Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

2. So if someone is hospitalized with a previous chronic condition and they die of because of it, that's that. It happens all the time, don't cha know. But with this pandemic, well, see #1.

Well, no because COVID is exacerbating pre-existing conditions, which is why Colin Powell died last week.

You're not very aware of the world around you, it seems. You only seem aware of the world up to the end of your nose.
3. Really? then WTF are all those CDC and NIH articles instructing on how to compensate for PCR and RT-PCR false readings all about?

Why don't you link to those articles and show us what you're talking about instead of bullshitting everyone on an anonymous thread?

And no, you didn't post them on this thread, so don't lie about that and use that as an excuse to not defend yourself.
I've posted them time and again throughout the Covid Follies series. .

What you posted was your interpretation of what they said, but you didn't actually post what they said.

And if you end up posting an article talking about the tests from early 2020, I'm going to be very, very, very annoyed that you wasted my time.

So annoyed that I won't hold back my destruction of you, your arguments, and your character on JPP.

You should actually read them instead of burying your head in the rhetoric and talking points of the status quo. .

If it turns out that you didn't read these links, and got your interpretation wrong because you stole it from someone else, what punishment do you think you should have to face?

Because I think lying and bullshitting deserves punishment of some kind.
4. Accusing without proof beyond an opinion is just a piss in the wind. Seems to be one of your cornerstones. Carry on.

Your opinion is most definitely as worthless as piss in the wind, for sure.

You lied about the efficacy of the tests, you lied about the seriousness of COVID, you lied about co-morbidities, and by God, if it turns out those articles you claim from the CDC and NIH about testing are more than a year old, I'm going to make things as uncomfortable for you on JPP as I already have for another serial bullshitter and liar, Anatta/Dukkha.

He fears me so much that he threadbans me because I tear his shit apart ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
The chronology of the posts renders your revisionist diatribe a pathetic joke. The objective reader can clearly see your desperate folly. As I said previously here today, an accusation based solely on opinion is but a piss in the wind. That seems to be your cornerstone. Carry on.

Anyone can see the thread, and anyone can see precisely where in the thread you lost control of yourself and your argument.

You started running your big mouth and now that someone is calling you on your bullshit, suddenly you puff out your chest with this tripe?

You're a fuckin' poseur.
It is now the single biggest mass death event in this country's history.

In hopes of penetrating your proud and willful ignorance:

As the U.S. death toll nears a half-million, confusion continues over whether people die “of” COVID-19 or “with” COVID-19. Here’s what’s behind the numbers.

And remember, junior...this is a pandemic:

At time of writing, SARS-CoV-2 has caused just over 100 million infections, and COVID-19 has been responsible for over 2.1 million [1] reported deaths; however, these numbers are certainly underestimated, due to differences in national reporting, health response, assignment of causality in the setting of comorbidity, and underreporting across large parts of the world [2]. While the number of fatalities is increasing rapidly, and the true toll of COVID-19 is unlikely to be known for many years, if ever, it is likely to remain lower than in many historical pandemics.
But the COVID symptoms exacerbated the already existing condition, speeding up that patient's demise.

So who is this unfair to?

You scream and bitch about it being not fair that we count co-morbidities in COVID deaths, but to whom is that unfair? You won't say. The only person it seems unfair to is you, because you're trying to convince everyone COVID is no big deal as over 750,000+ have died from it.

How do you "exacerbate" with something that is not there, genius? If I have a chronic respiratory/cardiovascular conditon, and the PCR test is giving false readings either way right before I die, how the hell can one say with certainty that the death is "covid related?

We're not talking "fair", but rather questioning the diagnostic rulings dictated by the medical management. Capice?

And I've already addressed that number you wonks are so found of, so stop parroting it.
Fascinating how you create your own narrative and then claim its' someone elses.

I quote you in full, always, because I don't appreciate whiners whining about their whining.

So who is it unfair to, to count COVID co-morbidities alongside COVID deaths? You keep screeching that it's not fair, but I don't really see anyone to whom it would be unfair except for you.

So the only reason you don't want co-morbidities to be counted alongside COVID deaths is because if they are, then you can't convince anyone that COVID is no big deal.

The scale you used was common cold <---> bubonic plague.

