Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

What the vaccines do is protect you from contracting the virus, up to 95% for each exposure, and they also protect you from developing the symptoms that land you in the ICU with a tube shoved down your throat and up your dickhole.

Covid19 does not kill.
I never lose, troll. Do you want to talk about me some more? Maybe find out what I had for breakfast? I went to River and Post for dinner last night. My wife loves the scallops. We go to Matthew's as well. You could try staking the places out and stalking me if that strikes your fancy.

Bottom line, TL has not articulated his position, so it can hardly be a winning position when he can't even explain it. And all you are doing is trolling. You lose. I win. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

As for the nurse IQ average, even if I accept arguendo that the information he posted was correct, that still puts nurses in the average IQ range, where the vast majority of the population is. So my statement is absolutely true. They are no smarter than the rest of the population. So not only is his argument fallacious, but his basis for that argument is inaccurate.

Insult fallacies. Buzzword fallacies. Argument of the stone fallacy. Fallacy fallacy.

No argument presented. Trolling.

An excellent meme demonstrating Paradox V! Thank you!
The pandemic was a test of America's public health bureaucracy. It failed.

Those failures were legion, and they were spread across multiple officials, agencies, and layers of government. But no institution failed quite as abysmally as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which, through a combination of arrogance, incompetence, and astonishingly poor planning, wasted America's only chance to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 before it spread widely.

The CDC is supposed to be America's frontline institution in the fight against infectious disease. Its job is to analyze viral threats, track their spread and development, and provide the public with relevant information about how to respond to outbreaks. Not only did the agency do this job poorly in the early stages of the pandemic, but it actively hindered efforts that would have greatly improved America's response, and it made planning errors that were both predictable and avoidable. At nearly every stage of the pandemic, the CDC got things wrong and got in the way. Its failures almost certainly made America's pandemic worse.

The CDC's most notorious breakdown came early on, when it was developing a testing system to detect COVID-19. As former Food and Drug Administration director Dr. Scott Gottlieb documents in a scathing new book, Uncontrolled Spread, the agency made multiple critical errors along the way.
That was so perfect.
Blind Dem sheep follow the media, not science and certainly not facts.

Okay, once more from the top:

Hospitalization rates are inaccurate due to the FACT that (a) the PCR & RT-PCR test to determine Covid infection are woefully inaccurate, as they were NOT DESIGNED TO DETERMINE INFECTIOUS DISEASE IN A PERSON. The inventor of the test told people, colleagues and medical universities this for years. (b)mandates from the CDC, NIH and AMA give doctors discretion in labeling deaths as "covid-related" DESPITE the deceased having chronic to critical pre-conditions prior to "testing".

Such a combination does not add up to a standard "case", as those who come in and test positive may be dismissed from the ER rather than be admitted.
The smug yuppie clown and his right wing peanut gallery have had their show censored or cancelled due to constant inaccuracies. Bill Mahr is just making money being on the gain side of any issue.

Also, I don't recall the GOP majority being against Operation Warp Speed...which has resulted in the consistent contradictions from it's main mouth piece Fauci, along with the contradictions in the very press releases and papers put out by the CDC and FDA. But now that Biden won, it's all his fault.

There's enough blame to go around.

Like the OP points out, the nurses are no fools and recognize a hustle when they see it.
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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Not true...and also note that in NYC you had the mayor mandate that city workers get vaccinated or get fired. Interesting, since there has been NO outbreak linked to unvaccinated essential workers for the past year.

That's not the reason why; absenteeism is the reason why.

Wrong....because the lights have been on, the toilets flush, the faucets run, gas is at the stations, food is in the supermarkets, cops were on patrol, firemen were on duty...all during the hight of the pandemic, all during last year to present.

These were all done courtesy of what is generically referred to as "essential workers". My previous post stands valid.
Wrong....because the lights have been on, the toilets flush, the faucets run, gas is at the stations, food is in the supermarkets, cops were on patrol, firemen were on duty...all during the hight of the pandemic, all during last year to present.

These were all done courtesy of what is generically referred to as "essential workers". My previous post stands valid.

Less and less well all the time as America and all of the West die.

Buckle Up.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Very, VERY wrong! Please read some of the links on my Covid Follies series on this site.

Nearly every single patient clogging up hospitals and ICU's right now are unvaccinated.

Oh, so all those people who were "clogging up" the hospitals & ICU's just magically disappeared and were replaced by unvaccinated? That doesn't even make horse sense. And please remember that despite what the MSM bull horns, the PCR & RT-PCR test ARE NOT RELIABLE OR ACCURATE determiners of infection. So if you've got a nasty respiratory condition due to seasonal allergies and go to the hospital short of breath, they can give you a false positive Covid test, determine your ailment is "covid related" then list you as unvaccinated.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Think it your mindset, any and all unvaccinated will be either dead or gravely ill by this time next year.

Not all of them but enough to make the difference in narrow elections next year.

DeSantis only won FL by 30,000 votes in 2018.

60,000 people have died in FL from COVID and another 10,000-30,000 will die between now and November 2022.

Almost all of them will be DeSantis voters who chose to believe Anatta's lies about COVID.

