Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

I'm not the one who will die from COVID between now and November next year, though.

So I'll be alive to vote in next year's midterms.

Will you? That remains to be seen.

Also, calling someone a militant vaxxer is classic projection. I get vaccinated, and want others to get vaccinated, because I'd like to resume normal life without losing hundreds of thousands more Americans. It's practical, not political. Vaccines have been around for decades, this technology is not new (there are dozens of anti-cancer drugs, like Keytruda, that use trick the body into defending against the cancerous cells). The ONLY group politicizing this, or taking a militant stand, are the antivaxxers. They are militant, selfish, and stupid. They think everyone is like them. We aren't.
So how do YOU know it. Did you read it on Facebook? You are of course completely, utterly wrong. Every significant side effect of every vaccine has appeared within six months. So you are lying. Not surprised.
What are the long term side effects in the coming years? No one knows -- that data isn't available.

Some may want to roll the dice with their health and take that risk, and that's fine. You do you and stop trying to dictate to everyone else what to put in their body.
So now you're against the vaccine mandates?

He's never been for a vaccine mandate.
What are the long term side effects in the coming years? No one knows -- that data isn't available.

Some may want to roll the dice with their health and take that risk, and that's fine. You do you and stop trying to dictate to everyone else what to put in their body.

But you claimed to know. So you were making that up. There has not been a single case of serious side effects manifesting after six months. Is your prediction based on your magic 8-ball? Tarot cards? Ouija Board.

I am not dictating anything. But your choice has consequences. Choose not to vax? You might lose your job, but that is YOUR choice. You might not be able to fly in an airplane. But that is YOUR choice. Those consequences are a direct result of your over the top selfish decision to put others in harms way. Sorry, we don't want you participating in society. Deal with it.
But you claimed to know. So you were making that up. There has not been a single case of serious side effects manifesting after six months. Is your prediction based on your magic 8-ball? Tarot cards? Ouija Board.

I am not dictating anything. But your choice has consequences. Choose not to vax? You might lose your job, but that is YOUR choice. You might not be able to fly in an airplane. But that is YOUR choice. Those consequences are a direct result of your over the top selfish decision to put others in harms way. Sorry, we don't want you participating in society. Deal with it.

"If you dont do as you are told you might end up in a Gulag, but that is YOUR choice, deal with it".
But you claimed to know. So you were making that up. There has not been a single case of serious side effects manifesting after six months. Is your prediction based on your magic 8-ball? Tarot cards? Ouija Board.

I am not dictating anything. But your choice has consequences. Choose not to vax? You might lose your job, but that is YOUR choice. You might not be able to fly in an airplane. But that is YOUR choice. Those consequences are a direct result of your over the top selfish decision to put others in harms way. Sorry, we don't want you participating in society. Deal with it.
These people who think it’s going to cause changes/long term effects are goofy.

What makes Goepfert think that scientists won’t discover previously unsuspected problems caused by COVID vaccines in the years ahead?
There are several reasons.

  1. Vaccines are eliminated quickly
  2. Vaccine side effects show up within weeks if at all
  3. Our COVID vaccine experience during the past six months
"If you dont do as you are told you might end up in a Gulag, but that is YOUR choice, deal with it".

Stupid post as usual. Because, you know, you are a fucking moron. No one is suggesting that we jail the unvaccinated. Illegal and impractical. it IS however, perfectly legal for a business to demand that their employees be vaccinated. That an airline demand that their passengers be vaccinated. And the government can demand their employees are vaccinated. Stop whining. You sound like a little baby with a soiled diaper.
Stupid post as usual. Because, you know, you are a fucking moron. No one is suggesting that we jail the unvaccinated. Illegal and impractical. it IS however, perfectly legal for a business to demand that their employees be vaccinated. That an airline demand that their passengers be vaccinated. And the government can demand their employees are vaccinated. Stop whining. You sound like a little baby with a soiled diaper.

You are a brutal thug....Deal with it.
But you claimed to know. So you were making that up. There has not been a single case of serious side effects manifesting after six months. Is your prediction based on your magic 8-ball? Tarot cards? Ouija Board.

I am not dictating anything. But your choice has consequences. Choose not to vax? You might lose your job, but that is YOUR choice. You might not be able to fly in an airplane. But that is YOUR choice. Those consequences are a direct result of your over the top selfish decision to put others in harms way. Sorry, we don't want you participating in society. Deal with it.
I never claimed to know the long term side effects because no one knows.

Down the road, anything can happen.

Pfizer just announced the drug, Chantix, causes cancer. It's been around probably 15 years or more. Nothing close to the mRNA technology which will do God knows what down the road, autoimmune-wise and otherwise.

Again, you do you. I'm good. :thumbsup:
No. I mean the numbers of scared sheeplet who could die in the future from unknown long term side effects.

6 billion doses of the vaccine have been administered worldwide and the only people clogging up the ER's and ICU's today are unvaccinated losers aka your "very fine people".
I never claimed to know the long term side effects because no one knows.

Down the road, anything can happen.

Pfizer just announced the drug, Chantix, causes cancer. It's been around probably 15 years or more. Nothing close to the mRNA technology which will do God knows what down the road, autoimmune-wise and otherwise.

Again, you do you. I'm good. :thumbsup:

Yes, down the road, monkeys might fly out of my ass. I might grow two heads. But TODAY I am at least ten times less likely to die of Covid than you are. And I am five times less likely to accidently kill someone than you are. That makes YOU a dangerous person that cannot be allowed out in public. It's math.