Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

I'm not the one who will die from COVID between now and November next year, though.

So I'll be alive to vote in next year's midterms.

Will you? That remains to be seen.

Think it your mindset, any and all unvaccinated will be either dead or gravely ill by this time next year. Now, apply that mindset to the FACT that you don't presently have cataclysmic numbers of dead and hospitalized, as this virus was in the general population 2-3 months before lockdowns, and circulating via "essential workers" in the food industry, transportation, water & power, etc. for damn near a year before national vaccination. Also, ask yourself why are there no traced outbreaks among professional basketball & football players . Remember, by the FDA's on admission, all the "vaccines" DO NOT prevent infection or becoming a carrier. And then there's the rising reports of "break through" infections and hospitalizations. Now the popular retort is the stat game; "well, only .0018% died from the vaccinations and not the virus". Well, compare the percentage of death and/or infection rates against the general population number, and you'll see how that defense is no great win.

Also, I find anyone dancing for joy over the death of vaccinated or unvaccinated rather disturbing.
These people who think it’s going to cause changes/long term effects are goofy.

What makes Goepfert think that scientists won’t discover previously unsuspected problems caused by COVID vaccines in the years ahead?
There are several reasons.

  1. Vaccines are eliminated quickly
  2. Vaccine side effects show up within weeks if at all
  3. Our COVID vaccine experience during the past six months

Not so fast:

COVID-19 vaccines have devastating long-term effects, warns Nobel Prize winner
I never claimed to know the long term side effects because no one knows.

Down the road, anything can happen.

Pfizer just announced the drug, Chantix, causes cancer. It's been around probably 15 years or more. Nothing close to the mRNA technology which will do God knows what down the road, autoimmune-wise and otherwise.

Again, you do you. I'm good. :thumbsup:

Excellent point! But I fear it falls on deaf ears....ears pummeled with fear by a subliminal message that if you don't get one of these "vaccines", you'll die, or be seriously damaged, or pass on the disease to kill others. Sad.
6 billion doses of the vaccine have been administered worldwide and the only people clogging up the ER's and ICU's today are unvaccinated losers aka your "very fine people".

Pardon me, but prior to this pandemic you had American ER's across the country bitching about illegal immigrants and under or uninsured people clogging things up because they used ER as a regular doctors office. So this current statement is at best inaccurate...especially since the actual "test" for Covid is highly inaccurate.
You won't end up in a'll end up in the morgue because you died of COVID.

Not true...and also note that in NYC you had the mayor mandate that city workers get vaccinated or get fired. Interesting, since there has been NO outbreak linked to unvaccinated essential workers for the past year.
How so? They can't fire him, he's a Title 42 employee, not a political appointee.

42-50 Tenure

  1. All appointments, including conversions from other pay systems, to positions under 42 U.S.C. § 209(f) are in the excepted service. Work schedules may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent.
  2. Appointments may be indefinite. That is, they do not have a stated time limit so one may serve an entire Federal career under an indefinite appointment.

God help us all.
It's odd how you guys are about Fauci. Anyone in the role would have made the kinds of recommendations he made. Things we have to do during a pandemic were never going to be popular.

Anyway, it's over. COVID won. Trump supporters won. You guys should all be celebrating.

A childish and willful ignorant assessment of the situation that requires denial of a faulty test base, denial of definition changes by the status quo and creative percentages usage, a down playing of adverse and fatal side effects, and a wishful thinking approach to long term after effects.

Also, note: the people who with previous anti-gov't convictions object to ANY gov't mandate..they are not "anti-vaxxers". People who have fact based and logical contradictions to the FDA, CDC, AMA and MSM bull horn are not "anti-vaxxers". Anti-vaxxers are actually a relatively small minority of the population who are against any and all vaccines past & present at any age of human development.
If you think Fauci did 1,2 and 3 it's pointless to continue. 18 US Code covers federal crimes and criminal procedures. There were no tricks, schemes or fraudulent statements by Fauci except in the minds of anti-vaxxers. The lies came from trump's WH. *That* should have been a crime.

[FONT=var(--font-serif)]"President Trump and his advisers have taken a more hands-on role than previously known in shaping Covid-19 recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helping create a crisis of confidence in the nation’s top public-health agency.

[FONT=var(--font-serif)]The changes the White House has sought—in many cases successfully—go beyond the agency’s public messaging. White House advisers have made line-by-line edits to official health guidance, altering language written by CDC scientists on church choirs, social distancing in bars and restaurants as well as internal summaries of public-health reports, according to interviews with current and former agency and administration officials and their emails."


