Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

Your premise is all wrong here. It's not just MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies, which by the way is a weak partisan meme NOT intended to bring out honest debate.

They object to it because it is unscientific and doesn't work. The evidence is in. We don't need to pretend Fauci has been right about anything anymore.

I am curious, what is wrong with being antigovernment or suspicious about what governments do?

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

That begs the question; then why all the angst about them not wanting an experimental vaccine?

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.

On this we are in TOTAL agreement. :laugh:
Over 750,000 people have died from the thing you called a hoax.

There you go lying your dumb, uneducated, low IQ ass off again. NO one has called the virus a HOAX. That's a meme used by morons who don't like honest debate. We know that it was a virus manufactured in China and used by the Democratic Party of the Jackass to win an election under false pretenses.

What we also know is that the virus itself doesn't kill anyone. It does put those with pre-existing health conditions and the elderly at greater risk.

As for the numbers bantered about, here are some STATISTICAL facts:

Cases = 45,070,875. That would be 13.6% of the population.

Deaths = 728,125. That would be .22% of the population. In other words, statistically insignificant. Particularly to warrant such a gross overaction to the virus leading us to Fascistic Government overreach.

Of those infected, 1.6% resulted in death. Again, statistically insignificant.

98.38% of those infected recover. Which is significant.

So please spare us your Marxist dogma, your gross lack of intelligence and lack of education on a topic you are woefully unprepared to debate.
Spare me the party line that tries to demonize and denounce any and all critique and questioning regarding the official party line. My point is that from the jump we've been subject to bad policy and medical science, while virtually NO alternative guidelines as to bettering your immune system out side of isolation, wearing a mask, getting hospitalized and then finally getting injected/injections with experimental gene therapy posing as a vaccine that DOES NOT make you immune from contracting the disease, with a better than 50/50 chance of serious/critical side effects. Covid is serious, but it's NOT the bubonic plague...and false gods like Fauci along with Big Pharma have too much money and prestige to cop to that.

You're trying to cast yourself as some kind of COVID expert, but you use cherry picked data and make broad assumptions that completely undercut every argument you make!

I don't know what "party line" you're talking about when about half of all Republicans have been vaccinated.

There is no path toward herd immunity without critical mass on vaccinations, because if there was, we would have achieved herd immunity last winter, and then again last Spring, and then again this late summer/early fall.

When Florida and Texas experience their fifth wave, while NY and NJ don't, what will be the excuse then? Because your strategy of having everyone go out and lick COVID patients in the faint hopes that they contract an asymptomatic form of COVID to reach herd immunity ISN'T GOING TO WORK because we've already tried that.

The vaccine protects you up to 95% for each encounter, and nearly 100% of the people dying in hospital ICU's right now are all unvaccinated dipshits who didn't get natural immunity...they got dead.
Covid is serious, but it's NOT the bubonic plague

Strangely enough, the Bubonic Plague is ALSO making a comeback because of filthy people:

The Plague Kills 10-Year-Old Child In Colorado

COVID is the leading cause of death in the US for 2020 and 2021; it is the leading cause of death among health care workers; it is the leading cause of death among police officers; it is the leading cause of death among grocery store workers; it is the leading cause of death among unvaccinated people.

So far, about 750,000 people have died from when you say it's "not the bubonic plague", what is it like, then? Because we've surpassed the 1918-21 flu pandemic for deaths.

So on a scale of sniffles to bubonic plague, COVID falls much closer to bubonic plague than it does common cold.

That is, if you are honestly looking at the statistics and not trying to set weird parameters and disqualify deaths because you feel guilty for proliferating this thing, but you don't have any personal accountability.

Also, natural immunity is not a thing because antibodies are not permanent, and worst case, your antibodies disappear after 30 days.

So do you want to run that risk? Maybe you like being intubed because it excites you sexually. No judgements if that's the case. But if being gagged is your kink, don't make other people sick because you're weird. You don't have that freedom, and knowingly spreading a disease will get you jailtime. It already has for several people just like you.
Fact of the matter is that mitigation efforts work, which is why NYC and NJ only experienced 1 additional wave instead of the 4 that TX and FL experienced.

This claim is ironically moronic considering that they've been making such claims for over a year and a half. If they actually worked, why the spikes? Fact is, MOST Americans who were infected say they wore a mask MOST or ALL of the time.

