Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Lol you think I’m a right wing wink? Too funny. I read the abstract. It is simply a recounting of how the vaccine. If you think you found a grand prize in your Cracker Jack because gene therapy that’s completely irrelevant. So what. It is still a vaccine and it is highly effective. You can’t even articulate a simple point. Your debate skills appear to be posting links and flinging adhoms. Exactly like the Trumptards.

Paradox V. TDS.
LOL, sure, sure. Let's recap, shall we?
Let's restore your context again, shall we?
The premise of this thread is that nurses are smarter than others, and a nurse quit her job rather than get vaccinated, therefore vaccinations are bad.
WRONG. Therefore MANDATED vaccinates are bad.
The premise fails on multiple points. The most basic is 'appeal to authority' fallacy.
Inversion fallacy.
Nurses are neither smarter than the general population, nor more knowledgeable about the vaccines.
They are more knowledgeable about the vaccines. They administer them, dumbass. They work in the hospitals and trauma centers, dumbass.
The response of the OP is falsely claim that I called all nurses 'morons' (I didn't).
You did. You did it again just now. Bulverism fallacy.
Next, the OP claims that this is one of many stories, but posts no numbers.
No numbers needed.
Anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence.
It is not anecdotal evidence. It is nurses willing to give up their job.
The OP then went on to post a couple of scientific articles
Science is not an article. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
that have nothing to do with the harmful effects of the vaccine, and when pressed to explain the relevance of the articles was completely unable to do so.
Straw man fallacy.
LOL, who got owned again? Solid contribution on your part though, troll.
Assumption of victory fallacy. Buzzword fallacy.
So how do YOU know it. Did you read it on Facebook? You are of course completely, utterly wrong. Every significant side effect of every vaccine has appeared within six months. So you are lying. Not surprised.

...and the covid19 vaccines are no exception. Their side effects appeared within 6 months.
Also, calling someone a militant vaxxer is classic projection. I get vaccinated, and want others to get vaccinated, because I'd like to resume normal life without losing hundreds of thousands more Americans. It's practical, not political. Vaccines have been around for decades, this technology is not new (there are dozens of anti-cancer drugs, like Keytruda, that use trick the body into defending against the cancerous cells). The ONLY group politicizing this, or taking a militant stand, are the antivaxxers. They are militant, selfish, and stupid. They think everyone is like them. We aren't.

Paradox V.
But you claimed to know. So you were making that up. There has not been a single case of serious side effects manifesting after six months. Is your prediction based on your magic 8-ball? Tarot cards? Ouija Board.
Lie. Denial of history.
I am not dictating anything.
Yes you are, liar.
But your choice has consequences. Choose not to vax? You might lose your job, but that is YOUR choice.
No. That is the EMPLOYER's choice to walk into a lawsuit like that.
You might not be able to fly in an airplane. But that is YOUR choice.
I fly airplanes, dumbass.
Those consequences are a direct result of your over the top selfish decision to put others in harms way.
Paradox V.
Sorry, we don't want you participating in society. Deal with it.
Unconstitutional. Paradox V. You are not the king. Deal with it.
Stupid post as usual.
Inversion fallacy.
Because, you know, you are a fucking moron.
Insult fallacy.
No one is suggesting that we jail the unvaccinated.
You did.
Illegal and impractical.
Then why did you suggest it?? Paradox.
it IS however, perfectly legal for a business to demand that their employees be vaccinated.
No, it isn't. No employer can require any medical procedure as a condition of employment or advancement.
That an airline demand that their passengers be vaccinated.
No they can't. No business can require any medical procedure as a condition of doing business.
And the government can demand their employees are vaccinated.
No they can't. Unconstitutional.
Stop whining. You sound like a little baby with a soiled diaper.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.

Paradox V.