Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

The real question is mandatory vaccinations for covid19.

I've noticed that in every thread about mandatory vaccinations for covid19, it tends to dissolve into justifying the vaccination, not discussing the mandatory aspect of it anymore (along with the usual insults).

No mandatory vaccinations without exception rules otherwise you will violate constitutional rights.

Exceptions would include religious, health of the person (some folks cannot get them due to allergies and other health concerns), and like we currently have for the anti-vaxxer idiots who don't trust any vaccination at all, exceptions for stupidity. There also cannot be a "show me your papers" law from the Feds.
OK and?

No they're not.

They can? Says who?

For your education:

CDC Admits COVID-19 did not Cause 94% of Reported Deaths

Once again for the willfully ignorant and those in the cheap seats. The man in the video is the late Dr. Mullis, Nobel Peace Prize winner for creating the PCR test. Here, he is explaining why it's NOT a diagnostic tool for disease detection, as Dr. Fauci & company were using it to claim HIV = AIDS back in the day. Move the clock to current times and change HIV to Covid. Somethings never change:

There is always one overriding problem when it comes to conspiracy theorists and the people they amplify online....


Here is literally the title of the first link you provided: Study: Illegal Immigration Doesn’t Cause Overuse Of Health Care

So you argued that they did and to support your argument, you posted a link to a study that literally says the opposite.

What a moron.

Nice try toodles, but I posted that article to show that indeed there was a constant noise in the country that the ER's were being used as subs for doctor's office appt./check ups BEFORE Covid. The point was that the PR telling us that the onset of Covid is solely responsible for overwhelming hospitals doesn't add up, because the previous noted problem didn't magically go away.

You can't lie in a printed medium, genius.

Now, why don't you grow the hell up and link the EXACT post where I used said article. You call me a moron that contradicts myself so the burden of proof is on you. Put or STFU. The reading audience awaits.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
That, my friend, is wishful thinking border lining on a flat out lie. Again and again, I've documented this on several of my Covid Follies posts. But don't take my word for it:

Of course the COVID tests are accurate, you just don't like the fact that so many people test positive for it because you've been arguing this whole time that it's no big deal.

:palm: You need to THINK before your fingers hit the keys sometimes, my friend.

My point is that the tests are inaccurate because they are NOT designed to do what they are being used for. This is why you have a plethora of FALSE POSITIVES AND NEGATIVES. Lord knows how many times I posted that in various ways, and the ramifications it has for treatment and hospitalizations and "cases". You lie when you claim I argue it's no big deal....the chronology of the posts substantiate that.

This is why your reply here is just an ass backwards declaration. Jeez man, get it together!
No, they didn't intentionally get Covid. They just intentionally weren't wearing their "seatbelt". The analogy stands rather well.

And yes, no skin. I prefer to choose risk over fascist "show me your papers" B.S.

You don’t get to choose for me.
Virtually no vaccinated people have ended up in the ER or ICU.

Those that have are old fucks who have COPD and for whom a breakthrough infection can prove fatal.

To prevent breakthrough infections, you must be vaccinated and you must reach herd immunity through vaccinations.

There is no other way.

WTF is the matter with you? The MSM has been headlining for at least the last 2 weeks that the "unvaccinated" positive tests, hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise. They compare this with the "break through" cases of the vaccinated who STILL contracted the disease. How the hell do you think that process comes about? You do know that the ER is the FIRST stop for injured and ill folk before they are admitted for treatment, right? A simple google testifies to this. FACTS discount your generalized statements. If you can prove otherwise, do so instead of posting mental flatulence.

Damn, least make the effort to be intellectually honest or informed when you respond...makes you look less foolish.
I've read every single one of your COVID Follies threads and what I've found is that you are deliberately misinterpreting or flat out lying about what your links say.

And I know that because after spot checking one of your links, I found that it actually argued the exact OPPOSITE position of what you claimed.

You can make all the accusations you want....PROVING such using valid documentation is another thing. To date, with all the Covid Follies threads I've started, this is the first one where YOU have gone the distance to try and discredit what I post. Sad thing is, you keep blathering supposition and conjecture instead of point for point fact based/supported contradictions. So essentially, you're a liar.