The President of United States couldn't directly fire a career civil servant. They would have to go to someone in their chain of command. And so in this instance you'd have HHS Secretary Alex Azar or the Director for the National Institutes of Health Francis Collins, who I might add is an extraordinary public servant himself. And Fauci was one of his mentors when he started.
So it's worth noting that the NIH is not only an amazing science organization -- best in class in the world -- but it is almost entirely a career-led organization in government, and so therefore unusual in that respect. There's next to no one who is a political appointee and when you have someone, it's people like Francis Collins, who is a world-class scientist himself.
CNN: OK. And even if someone in the chain of command were willing to dismiss Fauci, there are channels for him to appeal it?
MS: That's correct. So he would have to be given, first, notice of what the allegation was. It would have to be misconduct or failure to follow orders or whatever else it might be. Then you have an opportunity to respond. And if the decision was still made to fire him, he could go to the Merit Systems Protection Board and ultimately to a court to claim that he was fired in violation of the civil service rules.
Now, obviously we're talking about firing him. It is clearly the case that the President, even if he can't fire him for any reason, he can sideline him. He doesn't have to listen to his advice, nor does he have to include him in the task force or otherwise allow him to be fundamentally in a deciding role. That is a choice the President or other senior political leaders could make.
CNN: It sounds like Fauci has recourse to a lengthy process if removing him is something the White House wanted to attempt.
MS: It can be. And again, the individual -- the employee -- has to be willing to take on that process.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, once more for the intellectually impotent:

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

"Anti-vaxxers" are a minority population who are against any and all vaccines at any age.

The people who point out that an experimental gene based therapy is NOT a vaccine or use FACTS derived from the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and valid, documented scientists and medical researchers that counter the status quo are NOT "anti-vaxxers".

Your personal experience is dubious at best....given that YOU are part of "the rest of the population" and have displayed a less than intelligent presence here. Carry on.



I took you out of IA to see if you've wised up any.

Clearly you haven't're not even making a complete sentence to convey your thoughts...."OVER WHELMINGLY BLACKS AND HISPANICS, BY PROPORTION." What are you referring to precisely?
Not true...and also note that in NYC you had the mayor mandate that city workers get vaccinated or get fired. Interesting, since there has been NO outbreak linked to unvaccinated essential workers for the past year.
Covid vaccine mandate is an extension of the Patriot Act. It forces conformity to the protective custody of our centralized government by giving up more of our "rights". This will result in a movement towards a confederacy and possible civil war.
Not true...and also note that in NYC you had the mayor mandate that city workers get vaccinated or get fired. Interesting, since there has been NO outbreak linked to unvaccinated essential workers for the past year.

That's not the reason why; absenteeism is the reason why.
Covid vaccine mandate is an extension of the Patriot Act. It forces conformity to the protective custody of our centralized government by giving up more of our "rights". This will result in a movement towards a confederacy and possible civil war.


Go back to your gossip girl thread, Karen, and let the adults alone. lol
Think it your mindset, any and all unvaccinated will be either dead or gravely ill by this time next year.

Not all of them but enough to make the difference in narrow elections next year.

DeSantis only won FL by 30,000 votes in 2018.

60,000 people have died in FL from COVID and another 10,000-30,000 will die between now and November 2022.

Almost all of them will be DeSantis voters who chose to believe Anatta's lies about COVID.
Think it your mindset, any and all unvaccinated will be either dead or gravely ill by this time next year. Now, apply that mindset to the FACT that you don't presently have cataclysmic numbers of dead and hospitalized, as this virus was in the general population 2-3 months before lockdowns, and circulating via "essential workers" in the food industry, transportation, water & power, etc. for damn near a year before national vaccination. Also, ask yourself why are there no traced outbreaks among professional basketball & football players . Remember, by the FDA's on admission, all the "vaccines" DO NOT prevent infection or becoming a carrier. And then there's the rising reports of "break through" infections and hospitalizations. Now the popular retort is the stat game; "well, only .0018% died from the vaccinations and not the virus". Well, compare the percentage of death and/or infection rates against the general population number, and you'll see how that defense is no great win.

What the vaccines do is protect you from contracting the virus, up to 95% for each exposure, and they also protect you from developing the symptoms that land you in the ICU with a tube shoved down your throat and up your dickhole.