COVID catastrophe in Texas

New song from Covid Club: Covid Chameleon
Covid Covid Covid Covid
Covid Chameleon
It comes and goes
Comes and go oh ohs
Science doesn't matter and stats can all just blow
It comes and goes
It comes and go oh ohs
Dallas Area:

2020 Population Estimate - 8,080,080

Total Staffed Hospital Beds - 14,174​​​​​​​

Available Hospital Beds - 3,346​​​​​​​

Available ICU Beds - 415

Available Ventilators - 1,303​​​​​​​

Lab-Confirmed COVID-19 Patients Currently In Hospital - 988​​​​​​​


It's what you JUST SAID.

You literally just totaled up the entire hospital beds for the whole state of Texas and said there were 1,500 beds open.

Well, yesterday, Texas added 3,000 cases of COVID. That was just one day.

And it's pathetic that you are measuring success by the number of beds filled up, obviously because you can't talk about how over 120,000 people have died, including over 2,000 in TX.
"Losses are to be expected." "It's for the greater good." "Evolution in action."

Remember when they ran the ad of Paul Ryan pushing grandma in her wheelchair over the cliff?

Remember how Conservatives screamed so loud, the entire world heard it?

Good times.
We told them this would happen. They said the virus would disappear in the spring.

Either that or it wasn't as bad as the common flu, it is inevitable, Trump had it contained, herd phenomena would set in, there was a drug that would handle it, only cause of testing, etc, etc, etc
Dallas Area:
2020 Population Estimate - 8,080,080

Total Staffed Hospital Beds - 14,174​​​​​​​

Available Hospital Beds - 3,346​​​​​​​

Available ICU Beds - 415

Available Ventilators - 1,303​​​​​​​

Lab-Confirmed COVID-19 Patients Currently In Hospital - 988​​​​​​​

10 beds in El Paso doesn't do 10 patients in Dallas any good.

BTW, it's almost ten hours driving time between the two not counting fuel, food and rest stops. Jacksonville to Miami and Jacksonville to Pensacola is half that at 5 hours. Washington DC to Richmond, VA? A mere two hours. No gas or pee breaks needed. Facts over BS.
Remember when they ran the ad of Paul Ryan pushing grandma in her wheelchair over the cliff?

Remember how Conservatives screamed so loud, the entire world heard it?

Good times.

If they scream, they aren't "Conservatives", they're those Neo-Con idiots or Trumpeteer pussies.

10 beds in El Paso doesn't do 10 patients in Dallas any good.

BTW, it's almost ten hours driving time between the two not counting fuel, food and rest stops. Jacksonville to Miami and Jacksonville to Pensacola is half that at 5 hours. Washington DC to Richmond, VA? A mere two hours. No gas or pee breaks needed. Facts over BS.

What do you imagine that you are babbling about?