COVID catastrophe in Texas

I had to laugh, after Kaylie McNinny and Navarro went out and lied for him, Trump doubles down on his comment. It takes a special kind of person to take that abuse.

Why are you progressive women so jealous of good looking women? Here is a tweet from that shemale AOC before she/he/it deleted it

Why are you progressive women so jealous of good looking women? Here is a tweet from that shemale AOC before she/he/it deleted it

View attachment 15890
Why are foreign monarchist assholes commenting about Americans when they can't even get rid of their own douchebag king?

Kindly clean your own fucking house before messing up ours.

Why are foreign monarchist assholes commenting about Americans when they can't even get rid of their own douchebag king?

Kindly clean your own fucking house before messing up ours.

It’s laughable that he thinks I’m jealous of a woman who lies as an occupation. Kayleigh is a nice looking woman, but her lying is ugly.

Remember when Flash was all, "there's no spike", and then like, the next day there was a spike?

Good times.

Yeah...…..another DEM-PANIC concerning the KUNG-FLU with a morality rate of less than 1%. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! Dumb Asses......its otherwise healthy people getting a dose of the bug, people with a recovery rate of 99.75%. Its called "herd immunity". Get your pals in the mocking bird Marxist media to tell us just how many of these new cases are A-SYMPTOMATIC?

This second attempt to shut down this republic will not work...….THE PEOPLE are wise as to why the left wing globalists want this nation shut down as they could give a shit about THE PEOPLE...its always been about removing TRUMP and the sovereignty of the Republic of the Untied States of America.

POPCORN? Trump knew this plan from the left months ago. :bigthink:

Why don't you go propagandize to your friends in ANTIFASTAN SEATTLE? :dunno: And make sure you WEAR A LEFTWING COSTUME...….a worthless face mask, just for the cameras in an attempt to invoke FEAR among your remaining SHEEP (a small minority according to the latest ratings for the fake press).
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Yeah...…..another DEM-PANIC concerning the KUNG-FLU with a morality rate of less than 1%. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! Dumb Asses......its otherwise healthy people getting a dose of the bug, people with a recovery rate of 99.75%. Its called "herd immunity".

This second attempt to shut down this republic will not work...….THE PEOPLE are wise as to why the left wing globalists want this nation shut down as they could give a shit about THE PEOPLE...its always been about removing TRUMP and the sovereignty of the Republic of the Untied States of America.

POPCORN? Trump knew this plan from the left months ago. :bigthink:

Yesterday, Texas topped 5000 new cases.
Yesterday, Texas topped 5000 new cases.

And? How many new deaths? That's the point...…… The new cases are resulting in a 99.75% rate of recovery......herd immunity works. Again...….how many of these "wink, wink" NEW CASES are asymptomatic?

There will be no more "padding" the number of deaths with our elderly citizens such as was the case during the 1st DEM-PANIC. These left wing government authorities are responsible for literally sentencing HOW MANY senior citizens TO DEATH by mandating that infected seniors be placed into nursing homes where those most at risk for death (seniors) live? Reality: 40% of all deaths from this KUNG-FLU came from .6% of the total population......our senior citizens. These left wing governors have no shame...….they sacrificed our seniors for political gain. These people are pure evil. There was NO EXCUSE.....the feds provided emergency hospital beds in newly erected emergency hospitals and our military floating hospitals.....that went UNSUED, instead they placed sick people with otherwise healthy seniors and sentenced them to death for dramatic effect.

The left is playing a numbers game and it simply will not work this time around. Reality: even though the number of newly infected might be on the rise...…..the NUMBER OF DEATHS has been on a steady DECLINE.:bigthink:

What does this mean? It means THE HERD is building an immunity as the fatality rate is now well below 1%. Why fear the KUNG-FLU when it is no more dangerous than our seasonal flu?
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Either that or it wasn't as bad as the common flu, it is inevitable, Trump had it contained, herd phenomena would set in, there was a drug that would handle it, only cause of testing, etc, etc, etc

I hope idiots like you are the first to die! BLAHAHAHAHA!

And? How many new deaths? That's the point...…… The new cases are resulting in a 99.75% rate of recovery......herd immunity works. Again...….how many of these "wink, wink" NEW CASES are asymptomatic?

