Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Which (again) raises the question...WTF are the "vaccines" good for if people "test positive" after whatever brand and number of shots they have...and/or if that makes them carriers?

They drastically reduce the number of cases and deaths. DUH. Are you really this fucking stupid? I guess so.
We’ll, that shows how much I usually ignore (subconsciously, not with the “Ignore” feature) what Tachiliberal posts. I had no idea he/she was anti COVID vaccine. Interesting.
And yet, you don't have the wildfire of Covid all over this country that would be ten fold IF the "logic" of vaccination held true.

ROTFLMFAO!!! Do you often hang out with your mail man? I don't. How fucking dumb can you be?

There was a wildfire of Covid in Florida, pal. And it's spread to other parts of the country. What next, casualties in WWII weren't really THAT bad.
Covid is in the rear-view in Florida, under 5% positive rate.

Confart is hating it and still trying to live in the past, obviously.

Church of Covid Militants are getting upset.
We’ll, that shows how much I usually ignore (subconsciously, not with the “Ignore” feature) what Tachiliberal posts. I had no idea he/she was anti COVID vaccine. Interesting.

Just goes to show what can happen when you take off the willfully ignorant right wing actually learn something.
Just goes to show what can happen when you take off the willfully ignorant right wing actually learn something.

Not really wearing any blinders ... I just choose to ignore or not comment to some people. People like TDAK and others I ignore using the ignore feature because of their racist bent that so often comes out in their posting, then there are some who I ignore because of the language they use. I mostly ignore Desh because she comes off as a screaming banshee with whom there is no reasoning. And then there are some like you who I know are so far from me on the political spectrum that nothing said would change anything about the way either of us think AND with whom I have very little in common elsewhere. I communicate regularly with a couple left wing posters and we're never going to change each other's minds politically but there is still some common interests ... cooking, gardening, baseball, golf, guns, etc. So I rarely carefully read what you post and if I do I rarely comment. I was just surprised because most anti-vaxers I've talked to are way right wing...further to the right than I am, if that's possible. So I was surprised to find thay you were. I'll tell you like I tell my right wing friends...more power to you. No one should be forced to take the vaccine, IMO.
And yet, you don't have the wildfire of Covid all over this country that would be ten fold IF the "logic" of vaccination held true.

That's because vaccination and mitigation efforts are different throughout the country.

Here's the best visualization of what's happening:

So you can clearly see from there that certain places are move rife with COVID than others.

And then you can see here exactly how mitigation and vaccine efforts play out when it comes to deaths:

Covid is in the rear-view in Florida, under 5% positive rate.

Why was it even there in the first place?

So after losing 10,000 people over the last two months in Florida, you think it's in the rear-view?

It's not for the 10,000 who died and their families.

Confart is hating it and still trying to live in the past, obviously.



Several reasons. One....Because I am in favor of free will on the part of the individual. That's "one" because it is the main one.

I'm a Christian and believe that society would be better if we all were ... but I would have been a terrible crusader back in the day because I believe in the free will of the individual. And I don't treat non-Christians or atheists badly nor do I think they should be treated badly. But that's just me. I have been vaccinated and am on tap to take the Phizer booster in a few weeks. But I am not treating those who I know do not agree with me any differently (in the congregation where I preach we are at 85% vaccinated but we love the 15% also) even though I wonder why they are so against the vaccination. But that's just me as well. Free will and free moral agency go hand in hand, IMO.
One....Because I am in favor of free will on the part of the individual.

COVID doesn't give a shit about your ambiguous, intangible, and unquantifiable selfishness masquerading as "free will."

"Free will" in that context is the freedom to infect others with a deadly disease.

As far as I know, the Constitution doesn't give you that right.

In fact, that's assault.
I'm a Christian and believe that society would be better if we all were you're a fundamentalist Christo-fascist who wants to impose his sick twisted religion on everyone.

BTW - guess which religious idiots are the ones dying of COVID right now because they won't get vaccinated?

And I don't treat non-Christians or atheists badly

You literally just said that you think society would be better off if everyone was that means you do treat everyone else badly or unfairly.

It means you are holding contempt in your mind and heart for people who don't believe in your shitty fucking religion.

I happen to believe that society would be better off if everyone WASN'T Christian, and I have a much stronger case than you do because it's the Christians who are clogging up our ER's right now and making life miserable for everyone else.

I have been vaccinated and am on tap to take the Phizer booster in a few weeks. But I am not treating those who I know do not agree with me any differently

Framing the choice to spread a deadly disease around as a reasonable "disagreement" is either a fucking joke, or a fucking act of cowardice.

It's reasonable to disagree over which Marvel movie is the best (It's Thor: Ragnarok).

It's reasonable to disagree over whether that dress is blue or brown (It's blue).

It's reasonable to disagree over who was the best Batman (Adam West, obviously).

It is not reasonable to disagree over public health.

That is very much UNREASONABLE because public health affects us all.
Free will and free moral agency go hand in hand, IMO.

Actually, no, they do not.

They are diametrically opposed to one another, particularly in the context of this pandemic.

The moral thing to do to protect this country and others is to get vaccinated, but the exercise of "free will" in any context other than getting vaccinated, does the exact harms society thereby making the act immoral.

That's why Christianity in this pandemic is a gigantic fucking joke.

Hoist, meet petard.
One....Because I am in favor of free will on the part of the individual.

Ah, so then you oppose traffic laws and stoplights and shit, right?

Your concept of free will, after all, dictates that I should be able to drive however I want, wherever I want, whenever I want.

So can I? Or are there rules and laws and mandates that say I can't?

See, you want to pick and choose when "free will" is applied, but that's not how it works.

If you are in favor of free will on the part of the individual, then you must oppose every single law that the government passes.

So do you?

I bet you do, because I bet you think God's Word overrules the Law.

So do you believe that?

"Free will" is God's Law, after all, isn't it? Didn't God imbue our consciousness with free will, thereby negating the need for any kind of law?

Is that what you truly believe, or are your beliefs fungible, as I suspect they are?