compelling (even though it demands you believe in an eternal, unchanging, atemporal (existing outside of time), immaterial/non-physical SPIRIT Shelley called this spirit, "THE ONE" - he said he believed in "ONE spirit co-eternal with the the universe." (Right now you are probably thinking: "Spirits !! I think poor 'ol Dachshund has wandered off into the realm of the "Pink Pixies" and he may not ever be coming back to the straight world !! OK....firstly I can prove for you that SPIRIT exists - spirit is real. And YOUR physical body is perfused with Spirit. In people, this Spirit is typically referred to as CONSCIOUSNESS or MIND. But I'll have to save this proof for a subsequent post because I am trying to keep this one as short and to the point as possible (I have discovered that members of JPP simply do not read long posts).


Shelley is a bit frustrating when it come to describing "the ONE", he "chopped and changed" his definitions over the years. Anyway, I'll go with the following attributes

"the ONE is a spirit that is a TRINITY of different sentiments, namely "eternal LOVE; eternal BEAUTY; eternal DELIGHT (sometimes "absolute TRUTH and/ or pure spiritual INTELLIGENCE are also included).

"The ONE is non-physical/immaterial.

"The ONE" and its components ( like absolute Beauty, absolute Love) are UNCHANGING

"The ONE" is ETERNAL and atemporal (exists outside time).

"The ONE is both TRANSCENDENT AND IMMANENT. Transcendent means that it it exists beyond the world of matter and the operation of the laws of physics. Immanent is another way of saying that "The ONE permeates or pervades the mundane physical world; for example living human beings have physical bodies that are perfused with Spirit, that is generally called consciousness or mind.


In many of his poems, Shelley analogises "The ONE" to pure, "crystal-clear, pristine, WHITE LIGHT/radiance.


Now were getting to the point of this post about Shelley, which is something I have always been found - even since I was 17 y.o. just totally blows my pea-sized brain. The main idea is captured in the stanze below from Sheley amazing elegy: "ADONAIS"....

The ONE remains, the many change and pass

Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass,

Stains the white radiance of eternity

Until death tramples it to fragments, - DIE,

If thou would be with that which thou dost seek !

Following where all is fled ! Rome's azure sky,

Flowers, ruins, statues, music, words, are weak

The glory they transfuse with fitting truth to speak

Now imagine that the the pure, pristine white light is the electric globe that lights up a "Tinnany" lamp. The Tiffanny lamp is like a dome made up of lots of multi-coloured little pieces of glass: reds, greens, browns, blues, pinks, yellows, oranges and so on. This multicoloured Tiffany" lamp dome STAINS the absolute, pure White light that is given off by the lamp bulb that sits under the dome. When Shelley says "Life a dome of many-coloured glass STAINS the white radiance of eternity, "stains" means mars or spoils or blurs or obscures. This is due to the coarseness and "grubbiness of our material nature are human beings.

When we humans die and decompose and our flesh and organs soon completely rot away, the our physical/material nature no longer exists. So death is like smashing our multicoloured "Tiffany dome, and when this dome is smashed into little pieces, then we exist as "The ONE", as the pure white radiance of eternity that is no long stained by our materialism. We become one spirit co-eternal with the universe - a pure spirit of eternal love and eternal beauty that merges up to become a portion of the great, universal, transcendent "spirit in the sky".

Another way of saying that we are all "stained glass domes" who cannot DIRECTLY experience "The ONE" (i.e. the SPIRIT of eternal, perfect beauty and the spirit of eternal, perfect Love) was given to us by the amazing St PAUL. PAUL writes in 1 Corinthian 13....

"For now we see through a glass darkly; but the face-to-face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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It's a shame that JPP isn't equipped with some kind of sophisticated software that would enables members to authenticate the good will of other members. This is because there are some posters here who regularly send very interesting (and amusing) commentaries. And I think that being able to meet up with them in person and discuss current US politics over a beer or two, would be very enjoyable (and educational). The software would ensure that any violent forum cretins are screened out, and only reasonable, agreeable and civilised individuals would be able to engage in personal, "one-on-one" rendezvous.

Given the appropriate, advanced, filtering software, meeting up with a another JPP poster - to discuss the present, political landscape in the US - would be a safe and totally harmless proposition.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!


I was having a lot of fun with our earlier convo, it was highly entertaining. So I was surprised to get your response because I never took you to be a violent head-case or a serial killer. Maybe I came across as too serious or judgmental but I was just messing with you because... it's what I do. :D When you don't know someone well it's hard to get across a laughing face or joking tone without the constant use of emojis. Just know that most of my non-political posts are lighthearted and friendly and not meant to criticize.
I read your other comment on Adonais. I'll get back you after I get a chance to read it more closely and research the parts that are confusing. :clink:

I was having a lot of fun with our earlier convo, it was highly entertaining. So I was surprised to get your response because I never took you to be a violent head-case or a serial killer. Maybe I came across as too serious or judgmental but I was just messing with you because... it's what I do. :D When you don't know someone well it's hard to get across a laughing face or joking tone without the constant use of emojis. Just know that most of my non-political posts are lighthearted and friendly and not meant to criticize.
I read your other comment on Adonais. I'll get back you after I get a chance to read it more closely and research the parts that are confusing. :clink:
Any foreigner who attacks the United States and supports a fascist state is not a normal person. Jus' sayin'.
(1) Erm... what exactly would YOU - (a Democrat girl) - know about romance, Christly FANNY ? (I mean apart from attending LGBTQ rallies, etc; and they're nothing to do with romantic love in any case).

(2) As you know , I am an expert on the 19th-century, romantic, poetry movement in England. Here is an evocation of the nature of pure (romantic) love by Percy Shelley, written in 1821 BTW in Shelley's time "romantic love".was not synonymous with fucking someone)...

rose leaves, when the Rose is dead,

Are heaped for the beloved's bed.

And so thy thoughts when though are gone,

Love itself shall slumber on.

The fact that you will almost certainly not appreciate this beautiful sentiment is proof that you most probably do not understand the true significance of Valentine's Day. So you should not be making snarky comments about Donald Trump's Valentine's card to his wife.

(2) I'm not really obsessed with what Donald Trump wrote (or may have written) on the Valentine's Day card he gave to his wife - because that's his personal business.

(3) However, if what is shown above actually IS what Trump wrote to his wife, then in my opinion it is extremely touching and communicates his love very clearly and sincerely.

(4)As for me ChristieFANNY, I'm something of a Romeo - even if I do say so myself - Ha Ha ! I had to send SIX (6) separate Valentine's Day cards this year. All of the recipients were blonde girls (with long hair) in their early 20s with perky titties, nice teeth, delightfully-contoured camel- toes :):):). (It's no wonder my back's been playing up for the past few months, Christie !) ;);)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!

A romantic poem for Trump. " How do I love thee. Let me count the holes.". Trump uses women and some women have used him for money.

I was having a lot of fun with our earlier convo, it was highly entertaining. So I was surprised to get your response because I never took you to be a violent head-case or a serial killer. Maybe I came across as too serious or judgmental but I was just messing with you because... it's what I do. :D When you don't know someone well it's hard to get across a laughing face or joking tone without the constant use of emojis. Just know that most of my non-political posts are lighthearted and friendly and not meant to criticize.
I read your other comment on Adonais. I'll get back you after I get a chance to read it more closely and research the parts that are confusing. :clink:

Dear ChristieFANNY....

Yes, it is very difficult to condense Shelley's philosophy of spirit into a concise little nut-shell. So to keep things manageable, let's just look at human beings. Human beings are made up of MATTER (blood, bones, organs, tissues and cells of different types. This is the material or physical component of a man or a woman. I can pinch your butt to be playful, because your butt is a physical thing, and so are my fingers (as they squeeze it). if my fingers were NOT material objects, and your butt was not a material thing either, then I would not be able toto surprise you by pinching your ass. Right?

Shelley believed that ultimate reality was NOT material/physical in nature. Rather, he believed that ultimate reality was SPIRITUAL, and there was a spiritual being, hat existed which he called "The ONE". "The ONE" was, Shelley declared, co-eternal with the universe.

By definition, "SPIRITUAL" means immaterial/non physical. For example a "ghost" from a children's spooky storybook is always depicted as being non-physical. A ghost-hunter can try to kill a ghost by running his sword through it's "body", but the sword just swishes right through the ghost's "body" without harming the spirit; also ghosts are well-known for walking through solid walls and locked, wooden doors with ease, etc.

To recap: a spiritual entity or being is immaterial/non-physical.

