Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

What are you referring to precisely?

He's referring to an April 2020 CDC assessment that showed Black and Hispanics contracting and dying from COVID at higher rates than whites...but what he leaves out is that it's from April 2020, which was 17 months ago, when COVID was hitting New York and New Jersey, which have larger Black and Hispanic populations than other states and cities.
Pardon me, but prior to this pandemic you had American ER's across the country bitching about illegal immigrants and under or uninsured people clogging things up because they used ER as a regular doctors office.

No. Incorrect. The ER's weren't clogged up before COVID.

And if this is truly an issue you have, then I suppose you support M4A? Do you? Cuz if not, this is just masturbation.
Just FYI. I am pro-vaccination, anti-mandate. You can choose to be stupid if you want. Like idiots who don't wear seat belts.
You can choose to be stupid if you want. Like idiots who don't wear seat belts.
Correct, if one is stupid enough to gamble with their health with an untested "vaccine" out of fear, then natural selection will run its course.

My motto, I'll do me and you do you. I have a problem when braindead sheep demand others be forced to be lab rats in the experiment, a path they have willingly chosen.

You really should cut your losses on this thread. :rofl2:

I never lose, troll. Do you want to talk about me some more? Maybe find out what I had for breakfast? I went to River and Post for dinner last night. My wife loves the scallops. We go to Matthew's as well. You could try staking the places out and stalking me if that strikes your fancy.

Bottom line, TL has not articulated his position, so it can hardly be a winning position when he can't even explain it. And all you are doing is trolling. You lose. I win. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

As for the nurse IQ average, even if I accept arguendo that the information he posted was correct, that still puts nurses in the average IQ range, where the vast majority of the population is. So my statement is absolutely true. They are no smarter than the rest of the population. So not only is his argument fallacious, but his basis for that argument is inaccurate.
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translation: yet another BS right wing wonk displaying intellectual cowardice by NOT READING information from a valid source.
False authority fallacy.
That way, he can always just discuss "opinion" and tell everyone else they are wrong.
Since you can't seem to form your own arguments, you have no mind of your own.
Once exposed as a troll,
That is not trolling.
I just dump these stubborn simps into an IA bin.
Feel free. Your ignore list won't protect you.
I never lose, troll. Do you want to talk about me some more? Maybe find out what I had for breakfast? I went to River and Post for dinner last night. My wife loves the scallops. We go to Matthew's as well. You could try staking the places out and stalking me if that strikes your fancy.

Bottom line, TL has not articulated his position, so it can hardly be a winning position when he can't even explain it. And all you are doing is trolling. You lose. I win. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

As for the nurse IQ average, even if I accept arguendo that the information he posted was correct, that still puts nurses in the average IQ range, where the vast majority of the population is. So my statement is absolutely true. They are no smarter than the rest of the population. So not only is his argument fallacious, but his basis for that argument is inaccurate.
Stop flattering yourself. I don't give one damn what you are doing.

Wish you could stop your obsession of demanding others be forced into being lab rats.

You get awfully mad when someone hands your ass to you. TL is your worst nightmare.
Stop flattering yourself. I don't give one damn what you are doing.

Wish you could stop your obsession of demanding others be forced into being lab rats.

You get awfully mad when someone hands your ass to you. TL is your worst nightmare.

I know one thing for sure…. YOU certainly aren’t.

Sure explains the vax discrepancy lol.

If I thought I had a 50/50 shot at being hospitalized with the intelligently designed CCP bug I’d be jabbed by now. Definitely. Like the first day it was available.

But I know the stats and the stats are a big factor in my hesitancy.