Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Have you and do they?

Because I swear to God, if those links are from early 2020, I'm going to fuck you up on this board so badly that you will have to put me on ignore, just like Anatta does, because whenever you pop your head up and open your big, fat mouth, I'm going to be right there to put my foot in it.

Aww., widdle lv is having a melt down. Pity for him I don't see his dreck from the IA bin. He's done.
The warnings by the FDA/CDC play into this without admitting compelling evidence of "vaccine" caused infections.

The vaccine didn't cause Powell's COVID infection; a dirty and/or unmasked and/or unvaccinated person passed COVID on to him.

No one ever said the vaccine booster gave him COVID, so you're creating a straw man argument because you think you're being clever, tying Powell's death to the booster he got in the weeks before, when the booster isn't what caused his breakthrough infection; an unmasked, likely unvaccinated person like you did.
But to wonks like you have an aversion to apply critical thinking.

Your "critical thinking" is leading you down the path of arguing that Powell's booster shot magically gave him COVID and not a dirty, filthy, unmasked and unvaccinated person like you.
Wow. Once again, are ardent company wonk creates a scenario that has no basis in reality other than in his mind

You sound like you're describing yourself.

(So all the world is potentially "dirty", despite the CDC/NIH/FDA telling us that the jabs don't prevent, cure or make one immune from being a carrier of this disease. Jeez!).

There is no country currently doing worse at COVID right now than we are.

It's also funny that people like you would blame infected migrants of spreading COVID around when the countries those migrants are coming from have lower case counts per capita, infection rates, and death rates than we do.

All the countries doing poorly on COVID (USA, UK, Sweden, Russia) have one thing in common: leaders at the beginning who didn't take it seriously and are now facing 4th and 5th waves of COVID.

You know what country never even experienced a second COVID wave? China.
really? So they have Covid despite the Rt-PCR that you swear is infallible tests negative, despite having no Covid symptoms? What is it, a spy disease that EVERYONE is secretly infected with, just waiting to strike?

And stop lying...anyone can go through my threads and see the know, the links you first say don't exist and then say are all opinion and no facts?

Mullis stated that the PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool. Guess he's a liar in your book too? He invented the damned thing. And no, the RT-PCR is not a diagnostic...just a faster improvement on the original (RT standing for rapid test).

You're babbling like a fool. You're done.

You keep insisting that the tests are not accurate, but then you won't provide the proof.

This is just like talking with Conservatives about election fraud; they insist it happened, but then won't provide the proof.

You're doing the same thing.

Surely, something as easily posted as these NIH and CDC links would lead you to eagerly post them in order to own a lib. But here you are, resisting all calls for proof.

I've asked you for these magical links at least half a dozen times, and your reluctance to providing them, after I anticipated they'd be outdated from the beginning of the pandemic when testing wasn't that accurate, leads me to think you're panicking, and it's pretty obvious why.
Aww., widdle lv is having a melt down. Pity for him I don't see his dreck from the IA bin. He's done.

You have been melting down ever since I asked you for the proof of these NIH and CDC links.

The moment I asked for those, you got defensive and started Dunning-Krugering all over the place.

You insisted the tests are inaccurate, but then refused and got defensive when asked for the proof.

I think it's because you realized the basis of your argument hinges on outdated info from the beginning of the pandemic, when tests weren't that accurate, and you've just been applying that to all testing moving forward.

Why have you been doing that? Isn't it possible that from the time the tests weren't that accurate to now, the tests themselves were polished and improved? Why yes, they were.

The PCR tests NOW are not the same as the PCR tests from March 2020, are they?

That's why you didn't post the NIH and CDC links, right? Because they're from the start of the pandemic, before testing was polished...though I will say "testing" has always been accurate, which is why S. Korea and China managed to prevent secondary waves of COVID.
Nurses, by and far, are NOT stupid people. And this story is no's happening in various hospitals all over the country. Take the hint, people. Don't believe the hype!

Most professionals aren't but mental health problems happen even among "health care workers". Note that only 20 of them had some form of professional training, usually 2 years. Also note how many got the vaccine as I did and millions of others have.

20 of whom held clinical roles like nurses, therapists and technicians, the Watertown Daily Times reported.

While 464 of the hospital’s workers have been vaccinated...

20 wackadoodles versus 464. That's a ratio of 1 to 23. About what I expect in a group of people in a country having a mental healthcare crisis.
I keep my vaccinations updated for myself, recommend it to others and I do the same for my pets. YMMV

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Nurses, by and far, are NOT stupid people. And this story is no's happening in various hospitals all over the country. Take the hint, people. Don't believe the hype!

Most professionals aren't but mental health problems happen even among "health care workers". Note that only 20 of them had some form of professional training, usually 2 years. Also note how many got the vaccine as I did and millions of others have.

20 of whom held clinical roles like nurses, therapists and technicians, the Watertown Daily Times reported.

While 464 of the hospital’s workers have been vaccinated...

20 wackadoodles versus 464. That's a ratio of 1 to 23. About what I expect in a group of people in a country having a mental healthcare crisis.

Your reading comprehension is deplorable. You left out that while 464 complied, 165 haven' addition to the 30 who flat out resigned. How you stupidly label these people as "wackadoodles" based on your myopic number crunching is edemic of the fear and willful ignorant base of the jab wonks. And despite your opening supposition and conjecture, the daily national news continually has similar items dealing with other professional members of the health system. Once again, you live up to your screen icons self description. Carry on.