Could anyone be more self centered and narcissistic?

Unless you want to talk about you

Know they self

It’s the only way you can truly love something more than your self


I am not going to debate aesthetics with you because this is not an appropriate forum for doing that. Such debates are inevitably very lengthy.

One thing I will say is that I do not like the way that Robin Williams derides the Western Canon (Shakespeare, Michelangelo, etc. I have no time the kind of woolley, (existential) "mysticism" he is preaching.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM ....Dachshund Lives Matter !!.

I am not going to debate aesthetics with you because this is not an appropriate forum for doing that. Such debates are inevitably very lengthy.

One thing I will say is that I do not like the way that Robin Williams derides the Western Canon (Shakespeare, Michelangelo, etc. I have no time the kind of woolley, (existential) "mysticism" he is preaching.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM ....Dachshund Lives Matter !!.

No preaching, I was just employing the clip to ridicule your “As you know , I am an expert on the 19th-century, romantic, poetry movement” idiocy
Melania has been avoiding Trump rallies like that are pits of crazy people. They are. She is not too bright and may feel as entitled as Daffy Donald. But she appears to have SOME limits.

Nordberg calling Melania Trump "not too bright"?

Nordberg calling Melania Trump "not too bright"?


Yeah, that's the first thing I thought as well. I mean , Nordberg is hardly a "rocket scientist", is he? Some of the bullshit he dumps on this forum is truly astonishing. But I shouldn't be too critical; perhaps Nordberg has mild/moderate Down's Syndrome, for ex, and needs our love and support ??!!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
(1) Erm... what exactly would YOU - (a Democrat girl) - know about romance, Christly FANNY ? (I mean apart from attending LGBTQ rallies, etc; and they're nothing to do with romantic love in any case).

(2) As you know , I am an expert on the 19th-century, romantic, poetry movement in England. Here is an evocation of the nature of pure (romantic) love by Percy Shelley, written in 1821 BTW in Shelley's time "romantic love".was not synonymous with fucking someone)...

rose leaves, when the Rose is dead,

Are heaped for the beloved's bed.

And so thy thoughts when though are gone,

Love itself shall slumber on.

The fact that you will almost certainly not appreciate this beautiful sentiment is proof that you most probably do not understand the true significance of Valentine's Day. So you should not be making snarky comments about Donald Trump's Valentine's card to his wife.

(2) I'm not really obsessed with what Donald Trump wrote (or may have written) on the Valentine's Day card he gave to his wife - because that's his personal business.

(3) However, if what is shown above actually IS what Trump wrote to his wife, then in my opinion it is extremely touching and communicates his love very clearly and sincerely.

(4)As for me ChristieFANNY, I'm something of a Romeo - even if I do say so myself - Ha Ha ! I had to send SIX (6) separate Valentine's Day cards this year. All of the recipients were blonde girls (with long hair) in their early 20s with perky titties, nice teeth, delightfully-contoured camel- toes :):):). (It's no wonder my back's been playing up for the past few months, Christie !) ;);)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!

That was a lovely scrap of Shelley's poetry, very touching, Dachsieweenie.

I have a hard time reconciling a person who loves Shelley with a person who then segues into comments regarding perky hooters and camel toes.

I think you're taking the piss, DW, and your real favorite poetry runs along the lines of "There once was a girl from Nantucket..."
That was a lovely scrap of Shelley's poetry, very touching, Dachsieweenie.

I have a hard time reconciling a person who loves Shelley with a person who then segues into comments regarding perky hooters and camel toes.

I think you're taking the piss, DW, and your real favorite poetry runs along the lines of "There once was a girl from Nantucket..."

Well ,you'll have a chance to find out ChristieFANNY !

Because as it happens I'm going to be in the States in April this year.

That means I could fly to your state and you would have a chance to me in person !

Imagine how exciting that would be for you !!

And If you are lucky, I might even take you out for a romantic[/I,]candle-lit, dinner - for - two.

Just think, you would be able to hook-up with a charming, brutally - handsome and rugged, real Aussie male - and - in your very own town !

Your life would never be the same, girl!

Let me know what you think ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Live Matter !!
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Well ,you'll have a chance to find out ChristieFANNY !

Because as it happens I'm going to be in the States in April this year.

That means I could fly to your state and you would have a chance to me in person !

Imagine how exciting that would be for you !!

And If you are lucky, I might even take you out for a romantic[/I,]candle-lit, dinner - for - two.

Just think, you would be able to hook-up with a charming, brutally - handsome and rugged, real Aussie male - and - in your very own town !

Your life would never be the same, girl!

Let me know what you think ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Live Matter !!

Let me translate this, Dachsieweenie.

You would meet up with me on your trip to the states. When I saw you I'd be struck all of a heap and incapable of resisting your advances. After you got lucky and I recovered from my spent passion, you'd take me for a bite to eat. Maybe there would be candles. And the entire time I'd be in raptures over your sexy Aussie accent. Does that about cover it, Dachsieweenie?
Yeah, that's the first thing I thought as well. I mean , Nordberg is hardly a "rocket scientist", is he? Some of the bullshit he dumps on this forum is truly astonishing. But I shouldn't be too critical; perhaps Nordberg has mild/moderate Down's Syndrome, for ex, and needs our love and support ??!!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!

