Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

You're the troll, and clearly a very angry one.

Not in the least. You keep coming back to this thread to declare victory on behalf of another poster because you can't quit me. I'm used to it. Was just walking the dogs. Did you want pictures of the dogs? Don't worry, they aren't competition, they don't hump my leg like you do.

I'll post a movie review for you later, I know you need your fix to make it through the day.
And I support your right not to get vaccinated. Your choice. Follow the rules for unvaccinated people, and we'll have no problem. See how that works?

Sure.... Apartheid always works well for any nation rather than looking at the far more complex underlying reasons that folks may not be getting the vaccination. At some point the folks with vaccines need to understand they are protected and let the other folks just be less protected. No skin off your nose.

In no other medical question do we act like this.

If you don't get the flu vaccine, then get sick and need to go to the hospital, you go to the hospital and the leftist fascists don't care...

The issue most folks who say this kind of thing have is they believe that the only people not getting vaccinated are old Christians in Trumpland...

It ignores the more vulnerable folks that are also not getting vaccinated. You know folks that report that they wanted to get it but were asked for insurance, or Social Security Numbers, or an address... And then tells those folks that may not trust government because in the past they were, as a group, experimented on by the government in say... Tuskeegee...

And this, for you woke folks, is based in your own privilege. You assume you know what and why because you can't think of one reason that another person wouldn't act like you do, then try to mansplain it by saying "science"...

Science gave us nuclear war, germ warfare, chemical warfare, lethal injection, Tuskeegee experiments, global warming (without science we wouldn't have all these great machines that pollute the air, eh) and is not a sign of "good" in every circumstance.

Now, I personally volunteered to be part of the test group before the vaccine was available to your lily white upper arm... Because testing is something that needs to be done for vaccines.
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Sure.... Apartheid always works well for any nation rather than looking at the far more complex underlying reasons that folks may not be getting the vaccination.

Apartheid in South Africa was centered around race-based discrimination.

The difference is that you don't choose to be Black, but you do choose to be vaccinated.

So it's not apartheid if you're denied access because you CHOSE to be a moron.
Apartheid in South Africa was centered around race-based discrimination.

The difference is that you don't choose to be Black, but you do choose to be vaccinated.

So it's not apartheid if you're denied access because you CHOSE to be a moron.

Says someone who, as he always does, didn't read the entire post, doesn't care, and will not hear. There is a reason I do not choose to engage you in conversation.
At some point the folks with vaccines need to understand they are protected and let the other folks just be less protected. No skin off your nose.

UNLESS you are unlucky enough to get a breakthrough infection...and if you're old and have COPD, a breakthrough infection can kill you.

Breakthrough infections have already killed hundreds of vaccinated nonagenarians.

So it's not a "no skin off my nose" situation when even vaccinated people can contract COVID.
Sure.... Apartheid always works well for any nation rather than looking at the far more complex underlying reasons that folks may not be getting the vaccination. At some point the folks with vaccines need to understand they are protected and let the other folks just be less protected. No skin off your nose.

In no other medical question do we act like this.

If you don't get the flu vaccine, then get sick and need to go to the hospital, you go to the hospital and the leftist fascists don't care...

The issue most folks who say this kind of thing have is they believe that the only people not getting vaccinated are old Christians in Trumpland...

It ignores the more vulnerable folks that are also not getting vaccinated. You know folks that report that they wanted to get it but were asked for insurance, or Social Security Numbers, or an address... And then tells those folks that may not trust government because in the past they were, as a group, experimented on by the government in say... Tuskeegee...

And this, for you woke folks, is based in your own privilege. You assume you know what and why because you can't think of one reason that another person wouldn't act like you do, then try to mansplain it by saying "science"...

Science gave us nuclear war, germ warfare, gas, lethal injection, Tuskeegee experiments, global warming (without science we wouldn't have all these great machines that pollute the air, eh) and is not a sign of "good" in every circumstance.

Now, I personally volunteered to be part of the test group before the vaccine was available to your lily white upper arm... Because testing is something that needs to be done for vaccines.