There will be no more "padding" the number of deaths with our elderly citizens such as was the case during the 1st DEM-PANIC. These left wing government authorities are responsible for literally sentencing HOW MANY senior citizens TO DEATH by mandating that infected seniors be placed into nursing homes where those most at risk for death (seniors) live? Reality: 40% of all deaths from this KUNG-FLU came from .6% of the total population......our senior citizens. These left wing governors have no shame...….they sacrificed our seniors for political gain. These people are pure evil. There was NO EXCUSE.....the feds provided emergency hospital beds in newly erected emergency hospitals and our military floating hospitals.....that went UNSUED, instead they placed sick people with otherwise healthy seniors and sentenced them to death for dramatic effect.

The left is playing a numbers game and it simply will not work this time around. Reality: even though the number of newly infected might be on the rise...…..the NUMBER OF DEATHS has been on a steady DECLINE.:bigthink:

What does this mean? It means THE HERD is building an immunity as the fatality rate is now well below 1%. Why fear the KUNG-FLU when it is no more dangerous than our seasonal flu?

Deaths? Texas also had a record number of those yesterday too.

It's pretty sad when the metric for success is a flat daily death toll.
Deaths? Texas also had a record number of those yesterday too.

It's pretty sad when the metric for success is a flat daily death toll.

Again......a leftist is attempting to SPIN the numbers. As Mark Twain declared, "Figures do not lie...….but LIARS sure as hell figure."

Reality: Your RECORD number of deaths last week compared to the number of NEW CASES? 7000 New cases.....deaths? 221 Just what is the fatality rate with those numbers? Do the math...….97% of those infected are asymptomatic. Take note...…..the (wink, wink) NEW DEATHS do not include the stats that show how many of those new deaths were already infected seniors. Once again.....the left uses half the information required to make a valid projection of an actual MODEL. :bigthink: TEXAS reports a record number of HOSPITALIZED due to virus...those who were previously infected near death already...that just happened to die in order for the left to SPIKE the numbers of NEW DEATHS compared to NEW CASES. Even with the hidden information, counting those ALREADY HOSPITALIZED AND DYING …..the fatality rate with all the fake padding? A little over 3%. There were at the time of this LEFT WING SPIN....over 1900 people already in the hospital.

The most important information omitted. The number of TESTS being conducted that were previously not available. Meaning what? The number of infected has been there all along, its Just now being counted. You are taking the total number of infected going back.....possibly to the beginning MONTHS ago......and now counting them as NEW cases because they are just now being counted even though the majority of the cases are ASMPTOMATIC...infected with no symptoms visible. AKA......herd immunity.
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Again......a leftist is attempting to SPIN the numbers. As Mark Twain declared, "Figures do not lie...….but LIARS sure as hell figure."

Reality: Your RECORD number of deaths last week compared to the number of NEW CASES? 7000 New cases.....deaths? 221 Just what is the fatality rate with those numbers? Do the math...….97% of those infected are asymptomatic. Take note...…..the (wink, wink) NEW DEATHS do not include the stats that show how many of those new deaths were already infected seniors. Once again.....the left uses half the information required to make a valid projection of an actual MODEL. :bigthink:

Your argument is, "only a few people died from COVID, so it's not a big deal". Except that 122,000 isn't a few, and the daily new case count continues to reach new highs.

In other words, "Conservative leadership".
We are heading for 150,000 deaths and the right claims a victory. It is amazing how pliable their statements are. Trump went from no cases, then Trump said 15 which would soon be gone and it is all under control, to millions of cases and enormous death counts. We know no matter how many get sick, and how many die, you will say Trump handled it well. We are 4 percent of the world population and have almost 1/3 rd of the cases. That is just horrible. But rightys claim victory. The truth is not a participant in the righty numbers game.
You trust as fact what some random person says on Twitter. You are more stupid than I thought and that is saying something.

You trust what a failed reality TV show host with six bankruptcies and two broken marriages says.

So you think there's a conspiracy to make you look bad by having hospital beds fill up?

Texas had 5,000 new cases yesterday alone.