Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Stupid. Of course the vaccine is doing the job. Vaccinated people aren’t dying. You are an utter fucking moron and your statement about asymptotic carriers is a fucking lie and you know it. You are a sellout to Russia and a treasonous scumbag.

No one is dying from covid19. This virus does not kill.
Paradox V.
Ah, I read "she wasn't" as she wasn't vaccinated.

I think anecdotally your anger is understandable, but in reality the vaccine generally makes you safe. There are outliers, and clearly your wife's circumstance was clearly among them. This is a bit like being angry that the emergency room of a hospital was full with those crazy people who took an Amtrax to Seattle if you happened to need it when they were filling up local emergency rooms.

The reason to get vaccinated is to make sure that if you do get ill the likelihood you will get sick enough to need a hospital will be rare, it doesn't take away every risk in life any more than wearing a seatbelt takes risk from driving, it just makes it more likely you'll survive if the worst happens.

Currently death rates and hospitalizations are going down, even in red state Florida... I remain unaffected and unafraid.

While I get your anger, because it happened to you personally, I cannot get that level of anger up for such an unlikely and rare event. I simply believe that risk is something we evaluate and act accordingly and that we are overreacting, especially those who are vaccinated, with unprecedented and largely unnecessary fear.

The real question is mandatory vaccinations for covid19.

I've noticed that in every thread about mandatory vaccinations for covid19, it tends to dissolve into justifying the vaccination, not discussing the mandatory aspect of it anymore (along with the usual insults).
Extremely happy. It will be right back in two months because of stupid fucks like you.

...and the oceans are going to rise and all the coral is going to die and hurricanes are going to wipe out Florida and eveyone's going to fry from the ozone hole and we are running of oil and unicorns are going to save us all and....

Yeah, we've heard it all before dumbass.
Just for fun..... based on the numbers, since July 1st in Florida.....

There have been around 1.2 million new cases diagnosed. Almost all are delta variant. Florida's vaccination rate was around 50% so we can assume that there are about 200,000 vaxxed people who are as pissed off as I am, because they got Covid despite being vaccinated. Most of them got Covid from an unvaxxed person. That's assuming that everyone took the same mitigation measures (meaning absolutely NOTHING in Florida).

There have been around 15,000 deaths in Florida since July 1st. That still puts unvaxxed deaths at well over 1,000. Those people did what they were supposed to, but because of the selfishness and stupidity of vaccine defiant people, they are dead today.

Stop pretending this does not affect vaccinated people. It does, and we are sick of it.
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No. Completely wrong. For your analogy to be correct, the passengers would have had to intentionally derail the train.

I want to go back to your statement that there is no skin off my nose. I think we've obliterated that argument. How about you? Here's the reality. I was, at the time, five times less likely to get the Delta variant than an unvaxxed person. I didn't realize that at the the time, I thought the efficacy was higher, but nonetheless, that is an accurate number. The problem with having so many unvaxxed in a state where no one gives a fuck and the Governor is actively helping the virus spread, there were, throughout the months of July and August, TWENTY TIMES more cases in Florida than in states with high vaccination rates. That meant that I was actually four times MORE likely to get Covid in Florida than an unvaxxed person in a state with high rates. That is selfish, stupid behavior, and it has led to horrific impacts. And why? Politics and ignorance. You are damn right I'm angry, and every single time I see a post from these idiotic anti-vaxxers it makes me angrier (and more likely to vote DeSantis's murderous, treasonous ass out of office). If you think I'm alone, prepare to find out when the midterms come along. Lots of talk about visceral anger on the right. You ain't seen nothing yet. If you think mine was a 'rare event', then you aren't paying attention. It happened thousands of times every day in Florida for two straight months. My story is far more common than you think. And as a result, we both had a miserable two weeks, a huge medical bill, my son had to miss work for two weeks, we infected two friends in Tampa, and who knows what else. No skin? That kind of statement REALLY pisses me off. And I am not wrong.

...and you are still here.

So your vaccination didn't work.
Your mask didn't work.

Yet you want everyone to get vaccinated and wear masks.

Paradox V. Paradox M.

And now you say you are 'pissed off'. Democrats usually are. They are filled with hate, just as you are.

DeSantis does not control any virus. He cannot tell it where to go or who it will infect. He has committed no treason. Since you are making things up, I figure that you made up your story about the 'horrific impacts' you say you experienced.

