COVID catastrophe in Texas

It’s laughable that he thinks I’m jealous of a woman who lies as an occupation. Kayleigh is a nice looking woman, but her lying is ugly.

Misogynist and stupid males think that any time one woman criticizes another -- whether it's for personality, looks, behavior, LYING -- it means she's jealous. :rolleyes:

Remember when Flash was all, "there's no spike", and then like, the next day there was a spike?

Good times.

JUNE 23, 2020:

" Hospitals in North Texas say they still have available beds. The Texas Department of Health and Human Services says 3,711 confirmed COVID-19 patients are in hospitals across the state now. Hospitals in North Texas have 988 patients.

North Texas hospitals also reported 3,346 available beds Monday, 415 available ICU beds and 1,303 available ventilators.​"
Sad, there are some good purple and blue people in Texas. You've come a long way baby.
I hope all are well, and these hating criminals on the right at JPP all fucking die slowly.
No, you just posted the gross total of beds in Texas after reading first person accounts from doctors in Dallas and Houston who say they are overflowing.

Also, the bar is so low that hospital bed occupancy has become the standard by which you measure success, ignoring the death count and new daily infections.

You're a hack.

Not overloading the hospitals is almost the entire point of slowing this BUG down, the only other point is the hope that our so-called experts will figure out how to treat people with them time to figure something out....of which they have had a lot and at great expense to the economy and the well being of people but they have come up alarmingly short....again.

Daily numbers on new cases detected are nearly useless, as you should know.

Death counts have been low and will stay low as long as the hospitals dont collapse....which again is why you should be watching the hospitals....why nothng else matters....because this bug is going to keep coming for us till it gets to about 80% of us....again as you should know.
Not overloading the hospitals is almost the entire point of slowing this BUG down, the only other point is the hope that our so-called experts will figure out how to treat people with them time to figure something out....of which they have had a lot and at great expense to the economy and the well being of people but they have come up alarmingly short....again.

Do you think it's more or less likely that hospitals will become overwhelmed as long as we keep seeing record new cases every day?

And some hospitals in Texas are already there; Dallas and Houston.
Daily numbers on new cases detected are nearly useless, as you should know.

Not at all! They are more useful than anything else because they show the extent of the infection among the population. We can't model or plan for anything if we don't know how many new cases per day we are recording.

And this isn't because of more testing either, the positive rate of infection is between 9-15%. That means the virus is very prevalent and not slowing down.

The only reason you don't want to look at it in those terms is because it makes you and Trump look bad.
Death counts have been low and will stay low as long as the hospitals dont collapse....which again is why you should be watching the hospitals....why nothng else matters....because this bug is going to keep coming for us till it gets to about 80% of us....again as you should know.

You make it sound like hospitals collapsing and COVID infections are mutually exclusive.

What would cause a hospital to "collapse"? A high case count. Remember, it usually takes about 2 weeks before symptoms become bad enough that they require hospitalization. A higher new case count will naturally lead to a higher hospitalization count. The more people infected, the more people will end up in the hospital.

Now what could slow the rate of infection, do you think? Shelter-in-place orders seemed to do the trick. But that's right, you oppose those. So do you think magic will make COVID go away? Do you have a magic spell that eradicates COVID or something?

And the economy didn't have to grind to a halt. Wages could have been guaranteed. Jobs could have been created to do contact tracing and testing. We didn't have to shut down the economy and screw most people over...we could have done things differently, but that required effort and innovation, two things Conservatives lack.
Your argument is, "only a few people died from COVID, so it's not a big deal". Except that 122,000 isn't a few, and the daily new case count continues to reach new highs.

In other words, "Conservative leadership".

Its NO BIGGER deal than the people dying because the murder rate in BLUE CITIES has risen by over 300% because of the attacks on our police forces......or the number of ELDERLY (again......the majority of deaths from this KUNG-FLU have come from the elderly population) that die every year due to the FLU.

Are you suggesting (apparently you are) this supposed Dem-Panic is comparable to the Spanish Flu deaths of the early 20th century? That was an actual pandemic....a bug that kills but a small percentage more than the seasonal flu is not a pandemic. Idiots. The numbers simply do not add up to the message you are propagating in an attempt to induce fear for political effect. THE PEOPLE are wise and AWAKE. This Dem-panic is over.....the morality keeps going down even though the number of (wink, wink) new cases...that are just now being reported because testing has just become available......over 97% of those testing positive are asymptomatic, with that remaining 3% that are dying....still happening in the elderly and infirmed (just like the flu bug)

Sometimes the FLU infects 35 million US citizens every year with the same deaths happening as with this KUNG-FLU...…...between 35-85 thousand people. Its THE SAME citizens that are high risk (the elderly and infirmed)

Reality: You are attempting to call a bug that is not much more virulent than the common flu a PANDEMIC. Deaths from the flu have averaged over 60K since 2010, why no panic button pushed by the mocking bird Marxist press? In fact why was the panic button not pushed when the BHO administration faced the same SARS bug that has been designed by the Chicoms to be used as a weapon. where was the press wearing masks and attempting to shut down the economy? :bigthink:

The truth is......the number of deaths from this Kung-Flu bug aka SARS not being accurately reported....Every death since Jan. as been counted as DEATH by SARS virus....regardless of the actual cause....its listed as death "PROBABLE" to the Kung-flu virus. Who has time to actually test anything if you are looking to pad the numbers? :laugh:

Mr. Trump has countered this padding by providing TESTING......yet the left still attempts to pad the number of deaths by using the elderly that die counting them as NEW DEATHS even though some have been hospitalized for weeks or months.

It simply does not add up...…….New Cases are rising while the morality rate declines steadily. Again the mortality rate is declining with the most deaths coming from the elderly and the already infirmed.