You have no hard core facts to back up what is wishful thinking. And PLEASE re-read what I've posted regarding how covid deaths are determined.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Think it your mindset, any and all unvaccinated will be either dead or gravely ill by this time next year. Now, apply that mindset to the FACT that you don't presently have cataclysmic numbers of dead and hospitalized, as this virus was in the general population 2-3 months before lockdowns, and circulating via "essential workers" in the food industry, transportation, water & power, etc. for damn near a year before national vaccination. Also, ask yourself why are there no traced outbreaks among professional basketball & football players . Remember, by the FDA's on admission, all the "vaccines" DO NOT prevent infection or becoming a carrier. And then there's the rising reports of "break through" infections and hospitalizations. Now the popular retort is the stat game; "well, only .0018% died from the vaccinations and not the virus". Well, compare the percentage of death and/or infection rates against the general population number, and you'll see how that defense is no great win.

What the vaccines do is protect you from contracting the virus, up to 95% for each exposure, and they also protect you from developing the symptoms that land you in the ICU with a tube shoved down your throat and up your dickhole.

Wrong again! The FDA and CDC and NIH are all on record stating that ANY of the "vaccines" DO NOT PREVENT CONTRACTING AND TRANSMISSION of the disease...especially at the percentage you state. As for "lessening the symptoms" and preventing "critical" have to mix that claim with the FACTS of unreliable testing and doctor's "choice" of labeling a long standing chronic condition as "covid related".
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
For your information:



From your link:

there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, or about 30 per day

So that would include people who got the COVID shot, but then died in a car accident.

So you're fudging the numbers to sow doubt over the vaccines, and I don't get why.

What is your endgame here?

Now you're seriously grasping at straws, because the link I gave reports facts (verified) from the health officials. Now they aren't stupidly conflating traffic accidents, but YOU are....which is fascinating to me given how you deny the FACTS regarding testing and case determination in favor of "what if" for some silliness you concoct.

Then you falsely accuse me of "fudging numbers" when NO WHERE DID I DO SUCH. If you have a problem with the links' information, challenge that and we have a discussion. But if you're going to lie about what has transpired to avoid dealing with facts you don't like, don't waste mine or the readers time.

Again, adherence to the status quo mandate based on bad science and profit margins is no laughing matter.
Okay, once more from the top:

Hospitalization rates are inaccurate due to the FACT that (a) the PCR & RT-PCR test to determine Covid infection are woefully inaccurate, as they were NOT DESIGNED TO DETERMINE INFECTIOUS DISEASE IN A PERSON. The inventor of the test told people, colleagues and medical universities this for years. (b)mandates from the CDC, NIH and AMA give doctors discretion in labeling deaths as "covid-related" DESPITE the deceased having chronic to critical pre-conditions prior to "testing".

Such a combination does not add up to a standard "case", as those who come in and test positive may be dismissed from the ER rather than be admitted.
The smug yuppie clown and his right wing peanut gallery have had their show censored or cancelled due to constant inaccuracies. Bill Mahr is just making money being on the gain side of any issue.

Also, I don't recall the GOP majority being against Operation Warp Speed...which has resulted in the consistent contradictions from it's main mouth piece Fauci, along with the contradictions in the very press releases and papers put out by the CDC and FDA. But now that Biden won, it's all his fault.

There's enough blame to go around.

Like the OP points out, the nurses are no fools and recognize a hustle when they see it.

Even last year I said that I would not be taking this jab for reasons OTHER than whoever happens to the president on watch. It's never been
political to me. I figured I'd wait about 5 years to see how it goes. And, it's going badly. With lots of lies and doublespeak as you mentioned.

The nurses know what's going on. This video testimony is gut wrenching. Basically admits to euthanizing a ton of patients. Like Bama said, "We'll just give granny a pill" etc. :(
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Sure explains the vax discrepancy lol.

If I thought I had a 50/50 shot at being hospitalized with the intelligently designed CCP bug I’d be jabbed by now. Definitely. Like the first day it was available.

But I know the stats and the stats are a big factor in my hesitancy.

The nurses know what's going on. This video testimony is gut wrenching. Basically admits to euthanizing a ton of patients. Like Bama said, "We'll just give granny a pill" etc.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Not true...and also note that in NYC you had the mayor mandate that city workers get vaccinated or get fired.


Interesting, since there has been NO outbreak linked to unvaccinated essential workers for the past year.
You're kidding, right?

Meatpacking Plants Accounted for 334,000 U.S. COVID Cases 20, 2021 (,those cases at $11.2 billion.

this is what I found interesting in your article, "... The report said the findings are subject to certain limitations, including variations in testing and states reporting, meaning that there are probably other cases in the meatpacking industry that were not included in the count."

the authors of the article rely on "probably" to bolster the bottom line of their article. But again and again, all this is based on the premise that the PCR test was solid...and IT HAS NEVER BEEN FOR INFECTION DETECTION.

Now awhile back I did a little search as to actual deaths in the meat packing industry to this rampant spreading of covid at various plants (inspired by a First Nation television show on the lack of health dept. assistance for the folk who harvest the veggies and such). Interesting, the CDC at one point worked 115 plants, a total of 130,000 people, got 4,913 "positive" cases of which 20 people died. Now take away the the terrible conditions a lot those folks worked (work) under for DECADES, and you're NOT looking at the Andromeda Strain. Also, I wonder where was the torrent of cases from all those infected worker going home to family and friends, to local stores, gatherings, etc. in those regions? Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

This is why I get upset when people just trumpet the status quo without using critical thinking.