I don't believe you.
Just for fun..... based on the numbers, since July 1st in Florida.....
Just for fun...I'm going to say you are making up the numbers again...because you are.
There have been around 1.2 million new cases diagnosed.
The number of infections in Floridan is unknown. Random number of type randU. You are making it up.
Almost all are delta variant.
There is no such thing as a 'delta variant' except in your mind. It is not possible to have a variant of a variant.
Florida's vaccination rate was around 50% so we can assume that there are about 200,000 vaxxed people who are as pissed off as I am, because they got Covid despite being vaccinated. Most of them got Covid from an unvaxxed person.
Paradox V. You are saying your vaccination doesn't work, so you want everyone to get vaccinated.
That's assuming that everyone took the same mitigation measures (meaning absolutely NOTHING in Florida).
WRONG. YOU are assuming that. Let's be clear about YOU assuming shit like this.
There have been around 15,000 deaths in Florida since July 1st.
Zero. Covid19 does not kill. You are quoting made up numbers again.
That still puts unvaxxed deaths at well over 1,000.
Making up numbers is a fallacy dude. Argument from randU fallacy.
Those people did what they were supposed to, but because of the selfishness and stupidity of vaccine defiant people, they are dead today.
Covid19 does not kill. Paradox V.
Stop pretending this does not affect vaccinated people. It does, and we are sick of it.
Paradox V. You are yourself. You do not get to speak for anyone else. Omniscience fallacy. You are making up numbers and quoting made up numbers. Argument from randU fallacy.

Covid19 does not kill. Masks are completely ineffective against a virus. You are only admitting that your vaccination doesn't work, and therefore you want everyone to get vaccinated. You are being irrational.
Dream on, nutcase.

You said that last summer. You were wrong. You are actually wrong about everything. The next wave won't be as bad, since this last one managed to infect 1.2 million people in Florida, and with vaccination rates increasing and boosters, it will not be the complete shit show it was this time. But that's really beside the point. Florida has been a disaster. DeSantis is largely to blame. Good luck running for dogcatcher when this is over.
Can't argue with that.

AMC theaters are mostly reclining seats widely spread out, and I am now a member of the super immune. No worries on my mind. I can mingle unhindered among the unvaccinated morons, but I'd prefer not to. They smell bad too.
You said that last summer. You were wrong. You are actually wrong about everything. The next wave won't be as bad, since this last one managed to infect 1.2 million people in Florida, and with vaccination rates increasing and boosters, it will not be the complete shit show it was this time. But that's really beside the point. Florida has been a disaster. DeSantis is largely to blame. Good luck running for dogcatcher when this is over.

...and the oceans are going to rise and all the coral is going to die and hurricanes are going to wipe out Florida and eveyone's going to fry from the ozone hole and we are running of oil and unicorns are going to save us all and....

Yeah, we've heard it all before dumbass.
AMC theaters are mostly reclining seats widely spread out, and I am now a member of the super immune. No worries on my mind. I can mingle unhindered among the unvaccinated morons, but I'd prefer not to. They smell bad too.

So you are lying about your ignore list too. It's now obvious. Insulting people is not going to get you anywhere. No argument presented. Trolling.
AMC theaters are mostly reclining seats widely spread out, and I am now a member of the super immune. No worries on my mind. I can mingle unhindered among the unvaccinated morons, but I'd prefer not to. They smell bad too.
Awesome. Might want to seek some help for your anger issues. It's not normal.
You said that last summer. You were wrong. You are actually wrong about everything. The next wave won't be as bad, since this last one managed to infect 1.2 million people in Florida, and with vaccination rates increasing and boosters, it will not be the complete shit show it was this time. But that's really beside the point. Florida has been a disaster. DeSantis is largely to blame. Good luck running for dogcatcher when this is over.
Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. The ultimate judge.
No. Completely wrong. For your analogy to be correct, the passengers would have had to intentionally derail the train.

I want to go back to your statement that there is no skin off my nose. I think we've obliterated that argument. How about you? Here's the reality. I was, at the time, five times less likely to get the Delta variant than an unvaxxed person. I didn't realize that at the the time, I thought the efficacy was higher, but nonetheless, that is an accurate number. The problem with having so many unvaxxed in a state where no one gives a fuck and the Governor is actively helping the virus spread, there were, throughout the months of July and August, TWENTY TIMES more cases in Florida than in states with high vaccination rates. That meant that I was actually four times MORE likely to get Covid in Florida than an unvaxxed person in a state with high rates. That is selfish, stupid behavior, and it has led to horrific impacts. And why? Politics and ignorance. You are damn right I'm angry, and every single time I see a post from these idiotic anti-vaxxers it makes me angrier (and more likely to vote DeSantis's murderous, treasonous ass out of office). If you think I'm alone, prepare to find out when the midterms come along. Lots of talk about visceral anger on the right. You ain't seen nothing yet. If you think mine was a 'rare event', then you aren't paying attention. It happened thousands of times every day in Florida for two straight months. My story is far more common than you think. And as a result, we both had a miserable two weeks, a huge medical bill, my son had to miss work for two weeks, we infected two friends in Tampa, and who knows what else. No skin? That kind of statement REALLY pisses me off. And I am not wrong.

No, they didn't intentionally get Covid. They just intentionally weren't wearing their "seatbelt". The analogy stands rather well.

And yes, no skin. I prefer to choose risk over fascist "show me your papers" B.S.