Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What are you referring to precisely?

He's referring to an April 2020 CDC assessment that showed Black and Hispanics contracting and dying from COVID at higher rates than whites...but what he leaves out is that it's from April 2020, which was 17 months ago, when COVID was hitting New York and New Jersey, which have larger Black and Hispanic populations than other states and cities.

Take note:

"... Black patients had higher prevalences of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease than white patients."

Now remember, the tests for Covid are unreliable for accuracy, and doctors can discount pre-conditions as the sole cause of death just because of a positive covid test. Interesting, n'cest pas?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Pardon me, but prior to this pandemic you had American ER's across the country bitching about illegal immigrants and under or uninsured people clogging things up because they used ER as a regular doctors office.

No. Incorrect. The ER's weren't clogged up before COVID.

And if this is truly an issue you have, then I suppose you support M4A? Do you? Cuz if not, this is just masturbation.

You need to have your facts straight before you take a condescending attitude....makes you look less foolish. For your information:

Remember Hurricane Sandy? Know the stories of how people in NJ 6 years in STILL didn't get the financial relief they were promised. Tell ya a little story..... in the last 10 years my aging Mom has had medical issues that required serious hospitalizations on several occasions. Now she had (and has) the insurance, BUT ... unless she was critical, she would have to sit in the waiting room for sometimes over an hour....we're talking about a woman in her late 70's/early 80's. This was because on top of what the above links point out, one of the regional hospitals had shut down due to hurricane damage, and the others picked up the slack....6 years out from the hurricane. Now if all this combined just magically disappeared before Covid appeared last year, I for one will be amazed.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So this current statement is at best inaccurate...especially since the actual "test" for Covid is highly inaccurate.

The COVID tests are very accurate, and COVID isn't going away.

That, my friend, is wishful thinking border lining on a flat out lie. Again and again, I've documented this on several of my Covid Follies posts. But don't take my word for it:
What the? Taichiliberal is an anti covid vaccination weirdo?

No, I'm anti-bad medicine that is guided by agenda and profit.

Anti-vaxxers are people who are against any and all vaccines at any age. They are relatively a minority.

Anti-gov't types are not anti-vaxxers, they are just rabid against any type of gov't mandates.

People like myself who READ as much as possible on the subject, follow the news from all sources, apply critical thinking and note the contrary information coming from the "officials" are NOT anti-vaxxers. If that's "weird", then the times they have indeed changed.
Just FYI. I am pro-vaccination, anti-mandate. You can choose to be stupid if you want. Like idiots who don't wear seat belts.

:palm: So you're pro-vaccination, but against any mandates that would support your stance because somebody else is making you do it?

And that bit of stupidity makes sense to you? Jeezus.
Take note:

"... Black patients had higher prevalences of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease than white patients."

Now remember, the tests for Covid are unreliable for accuracy, and doctors can discount pre-conditions as the sole cause of death just because of a positive covid test. Interesting, n'cest pas?

The trolls in here know that. I was quoting that over a year ago that people need to shoulder some of their own responsibility to "shape up" so that even you DID get the rona, it would be a milder case with less probability of requiring hospitalization. But, Americans love their sugar in sodas, juices, alcohol, candies, snacks, pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereal and thus they get all the morbidities from that addiction. All those things you just mentioned above. People point their fingers at smokers who get all that plus sometimes lung cancer. Sugar is the biggest killer. Sad either way.
Take note:

"... Black patients had higher prevalences of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease than white patients."

Now remember, the tests for Covid are unreliable for accuracy, and doctors can discount pre-conditions as the sole cause of death just because of a positive covid test. Interesting, n'cest pas?

That goes to the died from/with COVID issue. The death count have been inflated. Our death stats. I’m not certain but I think this country has been more ‘aggressive’ in tracking deaths than most countries.
That goes to the died from/with COVID issue. The death count have been inflated. Our death stats. I’m not certain but I think this country has been more ‘aggressive’ in tracking deaths than most countries.

Your word 'aggressive' is incorrect. The correct word is 'creative'.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Take note:

"... Black patients had higher prevalences of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease than white patients."