Flashback to March 2020: "...we just need to shut down for ONE month to flatten that curve." Americans have to be done being sheep and following dumb narratives intended to empower dishonest politicians.
Strangely enough, the Bubonic Plague is ALSO making a comeback because of filthy people:

The Plague Kills 10-Year-Old Child In Colorado

Strangely enough, this is off topic trolling. :palm:

COVID is the leading cause of death in the US for 2020 and 2021; it is the leading cause of death among health care workers; it is the leading cause of death among police officers; it is the leading cause of death among grocery store workers; it is the leading cause of death among unvaccinated people.

So far, about 750,000 people have died from when you say it's "not the bubonic plague", what is it like, then? Because we've surpassed the 1918-21 flu pandemic for deaths.

So on a scale of sniffles to bubonic plague, COVID falls much closer to bubonic plague than it does common cold.

That is, if you are honestly looking at the statistics and not trying to set weird parameters and disqualify deaths because you feel guilty for proliferating this thing, but you don't have any personal accountability.

Also, natural immunity is not a thing because antibodies are not permanent, and worst case, your antibodies disappear after 30 days.

So do you want to run that risk? Maybe you like being intubed because it excites you sexually. No judgements if that's the case. But if being gagged is your kink, don't make other people sick because you're weird. You don't have that freedom, and knowingly spreading a disease will get you jailtime. It already has for several people just like you.

What we know is that the virus itself doesn't kill anyone. It does put those with pre-existing health conditions and the elderly at greater risk.

As for the numbers bantered about, here are some STATISTICAL facts:

Cases = 45,070,875. That would be 13.6% of the population.

Deaths = 728,125. That would be .22% of the population. In other words, statistically insignificant. Particularly to warrant such a gross overaction to the virus leading us to Fascistic Government overreach.

Of those infected, 1.6% resulted in death. Again, statistically insignificant.

98.38% of those infected recover. Which is significant.

So please spare us your Marxist dogma, your gross lack of intelligence and lack of education on a topic you are woefully unprepared to debate.
STOP. Yes you freakin' did, so stop bullshitting me.

Using cherry-picked data to help confirm your biases.

Fact of the matter is that mitigation efforts work, which is why NYC and NJ only experienced 1 additional wave instead of the 4 that TX and FL experienced.

1. Why don't YOU stop with this BS stall tactic. If you can copy and paste from the post where I said such in no uncertain terms, then do so. If not, STFU.

2. Stop with this "cherry picked" BS.....thing is YOU don't practice comprehensive reading. The source material I posted is what it is...despite the contention from th e source material that the jabs are better than nothing.

Also, your supposition and conjecture regarding the 4 states are derived from faulty PCR tests and conflation of previous conditions and "covid related cases". It's all there in the information I've been presenting in various "Covid Follies" threads. Like here, you just ignore what you don't like and then parrot the party line.
OK, so right away I know you didn't read the charts I provided; instead, you sloppily and hurriedly rushed through a response to save your ego.

The graphs I provided were of DAILY DEATHS, not case counts.

So you completely fucked up reading the charts, and you completely fucked up your response because you're a propagandist and a liar who doesn't do the work.

:rolleyes: Read the charts, and I know what they're based on. Pay attention, genius: if the basis of all this is a "test" that is riddled with false results BECAUSE IT'S NOT DESIGNED TO DIAGNOSE DISEASE, then the hospitalizations and death rates are significantly FLAWED.

Got that bunky?

If the doctors are allowed the "choice" of labeling a "case" as "covid related" because a chronic pre-condition led to patient death, BUT THEY TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID..this means due diligence in diagnostics may not be done. I've documented such in my series of Covid Follies posts....pity willfully ignorant wonks like yourself just refuse to dealt with that information.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Spare me the party line that tries to demonize and denounce any and all critique and questioning regarding the official party line. My point is that from the jump we've been subject to bad policy and medical science, while virtually NO alternative guidelines as to bettering your immune system out side of isolation, wearing a mask, getting hospitalized and then finally getting injected/injections with experimental gene therapy posing as a vaccine that DOES NOT make you immune from contracting the disease, with a better than 50/50 chance of serious/critical side effects. Covid is serious, but it's NOT the bubonic plague...and false gods like Fauci along with Big Pharma have too much money and prestige to cop to that.