I mentioned that I would keep this post confined to the existence of human beings. Human beings according to Shelley, have a material component and a spiritual component. The spiritual portion of human beings is known as the MIND or CONSCIOUSNESS. While the "mind" or the 'consciousness are closely correlated with the structure and functioning of the brain's neural systems, CORRELATION is not the same thing as a relation of identity. In other words, the human brain is lump of reddy/purple - grey, gooey, slightly palpating, neural tissue whose surface layer is heavily convoluted. The brain is a physical organ, while the mind, or consciousness is immaterial, and therefore "spiritual.


One night a few weeks ago, ChristieFANNY was tucked up under the blankets with her Paddington bear comforter clapsed tightly under her upper arm. Christie was in a deep sleep and was softly snoring.At some point Christie began to dream, and the dream was very vivid. She dreamed that she had just met her political hero, Joe Biden, at a Democrat rally in DC. There were red, white and blue flags lying everywhere and lots of loud cheering from the big rally of Democrats present. A brass band was churning out patriotic songs (as was Lady Ga Ga, who Christie was thrilled o see performing on stage). At 1:00 pm, Christie went wo get a bite to eat (two hot-dogs, a large cheeseburger and a mug of Cawfee. The food tasted really great- better than Maccas. After lunch ChristieFANNY returned to the join the crowd of Democrats attending the Biden rally,; and who should she see shaking her booty but the awesome Taylor Swift. Christie was just totally blown away as she's always been a Number One, SWIFTIE. Because she ws feeling lucky, Christie decided that she would lay a few hundred "Benjamins on "Blow-Hole" Joe to win the November, 2024 Presidential election. She researched which Bookies were offering the best odds on Biden to win. After studying the odds on Biden, she finally found one bookmakers company offering 3.2+ Biden to win, and quickly laid down 5 Benjamins on the "Blowhole" to get up. Christie then decided it was time to head home, and she caught a local bus to the transit-link rail service in Chicago. At he main train station in Chicago,she walked down onto the sidewalk at the front of the station and began trying to hail a taxi to ferry her home. Now, unfortunately, Christies was wearing a pro-Democrat T-Shirt that had printed on the front: "MY BODY - MY RIGHT". Well, as it happened this T-Shirt caught the disapproving yes of a group of Republican / conservatives, who all looked like they'd had a large dildo rammed up their ass-holes about a second after they'd spotted Christie's controversial Democrat T-Shit. The conservative Boo-Boys made a B-Line to where Christies was standing. When they encountered her, one said: " What you'all think you be doing wearin' such sinful clothing round our city ? ! We'se plum fed up with wicked folks like you trafficking in the intentional murder of our children in this state. You ought be ashamed of yo-silf Miss!"Now iffin' you be a - knowin' what is good for you, you'd be well advised to remove yourself from this city directly before you end up with a damn good kick up the ass to help you on your way !" But ChristieFANNY didn't allow herself to be intimidated or bullied by the conservative "Boo-Boys. Instead she used her knowledge of the law and her formidable debating skills to ultimately "turn the tables" on her adversaries, and send them cowering off, well and truly beaten by a sharper intellect.

So that was ChristieFANNY's dream. I know that usually even vivid dreams are not remembered in such clear detail nor in such an orderly manner. Usually, dreams have a chaotic structure of events and their content is rarely recalled with high levels of accuracy. But with respect to the point I am going to make, these problems are not sufficient to render my argument null and void.

Right. ChristieFANNY was asleep in her bedroom. All of the lights were turned off; and her eyes were closed. Inside her bedroom was perfectly quiet.

In her dream she has different types of experiences.

(1) One was seeingTaylor Swift and Lady Ga Ga. But how could Christie have seen Taylor, Lady Ga Ga and her political hero Joe Biden. How could she have seen the Reds, Whites and Blues in the sea of American flags being lofted at the rally ?? WHEN SHE WAS IN HER COTT IN A DARK BEDROOM AND HER EYES WERE CLOSED ??

(2) How could Christie have heard the sound of the Brass Band pumping out patriotic tunes, or the cheering of the crowd at the rally when inside her bedroom was totally silent ??

(3) When Christie has lunch in her dream (a hot-dawg and two cheeseburgers) she experienced the tastes of this food as being great. But once again, when she dreamed this, she was sound asleep, and no one has put any hot-dogs or cheeseburgers in he mouth that could have been tasted. RIGHT ?

Also in her dream, Christie is able to think rationally and perform calculations when she is working out which bookmaking firm to place her wager on Joe Biden, with. Finally, Christie displays and ability to take on men from a hostile political group. She uses her rhetorical skills, her logical/ rational thought processes, her well-honed political debating skills to out-wit and defeat a group of rogues who were threatening her. So how is it, when you are asleep in your cott that it is possible to experience high-order, cognitively- advanced though processes ?? I mean, when you are sound asleep, you aren't really the sharpest tool in the kit. Right? You just look like a lump of Plum-Pudding lying under you Doona clutching your beloved "Rupert Bear". If someone put a chess board on your chest and whispered to you let's play, dude. NOTHING would happen. Right?


Imagine that conscious is like a box and inside there are different kinds of items (or different types of contents).

Here are some of the contents of our consciousness/minds.

Some people do have dreams like ChristieF's above. Some people, OTOH,experience dream have dreams that are less organized, but they still experience: visual perceptions (images of people, animals, plants, buildings and all sorts of other visual images of things) despite their eyes being closed while they are sleeping. Many persons who dream also experience auditory perceptions (i.e. sounds; like the sounds of music, or barking dogs, or the sounds of people talking/ chatting, etc)Then there is Gustatory perception (i.e. sensing different tastes, like hamburger, ice cream, KFC, watermelon/peaches, grapes, and so on)There are also Olfactory sense perceptions i.e: smells, like: the smell of a fart, the scent of a delightful, rose bloom, or a fine French fragrance; the stench of rotting trash, etc) Another content of human consciousness are bodily sensations: like pain, or an itch or cramping Lastly, in this section there are persons who experience tactile perceptions while they dream. Tactile simply means "touch" so sensations like other people hugging you, touching you with their hands, or the feel of something pressing against you arm or legs (and , of course, the soft touch of of a a female's lips as she kisses you. The their are two other groups of the content of mind ("consciousness), these are called "Propsitional Attitudes" and (2) "intellectual Functioning. Propositional Attitudes are intentional mental states that involve having an attitude to some content or proposition, such as : "Do you think Paris is a great tourist destination" ?. Beliefs, desires, intentions, hopes and fears are all examples of propositional attitudes. Intellectual functional includes: reasoning; planning; problem-solving; abstract thinking, comprehending complex ideas; learning quickly, and learning from experience, etc..


NB: I had a dream quite recently where I arrived at "FOXNEWS" headquarters and began walking around the studios looking for Tomi Lahren When I finally found her I was over-awed and could barely muster the confidence to say anything to her. Anyway, I got a grip on myself and said to her: "Hi, Ms Lahren, I'm John. I just wanted to tell you in person that you're my favourite news anchor; and...and... i think you are the most beautiful lady I've ever seen in my life. Then TL said to me: "Well, John, that is just one of the kindest compliments I have received in years i Thank you very much - now come over here. young man."" TL grabbed me by both of my arms and yanked me toward herself. In about 10 seconds,TL had me pressed tight up against her hot, perky breasts, and then she suddenly laid a long, passionate, sexy, ("French !!) kiss on me; that sent my heart racing- pitter-pat, pitter-pat When the kiss was finished, Tomi said to me in a sultry tone of voice, while twirling her blonde locks playfully around one of her fingers: "You must be tired from all the travelling you did to get to NYC, from Boston John?!! So I was thiking that you might like to chill-out for a while - and even spend the night up in my personal apartment on the third floor of the building. We could chat and relax and play some cool new games I bought last week. I aso know some other games tat I think you would very much enjoy - Tomi gave me a sensual smile and slowly winked her right eye in a classic "come-fuck -me" manner. I said," That's' very kind of you Ms Lahren; and yes I'd love to spend some time chilling out and chatting and playing some games with you in your personal apartment" !! Tomi then took me by the hand and began to guide me to her personal apartment me - But at this point I woke up{/B] in my bed at home with nothing o show for my vivid dream experiences but a large bo*ner. I was so disappointed I started crying - it was terrible ! Really terrible !


So, ChristieFANNY,

The point I wanted to get across is that what Percy Shelley believed was "The ONE" - i.e. ONE spirit co-eternal with the universe, is what we call ".consciousness" or "mind."

Consciousness is a SPIRIT - it is not material or physical.

We know that human CONSCIENTIOUS EXISTS - that it is the substance that comprises ultimate reality.

