COVID catastrophe in Texas

Texas has 55,304 hospital beds.

3,711 of them have a Bug patient in them.

There are 1,517 open ICU beds.

The sky is not exactly falling.

Apparently it is unclear to you how HUGE Texas is. If you lived in Dallas and needed to be admitted to an ICU stat, would you be cool with waiting until an air taxi helicopter was available to take you 500 miles away to an ICU bed?
Apparently it is unclear to you how HUGE Texas is. If you lived in Dallas and needed to be admitted to an ICU stat, would you be cool with waiting until an air taxi helicopter was available to take you 500 miles away to an ICU bed?

Apparently comprehension is a problem for you.

Also apparently you like to assume.

Horrifying. My brother, who is 77, has developed some life-threatening health problems lately. He's been in and out of hospitals since March. Heart-related, no COVID. Yet. They live in Richardson, near DFW. I am worried sick that he will catch the crap.

Texas had over 5,000 new cases yesterday, topping even their new daily case count from April. Texas, Florida, and Arizona are plague states.
Apparently comprehension is a problem for you.

Also apparently you like to assume.


No, you just posted the gross total of beds in Texas after reading first person accounts from doctors in Dallas and Houston who say they are overflowing.

Also, the bar is so low that hospital bed occupancy has become the standard by which you measure success, ignoring the death count and new daily infections.

You're a hack.
Texas had over 5,000 new cases yesterday, topping even their new daily case count from April. Texas, Florida, and Arizona are plague states.

Good lord. I see also that FL is catching up with NY as a COVID capitol. How fitting that the Toadstool is visiting AZ (another hot spot) and then Florida. He's a super-spreader, of bullshit and death.
Good lord. I see also that FL is catching up with NY as a COVID capitol. How fitting that the Toadstool is visiting AZ (another hot spot) and then Florida. He's a super-spreader, of bullshit and death.

The GOP is a death cult and its guru is Trump.
Good lord. I see also that FL is catching up with NY as a COVID capitol. How fitting that the Toadstool is visiting AZ (another hot spot) and then Florida. He's a super-spreader, of bullshit and death.

Here's Texas' average 7-day new case count average since opening on 4/27:

Week 1 (4/27-5/3): 1002 - Opening on 4/27
Week 2 (5/4-5/10): 1128
Week 3 (5/11-5/17): 1255
Week 4 (5/18-5/24): 1070 - This was also Memorial Day weekend, which accounts for the drop in reported new cases 5/22-5/24
Week 5 (5/25-5/31): 1248 - This includes Memorial Day weekend's Sunday, which accounts for the drop in reported new cases
Week 6 (6/1-6/7): 1552 - This is when the protests started
Week 7 (6/8-6/14): 1926
Week 8 (6/15-6/21): 3613 - This is the third week after Memorial Day Weekend

Remember when Flash was all, "there's no spike", and then like, the next day there was a spike?

Good times.

I live in Texas and love living here. That said, after all of this is over, a great movie will be made about it.

So Trump said "stop testing" so he wouldn't have so many positives. I think
he better start saying "stop admitting and stop diagnosing." I wouldn't put anything past the gomer.
So Trump said "stop testing" so he wouldn't have so many positives. I think
he better start saying "stop admitting and stop diagnosing." I wouldn't put anything past the gomer.
I had to laugh, after Kaylie McNinny and Navarro went out and lied for him, Trump doubles down on his comment. It takes a special kind of person to take that abuse.