You're trying to cast yourself as some kind of COVID expert, but you use cherry picked data and make broad assumptions that completely undercut every argument you make!

I don't know what "party line" you're talking about when about half of all Republicans have been vaccinated.

There is no path toward herd immunity without critical mass on vaccinations, because if there was, we would have achieved herd immunity last winter, and then again last Spring, and then again this late summer/early fall.

When Florida and Texas experience their fifth wave, while NY and NJ don't, what will be the excuse then? Because your strategy of having everyone go out and lick COVID patients in the faint hopes that they contract an asymptomatic form of COVID to reach herd immunity ISN'T GOING TO WORK because we've already tried that.

The vaccine protects you up to 95% for each encounter, and nearly 100% of the people dying in hospital ICU's right now are all unvaccinated dipshits who didn't get natural immunity...they got dead.

Stop lying....just because I actually do the research and come up with FACTS that don't jibe with the near fanatical devotion to the party line that you parrot is not my posing as an expert. You just don't like what you read, and don't have the cojones to allow the critical thinking part of your brain to work.

And don't play dumber than you are (willful or genuine). The party line is as I said....demonize and discredit anyone who questions or criticizes what the MSM (brought to you by Pfizer) bull horns with comericals, Fauci and company interviews, etc., the "vaccines" are not gene therapy, they're perfectly safe, and help prevent chronic hospitalizations, etc. You follow suit to this as the chronology of the posts you just parrot the SOS which doesn't stand up to scrutiny.. 95% protection and 100% unvaccinated deaths....phfft! Even the talking head doctors in the media can't substantiate such claims, especially with the rising numbers of "breakthrough" deaths that they try to dismiss as "minimal".

Man, GMAFB with you mindless parroting. Get off your brain and do some decent research and critical analysis. Don't let fear rule your thinking.
Strangely enough, the Bubonic Plague is ALSO making a comeback because of filthy people:

The Plague Kills 10-Year-Old Child In Colorado

COVID is the leading cause of death in the US for 2020 and 2021; it is the leading cause of death among health care workers; it is the leading cause of death among police officers; it is the leading cause of death among grocery store workers; it is the leading cause of death among unvaccinated people.

So far, about 750,000 people have died from when you say it's "not the bubonic plague", what is it like, then? Because we've surpassed the 1918-21 flu pandemic for deaths.

So on a scale of sniffles to bubonic plague, COVID falls much closer to bubonic plague than it does common cold.

That is, if you are honestly looking at the statistics and not trying to set weird parameters and disqualify deaths because you feel guilty for proliferating this thing, but you don't have any personal accountability.

Also, natural immunity is not a thing because antibodies are not permanent, and worst case, your antibodies disappear after 30 days.

So do you want to run that risk? Maybe you like being intubed because it excites you sexually. No judgements if that's the case. But if being gagged is your kink, don't make other people sick because you're weird. You don't have that freedom, and knowingly spreading a disease will get you jailtime. It already has for several people just like you.

Learn to read, genius! From your link:

They also issued a warning about plague activity, after the bacteria Yersinia pestis had been detected in animals and fleas from six counties in Colorado.

The whole freaking article is about how to avoid potential plague carrying animals (fleas on them, actually)...NOT about "filthy people" as you dishonestly squawk. That's indicative as to how you deal with the whole subject....that makes you a piss poor troll. That pokes another hole in the subsequent supposition and conjecture laden screed of yours that just parrots already addressed issues.

Keep it coming, toodles. You are one of the reasons why I call all of this Covid Follies.
Stop lying....just because I actually do the research.

Let me stop you right there...

Seeking out confirmation of your bias isn't doing research, it's being lazy...and you've already shown on this thread that you do not do adequate research, and the "research" you actually do is very topline and very lazy.

When I gave you a chart that compared the death counts between four different locations, you hurriedly and sloppily scanned the charts, thinking they were about testing, when they were actually about deaths.

Had you taken the time to carefully read what has been given to you, you would have realized very quickly that the mitigation efforts blue states and cities undertook worked like a charm.

But you don't want to admit that because then it would undercut the sophist arguments you make on JPP, and frankly, your ego can't handle that brusing.