I have always thought that dreams provided a neat way to prove the existence of consciousness (the spirit) in humans.

Take that dream i made up , that I said you had experienced one night wile sleeping in your cott, in your bedroom.

In this dream you saw visual images of people and colours, BUT HOW cOULD THAT HAVE HAPPENED WHEN YOU WERE SLEEPING IN A DARK ROOM WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED ??



I'll stop here. I must remind you that the things you saw, heard,tasted, etc ; in your dream were absolutely REAL. When you ere asleep and dreaming, the red, white and blue colours on the Democrat rally flags WERE ABSOLUTELY REAL. They were NOT illusions.

o you tell me how did the perceptions you experienced ever come to exist WHEN YOU WERE ASLEEP. The answer is that they came to exist in your CONSCIOUSNESS (in your SPIRIT). You, like all of us, are composed of a physical body and an immaterial spirit (or consciousness).

t's pretty weird, right ChristieFANNY? In particular, because it's 100% true.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Not to worry, Dachsie. Your health is more important than an immediate reply. :nodyes:

ChristieFANNY, I have got a good idea ! That is, why don't you send me your mobile phone number ??!! You could post it in my JPP Private Messages inbox. :good4u:

If you do not provide your mobile phone number, then I shall be left with no option but the muzzle of a pistol ! :(:(

Then I would be able to call you and we could have lots of fun conversations regarding the 18th and 19th century Romantic movement in belles lettres.

That should be an interesting topic for you, because all of the major English Romantic poets were on the far-Left politically speaking. Shelley was even further to the left than the policy-makers in Biden's "progressive", Democrat administration. Even Lord Byron - who was an obnoxious character, gave a leftist speech in the House of Lords, arguing for an improved state educational provision for disadvantaged children.

When leftie Democrats support any form of "collectivization" as a desirable social principle, they are endorsing "socialism". Collectivisation has been a key feature of all socialist regimes for most of the 20th-century. While the American Right - Republicans/conservatives -have an opposite philosophy. They believe that robust, rugged "individualism" as a sacred principle of American culture and civilisation.

In his Poetry, Shelley i forever proposing the possibility of a spiritual unity of all people ( a realisation of a true brotherhood and sisterhood of man). He sets down some brilliant, philosophical arguments, based on the Classical idealist philosophy of Plato . I certainly cannot criticism Shelley's "socialism". His genius dazzles me and I am simply left speechless (And I am a TRUMPER, so you might expect some spirited objections; but I'm afraid I lack the rare genius of a Percy Shelly - I don't have the intellectual chops that he does, nor his towering class as an artist.

Anyway, ChristieFANNY, the major Romantics of the past would be liberal/leftie Democrat voters in the US today. I have a theory as to why Americans voted in Democrat /(socialist) Presidents like: JFK; Lyndon Johnson and Obama; and why socialism remains an entrenched ideology in the modern Democratic Party (Despite it being a well-proven fact that socialist states in many countries around the world have failed and in so doing, generated appalling consequences of every social and economic kind. If I "pit a lid" on my political skepticism/cynicism and imagine that the Democratic Party really is motivated by genuine altruism, compassion and sympathy for the poor/marginalised; the pursuit of social justice, the environment, etc, etc; plus policy measures like equity and collectivisation, then the very best arguments in support of these view were written down during the Romantic era by poets like Percy Shelley; John Keats; William Blake; William Wordsworth, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron etc. There is no better body of work for providing a profound justification for socialist political principles, and I wonder whether or not today's socialists in the Democrat Party have received instruction in the Romantic canon. For example, Shelley's famous "A Defence of Poetry" is not limited to the issue of poetry, but is also a masterpiece in political philosophy

So ChristieFANNY, if you send me your mobile phone number, we could engage in fun conversations about Romantic poetry. I could even recite some sticky-sweet stanza's of love poetry for you. You could explain your politics for me; because, to be rank, I find the idea of supporting the Democrat Party in 2024 to be an unfathomable mystery . You could explain for me what day-to-day life is like living in America; and I could tell you all about Australia.

Also, you could send me some "racy" photographs of yourself, maybe some with you kitted-out in low -cut necklines, highlighting a bosomy, deep decolletage, in the classic, Regency style.Then again you could post some 1960's, retro "Summer of Love" TOPLESS shots? As you know, any interest I would have in such a photographs wold be a STRICTLY AESTHETIC matter. As an aesthetic scholar, I have no interest whatsoever in the lewd and salacious; rather, I view the well-proportioned, well contoured; smooth-textured; firmly "up-standing" (As in the popular, "MISS "BANANA TITTY" beauty pageants that used to be held in California in the 1980's); cclarity of skin; colour; gently sinuous curvatures with a pair of succulent nipples, as "the cherries on top of the cake". Such a pair of bosoms as these embody a portion of the eternal spirit of beauty and also the eternal spirit of delight these eternal spirits exists within "The ONE' - "The ONE" spirit that is co-eternal with the universe (Shelley). Thus, when I view topless or nude photographs of women, I am not overcome by lustful, bestial, carnal urges/desires to have physical sex..Because I have been trained to distinguish and amplify the effects of genuine beauty on the beholder (the effect,BTW, is love - love understood as being a social emotion) Over years of diligent study I have reached the point where a topless or totally naked image of a fit and healthy young woman evokes ONLY the emotional feelings of this "social love" (i.e, non-sexual love) in conjunction with the spirit of eternal, unchanging delight.

You see, ChristieFANNY, my aesthetic sensibilities have been honed (over many years of diligent study at "THE EDMUND BURKE SCHOOL OF THE SUBLIME AND THE BEAUTIFUL" in London. Burke (1729 - 1797) is best known as the undisputed Father of Conservatism, though as a young man in is mid-20s he published a highly influential book of aesthetic theory. i have read it many times and I always find his theory of beauty very compelling. Given my exposure to the brilliant workof Burke should a lady friend happen to send me some top-less and/or nude photographs of herself, I would not be suddenly overcome with the lustful desires and raw sexual urges that inflame the bestial passions of loveless, bestial intercourse, nor would I get a "boner and start masturbating or watching "Big Titty" pornography. So, don't forget, ChristieFANNY, you can feel free to send me as many topless and or nude photographs of yourself as you wish, because I experience the eternal spirits of "social love" and "delight" as emotions that accompany the eternal, infinite, unchanging spirit of beauty. You could feel secure in the knowledge, that I am - as I say - a gentleman who is a trained aesthetician - a man whose selfless devotion to true beauty knows nothing of: the salacious; the sordid; the vulgar pornographic, or the soulless, carnal hedonism that attends the sexual gratification of base lusts. I am certainly not the type to drool over topless or naked photographs that might be sent to me !

THIS POST IS: SWALK :loveu::loveu::loveu::loveu: XX

PS I hope that you send your mobile phone number tome as a Private Message. If you do not , I could well become felo de se (i.e. a suicide). And, ChristieFANNY, how would you ever recover from your terrible burden of guilt you would have to bear??!!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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ChristieFANNY, I have got a good idea ! That is, why don't you send me your mobile phone number ??!! You could post it in my JPP Private Messages inbox. :good4u:
If you do not provide your mobile phone number, then I shall be left with no option but the muzzle of a pistol ! :(:(

Then I would be able to call you and we could have lots of fun conversations regarding the 18th and 19th century Romantic movement in belles lettres.

Dachsieweenie, you're incorrigible. You live halfway around the world from me... not only a different country but different time zone and season. If you are spending your hard-earned AUD to make a call to the US it should be for something like a death in the family. I shudder to think of the cost of Romantic belles lettres across continents. And put that pistol down, the only thing you should be holding is the neck of a digeridoo. :laugh:

That should be an interesting topic for you, because all of the major English Romantic poets were on the far-Left politically speaking. Shelley was even further to the left than the policy-makers in Biden's "progressive", Democrat administration. Even Lord Byron - who was an obnoxious character, gave a leftist speech in the House of Lords, arguing for an improved state educational provision for disadvantaged children.

I believe the Left in England is a lot leftier than the Left in the U.S.

When leftie Democrats support any form of "collectivization" as a desirable social principle, they are endorsing "socialism". Collectivisation has been a key feature of all socialist regimes for most of the 20th-century. While the American Right - Republicans/conservatives -have an opposite philosophy. They believe that robust, rugged "individualism" as a sacred principle of American culture and civilisation.

I support capitalism, Dachsie. I don't mind giving money to the needy but don't want the government all up in my financial business, any more than it already is.