Let me know when you develop the skills and will to debate like an adult. Until then, you can just prattle on like the intellectually impotent/dishonest wonk you seem to now be.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So you're pro-vaccination, but against any mandates that would support your stance because somebody else is making you do it?

And that bit of stupidity makes sense to you? Jeezus.

I am against government solutions in almost every aspect of life. And as I said, I support your right to endanger yourself.

You've just regurgitated the SOS from the previous's still a moronic contradiction. And since you seem eager to endorse/support the mandates of a system you claim to be against regarding these Covid "vaccines", you just dig that hole deeper.

Oh, and here's a little tidbit to keep you up at night.....this format we are communicating on was created by the government. ;)
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Fascinating how you just make these amazing statements and assertions without a shred of evidence via valid reports and such. I keep telling you and others, your supposition and conjecture are NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FACTS AND THE LOGIC DERIVED FROM SAID FACTS. Everything I stated above I've substantiated in other "Covid Follies" threads. I suggest you read them. Until then, you're just blowing smoke and denying/avoiding facts you can't you've done here.

Appealing to ‘self authority’ lol.

If you can contend with any of my assertions feel.

No chuckles, I'm just tired of repeating myself to proud,willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest wonks like yourself. So far, you and your scared sheep can't disprove or refute the reality of the OP or subsequent topics related to it. You just BS and dodge or flat out deny....logic be damned. But if you have the stones, you can always discuss points in supplied information or provide your own that you think will make your case. That's a real debate, and one I would look forward to.

Until then, Laugh, clown, laugh
No chuckles, I'm just tired of repeating myself to proud,willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest wonks like yourself. So far, you and your scared sheep can't disprove or refute the reality of the OP or subsequent topics related to it. You just BS and dodge or flat out deny....logic be damned. But if you have the stones, you can always discuss points in supplied information or provide your own that you think will make your case. That's a real debate, and one I would look forward to.

Until then, Laugh, clown, laugh

You criticize me for claiming that the death count is inaccurate on the same page of the same thread where you chide someone else for not acknowledging that PCR tests are inaccurate.

Are you trying to make me chuckle again?
WTF is the matter with you? The MSM has been headlining for at least the last 2 weeks that the "unvaccinated" positive tests, hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise. They compare this with the "break through" cases of the vaccinated who STILL contracted the disease. How the hell do you think that process comes about? You do know that the ER is the FIRST stop for injured and ill folk before they are admitted for treatment, right? A simple google testifies to this. FACTS discount your generalized statements. If you can prove otherwise, do so instead of posting mental flatulence.

Damn, least make the effort to be intellectually honest or informed when you respond...makes you look less foolish.

HIs statement is correct. Vaccinated people generally do not require hospitalization.
You've just regurgitated the SOS from the previous's still a moronic contradiction. And since you seem eager to endorse/support the mandates of a system you claim to be against regarding these Covid "vaccines", you just dig that hole deeper.

Oh, and here's a little tidbit to keep you up at night.....this format we are communicating on was created by the government. ;)

Arguing against mandates is not supporting them. You clearly do not understand information given to you and don't bother to actually try to understand what was actually said in conversation around you. I wonder if your "friends" notice.
HIs statement is correct. Vaccinated people generally do not require hospitalization.

Not even just "generally", the VAST majority of the time. Even if they catch the disease (11 times less likely to get it than an unvaccinated person) they are then far less likely to need hospitalization.

The stats support getting a vaccine.

However our freedoms support living with a bit of risk. I will always fight for individual freedoms, even when they are inconvenient to me.
Not even just "generally", the VAST majority of the time. Even if they catch the disease (11 times less likely to get it than an unvaccinated person) they are then far less likely to need hospitalization.

The stats support getting a vaccine.

However our freedoms support living with a bit of risk. I will always fight for individual freedoms, even when they are inconvenient to me.

Where can I send you my ER bill?
