Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Learn to read, genius! From your link:

You brought up the bubonic plague first, and then I showed you how that plague isn't gone either, so now you're whining about me bringing up this case of the plague in CO after you had already entered it into this debate.

Grow the fuck up.
The whole freaking article is about how to avoid potential plague carrying animals (fleas on them, actually)...NOT about "filthy people" as you dishonestly squawk.

So...dirty people never attract fleas?

hat's indicative as to how you deal with the whole subject....that makes you a piss poor troll.

Fleas aren't going to be attracted to clean people...they are going to be attracted to filthy, dirty people...which is why a filthy, dirty child caught the plague in CO and died.

That pokes another hole in the subsequent supposition and conjecture laden screed of yours that just parrots already addressed issues.

Your strategy is to just whine and bitch whenever your sophist points are smacked down. So instead of supporting yourself, you act like a crybaby and whine that people are either misunderstanding your very clear intentions, or calling you a fucking idiot for disseminating propaganda for no apparent reason.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
:rolleyes: Read the charts, and I know what they're based on. .

Do you?

Because when I posted the chart, you started screaming about testing, which those charts weren't of...they were of deaths and only deaths.

You need to learn to read carefully and comprehensively, because I've tried to school you wonks time and again that per CDC/AMA guidelines, doctors have the choice of labeling a death as due to a chronic precondition or covid-related....meaning that if they tested positive then they tack on Covid as the cause of death.... EVEN THOUGH IT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED THAT THE PCR TESTS ARE FAULTY, HAVING NOT BEEN DESIGNED TO DETECT DISEASE (what's making you sick). Capice'? I hope so, because I'm damned tired of confronting willful ignorance and/or insipid stubbornness on this point.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Stop lying....just because I actually do the research.

Let me stop you right there...

Seeking out confirmation of your bias isn't doing research, it's being lazy...and you've already shown on this thread that you do not do adequate research, and the "research" you actually do is very topline and very lazy.

When I gave you a chart that compared the death counts between four different locations, you hurriedly and sloppily scanned the charts, thinking they were about testing, when they were actually about deaths.

Had you taken the time to carefully read what has been given to you, you would have realized very quickly that the mitigation efforts blue states and cities undertook worked like a charm.

But you don't want to admit that because then it would undercut the sophist arguments you make on JPP, and frankly, your ego can't handle that brusing.

"Seeking out confirmation of your bias isn't doing research, it's being lazy...and you've already shown on this thread that you do not do adequate research, and the "research" you actually do is very topline and very lazy."

translation: I provide valid, fact based documentation that backs up what I say and contradicts this wonks contentions and examples....he doesn't like it, can't logically or factually refute or disprove it, so he instead falsely categorizes what has transpired in typical wonk revisionist fashion. Pity the chronology of the post is there for the objective reader to see his folly.

As for the chart this silly wonk is so hyped about, see my response on post #490

Pity this wonk considers himself clever with a few words he just learned from a dictionary coupled with his revisionist blather. But the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing... I don't seek his acknowledging error or conceding a point, as wonks are incapable of such. I'm just exposing the sheer stupidity of their prideful stance in repeating the party line. Hopefully, some will privately WTF up and deal with the reality of the situation.
You brought up the bubonic plague first, and then I showed you how that plague isn't gone either, so now you're whining about me bringing up this case of the plague in CO after you had already entered it into this debate.

Grow the fuck up.

For those interested in the truth

All I previously said was that Covid was NOT the bubonic plague, despite the near hysteria driven response by our medical/health professionals. Then this silly wonk, desperate for some way to discredit anything I state, posted the article regarding this one case. I merely pointed out that it was HIS erroneous and bigoted description regarding who and how got this case....all of which doesn't change my original contention:

Once again, a silly wonk who thinks he can lie/revise what has previously transpired in a printed medium. Pathetic, but not unexpected.
So...dirty people never attract fleas?

Fleas aren't going to be attracted to clean people...they are going to be attracted to filthy, dirty people...which is why a filthy, dirty child caught the plague in CO and died.

Your strategy is to just whine and bitch whenever your sophist points are smacked down. So instead of supporting yourself, you act like a crybaby and whine that people are either misunderstanding your very clear intentions, or calling you a fucking idiot for disseminating propaganda for no apparent reason.

1. typical wonk response...never admit they're wrong. This joker made a statement that was NOT backed up by his source material, which was very specific as to where the disease bearing fleas come from, and did NOT state the patient or family were unhygienic in anyway...yet our wonk doesn't have the intellectual maturity or honesty to just concede a point....just like the orange pated buffoon we had in office the last 4 years.

2. See #1.

3. Now our wonk is just stamping his widdle feet and throwing a hissy fit....all because he's been forced to THINK about his convictions, and how they DO NOT stand up to scrutiny in a printed medium. Pathetic, but not unexpected. Now let's watch his whole tactic devolve to goal post moving, repetition, personal attacks, revisionism and just plain old lies and smoke blowing. Curiously entertaining
You need to learn to read carefully and comprehensively, because I've tried to school you wonks time and again that per CDC/AMA guidelines, doctors have the choice of labeling a death as due to a chronic precondition or covid-related....meaning that if they tested positive then they tack on Covid as the cause of death.... EVEN THOUGH IT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED THAT THE PCR TESTS ARE FAULTY, HAVING NOT BEEN DESIGNED TO DETECT DISEASE (what's making you sick). Capice'? I hope so, because I'm damned tired of confronting willful ignorance and/or insipid stubbornness on this point.

So how do you explain the excess deaths? A sudden outbreak of motorcycle accidents? LOL at you.
So how do you explain the excess deaths? A sudden outbreak of motorcycle accidents? LOL at you.

I had to lay mine down the other day. A young lady turned in front of me. Fortunately the only part of me that hit the ground was the bottoms of my feet.