In his Poetry, Shelley i forever proposing the possibility of a spiritual unity of all people ( a realisation of a true brotherhood and sisterhood of man). He sets down some brilliant, philosophical arguments, based on the Classical idealist philosophy of Plato . I certainly cannot criticism Shelley's "socialism". His genius dazzles me and I am simply left speechless (And I am a TRUMPER, so you might expect some spirited objections; but I'm afraid I lack the rare genius of a Percy Shelly - I don't have the intellectual chops that he does, nor his towering class as an artist.

Shelley's true brotherhood concept sounds like Bob Marley's One Love.

Anyway, ChristieFANNY, the major Romantics of the past would be liberal/leftie Democrat voters in the US today. I have a theory as to why Americans voted in Democrat /(socialist) Presidents like: JFK; Lyndon Johnson and Obama; and why socialism remains an entrenched ideology in the modern Democratic Party (Despite it being a well-proven fact that socialist states in many countries around the world have failed and in so doing, generated appalling consequences of every social and economic kind. If I "pit a lid" on my political skepticism/cynicism and imagine that the Democratic Party really is motivated by genuine altruism, compassion and sympathy for the poor/marginalised; the pursuit of social justice, the environment, etc, etc; plus policy measures like equity and collectivisation, then the very best arguments in support of these view were written down during the Romantic era by poets like Percy Shelley; John Keats; William Blake; William Wordsworth, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron etc. There is no better body of work for providing a profound justification for socialist political principles, and I wonder whether or not today's socialists in the Democrat Party have received instruction in the Romantic canon. For example, Shelley's famous "A Defence of Poetry" is not limited to the issue of poetry, but is also a masterpiece in political philosophy

Altruism and social justice is seen by some as synonymous with virtue-signalling. I disagree. Wanting everyone have what they need to survive isn't Pollyanna-ish, it's concern. Given your s/n Dachsie (as opposed to your real name Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee,) I'm sure you don't want to see animals hungry and mistreated, and humans are animals. Well, mammals.

So ChristieFANNY, if you send me your mobile phone number, we could engage in fun conversations about Romantic poetry. I could even recite some sticky-sweet stanza's of love poetry for you. You could explain your politics for me; because, to be rank, I find the idea of supporting the Democrat Party in 2024 to be an unfathomable mystery . You could explain for me what day-to-day life is like living in America; and I could tell you all about Australia.

I can't tell you about how all Dems think, just myself. My main thing is social justice and look at it as more of a religious than political point of view. It means treat all as fundamentally equal. It has nothing to do with money, education, power etc. It's just a way of looking at all people.

Also, you could send me some "racy" photographs of yourself, maybe some with you kitted-out in low -cut necklines, highlighting a bosomy, deep decolletage, in the classic, Regency style.Then again you could post some 1960's, retro "Summer of Love" TOPLESS shots? As you know, any interest I would have in such a photographs wold be a STRICTLY AESTHETIC matter. As an aesthetic scholar, I have no interest whatsoever in the lewd and salacious; rather, I view the well-proportioned, well contoured; smooth-textured; firmly "up-standing" (As in the popular, "MISS "BANANA TITTY" beauty pageants that used to be held in California in the 1980's); cclarity of skin; colour; gently sinuous curvatures with a pair of succulent nipples, as "the cherries on top of the cake". Such a pair of bosoms as these embody a portion of the eternal spirit of beauty and also the eternal spirit of delight these eternal spirits exists within "The ONE' - "The ONE" spirit that is co-eternal with the universe (Shelley). Thus, when I view topless or nude photographs of women, I am not overcome by lustful, bestial, carnal urges/desires to have physical sex..Because I have been trained to distinguish and amplify the effects of genuine beauty on the beholder (the effect,BTW, is love - love understood as being a social emotion) Over years of diligent study I have reached the point where a topless or totally naked image of a fit and healthy young woman evokes ONLY the emotional feelings of this "social love" (i.e, non-sexual love) in conjunction with the spirit of eternal, unchanging delight.
I never heard it put quite this way, Dachsieweenie. "Send me some pics of The Girls and I promise I won't lust after them." :laugh: You can see some quite nice pics of that type in the National Gallery, the Louvre, the Prado, even the Sistine Chapel ceiling. As for the "Summer of Love" sans-t shirts pics, perhaps give vintage Playboy issues a look? While not a prude, I'm mindful of that old saying "what happens on the internet, is disseminated on the internet and stays on the internet forever."

You see, ChristieFANNY, my aesthetic sensibilities have been honed (over many years of diligent study at "THE EDMUND BURKE SCHOOL OF THE SUBLIME AND THE BEAUTIFUL" in London. Burke (1729 - 1797) is best known as the undisputed Father of Conservatism, though as a young man in is mid-20s he published a highly influential book of aesthetic theory. i have read it many times and I always find his theory of beauty very compelling. Given my exposure to the brilliant workof Burke should a lady friend happen to send me some top-less and/or nude photographs of herself, I would not be suddenly overcome with the lustful desires and raw sexual urges that inflame the bestial passions of loveless, bestial intercourse, nor would I get a "boner and start masturbating or watching "Big Titty" pornography. So, don't forget, ChristieFANNY, you can feel free to send me as many topless and or nude photographs of yourself as you wish, because I experience the eternal spirits of "social love" and "delight" as emotions that accompany the eternal, infinite, unchanging spirit of beauty. You could feel secure in the knowledge, that I am - as I say - a gentleman who is a trained aesthetician - a man whose selfless devotion to true beauty knows nothing of: the salacious; the sordid; the vulgar pornographic, or the soulless, carnal hedonism that attends the sexual gratification of base lusts. I am certainly not the type to drool over topless or naked photographs that might be sent to me !

Yes, Dachsie, I can practically see your high-mindedness and aesthetics emanating from the screen. :D But it raises the question, if you know nothing of the salacious, the sordid, the soulless and pornographic, can you really have a basis for comparison? Or have you taken a page from the former SCOTUS justice Potter Stewart, who said about hard-core pornography, "I'll know it when I see it."

Also Dachsie, I'll now have to look up Edmund Burke. I've heard the name, of course, but that's about all. But I do like to learn what men through the ages consider beauty. Your tutelage on Shelley has broadened my intellectual datebase, Dachsie, so thank you for that.

THIS POST IS: SWALK :loveu::loveu::loveu::loveu: XX

PS I hope that you send your mobile phone number tome as a Private Message. If you do not , I could well become felo de se (i.e. a suicide). And, ChristieFANNY, how would you ever recover from your terrible burden of guilt you would have to bear??!!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !![/QUOTE]
Dear ChristieFANNY....

Yes, it is very difficult to condense Shelley's philosophy of spirit into a concise little nut-shell. So to keep things manageable, let's just look at human beings. Human beings are made up of MATTER (blood, bones, organs, tissues and cells of different types. This is the material or physical component of a man or a woman. I can pinch your butt to be playful, because your butt is a physical thing, and so are my fingers (as they squeeze it). if my fingers were NOT material objects, and your butt was not a material thing either, then I would not be able toto surprise you by pinching your ass. Right?

Right. And I suppose it would be the same if I were the pincher and you were the pinchee.

Shelley believed that ultimate reality was NOT material/physical in nature. Rather, he believed that ultimate reality was SPIRITUAL, and there was a spiritual being, hat existed which he called "The ONE". "The ONE" was, Shelley declared, co-eternal with the universe.

By definition, "SPIRITUAL" means immaterial/non physical. For example a "ghost" from a children's spooky storybook is always depicted as being non-physical. A ghost-hunter can try to kill a ghost by running his sword through it's "body", but the sword just swishes right through the ghost's "body" without harming the spirit; also ghosts are well-known for walking through solid walls and locked, wooden doors with ease, etc.

To recap: a spiritual entity or being is immaterial/non-physical.
Yes, it's self-explanatory.

I mentioned that I would keep this post confined to the existence of human beings. Human beings according to Shelley, have a material component and a spiritual component. The spiritual portion of human beings is known as the MIND or CONSCIOUSNESS. While the "mind" or the 'consciousness are closely correlated with the structure and functioning of the brain's neural systems, CORRELATION is not the same thing as a relation of identity. In other words, the human brain is lump of reddy/purple - grey, gooey, slightly palpating, neural tissue whose surface layer is heavily convoluted. The brain is a physical organ, while the mind, or consciousness is immaterial, and therefore "spiritual.

I'm still with you here.

