Covid Follies #5: Sez who?

Right? lol. It's fitting someone so smug got such a comeuppance.

Taichiliberal is a bad ass on the debate stage.

Why, because he can post irrelevant links with no explanation? Or is it because you're jealous of his trolling ability? I'm guessing it's the latter. His insults ARE better than yours. Not saying much.
Poopeye, if only you had commonsense enough to STFU, you wouldn't look so stupid.

Popeye thinks calling someone a fag is the ultimate insult. Life is Golden is right behind. It is what it is. You'll note they are uninterested in discussing the topic. Because they are all trolls, and I own them all. They'd rather talk about me than anything else. I'm their favorite subject!
You have a bigger chance of complications and/or death from taking the beloved "vaccine". You just don't know it yet.

So how do YOU know it. Did you read it on Facebook? You are of course completely, utterly wrong. Every significant side effect of every vaccine has appeared within six months. So you are lying. Not surprised.
Popeye thinks calling someone a fag is the ultimate insult. Life is Golden is right behind. It is what it is. You'll note they are uninterested in discussing the topic. Because they are all trolls, and I own them all. They'd rather talk about me than anything else. I'm their favorite subject!

You've got Poopeye figured right.
You've got Poopeye figured right.

After the fifth time he called me gay, I blocked him. I think he might have been the first of many. He has absolutely nothing interesting, funny, or even laughable to add. Just a homophobe with an anger management problem.
After the fifth time he called me gay, I blocked him. I think he might have been the first of many. He has absolutely nothing interesting, funny, or even laughable to add. Just a homophobe with an anger management problem.

He sure likes to trolls others, but he can't stand to be trolled back.
Nurses, by and far, are NOT stupid people. And this story is no's happening in various hospitals all over the country. Take the hint, people. Don't believe the hype!

So now you're against the vaccine mandates?

MAGA minions & Right Wing wonks/flunkies object to mask mandates out of a anti- government bent.

WRONG again. They object to them because they know masks do nothing which is why a year and seven months into this we are still seeing Covid spikes and shrill demands for more shut downs.


Higher education = higher vaccination rates.

Why do you lie when it's so easily disprovable? Is it a character flaw?

"Vaccination rates increased with educational attainment. More than 60% of the respondents with a Bachelor’s degree received at least one dose of the vaccine, as compared to less than 40% of those with a high school diploma or less. "

Don't like this one? I can find a dozen more that prove you are lying. I guess you're embarrassed by your lack of education and your ignorance. I don't blame you.

He said PhDs moron. :palm: