Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

The HHS website says you can tell your healthcare provider to bill the government for it. The reality is, you just want to demand that other people act like you do and I do not care whether other folks act like I do.

Well, actually, according to KFF, most insurance plans aren't going to cover COVID expenses anymore.

So Mr. "freedom" is going to be on the hook for $40K if he goes to the ER for treatment...and if he dies, his kids and spouse are on the hook.

Government is not on the hook for that.
Where exactly is that "freedom" delineated in the Constitution?

I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.
What "freedom" are you talking about here?

I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.
Well, actually, according to KFF, most insurance plans aren't going to cover COVID expenses anymore.

So Mr. "freedom" is going to be on the hook for $40K if he goes to the ER for treatment...and if he dies, his kids and spouse are on the hook.

Government is not on the hook for that.

I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.
I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.

Uh oh...someone's triggered...
Uh oh...someone's triggered...

I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.
I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.

I mean, you could just put me on Ignore and not say anything...I don't know why you have to do this performance art, crisis actor.
I mean, you could just put me on Ignore and not say anything...I don't know why you have to do this performance art, crisis actor.

I don't ignore folks... I will continue to read your posts and hope that one day I can once again engage with you. However at this time....

I do not engage you in conversation. For reasons you are familiar with.

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my repeated response when you try to engage me.
The HHS website says you can tell your healthcare provider to bill the government for it. The reality is, you just want to demand that other people act like you do and I do not care whether other folks act like I do.

I find that very strange. You are okay with people ignoring health experts and killing their fellow Americans, and you don't believe that 'we' as a society should do a single thing to stop them, because freedom? We'll agree to disagree on that point; your position seems to be completely counter-productive.
I find that very strange. You are okay with people ignoring health experts and killing their fellow Americans, and you don't believe that 'we' as a society should do a single thing to stop them, because freedom? We'll agree to disagree on that point; your position seems to be completely counter-productive.

It's not counter-productive, it's INCOHERENT.
I find that very strange. You are okay with people ignoring health experts and killing their fellow Americans, and you don't believe that 'we' as a society should do a single thing to stop them, because freedom? We'll agree to disagree on that point; your position seems to be completely counter-productive.

Whether you think it is counter productive, I believe that forcing folks to take whatever medicine you deem best for them is a far cry from the United States that we all expect. I also believe you comprehend what I am saying and ignore it because you have some anecdotal story that makes you triggered but actually is contrary to how the US works best.

Convince people.

The reality is there will be some people that simply do not trust the US Government enough to ever get this vaccination. I feel bad for them, but I believe that they have every right to protest, to choose what goes into their bodies, to reject the supposed benevolence of the fascism (yeah, government working hand in hand with corporations to make decisions on your behalf is fascism) that you tell folks is "taking care of them"...

<shakes head>

Often folks who are not vaccinated are in underserved minorities who simply distrust your benevolence. I am continually grateful that I got this vaccine before this political nonsense even became part of it.
Whether you think it is counter productive, I believe that forcing folks to take whatever medicine you deem best for them is a far cry from the United States that we all expect. I also believe you comprehend what I am saying and ignore it because you have some anecdotal story that makes you triggered but actually is contrary to how the US works best.

Convince people.

The reality is there will be some people that simply do not trust the US Government enough to ever get this vaccination. I feel bad for them, but I believe that they have every right to protest, to choose what goes into their bodies, to reject the supposed benevolence of the fascism (yeah, government working hand in hand with corporations to make decisions on your behalf is fascism) that you tell folks is "taking care of them"...

<shakes head>

Often folks who are not vaccinated are in underserved minorities who simply distrust your benevolence. I am continually grateful that I got this vaccine before this political nonsense even became part of it.

Huh? We do that EVERY DAY in the United States, and we have done it from day one. You can't drink and drive. You can't shoot someone. You can't yell fire in a crowded theater. You need to wear a seat belt. You can't text and drive.

Please, spare the faux drama about this being a freedom issue. It isn't. It's a political issue. Imagine making the argument that you should be allowed to drink and drive because not doing so would infringe on your freedom, and heck, most people make it home, and even if they have an accident, we can always treat them. It's a laughable argument. So is yours. It has nothing to do with an anecdote and everything to do with acting like a civil society instead of a bunch of anarchists who do whatever the hell they want.
Huh? We do that EVERY DAY in the United States, and we have done it from day one. You can't drink and drive. You can't shoot someone. You can't yell fire in a crowded theater. You need to wear a seat belt. You can't text and drive.

Please, spare the faux drama about this being a freedom issue. It isn't. It's a political issue. Imagine making the argument that you should be allowed to drink and drive because not doing so would infringe on your freedom, and heck, most people make it home, and even if they have an accident, we can always treat them. It's a laughable argument. So is yours.
And I fight every day against it in cases where there is no direct victim. "There ought to be a law!" is the antithesis of my belief system. (Your indirect stuff like, "too many folks in the hospital for me" is not what I am talking about).

Your examples present with victims. Drunk drivers directly kill folks through their action. If they directly make a victim of anyone through their action then I am in favor of action by society, like if i shoot you, I go to prison because I violated your right to life... If you have to take more than one step to victim (person chooses not to take vaccine, then they get sick (one step), then that illness gets bad enough to go to a hospital (two), then it is bad enough for admittance (three steps), then you get sick too (four), then you go to hospital and that one is too full (five)... not so much.

Pretending that I am the first libertarian you have ever met and that beliefs like mine are something you have "never heard" is deliberately inane.
And I fight every day against it in cases where there is no direct victim. "There ought to be a law!" is the antithesis of my belief system. (Your indirect stuff like, "too many folks in the hospital for me" is not what I am talking about).

Your examples present with victims. Drunk drivers directly kill folks through their action. If they directly make a victim of anyone through their action then I am in favor of action by society, like if i shoot you, I go to prison because I violated your right to life... If you have to take more than one step to victim (person chooses not to take vaccine, then they get sick (one step), then that illness gets bad enough to go to a hospital (two), then it is bad enough for admittance (three steps), then you get sick too (four), then you go to hospital and that one is too full (five)... not so much.

Pretending that I am the first libertarian you have ever met and that beliefs like mine are something you have "never heard" is deliberately inane.

There are 700,000 direct victims who are dead. I was a direct victim. My wife was a direct victim. A victim of manslaughter or negligence is just as dead as if you shot them in the head. Seriously, that argument is completely beneath you. You're smarter than that. Everyone is a libertarian, and no one is. Because it is completely impractical. Unless of course you agree to approve my plan to build a meth lab/factory, dump the chemical waste in the river, use child labor to produce my product, and arm my dealers with AK-47s. No direct victims there, right? LOL at you. Be serious.

I guess you are also okay with drunk driving. You'll deal with the offender only after he kills someone. Sounds like a great plan.
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Got tired of you chasing me around like a dog in heat troll. Find someone else.
There are 700,000 direct victims who are dead. I was a direct victim. My wife was a direct victim. A victim of manslaughter or negligence is just as dead as if you shot them in the head. Seriously, that argument is completely beneath you. You're smarter than that. Everyone is a libertarian, and no one is. Because it is completely impractical. Unless of course you agree to approve my plan to build a meth lab/factory, dump the chemical waste in the river, use child labor to produce my product, and arm my dealers with AK-47s. No direct victims there, right? LOL at you. Be serious.

If you could imprison Covid then I'd agree. However this fails entirely in its understanding of what a victim is. The belief that everyone who has died of a disease is a victim of some person who didn't get a vaccination is absurd.
If you could imprison Covid then I'd agree. However this fails entirely in its understanding of what a victim is.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Let's put the bullets in jail. Come on. You're digging your hole even deeper. Your argument is beyond lame.