One night a few weeks ago, ChristieFANNY was tucked up under the blankets with her Paddington bear comforter clapsed tightly under her upper arm. Christie was in a deep sleep and was softly snoring.At some point Christie began to dream, and the dream was very vivid. She dreamed that she had just met her political hero, Joe Biden, at a Democrat rally in DC. There were red, white and blue flags lying everywhere and lots of loud cheering from the big rally of Democrats present. A brass band was churning out patriotic songs (as was Lady Ga Ga, who Christie was thrilled o see performing on stage). At 1:00 pm, Christie went wo get a bite to eat (two hot-dogs a large cheeseburger and a mug of Cawfee. The food tasted really great- better than Maccas. After lunch ChristieFANNY returned to the join the crowd of Democrats attending the Biden rally,; and who should she see shaking her booty but the awesome Taylor Swift. Christie was just totally blown away as she's always been a Number One, SWIFTIE. Because she ws feeling lucky, Christie decided that she would lay a few hundred "Benjamins on "Blow-Hole" Joe to win the November, 2024 Presidential election. She researched which Bookies were offering the best odds on Biden to win. After studying the odds on Biden, she finally found one bookmakers company offering 3.2+ Biden to win, and quickly laid down 5 Benjamins on the "Blowhole" to get up. Christie then decided it was time to head home, and she caught a local bus to the transit-link rail service in Chicago. At he main train station in Chicago,she walked down onto the sidewalk at the front of the station and began trying to hail a taxi to ferry her home. Now, unfortunately, Christies was wearing a pro-Democrat T-Shirt that had printed on the front: "MY BODY - MY RIGHT". Well, as it happened this T-Shirt caught the disapproving yes of a group of Republican / conservatives, who all looked like they'd had a large dildo rammed up their ass-holes about a second after they'd spotted Christie's controversial Democrat T-Shit. The conservative Boo-Boys made a B-Line to where Christies was standing. When they encountered her, one said: " What you'all think you be doing wearin' such sinful clothing round our city ? ! We'se plum fed up with wicked folks like you trafficking in the intentional murder of our children in this state. You ought be ashamed of yo-silf Miss!"Now iffin' you be a - knowin' what is good for you, you'd be well advised to remove yourself from this city directly before you end up with a damn good kick up the ass to help you on your way !" But ChristieFANNY didn't allow herself to be intimidated or bullied by the conservative "Boo-Boys. Instead she used her knowledge of the law and her formidable debating skills to ultimately "turn the tables" on her adversaries, and send them cowering off, well and truly beaten by a sharper intellect.

Still following, although the hot dog part is wrong, if we're analyzing Christie's diet.

So that was ChristieFANNY's dream. I know that usually even vivid dreams are not remembered in such clear detail nor in such an orderly manner. Usually, dreams have a chaotic structure of events and their content is rarely recalled with high levels of accuracy. But with respect to the point I am going to make, these problems are not sufficient to render my argument null and void.

Right. ChristieFANNY was asleep in her bedroom. All of the lights were turned off; and her eyes were closed. Inside her bedroom was perfectly quiet. In her dream she has different types of experiences.

(1) One was seeingTaylor Swift and Lady Ga Ga. But how could Christie have seen Taylor, Lady Ga Ga and her political hero Joe Biden. How could she have seen the Reds, Whites and Blues in the sea of American flags being lofted at the rally ?? WHEN SHE WAS IN HER COTT IN A DARK BEDROOM AND HER EYES WERE CLOSED ??

(2) How could Christie have heard the sound of the Brass Band pumping out patriotic tunes, or the cheering of the crowd at the rally when inside her bedroom was totally silent ??

(3) When Christie has lunch in her dream (a hot-dawg and two cheeseburgers) she experienced the tastes of this food as being great. But once again, when she dreamed this, she was sound asleep, and no one has put any hot-dogs or cheeseburgers in he mouth that could have been tasted. RIGHT ?

Still on track except for the blech-dogs.

Also in her dream, Christie is able to think rationally and perform calculations when she is working out which bookmaking firm to place her wager on Joe Biden, with. Finally, Christie displays and ability to take on men from a hostile political group. She uses her rhetorical skills, her logical/ rational thought processes, her well-honed political debating skills to out-wit and defeat a group of rogues who were threatening her. So how is it, when you are asleep in your cott that it is possible to experience high-order, cognitively- advanced though processes ?? I mean, when you are sound asleep, you aren't really the sharpest tool in the kit. Right? You just look like a lump of Plum-Pudding lying under you Doona clutching your beloved "Rupert Bear". If someone put a chess board on your chest and whispered to you let's play, dude. NOTHING would happen. Right?

Right, sorta... but I suspect upon meeting the rogues I would turn tail and run rather than try to dazzle them with scintillating wit. Wait, strike that. My dream would have me rooted to the spot and unable to run.

Imagine that conscious is like a box and inside there are different kinds of items (or different types of contents). Here are some of the contents of our consciousness/minds.

Some people do have dreams like ChristieF's above. Some people, OTOH,experience dream have dreams that are less organized, but they still experience: visual perceptions (images of people, animals, plants, buildings and all sorts of other visual images of things) despite their eyes being closed while they are sleeping. Many persons who dream also experience auditory perceptions (i.e. sounds; like the sounds of music, or barking dogs, or the sounds of people talking/ chatting, etc)Then there is Gustatory perception (i.e. sensing different tastes, like hamburger, ice cream, KFC, watermelon/peaches, grapes, and so on)There are also Olfactory sense perceptions i.e: smells, like: the smell of a fart, the scent of a delightful, rose bloom, or a fine French fragrance; the stench of rotting trash, etc) Another content of human consciousness are bodily sensations: like pain, or an itch or cramping Lastly, in this section there are persons who experience tactile perceptions while they dream. Tactile simply means "touch" so sensations like other people hugging you, touching you with their hands, or the feel of something pressing against you arm or legs (and , of course, the soft touch of of a a female's lips as she kisses you. The their are two other groups of the content of mind ("consciousness), these are called "Propositional Attitudes" and (2) "intellectual Functioning. Propositional Attitudes are intentional mental states that involve having an attitude to some content or proposition, such as : "Do you think Paris is a great tourist destination" ?. Beliefs, desires, intentions, hopes and fears are all examples of propositional attitudes. Intellectual functional includes: reasoning; planning; problem-solving; abstract thinking, comprehending complex ideas; learning quickly, and learning from experience, etc..
I'm still on the journey here but not sure of the destination, Dachsie.

NB: I had a dream quite recently where I arrived at "FOXNEWS" headquarters and began walking around the studios looking for Tomi Lahren When I finally found her I was over-awed and could barely muster the confidence to say anything to her. Anyway, I got a grip on myself and said to her: "Hi, Ms Lahren, I'm John. I just wanted to tell you in person that you're my favourite news anchor; and...and... i think you are the most beautiful lady I've ever seen in my life. Then TL said to me: "Well, John, that is just one of the kindest compliments I have received in years i Thank you very much - now come over here. young man."" TL grabbed me by both of my arms and yanked me toward herself. In about 10 seconds,TL had me pressed tight up against her hot, perky breasts, and then she suddenly laid a long, passionate, sexy, ("French !!) kiss on me; that sent my heart racing- pitter-pat, pitter-pat When the kiss was finished, Tomi said to me in a sultry tone of voice, while twirling her blonde locks playfully around one of her fingers: "You must be tired from all the travelling you did to get to NYC, from Boston John?!! So I was thiking that you might like to chill-out for a while - and even spend the night up in my personal apartment on the third floor of the building. We could chat and relax and play some cool new games I bought last week. I aso know some other games tat I think you would very much enjoy - Tomi gave me a sensual smile and slowly winked her right eye in a classic "come-fuck -me" manner. I said," That's' very kind of you Ms Lahren; and yes I'd love to spend some time chilling out and chatting and playing some games with you in your personal apartment" !! Tomi then took me by the hand and began to guide me to her personal apartment me - But at this point I woke up{/B] in my bed at home with nothing o show for my vivid dream experiences but a large bo*ner. I was so disappointed I started crying - it was terrible ! Really terrible !

It was Hypnos leaving you for the night, Dachsie. Perhaps he wanted T. Lahren for himself.

So, ChristieFANNY,

The point I wanted to get across is that what Percy Shelley believed was "The ONE" - i.e. ONE spirit co-eternal with the universe, is what we call ".consciousness" or "mind." Consciousness is a SPIRIT - it is not material or physical. We know that human CONSCIENTIOUS EXISTS - that it is the substance that comprises ultimate reality.

I have always thought that dreams provided a neat way to prove the existence of consciousness (the spirit) in humans.

You're preaching to the choir, Dachsie.

Take that dream i made up , that I said you had experienced one night wile sleeping in your cott, in your bedroom. In this dream you saw visual images of people and colours, BUT HOW cOULD THAT HAVE HAPPENED WHEN YOU WERE SLEEPING IN A DARK ROOM WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED ??