Now remember, the tests for Covid are unreliable for accuracy, and doctors can discount pre-conditions as the sole cause of death just because of a positive covid test. Interesting, n'cest pas?

That goes to the died from/with COVID issue. The death count have been inflated. Our death stats. I’m not certain but I think this country has been more ‘aggressive’ in tracking deaths than most countries.

Fascinating how you just make these amazing statements and assertions without a shred of evidence via valid reports and such. I keep telling you and others, your supposition and conjecture are NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FACTS AND THE LOGIC DERIVED FROM SAID FACTS. Everything I stated above I've substantiated in other "Covid Follies" threads. I suggest you read them. Until then, you're just blowing smoke and denying/avoiding facts you can't you've done here.
You need to have your facts straight before you take a condescending attitude

There is always one overriding problem when it comes to conspiracy theorists and the people they amplify online....


Here is literally the title of the first link you provided: Study: Illegal Immigration Doesn’t Cause Overuse Of Health Care

So you argued that they did and to support your argument, you posted a link to a study that literally says the opposite.

What a moron.
That, my friend, is wishful thinking border lining on a flat out lie. Again and again, I've documented this on several of my Covid Follies posts. But don't take my word for it:

Of course the COVID tests are accurate, you just don't like the fact that so many people test positive for it because you've been arguing this whole time that it's no big deal.
Oh, so all those people who were "clogging up" the hospitals & ICU's just magically disappeared and were replaced by unvaccinated?

Virtually no vaccinated people have ended up in the ER or ICU.

Those that have are old fucks who have COPD and for whom a breakthrough infection can prove fatal.

To prevent breakthrough infections, you must be vaccinated and you must reach herd immunity through vaccinations.

There is no other way.
Fascinating how you just make these amazing statements and assertions without a shred of evidence via valid reports and such. I keep telling you and others, your supposition and conjecture are NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FACTS AND THE LOGIC DERIVED FROM SAID FACTS. Everything I stated above I've substantiated in other "Covid Follies" threads. I suggest you read them. Until then, you're just blowing smoke and denying/avoiding facts you can't you've done here.

I've read every single one of your COVID Follies threads and what I've found is that you are deliberately misinterpreting or flat out lying about what your links say.

And I know that because after spot checking one of your links, I found that it actually argued the exact OPPOSITE position of what you claimed.
:palm: So you're pro-vaccination, but against any mandates that would support your stance because somebody else is making you do it?

And that bit of stupidity makes sense to you? Jeezus.

I am against government solutions in almost every aspect of life. And as I said, I support your right to endanger yourself.
There is always one overriding problem when it comes to conspiracy theorists and the people they amplify online....


Here is literally the title of the first link you provided: Study: Illegal Immigration Doesn’t Cause Overuse Of Health Care

So you argued that they did and to support your argument, you posted a link to a study that literally says the opposite.

What a moron.

It's not the first time. He doesn't read what he posts. He is taking it from some hack site and assuming their conclusions were correct. He can't explain his links, he doesn't understand his links. He just posts them and then insults anyone who disagrees with his demonstrably false conclusion. He is an absolute worthless poster who thinks he's a genius. It's humorous in it's own way.
It's not the first time. He doesn't read what he posts. He is taking it from some hack site and assuming their conclusions were correct. He can't explain his links, he doesn't understand his links. He just posts them and then insults anyone who disagrees with his demonstrably false conclusion. He is an absolute worthless poster who thinks he's a genius. It's humorous in it's own way.
What's humorous is you are TL's bitch now. :rofl2:
What's humorous is you are TL's bitch now. :rofl2:

Hi Troll!!!! Did you wake up thinking about me again this morning? I'm flattered, but sorry, I'm taken. Had a delicious breakfast sandwich this morning, and I might go to a movie today. What else do you want to know about me, or did you just want to hump my leg yet again.
Hi Troll!!!! Did you wake up thinking about me again this morning? I'm flattered, but sorry, I'm taken. Had a delicious breakfast sandwich this morning, and I might go to a movie today. What else do you want to know about me, or did you just want to hump my leg yet again.
You're the troll, and clearly a very angry one.