Well, since COVID has killed 750,000+ people, it falls a bit closer to bubonic plague than it does common cold, wouldn't you agree?

I just don't get what you're trying to accomplish here...what is it you're after? You want people to not take COVID seriously because you want people to catch it? I don't get what you're trying to do here.
Well, no because COVID is exacerbating pre-existing conditions, which is why Colin Powell died last week.

You're not very aware of the world around you, it seems. You only seem aware of the world up to the end of your nose.

Who told you this? It was established that Powell DID NOT HAVE COVID PRIOR TO THE JAB. A matter of fact, a matter of history. Then he suddenly tests "positive", goes critical and dies.

Of course, wonks like you would like to ignore the FACT that the FDA warns of giving the jabs to people JUST LIKE POWELL OR WITH SIMILAR MAKE UP.

A matter of fact a matter of history that you can't rewrite or BS over.
You clearly are in denial of facts and the logical conclusions drawn from those facts.

Let me stop you there...

You have yet to actually enter a fact into this debate.

All you've entered into it is conjecture.

But when actual data is given to you, like the death rate comparison below, you scream that it's not fair:


So if you're gonna be a gigantic fucking baby, then I'm going to treat you like a gigantic fucking baby.
Why don't you link to those articles and show us what you're talking about instead of bullshitting everyone on an anonymous thread?

And no, you didn't post them on this thread, so don't lie about that and use that as an excuse to not defend yourself.

I already have, genius. It's in the Covid Follies series....YOU have challenged such previously. Now you claim that you've read all my Covid Follies posts? Hmmm, highly unlikely, given your revisionist/dishonest penchant. Seems you have a short memory, and I'm damned tired of repeating things so wonks like you can hope to find flaw. For once, do your own damned homework
I've previously supplied links to CDC and NIH sites to verify what I say

Have you and do they?

Because I swear to God, if those links are from early 2020, I'm going to fuck you up on this board so badly that you will have to put me on ignore, just like Anatta does, because whenever you pop your head up and open your big, fat mouth, I'm going to be right there to put my foot in it.
Let me stop you there...

You have yet to actually enter a fact into this debate.

All you've entered into it is conjecture.

But when actual data is given to you, like the death rate comparison below, you scream that it's not fair:


So if you're gonna be a gigantic fucking baby, then I'm going to treat you like a gigantic fucking baby.

the chronology of the posts here and in the Covid Follies series makes you out to be a liar. You're conceding a point is irrelevent and essentially of little value to the objective reader. you're done.
You're pretty much done, as wonks usually run out of steam.

Like you did here?

I haven't run out of steam, but you sure seem like you're giving up...probably because you're a quitter by nature.

I mean, you're really sensitive around people rejecting your premises.
As the U.S. death toll nears a half-million, confusion continues over whether people die “of” COVID-19 or “with” COVID-19. Here’s what’s behind the numbers.

I don't think it matters if COVID is the sole cause of death or a co-morbidity because the victim would not have died then had it not been for COVID.

I'm not sure why it matters so much to you; you're just here arguing that people with pre-existing conditions are at higher risk of dying from COVID than others...which we already knew.
What you posted was your interpretation of what they said, but you didn't actually post what they said.

And if you end up posting an article talking about the tests from early 2020, I'm going to be very, very, very annoyed that you wasted my time.

So annoyed that I won't hold back my destruction of you, your arguments, and your character on JPP.


First you swear I didn't post links to support what I say, now you are saying those links weren't fact based but opinion. The only way you can say the latter is if you did indeed read and debate me on those points and facts. You can't have it both ways, junior. you should really think things through before your fingers hit the keys....makes you less the fool.

Given your performance here, your last 2 sentences are but another piss in the wind. Soon I'll just dump you're defeated carcas in the IA bin with all the other babbling wonks.
If it turns out that you didn't read these links, and got your interpretation wrong because you stole it from someone else, what punishment do you think you should have to face?

Because I think lying and bullshitting deserves punishment of some kind.

Projecting again, junior? Because what you "think" is irrelevent to your responses in the chronology of the posts. From the OP to present, you just can't get past contrary facts to your mantras and talking points, much less your attempts to pass off supposition and conjecture as fact. Yep, you're just about done.