I'll stop here. I must remind you that the things you saw, heard,tasted, etc ; in your dream were absolutely REAL. When you ere asleep and dreaming, the red, white and blue colours on the Democrat rally flags WERE ABSOLUTELY REAL. They were NOT illusions.

So you tell me how did the perceptions you experienced ever come to exist WHEN YOU WERE ASLEEP. The answer is that they came to exist in your CONSCIOUSNESS (in your SPIRIT). You, like all of us, are composed of a physical body and an immaterial spirit (or consciousness).

It's pretty weird, right ChristieFANNY? In particular, because it's 100% true.

I could have written this myself, Dachsie. I'm a student of the brain-body connection. Guess that also means I'm in agreement with Shelley.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !![/QUOTE]
I must remind you that the things you saw, heard,tasted, etc ; in your dream were absolutely REAL. When you ere asleep and dreaming, the red, white and blue colours on the Democrat rally flags WERE ABSOLUTELY REAL. They were NOT illusions.
Proof the wiener dog has gone off the deep end: He believes dreams are "ABSOLUTELY REAL" and projects that belief onto others.
Not to worry, Dachsie.


There are two things no man can evade, ChristieFanny: DEATH and TAXES ( and in the case of any US Democrat administration, the taxes are "HIGH TAXES"). :laugh:

As you have studied the MIND/BODY problem at college, I thought you might be interested in how CONSCIOUSNESS/EXPERIENCE is eternal and survives death?

Many people believe that just after the moment of their death they are cast into an eternal blackness, an eternal night, the inky, black depths of an abyss - or, in other words, into "nothingness."

So there are many people who believe that after the moment of their deaths comes nothingness; death is: an empty void; a "black hole"; the end of experiential consciousness; eternal nothingness , the permanent extinction of Being, and such like. The mistake in this view is to REIFY the concept of "nothingness. The process of reifying, means to take an ABSTRACT idea or concept and attempt to make it more concrete or real. It is to give definite form to an abstract idea or concept. To reify an abstract concept like "nothingness", means to "put a handle" on it that you can firmly grasp.

For example, the fact that ChristieF is deeply in love (Platonic) with me- and I with her - is true. But our love - being purely Platonic - is not a concrete, material thing ( it is not like that predominantly carnal form of love where one the two lovers are heard to claim that they are "living off the fruits of love and throwing the skins out the window" ! :awesome: I can, despite this kind of vulgarity, treat the spiritual, Platonic, love that, ChristieF, and I share as a concrete, material thing by, for instance,REIFYING it into a band of gold.. By giving ChristieF, a gold ring to wear I am making our love (which is a very complex and abstract/immaterial thing) more real, more concrete and easier to understand.

When I say that the idea of NOTHINGNESS after death is: an eternal night, an empty oblivion or a Black Hole or the inky blackness in the far depts of a grat abyss, I am reifying nothingness to make it a concrete condition and then placing the individual into it (e.g. the eternal night, the black abyss, the pitch-dark void) after the moment of their death. This is to project the individual into a situation following their death where experience/consciousness do not exist.

This mistaken thinking was pointed out about 2000 years ago by the Greek philosopher, Epicurus, who wrote...

" Death is nothing to us

When I am, death is not

and when Death is, I am not.

All sensation and consciousness end with Death

And therefore within Death, there is neither pleasure or pain."

That's it. Epicurus has "nailed" our modern -day misunderstanding of Death and consciousness. What he says is the truth. Full stop.

What he means is that NOTHINGNESS cannot be anything that is positively existent, that is, if it truly (as the term would indicate) doesn't exist, then the situation at death cannot involve falling into it; i.e.: the "Black Hole"; an "Eternal Night, a blind emptiness. If there is no eternal absence of experience/consciousness, then there is no "Black Hole" or "Black Oblivion which swallows up the unfortunate victim of death. There cannot exist something (i.e. "nothingness") that doesn't exist. We all all die and disappear, but the point I want to make is that we don't go into something called non-existence, nothing or nothingness. Generically speaking, consciousness is eternal.

If a conscious being ever undergoes a gap in consciousness - for example is given a general anaesthetic before a surgical operation - the that gap in consciousness is SKIPPED from a SUBJECTIVE point of view, and the next occurrence of consciousness follows immediately.For example, you might be given an injection of a general anaesthetic like propofol, by a surgeon who is about to operate on you. The surgeon injects the propofol into a vein on the upper side of your hand, then says" I want you start counting down from 10, for me, sweetie. You just about make it to "5" when you are suddenly rendered completely unconscious. And you remain unconscious over the next 5 hours as the surgeon works to excise a lesion that has developed in your liver.

When you wake up from the general anaesthetic, the last thing you recall is being conscious of counting down from 10 and making it to "4". You do not have a subjective experience/consciousness of there having been a gap of 5 hours in your consciousness/awareness. When you wake up, you may be able tell that time has indeed passed due to changes in the environment around you. for example, the time shown on clocks, a TV news anchor announcing the day and date at the start of his program and dramatic new developments in a political news story you had been following at the time you received the general anaesthetic for your operation. (For example, Joe Biden has fallen all the way down the steps of "Airforce 1" and broken one of his arms, or Kamala Harris has been caught on video having intimate relations with the Reverend Al Sharpton and the scandal is currently rocking Washington. But, to return to the most important point, you DO NOT HAVE any recollection of being plunged into an: "eternal night" or the "depths of a black abyss." What you DO experience from a subjective point of view remains one continuous, unbroken stream of consciousness. You have no recollection of a 5 hour gap in consciousness (from your subjective point of view). This is because NOTHINGNESS CANNOT EXIST, AND IF A CONSCIOUSNESS BEING EVER UNDERGOES A GAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS, THEN THAT GAP IS "SKIPPED" FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF YOUR SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE AND THE NEXT OCCURRENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS FOLLOWS IMMEDIATELY. Think about it ChristieF, I'm sure you've been rendered unconscious with a general anaesthetic before having a surgical operation of some kind - (even something like one of your "Boob-Jobs" or the "Brazilian butt-Lift" you treated yourself to last year :awesome:).Seriously, ChristieF, when you woke up from the general anaesthetic you were given before a surgical operation that you've had in the past, were you aware of any subjective gap in your consciousness? That is, were you subjectively aware of having fallen into (the "nothingness") of an eternal night or having plummeted down into the pitch - black depths of an infinite abyss? The answer is" "No, you weren't". When you woke up from any surgery you have had, you were not aware of any such "gap" in your subjective consciousness. Am I right ?


In this story, we're going to imagine that we are back in the year 1953. ChristieFANNY (the one on this forum) is only 17 years, at the time old and she is living in the Deep South - in the town of Birmingham, Alabama. Birmingham is in the "Bible Belt" and Christie's parents are both very devout, God-fearing Presbyterians. Christie still lives at home with her parents and is made to attend Church every Sunday. As it happens she finds going to Church extremely boring and has no interest whatsoever in Christian spirituality. As she says to her fiends at school: "Church?! "It's all a pile of boring bullshit !!"

While behaving herself in general at home, ChristieF, unbeknownst to her parents,was leading an outrageous "double life." Almost every night after 10 pm, ChristieF, would slip quietly out of the family hime and make her way to a large Truck Stop located on the edge of a motorway in Birmingham that was only around 20 minutes walk from her family home..

ChristieF is pretty has quite a hot figure for a 17 year old. She uses her feminine sex appeal to "flirt up a storm" with the truckers who are parked in their rigs at the Truck Stop. She could be seen climbing up into the cabins of various rigs and then climbing back down onto the tarmac after spending between 20 to 30 minutes in the cabin of each rig. This behaviour did not escape the notice of the Truck Stop manager, a strict Methodist, named, Mr Pious E. Jones who became convinced that ChristieF, was a young prostitute touting for business at the Truck Stop among the rows of 18-wheelers !! Eventually, after ChristieF, visitations to the Truck Stop became ever longer and more "active", the Manager, Pious Jones, telephoned the local police chief to advise him of his concerns. Four Birmingham PD officers - including a member of the Vice Squad - arrived two days later and placed ChristieF under intensive, covert surveillance for a number of nights. From the evidence they collected, the police investigators were able to rule out solicitation. They established that ChristieF was having a large amount of indiscriminate sex (with up to 8 different truckers per night), but no exchange of money was involved in these "intrigues". ChristieF, it seemed simply loved having sex (of all kinds both conventional and "deviant" (i.e. which was how "anal" and "oral" sex were referred to in the early 1950s) and was exceptionally promiscuous in terms of the number of different partners she had relations with at the Truck Stop. Although ChristieF was only 17 years old - that is, a minor- and too young to legally engage in conventional sexual relations (let alone sexual deviancy !!) according to the law in Alabama in 1953, the police decided that, in this case, it would be best for all concerned to let ChristieF's parents handle the problem.