You can buy one. She is whining about the Bidens remodeling in the white house. They all do it. She did it. But hers should have stayed forever.
Let me translate this, Dachsieweenie.

You would meet up with me on your trip to the states. When I saw you I'd be struck all of a heap and incapable of resisting your advances. After you got lucky and I recovered from my spent passion, you'd take me for a bite to eat. Maybe there would be candles. And the entire time I'd be in raptures over your sexy Aussie accent. Does that about cover it, Dachsieweenie?

Dear ChristieFANNIE

Let me clarify some things for you...

* "You would meet up with me on your trip to the states."....... Yes, that's right. But if you lived in a dangerous "Blue" city like : Chicago; LA or NYC I would have to fly you from there to to my diggs ("Diggs is Australian for the place where you are living). That will probably be in New England, not sure which town yet. Maybe somewhere close to Yale (that is a very civilised, historic and pretty part of America).

*"When I saw you I'd be struck all of a heap and incapable of resisting your advances.....Yes, that's pretty much what's happened in all the other Anglo-sphere nations I've visited, in particular, England (and Ireland). so I guess the US would be much the same. BTW, as to my making "advances," my experience has been that I've rarely needed- (or even had an opportunity) to make "advances." before girls been introduced to when travelling abroad have (of literally) "thrown themselves" at me. I've had dreadful trouble with this, actually, in London and Oxford - (and also in Dublin).

*"After you got lucky and I recovered from my spent passion." When you say: "After (I) got lucky", if you are referring to intimate physical relations (i.e. having sex), I must something very clear, Christie FANNY. This is that I no longer permit women to use me as a "sex object" for their personal ("carnal") gratification. This has happened to me countless thousands of times in the past. (And) I can assure you that the experience of having oneself reduced to a sexual object - then used solely to satiate the libidinous desires of rampant women - overcome with lust, is dreadfully dehumanising. Anyway, there came a point were I decided I would have to draw a "line in the sand" so to speak. So now, when beautiful/glamorous women throw themselves at me - (which happens all the time/every day:palm:and demand sex, after I have only known them for literally 5 minutes (!!), I simply say: "No-No-No ! You are NOT at liberty to use me as a "sex toy", Barbara, Cindy. Roxanne, Suzi, Michelle Bridget. Whether or not we have any kind of intimate relations is a decision that I AND NOT YOU will make. If I decide your demands for sex are motivated purely by a higher spirit ofROMANCE - and not mere, animal lust, I MIGHT be agreeable - but I am not promising anything at the moment.

I'm afraid the same rule would apply to you, Christie FANNY.

* You say that I would...."...take me out for a bite to eat. Maybe there would be candles." Yes, that's right. I would take you out to a good restaurant, because I love well-cooked food and eating it in a civilised environment (so do most normal people. Right?) As for candle-light, I love it. I have lots of candles in my bedroom and bathroom that I light up at night. Candle-light is cool, and creates a special atmosphere for dining. BTW, because I like having lots of candles lit up in my bathroom/bedroom at night does not mean I am a faggot or a Soy Boy. I am the polar opposite of gay, trust me. I only mention it, because using candles like I do is something that is associated with femininity. Lots of women like having candle-light around them at night (for different reasons). Right?

* "And the entire time I'd be in raptures over your sexy Aussie accent"....Yeah, that's right. Americans really like the Australian accent. I know, because I heard this on a popular TV show here, recently. Australians call our accent "strine." I come from Queensland (one of Australia's 7 states) and I spent a lot of time in the "Deep North" so my accent is quite strong. So, therefore, yes; you would almost certainly find it very SEXY ( But remember, I won't put up with you making any heavy (sexual) moves on me; unless I say it's cool, like: "OK, girl, you can go for it." Geddit, Christy FANNY?

Dachshund -the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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”Trump sends Valentine’s Day message to Melania centered on his criminal cases”

“Dear Melania, I LOVE YOU. Even after every single INDICTMENT, ARREST, and WITCH HUNT, you never left my side,” he wrote in the message. “You’ve always supported me through everything. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without your guidance, kindness, and warmth.“

“Readers were then directed to a website where they could leave their own Valentine’s Day message or donate to his reelection campaign.”

Beautiful, not only does he makes what is supposed to be a private personal moment all about him playing the martyr, but he then goes on to pimp it as a fund raiser, classic

Wonder what kind of valentine wishes did he express with his “lovers” Putin and Little Rocket Man

Re so called narcissism this is Trumps position: "If all U fucks can do it then I can do it too".

Trump is not impressed with your bitching about it....U had every opportunity to turn out better.
Trump believes in playing games fairly.....if you dont believe in that then there U go....he always suspected that he is better than most of you ....DJT does not mind being proven right....again.
PATRIOT TRUMP has always used money to keep his new profession the yard stick is Right/Wrong.