Yes, there is a TON of skin off my nose. We are not a collection of 350 million individuals each pursuing their own self interest. If there is no skin off my nose, how about you pay my thousand dollar ER bill, the one I got because some unvaxxed moron infected my wife and there were no appointments available at any urgent care because the unvaxxed morons were taking up all the room. So you can go screw yourself with your 'no skin off your nose' statement. That's utter bullshit, pal.

There is vaccine hesitancy and then there is vaccine defiance. A 'fuck you' to the libs. Well, 'fuck you' right back. You follow our rules or you don't participate in society. We are done fucking around with the unvaxxed, and with their enablers like you. Get it?
Says someone who, as he always does, didn't read the entire post, doesn't care, and will not hear. There is a reason I do not choose to engage you in conversation.

What other judgment am I supposed to ascertain from you when you open with this:

Apartheid always works well for any nation rather than looking at the far more complex underlying reasons that folks may not be getting the vaccination.
What other judgment am I supposed to ascertain from you when you open with this:

Because I didn't open with that, you delete the rest because you avoid things that make you uncomfortable and you simply do not participate in conversation.

As I said in the past and will continue in the future:

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my only response to you.
Fascinating how you just make these amazing statements and assertions without a shred of evidence via valid reports and such. I keep telling you and others, your supposition and conjecture are NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FACTS AND THE LOGIC DERIVED FROM SAID FACTS. Everything I stated above I've substantiated in other "Covid Follies" threads. I suggest you read them. Until then, you're just blowing smoke and denying/avoiding facts you can't you've done here.

Appealing to ‘self authority’ lol.

If you can contend with any of my assertions feel.
Yes, there is a TON of skin off my nose. We are not a collection of 350 million individuals each pursuing their own self interest. If there is no skin off my nose, how about you pay my thousand dollar ER bill, the one I got because some unvaxxed moron infected my wife and there were no appointments available at any urgent care because the unvaxxed morons were taking up all the room. So you can go screw yourself with your 'no skin off your nose' statement. That's utter bullshit, pal.

There is vaccine hesitancy and then there is vaccine defiance. A 'fuck you' to the libs. Well, 'fuck you' right back. You follow our rules or you don't participate in society. We are done fucking around with the unvaxxed, and with their enablers like you. Get it?

Why was your wife unvaccinated?
Because I didn't open with that

But you did. It was literally the first sentence of this post:

Sure.... Apartheid always works well for any nation rather than looking at the far more complex underlying reasons that folks may not be getting the vaccination. At some point the folks with vaccines need to understand they are protected and let the other folks just be less protected. No skin off your nose.

Did you forget what you wrote?

Why are you trying to gaslight people into thinking you didn't write what you actually wrote?
But you did. It was literally the first sentence of this post:

Did you forget what you wrote?

Why are you trying to gaslight people into thinking you didn't write what you actually wrote?

I noted that you deleted the parts that you were uncomfortable with and didn't sit well with your preconceptions. Even that clearly shows better what I was saying the post by giving it more context.

And that likely will be the only thing I will say to you on this thread as it is an extension of the regular response that I have for you:

I didn't realize it was you, and accidentally engaged with you. I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my only response to you.
I noted that you deleted the parts that you were uncomfortable with and didn't sit well with your preconceptions

All I quoted was what you opened with.

You framed your entire post on a false premise, and you didn't think anyone would pick up on that, or you thought we'd let you just say whatever because you're Damocles?

Seriously, dude...
All I quoted was what you opened with.

You framed your entire post on a false premise, and you didn't think anyone would pick up on that, or you thought we'd let you just say whatever because you're Damocles?

Seriously, dude...

If you find me taking you out of context and then pretending that is all of you said you'd pretty much react the same way I do. There is no reason to engage with someone who will not listen, then proves it over and over, even when trying to defend their gaslighting nonsense. I simply will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my only response to you.
She wasn’t. Neither was I. The guy infected both of us. She became ill and dehydrated and required an IV.

Why were you unvaccinated and why did you expect him to be when you wouldn't take those steps yourself? Correct me if I'm wrong but you posted that everybody who was unvaccinated should get a huge f*ck you from you and everyone else, then tell me you and your unvaccinated wife were out and about not following your own rules?