When ChristieF's father was informed by the police what she had been doing at the Truck Stop, he "blew a fuse" and became speechless with rage. Not only was his daughter's behaviour sinful in the extreme, if word of what she had been doing ever got out, the public scandal would surely ruin his small business. ChristieF's father decided to immediately seek the advice of his family's physician.

At his consultation with the family's physician, Dr Hardwick, ChristieF's father was told that his daughter was afflicted a serious mental disorder called "nymphomania" ( which he explained was the relentless craving for sexual intercourse, a form hyper-sexuality that affected a surprising number of girls and young women in the "Bible-Belt") and that fortunately there was now a relatively quick, safe and efficacious surgical procedure called the, "Trans-Orbital Frontal Lobotomy", that could be used to cure ChristieF's nymphomania, without the need for extended institutionalisation in a state "Asylum for the Insane" Dr Hardwick said that he would write out a referral for ChristieF to an expert psychosurgeon (i.e. brain surgeon) based in Birmingham City Hospital, who would then schedule a date the surgical procedure to take place.

When the day arrived for ChristF's surgery she was driven by her father to the Psychiatry Department of Birmingham City Hospital. After being checked in, she was taken to a bed in the pre-op ward of the department. After waiting on her bed for an hour or so a surgical nurse arrived and transported ChristieF to an operating theatre. ChristieF was told she would be rendered unconscious before the operation by the use of electric current. This meant that electrode would be attached to her right and left temples and then 3 to 4 90 volt charges of electric current would be administered in sequence. This would send her into a state of unconsciousness. So a member of the srgical team applied the electric shocks; these sent ChristieF's body into a series of violent convulsions before ultimately rendering her completely unconscious (remember, this was 1953 in America and the use of electric shock treatment to induce unconsciousness was not uncommon for psychiatric patients about to undergo psycho ( i.e.brain) surgery).

With ChristieF now completely unconscious, the surgeon took up a surgical instrument that looked identical to a domestic "ice-pick" of the era; that is; a 7 - inch or so slender, stainless - steel spike, that was very similar to a longish nail", with a sharp point at one end and a flattened head at the other.He then inserted the sharp end of the "ice-pick" into the inner corner of ChristieF's right eye and slid it down across the inner surface of the eye until he came upon a bony structure called the orbit. The orbits are the two bony cavities or sockets/holes in the skull in which each eye - the right eye and left eye - are located. If you examine a human skull you will see the orbits sitting behind where the living eyes used to be.

When ChristieF's surgeon's i"ice-pick" came up up against her orbit, he took a small hammer and tapped the top of the "ice-pick" until it pieced through the bone of the orbit. The tip of the sharp end of the ice-pick was now in the brain itself - section of the brain called the pre-"frontal cortex.(PFC) Now the surgeon tapped the "ice-pick' a further two inches into the brain tissue beneath the orbit then jiggled the ice-pick around in certain pattern. After thi he grabbed the surgical hammer again and tapped the ice-pick a further inch deeper into the tissue of the brain's pre-frontal cortex and wriggled it about again in a different manner. Then he thrust the handle of the"ices-pick" up to create a deep laceration down the brain's central, inner, hemispherical tissue. After this, he repeated the procedure on ChristieF's other eye.

This procedure (the trans-orbital pre-Frontal lobotomy ) did have a rationale. Namely the depth of each thrust of of the "ice-pick" and wriggling/jiggling patterns the surgeon used to manoeuvre it were intended to sever the fibrous matter that connected the brain's PFC to an another brain structure called the thalamus. If this could be successfully achieved, it was believed that all of a psychiatric patients demonstrating severe, maladaptive,antisocial symptoms and behaviours could be "cured.

This was all nonsense, though it didn't prevent tens of thousands of lobotomies being performed in the US from the 1930s through to the later half of the 1960s when the procedure was effectively banned in America. Frontal lobotomies like the "ice-pick" lobotomy caused sever and extensive psychological damage in thousands of patients who underwent the radical procedure." Returning to the story of ChristieF she was drastically and extensively transformed after her "ice-pick" lobotomy. After the procedure she was left with a sharp decline in" cognitive functioning; almost all of her memory had been erased or dramatically distorted; her behaviour became "child-like; she had to be re-taught how to eat and use the bathroom; she became extremely docile/passive and was minimally reactive to the external world. She had lost all motivation and initiative and her beliefs, hopes, wishes, intentions, regrets, bore no resemblance at all to what they were before her lobotomy procedure. The post-op ChristieF spoke only rarely and often what she said was difficult to comprehend. In short, ChristieF's whole personality and memories had been radically transformed by her lobotomy. Her family and friends could no longer recognise ChristieF as the person she had been before her operation. The new ChristieF was LITERALLY an entirely different person to the old one. It was as though the old ChristieF had died.

So, we can say that the person who was ChristieF before the lobotomy operation doesn't exist anymore. But this "death by transformation doesn't plunge ChristieF into a black void or an eternal night (of nothingness) Because ChristieF the patient DOES NOT HAVE A SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE/CONSCIOUSNESS of any subjective gap having occurred while she was unconscious on the operating table. To the contrary she has the subjective experience of being fully aware of a continuous, unbroken stream of conscious.

So what then, is the difference between ChristieF's "Death by Transformation" and regular death, that would somehow make us expect something else after it ??

Well, ChristieFANNY ??


I hope you have noticed that my sole intention in writing this post was to comfort you by lifting the fear of death- as an eternal black nothingness - from your mind. I have offered these reflections as a gesture of kindness DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU, CHRISTIEF HAVE ALREADY BROKEN MY HEART BY TACITLY REFUSING TO MEET UP WITH ME IN AMERICA ! If you HAD invited me to visit you at your home, you and I could have spent the days living off the fruits of love (and throwing the skins out the window ) you could have experienced the consciousness of a never - ending - (with the exception of the odd brief breaks for coffee and cheeseburgers)- united spiritual love. But Alas ! your heart is too hard to ever ponder the experience of a true "affaire de coeur" - a true affair of the heart. If this were not enough, now you twist the blade in by refusing even to provide me with you mobile phone number so that I might be able to chat with you directly and some to know you better. You will not provide me with your mobile phone number, you say, purely because you are concerned that it would be too expensive for me to chat to you in America from a mobile phone in Australia - YEAH RIGHT ! NICE TRY, CHRISTIE How about you let me worry about the cost of phoning you in the states. I am an adult after all, you know, and not a child who cannot responsibly manages his finances. Besides, I ring my son who is English and lives in Hertfordshire regularly, and guess what it costs me? NOTHING - that's what (I just had to buy a cheap package deal from "OPTUS" to get 12 months of unlimited chat time with the UK !). To continue. As a direct result of your cruelty and cold-heartedness, I am currently plunged deep into the darkest depths of despair that is the direct consequence of a broken heart !. I feel now that the only option I am left with is: EITHER to cast myself down at the foot of the Cross and grovel for mercy OR press the cold muzzle of a high-calibre pistol against my temple and join the ranks of the "Grateful Dead" As. I have, sadly, very little in the way of true Christian faith, it seems that a bullet through the head would be my only chance for a final redemption. So, if ever news should reach you that a kind-hearted and innocent Australian boy has taken his own life with a pistol, then you will find that there is also blood on YOUR own hands, ChristieF ! And good luck trying to wash it off, girl, "the Furies" will rise from Hades and pursue you relentlessly and then torment you without remorse for eternity !.

This post is: SWALK XXX:loveu::loveu::loveu:

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Right. And I suppose it would be the same if I were the pincher and you were the pinchee.

Yes, it's self-explanatory.

I'm still with you here.

Still following, although the hot dog part is wrong, if we're analyzing Christie's diet.

Still on track except for the blech-dogs.

Right, sorta... but I suspect upon meeting the rogues I would turn tail and run rather than try to dazzle them with scintillating wit. Wait, strike that. My dream would have me rooted to the spot and unable to run.

I'm still on the journey here but not sure of the destination, Dachsie.

It was Hypnos leaving you for the night, Dachsie. Perhaps he wanted T. Lahren for himself.

You're preaching to the choir, Dachsie.

I could have written this myself, Dachsie. I'm a student of the brain-body connection. Guess that also means I'm in agreement with Shelley.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Dear ChristieFANNY,

I have sent you a post above above how Death is nothing to fear because subjective consciousness is ETERNAL.

It a special gift for you, even though you have been mean to me lately by not posting your mobile phone number to my PM in-box (and not consenting to let me meet up with you in America for a romantic - though purely Platonic - affaire de coeur !).

Finally, here is an old pop song about an understanding that you and I have in common...



Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Trump believes in playing games fairly.....if you dont believe in that then there U go....he always suspected that he is better than most of you ....DJT does not mind being proven right....again.

Trump is famous for cheating at golf. His lack of respect for laws and rules even goes to recreation. He cannot help himself. A crook is what he is. And very dangerous to America and the globe.
To know him is to hate him.
Dear ChristieFANNY,

I have sent you a post above above how Death is nothing to fear because subjective consciousness is ETERNAL.

It a special gift for you, even though you have been mean to me lately by not posting your mobile phone number to my PM in-box (and not consenting to let me meet up with you in America for a romantic - though purely Platonic - affaire de coeur !).

Finally, here is an old pop song about an understanding that you and I have in common...

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Dear Dachsieweenie,

I know the song but not the lyrics so I looked them up and have to say they capture my feelings closely... "there is no political solution to our troubled evolution, etc..." If you share that we do indeed have it in common. Even better was Sting's explanation of them:

  • Sting explained the song's meaning in Lyrics By Sting: "I thought that while political progress is clearly important in resolving conflict around the world, there are spiritual (as opposed to religious) aspects of our recovery that also need to be addressed. I suppose by 'spiritual' I mean the ability to see the bigger picture, to be able to step outside the narrow box of our conditioning and access those higher modes of thinking that Koestler talked about. Without this, politics is just the rhetoric of failure."
This is actually an interesting tidbit about Arthur Koestler. (Who I didn't know about until reading this link.) I'm going to add his book The Ghost in the Machine to my reading list.

I read your post on consciousness being eternal; in fact, I printed it out to peruse at leisure because I was going cross-eyed staring at the screen. It was going well until I came to that sass about me being a 17-year old truck stop worker. You need to know that my knowledge of nymphs is limited to Greek mythology. And that led me to thinking about classic artwork portraying them, in particular one painting titled "Nymphs and Satyr." Just as your novelette hypothesized me as a sufferer of "nymphomania," I may have to respond with my own story about you as a sufferer of "satyriasis." I'll give this some thought, because your imagination trumps mine (see what I did there?) regarding erotica.

Anyway, DachsieWEENIE, I will return with a brilliant and thought-provoking response to your essay on death, consciousness and other personal matters re: nos affaire de couer. Although I hope that Epicurus was wrong when he wrote "All sensation and consciousness end with Death, and therefore within Death, there is neither pleasure or pain." Because I want Death to lead me to the Rainbow Bridge where I can be reunited with all my darling kitties who are no longer with us. It's a hopeful dream.I at while political progress is clearly important in resolving conflict around the world, there are spiritual (as opposed to religious) aspects of our recovery that also need to be addressed. I suppose by ‘spiritual’ I mean the ability to see the bigger picture, to be able to step outside the narrow box of our conditioning and access those higher modes of thinking that Koestler talked about. Without this, politics is just the rhetoric of failure.ought that while political progress is clearly important in resolving conflict around the world, there are spiritual (as opposed to religious) aspects of our recovery that also need to be addressed. I suppose by ‘spiritual’ I mean the ability to see the bigger picture, to be able to step outside the narrow box of our conditioning and access those higher modes of thinking that Koestler talked about. Without this, politics is just the rhetoric of failure.
Dear Dachsieweenie,

I know the song but not the lyrics so I looked them up and have to say they capture my feelings closely... "there is no political solution to our troubled evolution, etc..." If you share that we do indeed have it in common. Even better was Sting's explanation of them:

  • Sting explained the song's meaning in Lyrics By Sting: "I thought that while political progress is clearly important in resolving conflict around the world, there are spiritual (as opposed to religious) aspects of our recovery that also need to be addressed. I suppose by 'spiritual' I mean the ability to see the bigger picture, to be able to step outside the narrow box of our conditioning and access those higher modes of thinking that Koestler talked about. Without this, politics is just the rhetoric of failure."
This is actually an interesting tidbit about Arthur Koestler. (Who I didn't know about until reading this link.) I'm going to add his book The Ghost in the Machine to my reading list.

I read your post on consciousness being eternal; in fact, I printed it out to peruse at leisure because I was going cross-eyed staring at the screen. It was going well until I came to that sass about me being a 17-year old truck stop worker. You need to know that my knowledge of nymphs is limited to Greek mythology. And that led me to thinking about classic artwork portraying them, in particular one painting titled "Nymphs and Satyr." Just as your novelette hypothesized me as a sufferer of "nymphomania," I may have to respond with my own story about you as a sufferer of "satyriasis." I'll give this some thought, because your imagination trumps mine (see what I did there?) regarding erotica.

Anyway, DachsieWEENIE, I will return with a brilliant and thought-provoking response to your essay on death, consciousness and other personal matters re: nos affaire de couer. Although I hope that Epicurus was wrong when he wrote "All sensation and consciousness end with Death, and therefore within Death, there is neither pleasure or pain." Because I want Death to lead me to the Rainbow Bridge where I can be reunited with all my darling kitties who are no longer with us. It's a hopeful dream.I at while political progress is clearly important in resolving conflict around the world, there are spiritual (as opposed to religious) aspects of our recovery that also need to be addressed. I suppose by ‘spiritual’ I mean the ability to see the bigger picture, to be able to step outside the narrow box of our conditioning and access those higher modes of thinking that Koestler talked about. Without this, politics is just the rhetoric of failure.ought that while political progress is clearly important in resolving conflict around the world, there are spiritual (as opposed to religious) aspects of our recovery that also need to be addressed. I suppose by ‘spiritual’ I mean the ability to see the bigger picture, to be able to step outside the narrow box of our conditioning and access those higher modes of thinking that Koestler talked about. Without this, politics is just the rhetoric of failure.

Dear ChrestieFANNY,

I should be wary of taking anything Arthur Koester writes, as he had a reputation for trading in "woo-woo" He visited Sydney in the 1970s (and stayed in the trendy/alternative male homosexual district of Oxford Street in the city centre.) He visited a gay club one night and became fascinated with a dance style the members were performing that he was told was called "The Hambone". Koestler published an essay about the "Ham Bone" dance culture, not realising for an instant that a "Hambone" was gay slang for a large, exposed, erect male penis.:)

I shouldn't expect you to read my long-winded posts on fuzzy/woolley topics like consciousness. So I will not bug you with any more of them in future. Besides individuals who rave on with theories of consciousness (in the context of death) tend to be regarded as "flakes", and I would not like you to gain that impression of myself. The only point I should have made is one that no modern-day, empirical scientist would deny; namely, that following the moment of death, we to not pass into any such scenarios as: an eternal night; a black void of nothingness; the blind depths of a fathomless abyss, nor even some state of still, peaceful oblivion. When we die, we no longer exist, FULL STOP, and therefore we are not conscious of ANYTHING at all in the universe. (for example we are not conscious of "blackness" or emptiness, because these thing can only be experienced in consciousness, and we no longer have a consciousness when we are dead. This is not "WOO-WOO", it is a valid logical, naturalistic/scientific fact

Here is a more interesting post - a little piece of literary trivia for you, from a poet you like.

It is acknowledged as Percy Shelly's first poem, and was written when he was just 11 years old. It is is entitled "A Cat in Distress" as the verses were "addressed" to a pet, tabby cat Shelley had as a child at "Field Place" (his father's estate in Sussex). I figured that this would impress you because you love cats (BIG TIME). Anyway, here it is....


A cat in distress

Nothing more or less,

As I am a sinner,

It waits for some dinner

To stuff out its own little belly

You would not easily guess

All the modes of distress

Which torture the tenants of earth;

And the various evils,

Which like so many devils,

Attend the poor souls from their birth

Some a living require,

And others desire

An old fellow out of the way;

And which is best

I leave to be guessed,

For I cannot pretend to say

One wants society,

Another variety,

Others a tranquil life;

Some want food,

Others, as good,

Only want a wife

But this poor little cat

Only wanted a rat,

To stuff out its own little maw;

And it were as good

Some people had such food,

To make them HOLD THEIR JAW !

by Percy Byssche Shelley (1803)

With Kindest Regards (and SWALK)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter

PS: Still haven't received your Mobile Phone number in my JPP, PM in-box, Christie ???
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